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How do I make an websocket?

Work in Progress.. websocket @ forex data from What is a websocket? How do you make a websocket? This script and codes were developed by Nepal Bitcoin on 06 December 2022, Tuesday. Websocket Previews Websocket - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <span id="status">Retrieving forex data from</span> <div id="coins"> <table id="" class="responsive hover"> <thead class="sticky" data-sticky> <tr> <th data-sort-default>#</th> <th data-sort="NAME">Name (Symbol)</th> <th data-sort="NPR" onclick="sortBy=NPR;">Price (NPR)</th> <th>24h</th> <th>1 NPR</th> <th>Vol/Market</th> <th>Volume(NPR)</th> <th>Market Cap(NPR)</th> <th>Total Supply</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="list" id="cList"> <tr id="ETH"> <td class="SN"></td> <td class="NAME"></td> <td class="PRICE"></td> <td class="VOL"></td> <td class="CAP"></td> <td class="VOL_CAP"></td> <td class="SUPPLY"></td> <td class="CHANGE"></td> <td class="NPR"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
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table { text-align: center;
table thead th { font-weight: 800; text-align: center;
} .up { color: green;
.down { color: red;
/*@-webkit-keyframes down { from { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
@-moz-keyframes down { from { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
@-o-keyframes down { from { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
@keyframes down { from { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
.down { -webkit-animation: down 0.5s 1; /* Safari 4+ * / -moz-animation: down 0.5s 1; /* Fx 5+ * / -o-animation: down 0.5s 1; /* Opera 12+ * / animation: down 0.5s 1; /* IE 10+ * /
@-webkit-keyframes up { from { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
@-moz-keyframes up { from { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
@-o-keyframes up { from { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
@keyframes up { from { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.20); } to { background-color: inherit; }
.up { -webkit-animation: up 0.5s 1; /* Safari 4+ * / -moz-animation: up 0.5s 1; /* Fx 5+ * / -o-animation: up 0.5s 1; /* Opera 12+ * / animation: up 0.5s 1; /* IE 10+ * /
}*/ Websocket - Script Codes JS Codes

var options = { valueNames: ['SN', 'NAME', 'PRICE', 'CHANGE', 'NPR', 'VOL_CAP', 'VOL', 'CAP', 'SUPPLY']
var sortBy = "SN";
var xTable = new List('coins', options);
var socket = io.connect('');
var stat = document.getElementById("status");
var USDNPR = 106.33;
var NP_NUM; // = new NeNum();
$(document).ready(function() { var TS = new Date(); NP_NUM = new NeNum(); $.getJSON("").done(function(NRB) { var forex = NRB.result.Conversion.Currency[1]; if (forex.TargetBuy && forex.TargetSell) { stat.innerHTML = "Connecting to https://coincap websocket.."; USDNPR = ((1 * forex.TargetBuy + 1 * forex.TargetSell) / 2).toFixed(3); } market(); })
var market = function() { socket.on('trades', function(tradeMsg) { MotionUI.animateIn('#' + tradeMsg.message.coin, 'fade-out fast'); var msgx = tradeMsg.message.msg; var Price = msgx.price * USDNPR; stat.innerHTML = "Last updated : " + msgx.long + ' \(' + msgx.short + '\)'; var xdata = [msgx.position24, msgx.long + ' \(' + msgx.short + '\)', NP_NUM.convert(Price.toFixed(Price < 1 ? 