
4,526 Kb

How do I make an color-converter?

What is a color-converter? How do you make a color-converter? This script and codes were developed by Gavra on 20 November 2022, Sunday.

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Color-converter - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>color-converter</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <body onLoad="initializer()" text="#000000" vlink="#0000cd" alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="mediumspringgreen" link="#0000cd">
<center> <p> <table width="545" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="middle" align="center"><br/> <form> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"> <font size="2" color="#0000cd" face="verdana"><b>Color:</b> </font>&nbsp;
<select name="colors" onChange="document.bgColor = form.colors.options[colors.selectedIndex].value">
<option value="white" defaultselected="true"> White</option>
<option value="aliceblue">Alice Blue</option>
<option value="antiquewhite">Antique White</option>
<option value="aqua">Aqua</option>
<option value="aquamarine">Aquamarine</option>
<option value="azure"> Azure </option>
<option value="beige"> Beige </option>
<option value="bisque"> Bisque </option>
<option value="black"> Black </option>
<option value="blanchedalmond"> Blanchedalmond </option>
<option value="blue"> Blue </option>
<option value="blueviolet">Blue-Violet </option>
<option value="brown"> Brown </option>
<option value="burlywood">Burlywood</option>
<option value="cadetblue">Cadet Blue </option>
<option value="chartreuse"> Chartreuse </option>
<option value="chocolate"> Chocolate </option>
<option value="coral"> Coral </option>
<option value="cornflowerblue"> Cornflower Blue </option>
<option value="cornsilk"> Cornsilk </option>
<option value="crimson"> Crimson </option>
<option value="cyan"> Cyan </option>
<option value="darkblue"> Dark Blue </option>
<option value="darkcyan"> Dark Cyan </option>
<option value="darkgoldenrod"> Dark Goldenrod </option>
<option value="darkgray"> Dark Gray </option>
<option value="darkgreen"> Dark Green </option>
<option value="darkkhaki"> Dark Khaki </option>
<option value="darkmagenta"> Dark Magenta </option>
<option value="darkolivegreen"> Dark Olive-Green </option>
<option value="darkorange"> Dark Orange </option>
<option value="darkorchid"> Dark Orchid </option>
<option value="darkred"> Dark Red </option>
<option value="darksalmon"> Dark Salmon </option>
<option value="darkseagreen"> Dark Sea Green </option>
<option value="darkslateblue"> Dark Slate Blue </option>
<option value="darkslategray"> Dark Slate Gray </option>
<option value="darkturquoise"> Dark Turquoise </option>
<option value="darkviolet"> Dark Violet </option>
<option value="deeppink"> Deep Pink </option>
<option value="deepskyblue"> Deep Sky Blue </option>
<option value="dimgray"> Dim Gray </option>
<option value="dodgerblue"> Dodger Blue </option>
<option value="firebrick"> Firebrick </option>
<option value="floralwhite"> Floral White </option>
<option value="forestgreen"> Forest Green </option>
<option value="fuchsia"> Fuchsia </option>
<option value="gainsboro"> Gainsboro </option>
<option value="ghostwhite"> Ghost White </option>
<option value="gold"> Gold </option>
<option value="goldenrod"> Goldenrod </option>
<option value="gray"> Gray </option>
<option value="green"> Green </option>
<option value="greenyellow"> Green-Yellow </option>
<option value="honeydew"> Honeydew </option>
<option value="hotpink"> Hot Pink </option>
<option value="indianred"> Indian Red </option>
<option value="indigo"> Indigo </option>
<option value="ivory"> Ivory </option>
<option value="khaki"> Khaki </option>
<option value="lavender"> Lavender </option>
<option value="lavenderblush"> Lavender-Blush </option>
<option value="lawngreen"> Lawn Green </option>
<option value="lemonchiffon"> Lemon Chiffon </option>
<option value="lightblue"> Light Blue </option>
<option value="lightcoral"> Light Coral </option>
<option value="lightcyan"> Light Cyan </option>
<option value="lightgoldenrodyellow"> Light Goldenrod Yellow </option>
<option value="lightgreen"> Light Green </option>
<option value="lightgrey"> Light Grey </option>
<option value="lightpink"> Light Pink </option>
<option value="lightsalmon"> Light Salmon </option>
<option value="lightseagreen"> Light Sea Green </option>
<option value="lightskyblue"> Light Sky Blue </option>
<option value="lightslategray"> Light Slate Gray </option>
<option value="lightsteelblue"> Light Steel Blue </option>
<option value="lightyellow"> Light Yellow </option>
<option value="lime"> Lime </option>
<option value="limegreen"> Lime-Green </option>
<option value="linen"> Linen </option>
<option value="magenta"> Magenta </option>
<option value="maroon"> Maroon </option>
<option value="mediumaquamarine"> Medium Aquamarine </option>
