Cash.animate, card animation

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How do I make an cash.animate, card animation?

Cash.animate beta, Card animation. What is a cash.animate, card animation? How do you make a cash.animate, card animation? This script and codes were developed by Tommie Hansen on 22 August 2022, Monday.

Cash.animate, card animation Previews

Cash.animate, card animation - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Cash.animate, card animation</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='css/qnryjr.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='css/https___cdn_rawgit_com_to.css'> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ // default vars
@spacing: 20px;
@spacing-base: @spacing;
@spacing-half: @spacing/2;
@spacing-double: @spacing*2;
@border-radius: 5px;
@color-primary: @light-blue-300;
@color-secondary: @pink-300;
@color-text: #444;
@color-light: #888;
@color-lighter: #aaa;
@color-divider: #ddd;
// body etc
@import url(;
body { line-height: 150%; background: #eee; }
h1 { color: @color-text; font-family: 'Pacifico', arial; text-transform: none; font-size: 2rem; }
h1 i { font-family: 'Work Sans', arial; text-transform: uppercase; color: @color-light; font-size: 0.7rem; }
h1 { margin-bottom: @spacing; }
button { margin-bottom: @spacing*2; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 0.7rem; color: @color-light; border-color: @color-light; transition: none; padding: @spacing-half*1.3 @spacing*1.5; font-weight: @font-normal; }
button:hover { background: @color-primary; border-color: @color-primary; }
* { box-sizing: border-box; }
i { display: block; font-style: normal; }
img { display: block; }
#playAll.playing {	background: @light-green-400;	border-color: @light-green-400;	color: #fff;
#playAll.awesome {	background: @color-secondary;	border-color: @color-secondary;	color: #fff;
button.btn { padding: @spacing-half @spacing*1.3; margin: @spacing @spacing-half/2 @spacing*2; margin-top: @spacing-half; transition: all .1s ease; }
/*-----------------------------------------------------	CARD
.card {	// main props	width: 600px;	height: 300px;	background: #fff;	display: inline-block;	border-radius: @border-radius;	overflow: hidden;	box-shadow: 0 0 15px @color-divider;	display: table;	table-layout: fixed;	position: relative;	.left, .right { display: table-cell; width: 50%; vertical-align: middle; position: relative; }	// left	.left {	background: url('//') center center;	background-size: cover;	// gradient overlay	&:after {	display: block; content: '';	position: absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;	background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0,136,255,1) 0%, rgba(230,30,200,1) 100%);	opacity: 0.7;	}	}	// right	.right {	padding: @spacing;	i { color: @color-text; font-weight: @font-normal; }	.head { font-size: 1.1rem; }	.sub { text-transform: uppercase; font-size: .7rem; color: @color-light; }	button {	font-weight: @font-normal;	margin: @spacing 0;	background: @color-primary;	border: 0;	color: #fff;	}	.buddy {	display:inline-block; text-align: center;	@bwidth: 80px;	width: @bwidth; height: @bwidth;	border-radius: 50%;	margin: @spacing-half 0;	}	.stats {	position: relative;	margin: @spacing 0;	display: table;	table-layout: fixed;	font-size: .6rem;	width:100%;	border: 1px solid @color-divider;	border-left: 0; border-right: 0;	border:0;	.stat {	width: 33.3333%;	display: table-cell;	padding: @spacing-half/2 0;	letter-spacing: .5px;	line-height: 1.7;	border-left: 1px solid @color-divider;	&:nth-child(1) { border-left: 0; }	i:first-child { color: @color-light; }	i:nth-child(2) {	font-size: 0.9rem;	font-weight: @font-normal;	text-transform: uppercase;	span { font-size: 0.55rem; display: block; color: @color-light; }	}	} // .stat	} // .stats	} // .right	// backside	.back {	position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;	z-index: 999;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;	