8 : 2)), msgx.cap24hrChange, NP_NUM.convert((1 / Price).toFixed(8)), NP_NUM.convert((((msgx.volume * USDNPR).toFixed(0) / (msgx.mktcap * USDNPR).toFixed(0)) * 100).toFixed(3)), NP_NUM.convert((msgx.volume * USDNPR).toFixed(0)), NP_NUM.convert((msgx.mktcap * USDNPR).toFixed(0)), NP_NUM.convert( ]; var Y = document.getElementById(tradeMsg.message.coin); if (Y == null) { xTR = document.getElementById('cList').insertRow(); = tradeMsg.message.coin; Y = document.getElementById(tradeMsg.message.coin); } MotionUI.animateIn('#' + tradeMsg.message.coin, 'fade-in slow'); //Y.className +=" wiggle "+((Number(msgx.cap24hrChange) < 0 ? "down" : "up")); //var tooltip = ' data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" data-disable-hover="true" class="has-tip left" title="'; Y.innerHTML = '<td class="SN">' + xdata[0] + '</td><td class="NAME">' + xdata[1] + '</td><td class="PRICE" title="' + xdata[2][2] + '">' + xdata[2][1] + '</td> <td class="CHANGE ' + (Number(msgx.cap24hrChange) < 0 ? "down" : "up") + '">' + msgx.cap24hrChange + '%</td> <td class="NPR">' + xdata[4][1] + ' ' + msgx.short + '</td><td class="VOL_CAP" title="' + xdata[5][2] + '">' + (xdata[5][1]) + '%</td><td class="VOL" title="' + xdata[6][2] + '">' + xdata[6][1] + '</td><td class="CAP" title="' + xdata[7][2] + '">' + xdata[7][1] + '</td><td class="SUPPLY">' + xdata[8][1] + ' ' + msgx.short + '</td>'; xTable.reIndex(); xTable.sort(sortBy, { order: "asc" }); })
SN: xdata[0],
NAME: xdata[1],
PRICE: xdata[2][1],
VOL: xdata[3][1],
CAP: xdata[4][1],
VOL_CAP: xdata[5] + "%",
SUPPLY: xdata[6][1] + " " + msgx.short,
CHANGE: xdata[7] + "%",
NPR: xdata[8][1] + " " + msgx.short
Nepali Number word format js
Minified **/
var NeNum = function(r) { function e(r) { if ("number" != typeof Number(r) || Number(r) < 0 || isNaN(Number(r)) || r >= 1e20) return !1; var e = r.toString().split("."), f = "0"; e[1] > 0 && (f = e[1]); for (var c = 0 == e[0] ? [0] : e[0].split("").reverse(), a = [], l = [], s = 0, v = 0; v < c.length; v++) 0 == v ? (a[s] = (c[v + 1] >= 0 ? c[v + 1] : "") + "" + c[v], l[s] = o[1 * a[s]], v++) : (2 == v || "undefined" == typeof c[v + 1] ? a[s] = c[v] : (a[s] = c[v + 1] + "" + c[v], v++), l[s] = Number(a[s]) > 0 ? o[Number(a[s])] + " " + i[s] : ""), s++; return [r.toString(), t(a, f), n(l.reverse().join(" ") + u(f, e[0]))] } function n(r) { for (; r.includes(" ");) r = r.replace(" ", " "); return r } function t(r, e) { var n = r.reverse().join(","); return "," == n.charAt(n.length - 3) && (n = n.slice(0, -3) + n.slice(-2)), n + (0 == e ? "" : "." + e) } function u(r, e) { for (var n = r.split(""), t = "", u = 0; u < n.length; u++) t += "0" == n[u] ? " शून्य" : " " + o[n[u]]; return 1 > e ? "शुन्य दशमलव" + t : 0 == r ? "" : " दशमलव" + t } var i = ["", "सय", "हजार", "लाख", "करोड", "अर्ब", "खर्ब", "निल", "पद्म", "संख्य"], o = ["", "एक", "दुई", "तीन", "चार", "पाँच", "छ", "सात", "आठ", "नौँ", "दश", "एघार", "बाह्र", "तेह्र", "चौध", "पन्ध्र", "सोह्र", "सत्र", "अठार", "उन्नाइस", "बीस", "एक्काइस", "बाइस", "तेईस", "चौबीस", "पच्चिस", "छब्बिस", "सत्ताइस", "अठ्ठाइस", "उन्नतीस", "तीस", "एकतीस", "बत्तीस", "तेत्तिस", "चौतीस", "पैँतीस", "छत्तिस", "सैँतीस", "अठतीस", "उन्नचालीस", "चालीस", "एकचालीस", "बयालीस", "त्रिचालिस", "चौवालीस", "पैँतालीस", "छयालीस", "सतचालिस", "अठचालीस", "उन्नपचास", "पचास", "एकाउन्न", "बाउन्न", "त्रिपन्न", "चौवन्न", "पचपन्न", "छपन्न", "सन्ताउन्न", "अन्ठाउन्न", "उन्नसाठी", "साठी", "एकसठ्ठी", "बैसठ्ठी", "त्रिसठ्ठी", "चौसठ्ठी", "पैसठ्ठी", "छैसठ्ठी", "सतसठ्ठी", "अठसठ्ठी", "उनान्सत्तरी", "सत्तरी", "एकहत्तर", "बहत्तर", "तिरहत्तर", "चौरहत्तर", "पचहत्तर", "छहत्तर", "सतहत्तर", "अठहत्तर", "उनानसी", "असी", "एकासी", "बयासी", "त्रियासी", "चौरासी", "पचासी", "छयासी", "सतासी", "अठासी", "उनान्नब्बे", "नब्बे", "एकानब्बे", "बयानब्बे", "त्रियानब्बे", "चौरानब्बे", "पन्चानब्बे", "छयानब्बे", "सन्तानब्बे", "अन्ठानब्बे", "उनान्सय"]; return { convert: function(r) { return e(r) }, format: function() { return !0 } }
-- -- --
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Developer Nepal Bitcoin
Username nepalbitcoin
Uploaded December 06, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,654 Kb
Views 38,456
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