<option value="mediumblue"> Medium Blue </option>
<option value="mediumorchid"> Medium Orchid </option>
<option value="mediumpurple"> Medium Purple </option>
<option value="mediumseagreen"> Medium Sea Green </option>
<option value="mediumslateblue"> Medium Slate Blue </option>
<option value="mediumspringgreen"> Medium Spring Green </option>
<option value="mediumturquoise"> Medium Turquoise </option>
<option value="mediumvioletred"> Medium Violet-Red </option>
<option value="midnightblue"> Midnight Blue </option>
<option value="mintcream"> Mint Cream </option>
<option value="mistyrose"> Misty Rose </option>
<option value="moccasin"> Moccasin </option>
<option value="navajowhite"> Navajo White </option>
<option value="navy"> Navy </option>
<option value="oldlace"> Old Lace </option>
<option value="olive"> Olive </option>
<option value="olivedrab"> Olive Drab </option>
<option value="orange"> Orange </option>
<option value="orangered"> Orange-Red </option>
<option value="orchid"> Orchid </option>
<option value="palegoldenrod"> Pale Goldenrod </option>
<option value="palegreen"> Pale Green </option>
<option value="paleturquoise"> Pale Turquoise </option>
<option value="palevioletred"> Pale Violet-Red </option>
<option value="papayawhip"> Papaya Whip </option>
<option value="peachpuff"> Peach Puff </option>
<option value="peru"> Peru </option>
<option value="pink"> Pink </option>
<option value="plum"> Plum </option>
<option value="powderblue"> Powder Blue </option>
<option value="purple"> Purple </option>
<option value="red"> Red </option>
<option value="rosybrown"> Rosy Brown </option>
<option value="royalblue"> Royal Blue </option>
<option value="saddlebrown"> Saddle Brown </option>
<option value="salmon"> Salmon </option>
<option value="sandybrown"> Sandy Brown </option>
<option value="seagreen"> Sea Green </option>
<option value="seashell"> Seashell </option>
<option value="sienna"> Sienna </option>
<option value="silver"> Silver </option>
<option value="skyblue"> Sky Blue </option>
<option value="slateblue"> Slate Blue </option>
<option value="slategray"> Slate Gray </option>
<option value="snow"> Snow </option>
<option value="springgreen"> Spring Green </option>
<option value="steelblue"> Steel Blue </option>
<option value="tan"> Tan </option>
<option value="teal"> Teal </option>
<option value="thistle"> Thistle </option><option value="tomato"> Tomato </option>
<option value="turquoise"> Turquoise </option>
<option value="violet"> Violet </option>
<option value="wheat"> Wheat </option>
<option value="white"> White </option>
<option value="whitesmoke"> White Smoke </option>
<option value="yellow"> Yellow </option>
<option value="yellowgreen"> Yellow-Green </option>
</select> <input style="background-color: rgb(0, 99, 247); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana;" size="3" name="color" value="Convert to Hex/RGB" onClick="getColor(this.form)" type="button"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> <br> <font size="2" color="#0000cd" face="verdana"> <b>RGB:</b> </font>&nbsp; <font size="2" color="red" face="verdana"> <b>Red</b> <input size="4" name="red" value="255" type="text"> <font size="2" color="green" face="verdana"><b>Green</b> <input size="3" name="green" value="255" type="text"> <font size="2" color="blue" face="verdana"><b>Blue</b> </font> <input size="4" name="blue" value="255" type="text"> <input style="background-color: rgb(0, 99, 247); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana;" size="3" name="convert" value="Convert to Hex" onClick="getHex(this.form)" type="button"> </font> </font> </p> <p> <font size="2" color="red" face="verdana"> <font size="2" color="green" face="verdana"> </font> </font> <font size="2" color="red" face="verdana"> <font size="2" color="green" face="verdana"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center"> <font size="2" color="#0000cd" face="verdana"><b>HEX:</b> </font>&nbsp; <input size="8" name="hexadecimal" value="#ffffff" type="text"> <input style="background-color: rgb(0, 99, 247); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt; font-family: verdana;" size="8" name="Convert RGB" value="Convert to RGB" onClick="getRGB(this.form)" type="button"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br/> </font> </font> </p> </form> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p>
<p> <!-- End of NedStat Basic code -->
</body></html> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Color-converter - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { scrollbar-face-color: #0063F7; scrollbar-shadow-color: #ffffff; scrollbar-highlight-color: #ffffff; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #3399cc; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #333333; scrollbar-track-color: #0052E7; scrollbar-arrow-color: #ffffff;
a:link { text-decoration: none
a:visited { text-decoration: none

