CSS Breathing Particle Orb

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How do I make an css breathing particle orb?

What is a css breathing particle orb? How do you make a css breathing particle orb? This script and codes were developed by Paul Sullivan on 26 January 2023, Thursday.

CSS Breathing Particle Orb Previews

CSS Breathing Particle Orb - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <ul> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div class='plate'></div> </li> <li> <div 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CSS Breathing Particle Orb - Script Codes CSS Codes

html { background-color: #333; overflow: hidden;
body { padding-top: 90%; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-perspective: 1500px; perspective: 1500px;
ul { -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-perspective: 2500px; perspective: 2500px; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; -webkit-animation: zoom 7s ease-in-out infinite; animation: zoom 7s ease-in-out infinite;
ul li { height: 1px; width: 50px; -webkit-transform-origin: 0%; transform-origin: 0%; position: absolute; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d;
ul li .plate { position: absolute; right: 0; height: 15px; width: 15px; border-radius: 50%; -webkit-transform: rotateY(-90deg); transform: rotateY(-90deg);
@-webkit-keyframes zoom { 50% { -webkit-transform: translateZ(-1500px); transform: translateZ(-1500px); }
@keyframes zoom { 50% { -webkit-transform: translateZ(-1500px); transform: translateZ(-1500px); }
li:nth-child(1) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(10deg) rotateX(207deg) rotateY(199deg); transform: rotateZ(10deg) rotateX(207deg) rotateY(199deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -89720ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -89720ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(1) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@-webkit-keyframes height { 50% { width: 34vw; }
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 34vw; }
li:nth-child(2) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(34deg) rotateX(25deg) rotateY(106deg); transform: rotateZ(34deg) rotateX(25deg) rotateY(106deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -71407ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -71407ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(2) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(3) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(123deg) rotateX(322deg) rotateY(187deg); transform: rotateZ(123deg) rotateX(322deg) rotateY(187deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -8378ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -8378ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(3) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 115, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 42vw; }
li:nth-child(4) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(211deg) rotateX(281deg) rotateY(58deg); transform: rotateZ(211deg) rotateX(281deg) rotateY(58deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -31202ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -31202ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(4) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(5) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(239deg) rotateX(18deg) rotateY(203deg); transform: rotateZ(239deg) rotateX(18deg) rotateY(203deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -28487ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -28487ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(5) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(6) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(174deg) rotateX(22deg) rotateY(25deg); transform: rotateZ(174deg) rotateX(22deg) rotateY(25deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -47323ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -47323ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(6) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(7) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(266deg) rotateX(240deg) rotateY(103deg); transform: rotateZ(266deg) rotateX(240deg) rotateY(103deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -60356ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -60356ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(7) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(8) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(318deg) rotateX(241deg) rotateY(79deg); transform: rotateZ(318deg) rotateX(241deg) rotateY(79deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -9700ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -9700ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(8) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 138, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(9) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(170deg) rotateX(100deg) rotateY(349deg); transform: rotateZ(170deg) rotateX(100deg) rotateY(349deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -64661ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -64661ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(9) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(10) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(19deg) rotateX(258deg) rotateY(191deg); transform: rotateZ(19deg) rotateX(258deg) rotateY(191deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -36215ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -36215ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(10) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(11) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(49deg) rotateX(262deg) rotateY(25deg); transform: rotateZ(49deg) rotateX(262deg) rotateY(25deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -80248ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -80248ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(11) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(12) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(213deg) rotateX(296deg) rotateY(269deg); transform: rotateZ(213deg) rotateX(296deg) rotateY(269deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -25594ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -25594ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(12) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(13) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(182deg) rotateX(225deg) rotateY(54deg); transform: rotateZ(182deg) rotateX(225deg) rotateY(54deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59907ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59907ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(13) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 110, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(14) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(124deg) rotateX(263deg) rotateY(308deg); transform: rotateZ(124deg) rotateX(263deg) rotateY(308deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -48479ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -48479ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(14) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(15) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(221deg) rotateX(199deg) rotateY(76deg); transform: rotateZ(221deg) rotateX(199deg) rotateY(76deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -15752ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -15752ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(15) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(16) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(250deg) rotateX(246deg) rotateY(140deg); transform: rotateZ(250deg) rotateX(246deg) rotateY(140deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -97929ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -97929ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(16) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(17) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(113deg) rotateX(52deg) rotateY(10deg); transform: rotateZ(113deg) rotateX(52deg) rotateY(10deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -51305ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -51305ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(17) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(18) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(347deg) rotateX(298deg) rotateY(260deg); transform: rotateZ(347deg) rotateX(298deg) rotateY(260deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -777ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -777ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(18) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 77, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(19) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(30deg) rotateX(30deg) rotateY(265deg); transform: rotateZ(30deg) rotateX(30deg) rotateY(265deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -17302ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -17302ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(19) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 135, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(20) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(347deg) rotateX(212deg) rotateY(224deg); transform: rotateZ(347deg) rotateX(212deg) rotateY(224deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -88205ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -88205ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(20) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 117, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(21) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(251deg) rotateX(63deg) rotateY(256deg); transform: rotateZ(251deg) rotateX(63deg) rotateY(256deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -33783ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -33783ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(21) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 148, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 42vw; }
