Client-side nudity detection

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How do I make an client-side nudity detection?

Updated implementation of The old one was pretty dirty, actual worker code can be cleaned up.. What is a client-side nudity detection? How do you make a client-side nudity detection? This script and codes were developed by Chad Scira on 13 October 2022, Thursday.

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Client-side nudity detection - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <h1>Drag & Drop <br /> Client-side image nudity detection</h1> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Client-side nudity detection - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { font-size: 26px; font-family: helvetica; background: #666;
h1 { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 50%; margin: 0; margin-top: -65px; color: #fff; text-align: center;
canvas { display: block; margin: auto;

Client-side nudity detection - Script Codes JS Codes

(function () {	function TaskWorker ($config) {	this.worker = this.createWorker();	this.worker.addEventListener('message', this.onWorkerMessage.bind(this));	this.tasks = [];	this.onTaskComplete = $config.onTaskComplete;	this.lastTaskTimestamp = null;	}	TaskWorker.prototype = {	functionToObjectURL: function (func) {	var blob,	stringFunc = func.toString();	stringFunc = stringFunc.substring(stringFunc.indexOf('{') + 1, stringFunc.lastIndexOf('}'))	try {	blob = new Blob([stringFunc], { 'type' : 'text/javascript' });	} catch (error) { // Backwards-compatibility	window.BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder;	blob = new BlobBuilder();	blob.append(stringFunc);	blob = blob.getBlob();	}	return (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);	},	createWorker: function () {	return new Worker(this.functionToObjectURL(function () {	onmessage = function (event) {	var message =;	postMessage({id:, result: eval('(' + message.func + ')').apply(null, message.arguments)});	}	}));	},	generateTaskID: function () {	var id = Math.random(),	exists = false;	this.tasks.some(function (task) {	if ( === true) {	exists = true;	return true;	}	});	return exists ? this.generateTaskID() : id;	},	onWorkerMessage: function (event) {	var message =,	taskIndex = null;	this.tasks.some(function (task, index) {	if ( === {	taskIndex = index;	return true;	}	});	if (taskIndex !== null) {	this.tasks[taskIndex].callback(message.result);	this.onTaskComplete(this);	this.tasks.splice(taskIndex, 1);	}	},	run: function ($options) {	var id = this.generateTaskID();	this.lastTaskTimestamp = new Date();	this.tasks.push({	id: id,	callback: $options.callback	})	this.worker.postMessage({	id: id,	arguments: $options.arguments,	func: String($options.function)	});	}	};	function TaskWorkerManager ($config) {	$config = $config || {};	this.maxWorkers = navigator.hardwareConcurrency || $config.maxWorkers || 4;	this.idleTimeout = $config.idleTimeout || 10000;	this.workers = [];	this.queue = [];	this.onWorkerTaskComplete = this.onWorkerTaskComplete.bind(this);	this.flushIdleWorkers = this.flushIdleWorkers.bind(this);	if (this.idleTimeout !== false) {	setInterval(this.flushIdleWorkers, 1000);	}	}	TaskWorkerManager.prototype = {	run: function (task) {	this.queue.push(task);;	},	next: function () {	if (!this.queue.length) return;	var worker = this.getWorker();	if (!worker) return;	var task = this.queue.shift();;	},	onWorkerTaskComplete: function () {;	},	flushIdleWorkers: function () {	this.workers = this.workers.filter(function (worker) {	if (worker.tasks.length === 0 && new Date() - worker.lastTaskTimestamp > this.idleTimeout) {	worker.worker.terminate();	return false;	} else {	return true;	}	}, this);	},	getWorker: function () {	var idleWorkers = this.workers.filter(function (worker) {	return worker.tasks.length === 0;	});	if (idleWorkers.length) {	return idleWorkers[0];	} else if (this.workers.length < this.maxWorkers) {	return this.createWorker();	} else {	return null;	}	},	createWorker: function () {	var worker = new TaskWorker({	onTaskComplete: this.onWorkerTaskComplete	});	this.workers.push(worker);	return worker;	}	};	window.Task = new TaskWorkerManager();