Color-converter - Script Codes JS Codes

function initializer(){ hexidec=new makeArray(1);
function makeArray(n){ this.length = n; for (var i=1; i<=n;i++) this[i]=0; return this;
function getColor(form){ form.hexadecimal.value=document.bgColor; rgb=form.hexadecimal.value; c="0123456789abcdef"; red=c.indexOf(rgb.substring(1,2))*16+c.indexOf(rgb.substring(2,3)); green=c.indexOf(rgb.substring(3,4))*16+c.indexOf(rgb.substring(4,5)); blue=c.indexOf(rgb.substring(5,6))*16+c.indexOf(rgb.substring(6,7));;;; form.hexadecimal.focus();;
function getHex(form){ var c="0123456789abcdef"; if (( >255) || ( > 255) || ( > 255)) {window.alert("What colors are you trying to convert? Value: 0 to 255!")} else{;;; with (Math) { numOne=c.substring(floor(red/16),floor(red/16)+1); numTwo=c.substring(red%16,(red%16)+1); numThree=c.substring(floor(green/16),floor(green/16)+1); numFour=c.substring(green%16,(green%16)+1); numFive=c.substring(floor(blue/16),floor(blue/16)+1); numSix=c.substring(blue%16,(blue%16)+1); } form.hexadecimal.value="#"+numOne+""+numTwo+""+numThree+""+numFour+""+numFive+""+numSix;;; document.bgColor=form.hexadecimal.value; form.hexadecimal.focus();; }
function getRGB(form){ hex=form.hexadecimal.value; pound=0; for (i=0;i<7;i++){ hexidec[i]=hex.charAt(i); temp=hexidec[i]; if (temp=='#') pound++; if ((temp=='a')||(temp=='A')) hexidec[i]=10; if ((temp=='b')||(temp=='B')) hexidec[i]=11; if ((temp=='c')||(temp=='C')) hexidec[i]=12; if ((temp=='d')||(temp=='D')) hexidec[i]=13; if ((temp=='e')||(temp=='E')) hexidec[i]=14; if ((temp=='f')||(temp=='F')) hexidec[i]=15; }[0+pound]*16)- -hexidec[1+pound]);[2+pound]*16)- -hexidec[3+pound]);[4+pound]*16)- -hexidec[5+pound]); document.bgColor=form.hexadecimal.value;
Color-converter - Script Codes
Color-converter - Script Codes
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Developer Gavra
Username gavra
Uploaded November 20, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,526 Kb
Views 24,288
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