Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript

5,117 Kb

How do I make an classic snake in vanilla javascript?

What is a classic snake in vanilla javascript? How do you make a classic snake in vanilla javascript? This script and codes were developed by Karl Saunders on 20 November 2022, Sunday.

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Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="screen"></div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript - Script Codes CSS Codes

@font-face {	font-family: 'CellPhone';	src: url('');
body { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); margin: 0; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); font-family: 'CellPhone';
#screen { background-image: url(""); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 80% auto; margin: 5% auto; padding: 146px; width: 600px;
.snakeContainer { background-position: center center; border: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); padding: 1px; position: relative;
.snakeModal { display: none; font-size: 40px; text-align: center; top: 50%; transform: translate3d(0px, -50%, 0px);
.snakeModal small { display: block;
} { display: block;
.snakeScore { bottom: -42px; float: left; font-size: 30px; left: 0; z-index: 100;
.snakeScore { position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 100%; z-index: 100;
.snake div,
.food { position: absolute; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); box-sizing: border-box; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * forEach helper */
var forEach = function(t, o, c) {	if ("[object Object]" === {	for (var l in t), l) &&, l, t[l], t);	} else {	for (var e = t.length, r = e - 1; r >= 0; r--), r, t[r], t)	}
class Snake {	/** * Constructor */	constructor(container) {	this.body = document.body;	this.container = container || this.body;	this.running = false;	this.loop = null;	this.score = 0;	this.step = 20;	this.size = 20;	this.interval = 100;	this.crashed = false;	this.position = { x: 0, y: 0 };	this.segments = [];	this.positions = [];	this.direction = 'right'; = null;	this.foodPosition = { x: 0, y: 0 };	this.keyCodes = [37, 38, 39, 40, 80, 82]; = localStorage;	this.vendorPrefix = this.getVendorPrefix();	}	/** * Render required elements * @param {int} width * @param {int} height */	render(width, height) {	if ( !width || !height ) {	console.warn('Method render requires width and height dimensions!');	return;	} var score ='snake_highscore');	this.gridWidth = width;	this.gridHeight = height;	this.grid = this.createElement('div', {	class: 'snakeContainer'	});	this.modal = this.createElement('div', {	class: 'snakeModal'	});	this.scorer = this.createElement('div', {	class: 'snakeScore'	});	this.setStyle(this.grid, {	width: width + 'px',	height: height + 'px'	});	this.grid.appendChild(this.modal);	this.grid.appendChild(this.scorer);	this.container.appendChild(this.grid);	this.renderSnake(); if ( score ) { this.setMessage('Welcome<small>Your highest score was: '+score+'</small>'); return; }	this.setMessage('Welcome<small>Hit a direction key to continue</small>');	}	/** * Start the game */	start() {	if (this.loop) {	clearInterval(this.loop);	}	this.loop = setInterval(this.move.bind(this), this.interval);	this.running = true;	this.removeMessage();	}	/** * Render the snake */	renderSnake(init) {	var size = this.size,	segments = 4,	x = this.size * segments;	this.snake = this.createElement('div', {	class: 'snake'	});	for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {	x -= this.step;	var segment = this.createSegment(x, 0);	this.segments.push(segment);	this.snake.appendChild(segment);	this.positions.push({ x: x, y: 0 });	}	this.position.x = this.positions[0].x;	this.position.y = this.positions[0].y;	this.grid.appendChild(this.snake);	document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handler.bind(this), false);	this.setScore(0);	this.feed();	}	/** * Render a new snake segment * @param {int} x * @param {int} y * @return {HTMLElement} */	createSegment(x, y) {	var size = this.size,	segment = this.createElement('div');	this.setStyle(segment, {	width: size + 'px',	height: size + 'px',	transform: 'translate3d(' + x + 'px,' + y + 'px,0)',	});	return segment;	}	/** * Reposition the segments */	move() {	var self = this;	// Do this before incrementing snake position for smoother transition	// otherwise the snake will appear to pause for an interval	if (this.position.x == this.foodPosition.x && this.position.y == this.foodPosition.y) {	// eat the food, this.position.y);	} else {	// remove last segment position	this.positions.pop();	}	// update direction	switch (this.direction) {	case 'left':	this.position.x -= this.step;	break;	case 'right':	this.position.x += this.step;	break;	case 'up':	this.position.y -= this.step;	break;	case 'down':	this.position.y += this.step;	break;	}	// check for collision	if (this.collided()) {	this.crash();	return;	}	// prepend new head position	this.positions.unshift({	x: this.position.x,	y: this.position.y	});	// loop over segments and apply position from segment in front	forEach(this.positions, function(index, position) {	self.setStyle(self.segments[index], {	transform: 'translate3d(' + position.x + 'px,' + position.y + 'px,0)',	});	});	}	/** * Eat the food * @param {[type]} x position to place the food * @param {[type]} y position to place the food */	eat(x, y) {	this.setScore(10);	// Add a new segment	var segment = this.createSegment(x, y);	this.segments.unshift(segment);	this.snake.insertBefore(segment, this.snake.firstElementChild);	// Move the food to a new position	this.feed();	}	/** * Update the food position */	feed() { var self = this;	if ( == null) {	var food = this.createElement('div', { class: 'food' });	this.setStyle(food, { width: this.size + 'px', height: this.size + 'px' });	this.grid.appendChild(food); = food;	}	// Randomise the position