li:nth-child(22) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(210deg) rotateX(114deg) rotateY(341deg); transform: rotateZ(210deg) rotateX(114deg) rotateY(341deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -43958ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -43958ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(22) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 41vw; }
li:nth-child(23) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(261deg) rotateX(256deg) rotateY(360deg); transform: rotateZ(261deg) rotateX(256deg) rotateY(360deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -85799ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -85799ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(23) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 89, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(24) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(38deg) rotateX(52deg) rotateY(125deg); transform: rotateZ(38deg) rotateX(52deg) rotateY(125deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -49163ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -49163ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(24) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 41vw; }
li:nth-child(25) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(297deg) rotateX(3deg) rotateY(23deg); transform: rotateZ(297deg) rotateX(3deg) rotateY(23deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -38179ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -38179ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(25) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(26) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(147deg) rotateX(119deg) rotateY(226deg); transform: rotateZ(147deg) rotateX(119deg) rotateY(226deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -46253ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -46253ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(26) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 46vw; }
li:nth-child(27) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(80deg) rotateX(345deg) rotateY(165deg); transform: rotateZ(80deg) rotateX(345deg) rotateY(165deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -89294ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -89294ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(27) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 77, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(28) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(15deg) rotateX(200deg) rotateY(247deg); transform: rotateZ(15deg) rotateX(200deg) rotateY(247deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -16502ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -16502ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(28) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 77, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(29) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(131deg) rotateX(167deg) rotateY(290deg); transform: rotateZ(131deg) rotateX(167deg) rotateY(290deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -93021ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -93021ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(29) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 46vw; }
li:nth-child(30) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(52deg) rotateX(3deg) rotateY(338deg); transform: rotateZ(52deg) rotateX(3deg) rotateY(338deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -44871ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -44871ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(30) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(31) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(194deg) rotateX(237deg) rotateY(114deg); transform: rotateZ(194deg) rotateX(237deg) rotateY(114deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -35804ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -35804ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(31) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 36vw; }
li:nth-child(32) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(319deg) rotateX(328deg) rotateY(40deg); transform: rotateZ(319deg) rotateX(328deg) rotateY(40deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59922ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59922ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(32) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 115, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(33) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(190deg) rotateX(116deg) rotateY(346deg); transform: rotateZ(190deg) rotateX(116deg) rotateY(346deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -65944ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -65944ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(33) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 140, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(34) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(231deg) rotateX(246deg) rotateY(341deg); transform: rotateZ(231deg) rotateX(246deg) rotateY(341deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -64749ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -64749ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(34) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 89, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(35) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(211deg) rotateX(72deg) rotateY(339deg); transform: rotateZ(211deg) rotateX(72deg) rotateY(339deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -25290ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -25290ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(35) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(36) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(335deg) rotateX(119deg) rotateY(90deg); transform: rotateZ(335deg) rotateX(119deg) rotateY(90deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -99219ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -99219ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(36) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 43vw; }
li:nth-child(37) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(175deg) rotateX(219deg) rotateY(97deg); transform: rotateZ(175deg) rotateX(219deg) rotateY(97deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -71254ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -71254ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(37) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(38) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(335deg) rotateX(39deg) rotateY(349deg); transform: rotateZ(335deg) rotateX(39deg) rotateY(349deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -30947ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -30947ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(38) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(39) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(213deg) rotateX(223deg) rotateY(224deg); transform: rotateZ(213deg) rotateX(223deg) rotateY(224deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -89498ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -89498ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(39) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 89, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(40) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(172deg) rotateX(42deg) rotateY(36deg); transform: rotateZ(172deg) rotateX(42deg) rotateY(36deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -71602ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -71602ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(40) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 120, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(41) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(259deg) rotateX(284deg) rotateY(254deg); transform: rotateZ(259deg) rotateX(284deg) rotateY(254deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -35017ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -35017ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(41) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(42) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(250deg) rotateX(211deg) rotateY(113deg); transform: rotateZ(250deg) rotateX(211deg) rotateY(113deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -45483ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -45483ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(42) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(43) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(56deg) rotateX(121deg) rotateY(169deg); transform: rotateZ(56deg) rotateX(121deg) rotateY(169deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -66389ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -66389ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(43) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 112, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(44) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(198deg) rotateX(200deg) rotateY(155deg); transform: rotateZ(198deg) rotateX(200deg) rotateY(155deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -36032ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -36032ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(44) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 41vw; }