function isNude (data, width, height, callback) {	/* * Nude.js - Nudity detection with Javascript and HTMLCanvas * * Author: Patrick Wied ( ) * Version: 0.1 (2010-11-21) * License: MIT License */{ arguments: [data, width, height], function: function (data, width, height) {	Array.prototype.remove = function(index) { var rest = this.slice(index + 1); this.length = index; return this.push.apply(this, rest);	};	var skinRegions = [],	skinMap = [],	canvas = {width: width, height: height};	return scanImage(data);	function scanImage(imageData){	var detectedRegions = [],	mergeRegions = [],	width = canvas.width,	lastFrom = -1,	lastTo = -1;	var addMerge = function(from, to){	lastFrom = from;	lastTo = to;	var len = mergeRegions.length,	fromIndex = -1,	toIndex = -1;	while(len--){	var region = mergeRegions[len],	rlen = region.length;	while(rlen--){	if(region[rlen] == from){	fromIndex = len;	}	if(region[rlen] == to){	toIndex = len;	}	}	}	if(fromIndex != -1 && toIndex != -1 && fromIndex == toIndex){	return;	}	if(fromIndex == -1 && toIndex == -1){	mergeRegions.push([from, to]);	return;	}	if(fromIndex != -1 && toIndex == -1){	mergeRegions[fromIndex].push(to);	return;	}	if(fromIndex == -1 && toIndex != -1){	mergeRegions[toIndex].push(from);	return;	}	if(fromIndex != -1 && toIndex != -1 && fromIndex != toIndex){	mergeRegions[fromIndex] = mergeRegions[fromIndex].concat(mergeRegions[toIndex]);	mergeRegions.remove(toIndex);	return;	}	};	// iterate the image from the top left to the bottom right	var length = imageData.length,	width = canvas.width;	for(var i = 0, u = 1; i < length; i+=4, u++){	var r = imageData[i],	g = imageData[i+1],	b = imageData[i+2],	x = (u>width)?((u%width)-1):u,	y = (u>width)?(Math.ceil(u/width)-1):1;	if(classifySkin(r, g, b)){ //	skinMap.push({"id": u, "skin": true, "region": 0, "x": x, "y": y, "checked": false});	var region = -1,	checkIndexes = [u-2, (u-width)-2, u-width-1, (u-width)],	checker = false;	for(var o = 0; o < 4; o++){	var index = checkIndexes[o];	if(skinMap[index] && skinMap[index].skin){	if(skinMap[index].region!=region && region!=-1 && lastFrom!=region && lastTo!=skinMap[index].region){	addMerge(region, skinMap[index].region);	}	region = skinMap[index].region;	checker = true;	}	}	if(!checker){	skinMap[u-1].region = detectedRegions.length;	detectedRegions.push([skinMap[u-1]]);	continue;	}else{	if(region > -1){	if(!detectedRegions[region]){	detectedRegions[region] = [];	}	skinMap[u-1].region = region;	detectedRegions[region].push(skinMap[u-1]);	}	}	}else{	skinMap.push({"id": u, "skin": false, "region": 0, "x": x, "y": y, "checked": false});	}	}	merge(detectedRegions, mergeRegions);	return analyseRegions();	};	// function for merging detected regions	function merge(detectedRegions, mergeRegions){	var length = mergeRegions.length,	detRegions = [];	// merging detected regions	while(length--){	var region = mergeRegions[length],	rlen = region.length;	if(!detRegions[length])	detRegions[length] = [];	while(rlen--){	var index = region[rlen];	detRegions[length] = detRegions[length].concat(detectedRegions[index]);	detectedRegions[index] = [];	}	}	// push the rest of the regions to the detRegions array	// (regions without merging)	var l = detectedRegions.length;	while(l--){	if(detectedRegions[l].length > 0){	detRegions.push(detectedRegions[l]);	}	}	// clean up	clearRegions(detRegions);	};	// clean up function	// only pushes regions which are bigger than a specific amount to the final result	function clearRegions(detectedRegions){	var length = detectedRegions.length;	for(var i=0; i < length; i++){	if(detectedRegions[i].length > 30){	skinRegions.push(detectedRegions[i]);	}	}	};	function analyseRegions(){	// sort the detected regions by size	var length = skinRegions.length,	totalPixels = canvas.width * canvas.height,	totalSkin = 0;	// if there are less than 3 regions	if(length < 3){	// postMessage(false);	// close();	return false;	}	// sort the skinRegions with bubble sort algorithm	(function(){	var sorted = false;	while(!sorted){	sorted = true;	for(var i = 0; i < length-1; i++){	if(skinRegions[i].length < skinRegions[i+1].length){	sorted = false;	var temp = skinRegions[i];	skinRegions[i] = skinRegions[i+1];	skinRegions[i+1] = temp;	}	}	}	})();	// count total skin pixels	while(length--){	totalSkin += skinRegions[length].length;	}	// check if there are more than 15% skin pixel in the image	if((totalSkin/totalPixels)*100 < 15){	// if the percentage lower than 15, it's not nude!	//console.log("it's not nude :) - total skin percent is "+((totalSkin/totalPixels)*100)+"% ");	// postMessage(false);	// close();	return false;	}	// check if the largest skin region is less than 35% of the total skin count	// AND if the second largest region is less than 30% of the total skin count	// AND if the third largest region is less than 30% of the total skin count	if((skinRegions[0].length/totalSkin)*100 < 35	&& (skinRegions[1].length/totalSkin)*100 < 30	&& (skinRegions[2].length/totalSkin)*100 < 30){	// the image is not nude.	