Course Layout in Angular Material

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How do I make an course layout in angular material?

Layout and function of an example course page listing.. What is a course layout in angular material? How do you make a course layout in angular material? This script and codes were developed by Michael E Conroy on 03 July 2022, Sunday.

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Course Layout in Angular Material - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Course Layout in Angular Material - Script Codes CSS Codes

html { font-size: 62.5% } /* 10px */
[ng-click] { cursor: pointer; }
.pull-right { float: right !important;
.course-menu { position: absolute; top: 9px; right: 8px; z-index: 10;
.dark-gray { color: #8d8d8d !important;
.schedule:hover { color: #1482dc;
.course { position: relative; color: #666; font-size: 1.6rem; line-height: 1.44; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff;
.course:hover { background-color: #eee; border: 1px dashed #ccc;
.course-inner { position: inherit; /* border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; */ padding: 6px;
.course:hover .course-inner { border-color: #aaa;
.course-title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.8rem; /* 18px */ line-height: 1.625;
.progress-space-holder { position: relative; height: 5px; width: 100%;
.course-long-title { color: #1482dc;
.course-subject, .course-type { font-size: 1.2rem; /* 12px */
.course-info { font-size: 1.4rem; /* 14px */ line-height: 1.85; margin: 4px 4px;
.course-info strong { color: #1482dc;

Course Layout in Angular Material - Script Codes JS Codes

(function() { var app; app = angular.module('courseApp', ['ngMaterial', 'ngSanitize']); app.controller('courseCtrl', [ '$log', '$timeout', '$mdToast', function($log, $timeout, $mdToast) { var _self; _self = this; = []; this.favorites = []; this.saved = []; = [ { "id": "004539", "title": "Computers a General Intro", "description": "Course critically examines popular concepts of information age computing,including:smart devices,societal implications,history,hardware function,sensors,networks,problem solving, and software concepts. Internet technologies such as Web 2.0, rich internet applications,responsible use of social networking,and cloud computing are examined. Privacy and security is an underpinning across all topics. Students will gain practical,lab-based experience with spreadsheets,database systems,HTML design,and various operating systems including Windows,Mac OS X,Linux and Android.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "101LLB", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2012-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": null, "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Computers: A General Introduction", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": null, "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": null, "prerequisites": null, "corequisites": null }, { "id": "004540", "title": "Great Ideas in CS 1", "description": "Designed to satisfy the mathematics core requirements. Students study algorithmic problem-solving techniques and gain an appreciation for some of the most interesting and significant results of computer science, as well as its intellectual and social significance. The course has both a mathematical and a laboratory component. Topics may include algorithm design, introduction to programming, structured programming, software tools, software engineering, text manipulation, numerical computation, transistors, very large-scale integrated circuits, machine architecture, language translation, operating systems, and artificial intelligence. Admitted computer science and computer engineering majors should not enroll in this course sequence.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "111LLB", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2013-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": null, "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Great Ideas in Computer Science", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": null, "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": null, "prerequisites": null, "corequisites": null }, { "id": "004542", "title": "Intro to Computer Prog 1", "description": "Introduction to computers and computer programming intended for nonmajors. Appropriate for those seeking a practical introduction to computer programming. Topics include the use of data types and variables, programming control constructs supported by modern languages, input\/output, basic concepts of object-oriented programming (such as classes, objects, encapsulation, information hiding, and code reuse), as well as graphical user interfaces. No previous computer experience assumed. Not suitable for intended computer science or computer engineering majors. Admitted computer science and computer engineering students should not take this course.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "113LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2011-03-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": null, "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Introduction to Computer Programming I", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": null, "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": null, "prerequisites": null, "corequisites": null }, { "id": "004543", "title": "Intro to Computer Prog 2", "description": "Continuation of CSE 113 for nonmajors. Currently required for some School of Management majors and appropriate for others seeking additional programming skills. Emphasizes the use of modern object-oriented programming methodologies, such as class inheritance, polymorphism, and exceptions. Neither CSE 113 nor CSE 114 can count towards a CSE degree. Admitted computer science and computer engineering majors should not take this course.