li:nth-child(45) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(227deg) rotateX(125deg) rotateY(357deg); transform: rotateZ(227deg) rotateX(125deg) rotateY(357deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -68600ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -68600ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(45) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(46) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(48deg) rotateX(8deg) rotateY(44deg); transform: rotateZ(48deg) rotateX(8deg) rotateY(44deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -58365ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -58365ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(46) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(47) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(230deg) rotateX(116deg) rotateY(152deg); transform: rotateZ(230deg) rotateX(116deg) rotateY(152deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -90286ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -90286ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(47) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(48) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(216deg) rotateX(46deg) rotateY(193deg); transform: rotateZ(216deg) rotateX(46deg) rotateY(193deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59017ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59017ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(48) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 115, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(49) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(180deg) rotateX(28deg) rotateY(178deg); transform: rotateZ(180deg) rotateX(28deg) rotateY(178deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -61430ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -61430ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(49) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(50) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(178deg) rotateX(326deg) rotateY(216deg); transform: rotateZ(178deg) rotateX(326deg) rotateY(216deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -89499ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -89499ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(50) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 48vw; }
li:nth-child(51) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(293deg) rotateX(330deg) rotateY(346deg); transform: rotateZ(293deg) rotateX(330deg) rotateY(346deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -81789ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -81789ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(51) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(52) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(79deg) rotateX(345deg) rotateY(33deg); transform: rotateZ(79deg) rotateX(345deg) rotateY(33deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -28620ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -28620ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(52) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 36vw; }
li:nth-child(53) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(298deg) rotateX(246deg) rotateY(124deg); transform: rotateZ(298deg) rotateX(246deg) rotateY(124deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -45404ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -45404ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(53) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(54) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(69deg) rotateX(16deg) rotateY(198deg); transform: rotateZ(69deg) rotateX(16deg) rotateY(198deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59476ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59476ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(54) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 107, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 42vw; }
li:nth-child(55) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(196deg) rotateX(45deg) rotateY(340deg); transform: rotateZ(196deg) rotateX(45deg) rotateY(340deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -80056ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -80056ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(55) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(56) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(272deg) rotateX(122deg) rotateY(89deg); transform: rotateZ(272deg) rotateX(122deg) rotateY(89deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -5556ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -5556ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(56) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 48vw; }
li:nth-child(57) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(236deg) rotateX(200deg) rotateY(131deg); transform: rotateZ(236deg) rotateX(200deg) rotateY(131deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -85622ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -85622ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(57) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(58) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(13deg) rotateX(164deg) rotateY(153deg); transform: rotateZ(13deg) rotateX(164deg) rotateY(153deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -15562ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -15562ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(58) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 89, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(59) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(258deg) rotateX(239deg) rotateY(104deg); transform: rotateZ(258deg) rotateX(239deg) rotateY(104deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -85141ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -85141ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(59) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 92, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(60) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(181deg) rotateX(243deg) rotateY(29deg); transform: rotateZ(181deg) rotateX(243deg) rotateY(29deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -21092ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -21092ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(60) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 107, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(61) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(247deg) rotateX(255deg) rotateY(323deg); transform: rotateZ(247deg) rotateX(255deg) rotateY(323deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -28810ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -28810ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(61) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(62) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(237deg) rotateX(204deg) rotateY(101deg); transform: rotateZ(237deg) rotateX(204deg) rotateY(101deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -84009ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -84009ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(62) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(63) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(60deg) rotateX(324deg) rotateY(210deg); transform: rotateZ(60deg) rotateX(324deg) rotateY(210deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -97394ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -97394ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(63) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 112, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(64) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(243deg) rotateX(165deg) rotateY(117deg); transform: rotateZ(243deg) rotateX(165deg) rotateY(117deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -77515ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -77515ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(64) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 117, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(65) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(157deg) rotateX(308deg) rotateY(66deg); transform: rotateZ(157deg) rotateX(308deg) rotateY(66deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -72065ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -72065ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(65) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 89, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 41vw; }