//console.log("it's not nude :) - less than 35%,30%,30% skin in the biggest areas :" + ((skinRegions[0].length/totalSkin)*100) + "%, " + ((skinRegions[1].length/totalSkin)*100)+"%, "+((skinRegions[2].length/totalSkin)*100)+"%");	// postMessage(false);	// close();	return false;	}	// check if the number of skin pixels in the largest region is less than 45% of the total skin count	if((skinRegions[0].length/totalSkin)*100 < 45){	// it's not nude	//console.log("it's not nude :) - the biggest region contains less than 45%: "+((skinRegions[0].length/totalSkin)*100)+"%");	// postMessage(false);	// close();	return false;	}	// TODO:	// build the bounding polygon by the regions edge values:	// Identify the leftmost, the uppermost, the rightmost, and the lowermost skin pixels of the three largest skin regions.	// Use these points as the corner points of a bounding polygon.	// TODO:	// check if the total skin count is less than 30% of the total number of pixels	// AND the number of skin pixels within the bounding polygon is less than 55% of the size of the polygon	// if this condition is true, it's not nude.	// TODO: include bounding polygon functionality	// if there are more than 60 skin regions and the average intensity within the polygon is less than 0.25	// the image is not nude	if(skinRegions.length > 60){	//console.log("it's not nude :) - more than 60 skin regions");	// postMessage(false);	// close();	return false;	}	// otherwise it is nude	// postMessage(true);	// close();	return true;	};	function classifySkin(r, g, b){	// A Survey on Pixel-Based Skin Color Detection Techniques	var rgbClassifier = ((r>95) && (g>40 && g <100) && (b>20) && ((Math.max(r,g,b) - Math.min(r,g,b)) > 15) && (Math.abs(r-g)>15) && (r > g) && (r > b)),	nurgb = toNormalizedRgb(r, g, b),	nr = nurgb[0],	ng = nurgb[1],	nb = nurgb[2],	normRgbClassifier = (((nr/ng)>1.185) && (((r*b)/(Math.pow(r+g+b,2))) > 0.107) && (((r*g)/(Math.pow(r+g+b,2))) > 0.112)),	//hsv = toHsv(r, g, b),	//h = hsv[0]*100,	//s = hsv[1],	//hsvClassifier = (h < 50 && h > 0 && s > 0.23 && s < 0.68);	hsv = toHsvTest(r, g, b),	h = hsv[0],	s = hsv[1],	hsvClassifier = (h > 0 && h < 35 && s > 0.23 && s < 0.68);	/* * ycc doesnt work	ycc = toYcc(r, g, b),	y = ycc[0],	cb = ycc[1],	cr = ycc[2],	yccClassifier = ((y > 80) && (cb > 77 && cb < 127) && (cr > 133 && cr < 173));	*/	return (rgbClassifier || normRgbClassifier || hsvClassifier); //	};	function toYcc(r, g, b){	r/=255,g/=255,b/=255;	var y = 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b,	cr = r - y,	cb = b - y;	return [y, cr, cb];	};	function toHsv(r, g, b){	return [ // hue Math.acos((0.5*((r-g)+(r-b)))/(Math.sqrt((Math.pow((r-g),2)+((r-b)*(g-b)))))), // saturation 1-(3*((Math.min(r,g,b))/(r+g+b))), // value (1/3)*(r+g+b) ];	};	function toHsvTest(r, g, b){	var h = 0,	mx = Math.max(r, g, b),	mn = Math.min(r, g, b),	dif = mx - mn;	if(mx == r){	h = (g - b)/dif;	}else if(mx == g){	h = 2+((g - r)/dif)	}else{	h = 4+((r - g)/dif);	}	h = h*60;	if(h < 0){	h = h+360;	}	return [h, 1-(3*((Math.min(r,g,b))/(r+g+b))),(1/3)*(r+g+b)] ;	};	function toNormalizedRgb(r, g, b){	var sum = r+g+b;	return [(r/sum), (g/sum), (b/sum)];	}; }, callback: callback });
window.addEventListener('dragover', function (evt) {	evt.preventDefault();
}, true);
// Handle dropped image file - only Firefox and Google Chrome
window.addEventListener('drop', function (evt) {	evt.preventDefault();'canvas')).forEach(function (canvas) {	document.body.removeChild(canvas);	});
if (document.querySelector('h1')) { document.body.removeChild(document.querySelector('h1'));
}	var files = evt.dataTransfer.files;	if (files.length > 0) {	var file = files[0];	if (typeof FileReader !== 'undefined' && file.type.indexOf('image') != -1) {	var reader = new FileReader();	reader.addEventListener('load', function (evt) {	var image = new Image(),	canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),	context = canvas.getContext('2d'); = '10px dashed grey';	image.addEventListener('load', function () {	var scale = 1 / Math.max(image.width/600, image.height/600);	var scaledWidth	= image.width * scale;	var scaledHeight = image.height * scale;	canvas.width = scaledWidth;	canvas.height = scaledHeight;	context.drawImage(image, 0,0,image.width, image.height, 0,0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);	document.body.appendChild(canvas);	var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);	isNude(, imageData.width, imageData.height, function (nude) { = '10px solid ' + (nude ? 'red' : 'green');	});	});	image.src =;	});	reader.readAsDataURL(file);	}	}	evt.preventDefault();
}, true);
Client-side nudity detection - Script Codes
Client-side nudity detection - Script Codes
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Developer Chad Scira
Username icodeforlove
Uploaded October 13, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,271 Kb
Views 22,264
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