of the food	this.foodPosition.y = Math.floor((Math.random() * this.gridHeight - this.size) + 1);	this.foodPosition.x = Math.floor((Math.random() * this.gridWidth - this.size) + 1);	// round the random position to keep relative to the grid	// otherwise the snake will starve :/	this.foodPosition.y = Math.ceil( this.foodPosition.y / this.size) * this.size;	this.foodPosition.x = Math.ceil( this.foodPosition.x / this.size) * this.size; // Make sure the food isn't under the snake forEach(this.positions, function(index, position) { if ( position.x == self.foodPosition.x && position.y == self.foodPosition.y ) { self.feed(); return; } });	this.setStyle(, {	transform: 'translate3d(' + this.foodPosition.x + 'px, ' + this.foodPosition.y + 'px,0)'	});	}	/** * Snake has crashed into the container walls or itself */	crash() { var score ='snake_highscore');	if (this.loop) {	clearInterval(this.loop);	}	this.running = false;	this.crashed = true; if ( score && this.score > score ) { this.setMessage('New High Score!<small>Hit R to restart</small>'); } else { this.setMessage('Game Over!<small>Hit R to restart</small>'); }'snake_highscore', this.score);	}	/** * Stop the current loop */	stop() {	this.running = false;	if (this.loop) {	clearInterval(this.loop);	}	}	/** * Pause the game */	pause() {	if (this.running) {	this.setMessage('Paused<small>Hit a direction key to continue</small>');	this.stop();	}	}	/** * Continue the game from pause */	continue () {	this.running = true;	if (this.loop) {	clearInterval(this.loop);	}	this.loop = setInterval(this.move.bind(this), this.interval);	}	/** * Reset the game */	restart() {	this.snake.innerHTML = '';	this.crashed = false;	this.running = false;	this.segments = [];	this.positions = [];	this.direction = 'right';	if (this.loop) {	clearInterval(this.loop);	}	var size = this.size,	segments = 4,	x = this.size * segments;	for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {	x -= this.step;	var segment = this.createSegment(x, 0);	this.segments.push(segment);	this.snake.appendChild(segment);	this.positions.push({ x: x, y: 0 });	}	this.position.x = this.positions[0].x;	this.position.y = this.positions[0].y;	this.setScore(0);	this.feed();	this.setMessage('<small>Press a direction key to continue</small>');	}	/** * Check whether the snake's head has collided with the container walls or itself * @param {int} x position of the head * @param {int} y position of the head * @return {bool} */	collided(x, y) {	var crashed = false, self = this;	// Has the head collided with container?	if (this.position.x < 0 || this.position.x > this.gridWidth - this.size || this.position.y < 0 || this.position.y > this.gridHeight - this.size) {	crashed = true;	}	// Has the head collided with the body?	forEach(this.positions, function(i, pos) {	if (pos.x == self.position.x && pos.y == self.position.y) {	crashed = true;	}	});	// Nope	return crashed;	}	/** * Set a message in the modal * @param {string} message */	setMessage(message) {	this.modal.innerHTML = message;	this.modal.classList.add('active');	}	/** * Remove the modal */	removeMessage() {	this.modal.innerHTML = '';	this.modal.classList.remove('active');	}	/** * Update the score * @param {int} score */	setScore(score) {	this.score += score;	this.scorer.innerHTML = 'Score: ' + this.score;	}	/** * Set the speed of the game * @param {int} speed */	setSpeed(speed) {	this.interval = 10 / speed;	}	/** * Movement handler * @param {DOM Event} event */	handler(event) {	event = event || window.event;	var self = this, keyCode = event.which, origDirection = self.direction;	if ( self.crashed || self.keyCodes.indexOf(keyCode) < 0 ) {	if ( keyCode == 82 ) {	self.restart();	}	return;	}	if (!self.running) self.start();	switch (keyCode) {	case 37: self.direction = 'left'; break;	case 38: self.direction = 'up'; break;	case 39: self.direction = 'right'; break;	case 40: self.direction = 'down'; break;	case 80: self.pause(); break;	case 82: self.restart(); break;	}	// No reversing	if (self.direction == 'left' && origDirection == 'right' ||	self.direction == 'right' && origDirection == 'left' ||	self.direction == 'up' && origDirection == 'down' ||	self.direction == 'down' && origDirection == 'up') {	self.direction = origDirection;	}	event.preventDefault();	}	/** * Create element helper * @param {string} type HTML DOM nodeName * @param {object} attrs Attributes to apply * @return {HTMLElement} */	createElement(type, attrs) {	var attr, elem = document.createElement(type);	if (attrs) {	for (attr in attrs) {	elem.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);	}	}	return elem;	}	/** * Update the style on a HTMLElement * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {object} properties */	setStyle(element, properties) {	var property, css = '';	for (property in properties) {	css += property + ': ' + properties[property] + ';';	css += this.vendorPrefix + property + ': ' + properties[property] + ';';	} += css;	}	/** * Get the current vendor prefix for setStyle * @return {string} Vendor Prefix */	getVendorPrefix() {	var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),	match = /opera/.exec(ua) || /msie/.exec(ua) || /firefox/.exec(ua) || /(chrome|safari)/.exec(ua) || /trident/.exec(ua),	vendors = { opera: '-o-', chrome: '-webkit-', safari: '-webkit-', firefox: '-moz-', trident: '-ms-', msie: '-ms-' };	return vendors[match[0]];	}
var screen = document.getElementById('screen');
var snake = new Snake(screen);
Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript - Script Codes
Classic Snake in Vanilla Javascript - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Karl Saunders
Username Mobius1
Uploaded November 20, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,117 Kb
Views 14,168
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Karl Saunders (Mobius1) Script Codes
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