li:nth-child(66) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(325deg) rotateX(281deg) rotateY(248deg); transform: rotateZ(325deg) rotateX(281deg) rotateY(248deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -80473ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -80473ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(66) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(67) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(5deg) rotateX(73deg) rotateY(273deg); transform: rotateZ(5deg) rotateX(73deg) rotateY(273deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59907ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59907ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(67) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 31vw; }
li:nth-child(68) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(312deg) rotateX(11deg) rotateY(55deg); transform: rotateZ(312deg) rotateX(11deg) rotateY(55deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -6120ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -6120ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(68) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 135, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(69) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(103deg) rotateX(205deg) rotateY(342deg); transform: rotateZ(103deg) rotateX(205deg) rotateY(342deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -81033ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -81033ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(69) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(70) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(45deg) rotateX(222deg) rotateY(180deg); transform: rotateZ(45deg) rotateX(222deg) rotateY(180deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -3055ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -3055ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(70) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 135, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(71) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(314deg) rotateX(324deg) rotateY(169deg); transform: rotateZ(314deg) rotateX(324deg) rotateY(169deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -61408ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -61408ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(71) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(72) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(67deg) rotateX(30deg) rotateY(176deg); transform: rotateZ(67deg) rotateX(30deg) rotateY(176deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -67403ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -67403ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(72) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(73) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(38deg) rotateX(333deg) rotateY(91deg); transform: rotateZ(38deg) rotateX(333deg) rotateY(91deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -17075ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -17075ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(73) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 128, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(74) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(152deg) rotateX(160deg) rotateY(198deg); transform: rotateZ(152deg) rotateX(160deg) rotateY(198deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -22259ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -22259ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(74) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 105, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(75) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(91deg) rotateX(257deg) rotateY(336deg); transform: rotateZ(91deg) rotateX(257deg) rotateY(336deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -41698ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -41698ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(75) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 31vw; }
li:nth-child(76) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(348deg) rotateX(64deg) rotateY(255deg); transform: rotateZ(348deg) rotateX(64deg) rotateY(255deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -84207ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -84207ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(76) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(77) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(83deg) rotateX(273deg) rotateY(70deg); transform: rotateZ(83deg) rotateX(273deg) rotateY(70deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -78397ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -78397ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(77) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(78) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(350deg) rotateX(57deg) rotateY(312deg); transform: rotateZ(350deg) rotateX(57deg) rotateY(312deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -23411ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -23411ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(78) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 48vw; }
li:nth-child(79) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(247deg) rotateX(204deg) rotateY(214deg); transform: rotateZ(247deg) rotateX(204deg) rotateY(214deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -67618ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -67618ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(79) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(80) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(152deg) rotateX(254deg) rotateY(329deg); transform: rotateZ(152deg) rotateX(254deg) rotateY(329deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -15310ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -15310ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(80) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 112, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(81) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(345deg) rotateX(266deg) rotateY(321deg); transform: rotateZ(345deg) rotateX(266deg) rotateY(321deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -44178ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -44178ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(81) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(82) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(141deg) rotateX(201deg) rotateY(30deg); transform: rotateZ(141deg) rotateX(201deg) rotateY(30deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -32559ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -32559ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(82) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(83) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(124deg) rotateX(52deg) rotateY(77deg); transform: rotateZ(124deg) rotateX(52deg) rotateY(77deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -5815ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -5815ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(83) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(84) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(99deg) rotateX(47deg) rotateY(22deg); transform: rotateZ(99deg) rotateX(47deg) rotateY(22deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -49926ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -49926ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(84) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(85) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(115deg) rotateX(232deg) rotateY(70deg); transform: rotateZ(115deg) rotateX(232deg) rotateY(70deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -19997ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -19997ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(85) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 107, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(86) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(143deg) rotateX(103deg) rotateY(226deg); transform: rotateZ(143deg) rotateX(103deg) rotateY(226deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -5623ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -5623ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(86) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(87) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(132deg) rotateX(85deg) rotateY(305deg); transform: rotateZ(132deg) rotateX(85deg) rotateY(305deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -26585ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -26585ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(87) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(88) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(104deg) rotateX(226deg) rotateY(100deg); transform: rotateZ(104deg) rotateX(226deg) rotateY(100deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -49041ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -49041ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(88) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(89) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(77deg) rotateX(44deg) rotateY(212deg); transform: rotateZ(77deg) rotateX(44deg) rotateY(212deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -78964ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -78964ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(89) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(90) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(344deg) rotateX(127deg) rotateY(87deg); transform: rotateZ(344deg) rotateX(127deg) rotateY(87deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -45259ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -45259ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(90) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(91) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(303deg) rotateX(138deg) rotateY(118deg); transform: rotateZ(303deg) rotateX(138deg) rotateY(118deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -32964ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -32964ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(91) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 34vw; }