background: #fff;	border-bottom: 3px solid @color-primary;	.inner {	width: 100%;	position: absolute;	top:50%; left:50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);	padding: @spacing;	}	i, a { color: @color-text; }	i { display: block; font-size: 0.8rem; line-height: 2; margin: @spacing 0; }	.head { font-size: 1.1rem; font-weight: @font-normal; opacity: 1; transform: none; }	.imgs { width: 326px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; }	img {	width: 100px; height: 100px;	border-radius: @border-radius;	display: block;	float:left;	@imgPad: 13px;	margin: 0 @imgPad @imgPad 0;	&:nth-child(3) { margin-right: -27px; }	&:nth-child(6) { margin-right: -27px; }	&:nth-child(6):after { clear:both; display: block; content: ''; }	}	.close {	position: absolute; top:0; right:0;	z-index: 2;	padding: @spacing;	font-size: 3rem;	cursor: pointer;	font-weight: @font-light;	transition: opacity .2s ease;	color: @color-light;	}	.clear { clear:both; height:0; margin:0; padding:0; }	a { text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-light; color: @color-light; margin-top: @spacing; }	a:hover { color: @color-text; }	a:before { float:none; clear: both; display: block; content: ' '; }	}
} // .card
/*-----------------------------------------------------	ANIMATION SPECIFICS
.card { backface-visibility: hidden; }
.card, .back, .left, .right {}
.popPhoto, .buddy, .head, .sub, .stats, .card {	opacity: 0;	transform: translateY(100px);
.buddy { backface-visibility: hidden; }
.back {	border-radius: @border-radius;	backface-visibility: hidden;	transform: translateY(100%);	.close, img { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(50px); }	.close { transform: translateY(-30px); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------	LOADER
#loader { width: 60px; height: 60px; margin: 50px auto; background-color: @color-primary; border-radius: 100%;	display:none;
#loader.load { animation: ldr 1.0s infinite ease-in-out; display: block; }
@keyframes ldr { 0% { transform: scale(0) translate(0,0); }	25% { transform: scale(0.5) translate(40px,-40px); opacity: 1; }	50% { transform: scale(0.5) translate(-40px,40px); opacity: 1; }	75% { transform: scale(0.5) translate(40px,40px); opacity: 1; }	100% { transform: scale(1) translate(0,0); opacity: 0; }
} </style> <script src=""></script>
<body> <h1><i>&mdash; cash.animate &mdash;</i>Card animation</h1>
<button id="playAll" class="btn">Play all</button> <button class="btn" onclick="location.reload(true)">Reload</button>
<div id="loader" class="load"></div>
<div class="card">	<div class="left"></div>	<div class="right">	<img class="buddy" src="//">	<i class="head">Tommie Hansen</i>	<i class="sub">Rogue Designer</i>	<div class="stats">	<div class="stat">	<i>Photos</i>	<i>958,336 <span>views</span></i>	</div>	<div class="stat">	<i>Stream</i>	<i>583,514 <span>views</span></i>	</div>	<div class="stat">	<i>Albums</i>	<i>225,955 <span>views</span></i>	</div>	</div><!-- / .stats -->	<button class="popPhoto">Popular photos</button>	</div><!-- / .right -->	<div class="back">	<span class="close">&times;</span>	<div class="inner">	<i class="head">Popular photos</i>	<div class="imgs">	<img class="backImg" src="">	<img class="backImg" src="">	<img class="backImg" src="">	<img class="backImg" src="">	<img class="backImg" src="">	<img class="backImg" src="">	<br class="clear">	</div>	<i class="link"><a href="" target="_blank">Visit Flickr photostream</a></i>	</div>	</div>
</div><!-- / .card --> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Cash.animate, card animation - Script Codes CSS Codes

// default vars
@spacing: 20px;
@spacing-base: @spacing;
@spacing-half: @spacing/2;
@spacing-double: @spacing*2;
@border-radius: 5px;
@color-primary: @light-blue-300;
@color-secondary: @pink-300;
@color-text: #444;
@color-light: #888;
@color-lighter: #aaa;
@color-divider: #ddd;
// body etc
@import url(;
body { line-height: 150%; background: #eee; }