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "114LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2007-01-16", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": null, "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Introduction to Computer Programming II", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": null, "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": null, "prerequisites": null, "corequisites": null }, { "id": "004544", "title": "Intro to CS Majors 1", "description": "Provides the fundamentals of the field to computer science and computer engineering majors, introducing students to algorithm design and implementation in a modern, high-level programming language. Emphasizes problem solving by abstraction. Topics include object-oriented design using a formal modeling language; fundamental object-oriented principles such as classes, objects, interfaces, inheritance and polymorphism; simple event-driven programming; data types; variables; expressions; basic imperative programming techniques, including assignment, input\/output, subprograms, parameters, sequencing, selection and iteration; the use of aggregate data structures, such as arrays or more general collections; simple design patterns.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "115LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2012-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "010464", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Introduction to Computer Science for Majors I", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: None. No previous programming experience required. Students must have completed high school pre-calculus (algebra and trigonometry)", "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "None. No previous programming experience required. Students must have completed high school pre-calculus (algebra and trigonometry)", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "004545", "title": "Intro to CS Majors 2", "description": "Continuation of CSE 115. Heavily emphasizes abstract data types (ADTs) and object-oriented methodology, and expects students not only to understand ADTs but also to design and implement robust ADTs using a modern object-oriented programming language. Further emphasizes object-oriented techniques, which support sound software engineering, such as encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance as well as the use of more complex design patterns. Essential topics integrated in this framework include the use of recursion; linked data structures, including lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, and other advanced data structures; and algorithms for searching and sorting; exceptions and exception handling, event-driven programming. Introduces the analysis of algorithm complexity (0-notation).", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "116LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2011-03-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "000181", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Introduction to Computer Science for Majors II", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: CSE 115", "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "CSE 115", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "004546", "title": "Computers & Society", "description": null, "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "182LEC", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2001-01-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": null, "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Computers & Society", "min_credits": "3", "max_credits": "3", "requisites_description": null, "typically_offered": "OC", "fall": false, "winter": false, "spring": false, "summer": false, "requisites": null, "prerequisites": null, "corequisites": null }, { "id": "004547", "title": "Intro Discrete Structures", "description": "Foundational material for further studies in computer science. Topics include logic, proofs, sets, functions, relations, recursion, recurrence relations, mathematical induction, graphs, trees, and some basic counting theory. CSE 191 is required for computer science and computer engineering majors.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "191LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2013-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "000182", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Discrete Structures", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: None", "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "None", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "301344", "title": "UB Seminar", "description": "The one credit UB Seminar is focused on a big idea or challenging issue to engage students with questions of significance in a field of study and, ultimately, to connect their studies with issues of consequence in the wider world. Essential to the UB Curriculum, the Seminar helps transition to UB through an early connection to UB faculty and the undergraduate experience at a comprehensive, research university. This course is equivalent to any 198 offered in any subject.