li:nth-child(92) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(355deg) rotateX(305deg) rotateY(27deg); transform: rotateZ(355deg) rotateX(305deg) rotateY(27deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -80818ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -80818ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(92) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 42vw; }
li:nth-child(93) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(106deg) rotateX(243deg) rotateY(327deg); transform: rotateZ(106deg) rotateX(243deg) rotateY(327deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -66292ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -66292ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(93) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 145, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(94) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(336deg) rotateX(199deg) rotateY(8deg); transform: rotateZ(336deg) rotateX(199deg) rotateY(8deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -43735ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -43735ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(94) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 117, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(95) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(257deg) rotateX(206deg) rotateY(328deg); transform: rotateZ(257deg) rotateX(206deg) rotateY(328deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -27134ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -27134ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(95) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 41vw; }
li:nth-child(96) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(89deg) rotateX(353deg) rotateY(141deg); transform: rotateZ(89deg) rotateX(353deg) rotateY(141deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -71411ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -71411ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(96) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(97) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(170deg) rotateX(92deg) rotateY(22deg); transform: rotateZ(170deg) rotateX(92deg) rotateY(22deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -41903ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -41903ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(97) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 125, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(98) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(53deg) rotateX(226deg) rotateY(99deg); transform: rotateZ(53deg) rotateX(226deg) rotateY(99deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -82484ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -82484ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(98) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(99) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(316deg) rotateX(5deg) rotateY(215deg); transform: rotateZ(316deg) rotateX(5deg) rotateY(215deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -27715ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -27715ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(99) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 145, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(100) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(66deg) rotateX(248deg) rotateY(103deg); transform: rotateZ(66deg) rotateX(248deg) rotateY(103deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -12987ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -12987ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(100) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(101) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(230deg) rotateX(181deg) rotateY(53deg); transform: rotateZ(230deg) rotateX(181deg) rotateY(53deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -52351ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -52351ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(101) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(102) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(280deg) rotateX(29deg) rotateY(320deg); transform: rotateZ(280deg) rotateX(29deg) rotateY(320deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -74886ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -74886ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(102) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(103) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(40deg) rotateX(10deg) rotateY(55deg); transform: rotateZ(40deg) rotateX(10deg) rotateY(55deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -11061ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -11061ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(103) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 92, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(104) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(42deg) rotateX(189deg) rotateY(330deg); transform: rotateZ(42deg) rotateX(189deg) rotateY(330deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -25636ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -25636ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(104) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(105) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(325deg) rotateX(225deg) rotateY(106deg); transform: rotateZ(325deg) rotateX(225deg) rotateY(106deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -97077ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -97077ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(105) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(106) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(110deg) rotateX(316deg) rotateY(309deg); transform: rotateZ(110deg) rotateX(316deg) rotateY(309deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -58237ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -58237ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(106) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 77, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(107) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(89deg) rotateX(325deg) rotateY(154deg); transform: rotateZ(89deg) rotateX(325deg) rotateY(154deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -99134ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -99134ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(107) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 148, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 41vw; }
li:nth-child(108) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(158deg) rotateX(46deg) rotateY(164deg); transform: rotateZ(158deg) rotateX(46deg) rotateY(164deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -47925ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -47925ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(108) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 87, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(109) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(199deg) rotateX(296deg) rotateY(48deg); transform: rotateZ(199deg) rotateX(296deg) rotateY(48deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -87355ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -87355ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(109) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(110) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(220deg) rotateX(247deg) rotateY(189deg); transform: rotateZ(220deg) rotateX(247deg) rotateY(189deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -51857ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -51857ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(110) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 34vw; }
li:nth-child(111) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(214deg) rotateX(41deg) rotateY(287deg); transform: rotateZ(214deg) rotateX(41deg) rotateY(287deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -94897ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -94897ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(111) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(112) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(169deg) rotateX(271deg) rotateY(331deg); transform: rotateZ(169deg) rotateX(271deg) rotateY(331deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -43291ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -43291ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(112) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 115, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 42vw; }