h1 { color: @color-text; font-family: 'Pacifico', arial; text-transform: none; font-size: 2rem; }
h1 i { font-family: 'Work Sans', arial; text-transform: uppercase; color: @color-light; font-size: 0.7rem; }
h1 { margin-bottom: @spacing; }
button { margin-bottom: @spacing*2; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 0.7rem; color: @color-light; border-color: @color-light; transition: none; padding: @spacing-half*1.3 @spacing*1.5; font-weight: @font-normal; }
button:hover { background: @color-primary; border-color: @color-primary; }
* { box-sizing: border-box; }
i { display: block; font-style: normal; }
img { display: block; }
#playAll.playing {	background: @light-green-400;	border-color: @light-green-400;	color: #fff;
#playAll.awesome {	background: @color-secondary;	border-color: @color-secondary;	color: #fff;
button.btn { padding: @spacing-half @spacing*1.3; margin: @spacing @spacing-half/2 @spacing*2; margin-top: @spacing-half; transition: all .1s ease; }
/*-----------------------------------------------------	CARD
.card {	// main props	width: 600px;	height: 300px;	background: #fff;	display: inline-block;	border-radius: @border-radius;	overflow: hidden;	box-shadow: 0 0 15px @color-divider;	display: table;	table-layout: fixed;	position: relative;	.left, .right { display: table-cell; width: 50%; vertical-align: middle; position: relative; }	// left	.left {	background: url('//') center center;	background-size: cover;	// gradient overlay	&:after {	display: block; content: '';	position: absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;	background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0,136,255,1) 0%, rgba(230,30,200,1) 100%);	opacity: 0.7;	}	}	// right	.right {	padding: @spacing;	i { color: @color-text; font-weight: @font-normal; }	.head { font-size: 1.1rem; }	.sub { text-transform: uppercase; font-size: .7rem; color: @color-light; }	button {	font-weight: @font-normal;	margin: @spacing 0;	background: @color-primary;	border: 0;	color: #fff;	}	.buddy {	display:inline-block; text-align: center;	@bwidth: 80px;	width: @bwidth; height: @bwidth;	border-radius: 50%;	margin: @spacing-half 0;	}	.stats {	position: relative;	margin: @spacing 0;	display: table;	table-layout: fixed;	font-size: .6rem;	width:100%;	border: 1px solid @color-divider;	border-left: 0; border-right: 0;	border:0;	.stat {	width: 33.3333%;	display: table-cell;	padding: @spacing-half/2 0;	letter-spacing: .5px;	line-height: 1.7;	border-left: 1px solid @color-divider;	&:nth-child(1) { border-left: 0; }	i:first-child { color: @color-light; }	i:nth-child(2) {	font-size: 0.9rem;	font-weight: @font-normal;	text-transform: uppercase;	span { font-size: 0.55rem; display: block; color: @color-light; }	}	} // .stat	} // .stats	} // .right	// backside	.back {	position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;	z-index: 999;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;	background: #fff;	border-bottom: 3px solid @color-primary;	.inner {	width: 100%;	position: absolute;	top:50%; left:50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%);	padding: @spacing;	}	i, a { color: @color-text; }	i { display: block; font-size: 0.8rem; line-height: 2; margin: @spacing 0; }	.head { font-size: 1.1rem; font-weight: @font-normal; opacity: 1; transform: none; }	.imgs { width: 326px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; }	img {	width: 100px; height: 100px;	border-radius: @border-radius;	display: block;	float:left;	@imgPad: 13px;	margin: 0 @imgPad @imgPad 0;	&:nth-child(3) { margin-right: -27px; }	&:nth-child(6) { margin-right: -27px; }	&:nth-child(6):after { clear:both; display: block; content: ''; }	}	.close {	position: absolute; top:0; right:0;	z-index: 2;	padding: @spacing;	font-size: 3rem;	cursor: pointer;	font-weight: @font-light;	transition: opacity .2s ease;	color: @color-light;	}	.clear { clear:both; height:0; margin:0; padding:0; }	a { text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px solid @color-light; color: @color-light; margin-top: @spacing; }	a:hover { color: @color-text; }	a:before { float:none; clear: both; display: block; content: ' '; }	}