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "198SEM", "type_pk": "SEM", "type": "Seminar", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2015-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "011632", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "UB Seminar", "min_credits": "1", "max_credits": "1", "requisites_description": "Students who have already successfully completed the first year seminar course may not repeat this course.", "typically_offered": "FASP", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": false, "requisites": "Students who have already successfully completed the first year seminar course may not repeat this course.", "prerequisites": "", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "004549", "title": "Honors Seminar", "description": "Specifically for students enrolled in the UB Honors Program. Enrollment is limited. Topics reflect the interest and research of the faculty member teaching the course. Offered irregularly.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "199SEM", "type_pk": "SEM", "type": "Seminar", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2011-03-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "010465", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Honors Seminar", "min_credits": "3", "max_credits": "3", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: Four years of high school mathematics, knowledge of some programming language", "typically_offered": "OC", "fall": false, "winter": false, "spring": false, "summer": false, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "Four years of high school mathematics, knowledge of some programming language", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "301345", "title": "UB Seminar", "description": "The three credit UB Seminar is focused on a big idea or challenging issue to engage students with questions of significance in a field of study and, ultimately, to connect their studies with issues of consequence in the wider world. Essential to the UB Curriculum, the Seminar helps students with common learning outcomes focused on fundamental expectations for critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and oral communication, and learning at a univeristy, all within topic focused subject matter. The Seminars provide students with an early connection to UB faculty and the undergraduate experience at a comprehensive, research university. This course is equivalent to any 199 offered in any subject.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "199SEM", "type_pk": "SEM", "type": "Seminar", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2015-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "011632", "academic_group": "1084", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "UB Seminar", "min_credits": "3", "max_credits": "3", "requisites_description": "Students who have already successfully completed the first year seminar course may not repeat this course.", "typically_offered": "FASP", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": false, "requisites": "Students who have already successfully completed the first year seminar course may not repeat this course.", "prerequisites": "", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "004554", "title": "Digital Systems", "description": "A course in digital principles which includes the following topics:fundamentals of digital logic,number systems,codes,computer arithmetic,Boolean algebra,minimization techniques,basic components of digital circuits such as logic gates and flip-flops,design of combinational and sequential circuits,memory devices, and programming logic.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "241LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2013-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "000183", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Digital Systems", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: None. Recommended for sophomore-level students.", "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "None. Recommended for sophomore-level students.", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "004555", "title": "Data Structures", "description": "Provides a rigorous analysis of the design, implementation, and properties of advanced data structures. Topics include order notation and time-space analysis and tradeoffs in a list, tree and graph algorithms, and hashing. Surveys library implementations of basic data structures in a high-level language. Advanced data structure implementations are studied in detail. Illustrates the importance of choosing appropriate data structures when solving a problem by programming projects in a high-level language different from the language of CSE 115 and CSE 116; also covers instruction in this language.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "250LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2015-03-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "000184", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Data Structures", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: CSE 116, CSE 191", "typically_offered": "FASPSU", "fall": true, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "CSE 116, CSE 191", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "004556", "title": "Programming Languages", "description": "Examines concepts and constructs found in programming languages. Topics include binding time, strong typing, control and data abstraction, higher-order functions, and polymorphism. The major programming paradigms (procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logic) will be studied and compared. The course will also provide an introduction to syntax and semantics, compilation vs. interpretation, and storage management.