CRUD Table with JSON

3,486 Kb

How do I make an crud table with json?

A simple CRUD table.Font used: What is a crud table with json? How do you make a crud table with json? This script and codes were developed by Takane Ichinose on 10 November 2022, Thursday.

CRUD Table with JSON Previews

CRUD Table with JSON - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>CRUD Table with JSON</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="container"><!-- This element is optional --> <table id="tk-crud-table" class="tk-crud-table"></table>
<div class="text-center"> Commands: Press [Enter] key at the last line to create new line.<br /> At the last input, press [Tab] key to create new line.<br /> Edit any lines then focus-out on the input to update.<br /> Press [Delete] button at the line (Except last line) to delete.
</div> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

CRUD Table with JSON - Script Codes CSS Codes

* { font-family: "Droid Sans", sans-serif; padding: 0; margin: 0
/* This class is optional */
.container { margin: 50px auto 25px;
/* This class is optional */
.text-center { text-align: center;
.tk-crud-table { margin: 0 auto; /* This is optional */ border-collapse: collapse;
.tk-crud-table > thead > tr > th { background: #afafaf; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; border: solid 2px black;
.tk-crud-table > tbody > tr > td { border: solid 2px black;
.tk-crud-table > tbody > tr > { outline: solid 3px black;
.tk-crud-table > tbody > tr > td > input[type="text"] { width: 120px; height: 30px; padding: 0 5px; border: none; outline: none;

CRUD Table with JSON - Script Codes JS Codes

const tempData = '<!--DATA-->';
function convertTkCrudTableToJSON(tblElm, cmd) { var tHeadString = '{"head": [' + tempData + '], '; var tHeadStringTemp = ''; var tBodyString = '"body": [' + tempData + ']}'; var tBodyStringTemp = ''; var returnString = ''; $(tblElm).find('thead > tr > th').each(function() { tHeadStringTemp += '"' + $(this).text() + '", '; }); tHeadStringTemp = tHeadStringTemp.substring(0, tHeadStringTemp.length - 2); tHeadString = tHeadString.replace(tempData, tHeadStringTemp); $(tblElm).find('tbody > tr').each(function(index, value) { if (!$(this).hasClass('is-delete')) { tBodyStringTemp += '{'; $(this).find('td > input').each(function() { tBodyStringTemp += '"' + $(this).attr('tbl-data') + '": "' + $(this).val() + '", '; }); tBodyStringTemp = tBodyStringTemp.substring(0, tBodyStringTemp.length - 2); if ((cmd === 'C' && cmd !== 'D') && index === $(this).parent().find('tr').length - 1) { tBodyStringTemp += '}, {'; $(this).find('td > input').each(function() { tBodyStringTemp += '"' + $(this).attr('tbl-data') + '": "' + $(this).val() + '", '; }); tBodyStringTemp = tBodyStringTemp.substring(0, tBodyStringTemp.length - 2); } tBodyStringTemp += '}, '; } }); tBodyStringTemp = tBodyStringTemp.substring(0, tBodyStringTemp.length - 2); tBodyString = tBodyString.replace(tempData, tBodyStringTemp); returnString = tHeadString + tBodyString; return returnString;
function setTkCrudTable(tblElm, data, cmd, callback) { var dataJSON = $.parseJSON(data); var tHeadString = '<thead><tr>' + tempData + '</tr></thead>'; var tHeadStringTemp = ''; var tBodyString = '<tbody>' + tempData + '</tbody>'; var tBodyStringTemp = ''; $(tblElm).html(''); $.each(dataJSON.head, function(index, value) { tHeadStringTemp += '<th>' + value + '</th>'; }); tHeadString = tHeadString.replace(tempData, tHeadStringTemp); $(tblElm).append(tHeadString); $.each(dataJSON.body, function(index, value) { var tBodyStringRow = '<tr>' + tempData + '</tr>'; var tBodyStringRowTemp = ''; $.each(value, function(index2, value2) { tBodyStringRowTemp += '<td class="tk-crud-data"><input type="text" class="tk-crud-text" value="' + value2 + '" tbl-data="' + index2 + '" /></td>'; }); tBodyStringRow = tBodyStringRow.replace(tempData, tBodyStringRowTemp); tBodyStringTemp += tBodyStringRow; if (cmd === 'R' && dataJSON.body.length === index + 1) { var tBodyStringRowEmpty = '<tr>' + tempData + '</tr>'; var tBodyStringRowEmptyTemp = ''; $.each(value, function(index2, value2) { tBodyStringRowEmptyTemp += '<td><input type="text" class="tk-crud-text" tbl-data="' + index2 + '" /></td>'; }); tBodyStringRowEmpty = tBodyStringRowEmpty.replace(tempData, tBodyStringRowEmptyTemp); tBodyStringTemp += tBodyStringRowEmpty; } }); tBodyString = tBodyString.replace(tempData, tBodyStringTemp); $(tblElm).append(tBodyString); if (!!callback) { callback(tblElm); }
$(document).ready(function() { $.fn.tkCrudTable = function(option) { var tblElm = this; var tblData =; setTkCrudTable(tblElm, tblData, 'R'); $(this).on('focus', '', function() { $(this).parent().addClass('active'); }); $(this).on('blur', '', function() { $(this).parent().removeClass('active'); tblData = convertTkCrudTableToJSON(tblElm, 'U'); }); $(this).on('keydown', 'tr:last-child > td:last-child >', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 9 && !evt.shiftKey) { evt.preventDefault(); tblData = convertTkCrudTableToJSON(tblElm, 'C'); setTkCrudTable(tblElm, tblData, 'C', function() { $(tblElm).find('tbody > tr:last-child > td:first-child >').focus(); }); } }); $(this).on('keydown', 'tr:last-child > td >', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 13) { tblData = convertTkCrudTableToJSON(tblElm, 'C');setTkCrudTable(tblElm, tblData, 'C', function() { $(tblElm).find('tbody > tr:last-child > td:first-child >').focus(); }); } }); $(this).on('keydown', 'tr > >', function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 46) { var msg = (typeof option.deleteMessage === 'undefined') ? 'Do you really want to delete this row?' : option.deleteMessage; if (confirm(msg)) { evt.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().parent().addClass('is-delete'); tblData = convertTkCrudTableToJSON(tblElm, 'D'); setTkCrudTable(tblElm, tblData, 'D'); } } }); return this; };
// From here below is how to use.
// Assuming that I got this JSON from the database
var result = '{"head": ["Data 1", "Data 2", "Data 3"], "body": [{"data1": "Value 1_1", "data2": "Value 2_1", "data3": "Value 3_1"}, {"data1": "Value 1_2", "data2": "Value 2_2", "data3": "Value 3_2"}, {"data1": "Value 1_3", "data2": "Value 2_3", "data3": "Value 3_3"}, {"data1": "Value 1_4", "data2": "Value 2_4", "data3": "Value 3_4"}, {"data1": "Value 1_5", "data2": "Value 2_5", "data3": "Value 3_5"}]}';
$(document).ready(function() { $('.tk-crud-table').tkCrudTable({ data: result, deleteMessage: 'Do you really want to delete this row?' // TODO: validator });
CRUD Table with JSON - Script Codes
CRUD Table with JSON - Script Codes
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Developer Takane Ichinose
Username takaneichinose
Uploaded November 10, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 3,486 Kb
Views 14,168
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