} // .card
/*-----------------------------------------------------	ANIMATION SPECIFICS
.card { backface-visibility: hidden; }
.card, .back, .left, .right {}
.popPhoto, .buddy, .head, .sub, .stats, .card {	opacity: 0;	transform: translateY(100px);
.buddy { backface-visibility: hidden; }
.back {	border-radius: @border-radius;	backface-visibility: hidden;	transform: translateY(100%);	.close, img { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(50px); }	.close { transform: translateY(-30px); }
/*-----------------------------------------------------	LOADER
#loader { width: 60px; height: 60px; margin: 50px auto; background-color: @color-primary; border-radius: 100%;	display:none;
#loader.load { animation: ldr 1.0s infinite ease-in-out; display: block; }
@keyframes ldr { 0% { transform: scale(0) translate(0,0); }	25% { transform: scale(0.5) translate(40px,-40px); opacity: 1; }	50% { transform: scale(0.5) translate(-40px,40px); opacity: 1; }	75% { transform: scale(0.5) translate(40px,40px); opacity: 1; }	100% { transform: scale(1) translate(0,0); opacity: 0; }

Cash.animate, card animation - Script Codes JS Codes

// + cash.js
// cash anim beta (scroll through)
var camelCase=function(){var d=/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g,p=/[\s-_]+/g;return function(f){return f.replace(d,function(d,f){return d[0===f?"toLowerCase":"toUpperCase"]()}).replace(p,"")}}(),getPrefixedProp=function(){var d={},p=document.createElement("div").style;return function(f){f=camelCase(f);if(d[f])return d[f];var e=f.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+f.slice(1),e=(f+" "+["webkit","moz","ms","o"].join(e+" ")+e).split(" ");$.each(e,function(e){if(e in p)return d[e]=f=d[f]=e,!1});return d[f]}}();
(function(d){function p(){var a=g.length,b;if(g.playing&&0!==a){for(;a--;)(b=g[a])&&!1===b()&&(b=g.indexOf(b),-1<b&&g.splice(b,1));g.frame=H(p)}else g.playing=!1,g.frame=null}function f(a,b,c,d){if(1===arguments.length){if(B[a])return B[a];var n=T.exec(a);return B[a]=n?f.apply(null,n.slice(1,5)):null}var l=3*a,h=3*(c-a)-l,k=1-l-h,v=3*b,q=3*(d-b)-v,I=1-v-q;return function(a){for(var b=a,c=0,d;3>c;){d=b*(l+b*(h+b*k))-a;if(.001>Math.abs(d))break;b-=d/(l+b*(2*h+3*k*b));c++}a=b;return a*(v+a*(q+a*I))}}
function e(a,b){return function(c,d){c=c||0==c?c:b;return d?c:" "+a+"("+c+")"}}function z(a){(a=U.exec(a))||0===a?(a=a.slice(1,3),a[0]=parseFloat(a[0])):a=[0,"px"];return a}function V(a,b,c,d,n,f){var h=Math.acos,k=Math.atan,v=Math.sqrt,q=Math.PI,I=a*d-b*c,J=1,g=1,t,u,e,r={};if(a||b)t=v(a*a+b*b),e=0<b?h(a/t):-h(a/t),J=t,g=I/t,t=k((a*c+b*d)/(t*t));else if(c||d)u=v(c*c+d*d),e=.5*q-(0<d?h(-c/u):-h(c/u)),J=I/u,g=u,u=k((a*c+b*d)/(u*u));n&&"0"!==n&&(r.translateX=n);f&&"0"!==n&&(r.translateY=f);1!==J&&(r.scaleX=
J);1!==g&&(r.scaleY=g);t&&(r.skewX=t);u&&(r.skewY=u);0!==e&&(r.rotate=180/q*e+"deg");return r}function R(a,b,c){var d=c,f=0;b=b&&2===b.length?b[0]:b;c&&2===c.length&&(d=c[0],f=c[1]||0);return b+(d-b)*a+f}function W(a,b,c){var f={start:{},end:{}};a=w.getComputedStyle(a);var g,l,h,k,e;if(c)f.start[A]=a[A],f.end[A]="";else{e={start:{translateZ:0},end:{translateZ:0}};k=a[A];var q=K.exec(k);h={};if(q)if("matrix"===q[1])h=V.apply(null,q[2].split(/[\s,]+/));else for(;q;)h[q[1]]=q[2],q=K.exec(k);for(l in h)k=
x[l](h[l],!0),e.start[l]=k,e.end[l]=k;f.transforms=e}for(g in b)k=b[g],x[g]?c?f.end[A]+=x[g](k):(e.start[g]=z(e.start[g]||x[g](null,!0)),e.end[g]=z(k)):(l=d.prefixedProp(g),h=a[l],c||(h=z(h),k=z(k)),f.start[l]=h,f.end[l]=k);return f}function y(){}function S(a,b,c,e){function n(b){var e=c;b.length&&(e=d.extend({},c,b[1]),b=b[0]);,a);d.each(a,function(a,c){var h=a.nodeType,k=h&&!e.disableAnimate&&a.animate,l=h?,r={},n={},p={},w=e.stagger*c,z=e.delay,E=y;if(h)r=W(a,b,k),n=