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "305LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2013-10-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "000185", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Introduction to Programming Languages", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Pre-Requisite: CSE 250 and Approved Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Bioinformatics\/CS Majors Only", "typically_offered": "SPSU", "fall": false, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": true, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "CSE 250 and Approved Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Bioinformatics\/CS Majors Only", "corequisites": "" }, { "id": "300934", "title": "Intro to Operating Systems", "description": "This course is an introduction to operating system design and implementation. We study operating systems because they are examples of mature and elegant solutions to a difficult design problem: how to safely and efficiently share system resources and provide abstractions useful to applications. For the processor, memory, and disks, we discuss how the operating system allocates each resource and explore the design and implementation of related abstractions. We also establish techniques for testing and improving system performance and introduce the idea of hardware virtualization. Programming assignments provide hands-on experience with implementing core operating system components in a realistic development environment.", "abbr": "CSE", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "num": "320LR", "type_pk": "LEC", "type": "Lecture", "grading_description": "Graded (GRD)", "effective_date": "2014-03-01", "effective_status": "A", "requirement_group": "011385", "academic_group": "0301", "academic_org": "1079", "grading": "GRD", "long_title": "Introduction to Operating Systems", "min_credits": "4", "max_credits": "4", "requisites_description": "Prerequisite: CSE250LR: Data Structures; Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Bioinformatics-CS majors only.", "typically_offered": "SP", "fall": false, "winter": false, "spring": true, "summer": false, "requisites": "", "prerequisites": "CSE250LR: Data Structures; Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Bioinformatics-CS majors only.", "corequisites": "" } ]; this.schedule = [ { "_id": "11021", "career": "UGRD", "term": "Fall 2015", "term_pk": "2159", "session": "University 15 Week Session", "session_pk": "1", "catalog": { "id": "004539", "abbr": "CSE", "num": "101LLB", "title": "Computers a General Intro", "description": "Computers a General Intro", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "subject_pk": "CSE", "credits": { "min": 4, "max": 4 }, "academic": { "group": "Engineering & Applied Sciences", "org": "Computer Science & Engineering" }, "type": "Lecture", "type_pk": "LEC" }, "section": "A", "alt_title": "", "instructor": "Schindler,Kris D.", "institution": "University at Buffalo", "location": "North Campus", "campus": "North Campus", "room": "Hoch 114", "when": [ { "sequence": 1, "dates": { "first": "2015-08-31", "last": "2015-12-11", "start": "16:00", "end": "16:50" }, "days": { "sunday": "N", "monday": "Y", "tuesday": "N", "wednesday": "Y", "thursday": "N", "friday": "Y", "saturday": "N" }, "pattern": "MWF" } ], "start": { "date": "2015-08-31", "time": "16:00" }, "end": { "date": "2015-12-11", "time": "16:50" }, "status": "A", "enrollment": { "room": 180, "section": 92, "enrolled": 59, "status": "N" }, "exam": "Y", "notes": [ { "sequence": 1, "note": "5 SEATS RESERVED - FIRST-TERM FRESHMEN" } ], "association": "1", "print": "Y", "created": { "sec": 1442577609, "usec": 658000 }, "saved": { "sec": 1442577729, "usec": 618000 } }, { "_id": "11327", "career": "UGRD", "term": "Fall 2015", "term_pk": "2159", "session": "University 15 Week Session", "session_pk": "1", "catalog": { "id": "004539", "abbr": "CSE", "num": "101LLB", "title": "Computers a General Intro", "description": "Computers a General Intro", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", "subject_pk": "CSE", "credits": { "min": 4, "max": 4 }, "academic": { "group": "Engineering & Applied Sciences", "org": "Computer Science & Engineering" }, "type": "Laboratory", "type_pk": "LAB" }, "section": "A1", "alt_title": "", "instructor": "Schindler,Kris D.", "institution": "University at Buffalo", "location": "North Campus", "campus": "North Campus", "room": "Capen 201A", "when": [ { "sequence": 1, "dates": { "first": "2015-08-31", "last": "2015-12-11", "start": "12:00", "end": "14:50" }, "days": { "sunday": "N", "monday": "Y", "tuesday": "N", "wednesday": "N", "thursday": "N", "friday": "N", "saturday": "N" }, "pattern": "M" } ], "start": { "date": "2015-08-31", "time": "12:00" }, "end": { "date": "2015-12-11", "time": "14:50" }, "status": "A", "enrollment": { "room": 47, "section": 0, "enrolled": 0, "status": "E" }, "exam": "N", "notes": [], "association": "1", "print": "Y", "created": { "sec": 1442577610, "usec": 53000 }, "saved": { "sec": 1442577712, "usec": 19000 } }, { "_id": "11328", "career": "UGRD", "term": "Fall 2015", "term_pk": "2159", "session": "University 15 Week Session", "session_pk": "1", "catalog": { "id": "004539", "abbr": "CSE", "num": "101LLB", "title": "Computers a General Intro", "description": "Computers a General Intro", "subject": "Computer Science & Engineering", 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Course Layout in Angular Material - Script Codes
Course Layout in Angular Material - Script Codes
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Developer Michael E Conroy
Username m-e-conroy
Uploaded July 03, 2022
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Michael E Conroy (m-e-conroy) Script Codes
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