r.start,p=r.end;else for(m in b)n[m]=l[m],p[m]=b[m];,a,c);if(k){var k=d.extend({},e,{delay:z+w}),E=a.animate([n,p],k),L;if("alternate"===C&&F%2||"normal"===C)L=p;E.addEventListener("finish",function(b){if(L)for(m in L)l[m]=L[m];v(a,c)})}else{var H=e.duration,,N=G+z+w,K=f(e.easing)||B.linear,F=e.iterations,C=e.direction,O="reverse"===C||"alternate-reverse"===C,M=r.transforms,D=0,P,m,Q,E=function(){;if(!(G<N)){D=(G-N)/H;1<D&&(D=1);P=K(O?1-D:D);for(m in p)l[m]=
R(P,n[m],p[m]);if(h&&M){Q="";for(m in M.end)Q+=x[m](R(P,M.start[m],M.end[m]));l[A]=Q}if(!,a,c))return!1;if(1<=D){if("alternate"===C||"alternate-reverse"===C)O=!O;if(1>=F)return v(a,c),!1;1<F&&Infinity!==F&&F--;N=G}}};g.push(E);}return E})}a=a.length?a:[a];b=b.length?b:[b];c=d.extend({},X,c);var l=a.length,h=0,k=b.length,v=function(d,e){,d,e);l--;l||(,a),h++,h<k?(l=a.length,n(b[h])),a))};,a);
n(b[h])}var w=window,H=w.requestAnimationFrame||w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||w.mozRequestAnimationFrame||w.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(a){w.setTimeout(a,20)},g=[];{g.frame=g.frame||H(p);g.playing=!0};d.animations=g;var B={linear:function(a){return a}},T=/cubic-bezier\(([\d\.]+),\s+?([\d\.]+),\s+?([\d\.]+),\s+?([\d\.]+)\)/i;d.extend(B,{ease:f(.25,.1,.25,1),"ease-in":f(.42,0,1,1),"ease-out":f(0,0,.58,1),"ease-in-out":f(.42,0,.58,1)});d.easings=B;var A=d.prefixedProp("transform"),
x={};d.each("rotate rotateX rotateY rotateZ skew skewX skewY".split(" "),function(a){x[a]=e(a,"0deg")});d.each(["x","y","z"],function(a){var b="translate"+a.toUpperCase();x[b]=x[a]=e(b,0)});d.each(["scale","scaleX","scaleY","scaleZ"],function(a){x[a]=e(a,1)});var U=/(-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)([a-z%]+)?$/i,K=/([a-z]+)\((.*?)\)/ig,X={iterations:1,duration:400,easing:"linear",delay:0,stagger:0,reversed:!1,direction:"normal",fill:"both",start:y,complete:y,itemStart:y,itemProgress:y,itemComplete:y,frameStart:y,
frameComplete:y};d.animate=function(a,b,c){return new S(a,b,c)};d.fn.animate=function(a,b){return new S(this,a,b)}})(window.$);
/*-----------------------------------------------------	CUSTOM STUFF
// custom sequence function
function _s(d,a,b){a=a||0;b=b||d.length;var c=d[a];a+1<b&&(c.opts.complete=function(){_s(d,a+1,b)});c.e.animate(c.frame,c.opts)};
/*-----------------------------------------------------	VARS + SELECTORS
// easings
var outCust = 'cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.97, 0.5, 1)',	outQuint = 'cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)',	inQuint = 'cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060)',	outBack = 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275)';
var outEase = outQuint, // set here = easier to change all later	inEase = inQuint;
// selectors
var card = $('.card'),	frontElems = card.find('.popPhoto, .buddy, .right .head, .sub, .stats'),	loader = $('#loader'),	popPhoto = card.find('.popPhoto'),	back = card.find('.back'),	backClose = back.find('.close'),	backImages = back.find('img'),	playAll = $('#playAll');
/*-----------------------------------------------------	SEQUENCES
var seq_intro = [	{ e: card, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1 }, opts: { duration: 500, easing: outEase } },	{ e: frontElems, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1 }, opts: { duration: 300, easing: outEase, stagger: 60 } }
var seq_outro = [	{ e: frontElems, frame: { y: '100px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 200, easing: inEase, stagger: 60 } },	{ e: card, frame: { y: '100px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 500, easing: inEase } },
// sequence 'popular photos' click
var seq_backOpen = [	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { scale: 0.9 }, opts: { duration: 60, easing: 'ease-in-out' } },	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { scale: 1 }, opts: { duration: 60, easing: 'ease-in-out' } },	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { y: '100px' }, opts: { duration: 120, easing: 'ease-in' } },	{ e: back, frame: { y: 0 }, opts: { duration: 400, easing: outEase } },	{ e: backImages, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1 }, opts: { duration: 400, stagger: 30, easing: outEase } },	{ e: backClose, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1, rotate: '180deg' }, opts: { duration: 400, easing: outEase } },	{ e: backClose, frame: { rotate: 0 }, opts: { duration: 1000, easing: 'ease-in-out' } }
// close 'back'
var seq_backClose = [	{ e: backClose, frame: { y: '-30px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 120, easing: inEase } },	{ e: back, frame: { y: '100%' }, opts: { duration: 250, easing: inEase } },	{ e: backImages, frame: { y: '60px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 0 } }, // reset	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { y: 0 }, opts: { duration: 400, easing: outEase } },
// lastAll
// ! err -- need to know when an entire sequence is done, slighly awful
var lastAll = [	{ e: playAll, frame: { y: 0 }, opts: { duration: 1, complete: function(){ finishPlayAll(); } }}
]; // needed to know when done
// no delays in-between, so add delay-frame
var _dFrame = [	{ e: playAll, frame: { y: 0 }, opts: { duration: 300 }}
// combine them all, err: concat() fail so this ugly stuff instead:
var seq_playAll = [	{ e: frontElems, frame: { y: '100px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 200, easing: inEase, stagger: 60 } },	{ e: card, frame: { y: '100px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 500, easing: inEase } },	_dFrame[0],	{ e: card, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1 }, opts: { duration: 500, easing: outEase } },	{ e: frontElems, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1 }, opts: { duration: 300, easing: outEase, stagger: 60 } },	_dFrame[0],	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { scale: 0.9 }, opts: { duration: 60, easing: 'ease-in-out' } },	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { scale: 1 }, opts: { duration: 60, easing: 'ease-in-out' } },	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { y: '100px' }, opts: { duration: 120, easing: 'ease-in' } },	{ e: back, frame: { y: 0 }, opts: { duration: 400, easing: outEase } },	{ e: backImages, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1 }, opts: { duration: 400, stagger: 30, easing: outEase } },	{ e: backClose, frame: { y: 0, opacity: 1, rotate: '180deg' }, opts: { duration: 400, easing: outEase } },	{ e: backClose, frame: { rotate: 0 }, opts: { duration: 1000, easing: 'ease-in-out' } },	_dFrame[0],	{ e: backClose, frame: { y: '-30px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 120, easing: inEase } },	{ e: back, frame: { y: '100%' }, opts: { duration: 250, easing: inEase } },	{ e: backImages, frame: { y: '60px', opacity: 0 }, opts: { duration: 0 } }, // reset	{ e: popPhoto, frame: { y: 0 }, opts: { duration: 400, easing: outEase } },	lastAll[0]
/*-----------------------------------------------------	ACTIONS
// make sure all images has loaded
$(window).on('load', function(){	setTimeout(function(){ // force wait	loader.removeClass('load'); // remove loader	_s(seq_intro); // intro sequence	}, 1000);
popPhoto.on('click', function(){	_s(seq_backOpen);
back.on('click', '.close', function(){	_s(seq_backClose);
// playAll clicks
playAll.on('click', function(){	var t = $(this);	if(!t.hasClass('playing')){	t.addClass('playing');	t.text('Playing');	_s(seq_playAll);	}
function finishPlayAll(){	playAll.text('Awesome!').addClass('awesome');	setTimeout(function(){	playAll.text('Play all');	playAll[0].className = 'btn';	}, 1000);
Cash.animate, card animation - Script Codes
Cash.animate, card animation - Script Codes
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Developer Tommie Hansen
Username tommiehansen
Uploaded August 22, 2022
Rating 3
Size 14,721 Kb
Views 42,504
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Tommie Hansen (tommiehansen) Script Codes
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