li:nth-child(113) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(116deg) rotateX(332deg) rotateY(198deg); transform: rotateZ(116deg) rotateX(332deg) rotateY(198deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -5903ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -5903ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(113) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(114) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(157deg) rotateX(225deg) rotateY(215deg); transform: rotateZ(157deg) rotateX(225deg) rotateY(215deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -54313ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -54313ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(114) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(115) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(105deg) rotateX(76deg) rotateY(221deg); transform: rotateZ(105deg) rotateX(76deg) rotateY(221deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -10408ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -10408ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(115) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(116) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(227deg) rotateX(4deg) rotateY(24deg); transform: rotateZ(227deg) rotateX(4deg) rotateY(24deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -39982ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -39982ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(116) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 36vw; }
li:nth-child(117) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(349deg) rotateX(237deg) rotateY(67deg); transform: rotateZ(349deg) rotateX(237deg) rotateY(67deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -73111ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -73111ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(117) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 107, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(118) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(346deg) rotateX(171deg) rotateY(166deg); transform: rotateZ(346deg) rotateX(171deg) rotateY(166deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -92693ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -92693ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(118) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 36vw; }
li:nth-child(119) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(200deg) rotateX(105deg) rotateY(309deg); transform: rotateZ(200deg) rotateX(105deg) rotateY(309deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59937ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59937ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(119) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 105, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 30vw; }
li:nth-child(120) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(307deg) rotateX(118deg) rotateY(343deg); transform: rotateZ(307deg) rotateX(118deg) rotateY(343deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -63002ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -63002ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(120) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(121) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(286deg) rotateX(286deg) rotateY(260deg); transform: rotateZ(286deg) rotateX(286deg) rotateY(260deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -57252ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -57252ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(121) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(122) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(256deg) rotateX(205deg) rotateY(183deg); transform: rotateZ(256deg) rotateX(205deg) rotateY(183deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -72938ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -72938ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(122) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 48vw; }
li:nth-child(123) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(81deg) rotateX(360deg) rotateY(189deg); transform: rotateZ(81deg) rotateX(360deg) rotateY(189deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -30454ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -30454ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(123) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 112, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(124) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(281deg) rotateX(325deg) rotateY(214deg); transform: rotateZ(281deg) rotateX(325deg) rotateY(214deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -66572ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -66572ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(124) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 138, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(125) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(128deg) rotateX(293deg) rotateY(281deg); transform: rotateZ(128deg) rotateX(293deg) rotateY(281deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -11496ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -11496ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(125) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(126) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(54deg) rotateX(275deg) rotateY(105deg); transform: rotateZ(54deg) rotateX(275deg) rotateY(105deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -40525ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -40525ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(126) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(127) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(115deg) rotateX(110deg) rotateY(72deg); transform: rotateZ(115deg) rotateX(110deg) rotateY(72deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -25948ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -25948ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(127) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 140, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(128) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(290deg) rotateX(252deg) rotateY(255deg); transform: rotateZ(290deg) rotateX(252deg) rotateY(255deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -30107ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -30107ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(128) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 48vw; }
li:nth-child(129) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(219deg) rotateX(108deg) rotateY(165deg); transform: rotateZ(219deg) rotateX(108deg) rotateY(165deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -84586ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -84586ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(129) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 36vw; }
li:nth-child(130) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(98deg) rotateX(22deg) rotateY(78deg); transform: rotateZ(98deg) rotateX(22deg) rotateY(78deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -43860ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -43860ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(130) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(131) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(224deg) rotateX(347deg) rotateY(95deg); transform: rotateZ(224deg) rotateX(347deg) rotateY(95deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -99537ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -99537ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(131) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 130, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(132) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(316deg) rotateX(201deg) rotateY(28deg); transform: rotateZ(316deg) rotateX(201deg) rotateY(28deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -63942ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -63942ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(132) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 48vw; }
li:nth-child(133) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(198deg) rotateX(295deg) rotateY(212deg); transform: rotateZ(198deg) rotateX(295deg) rotateY(212deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -12109ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -12109ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(133) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 107, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(134) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(15deg) rotateX(226deg) rotateY(155deg); transform: rotateZ(15deg) rotateX(226deg) rotateY(155deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -50105ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -50105ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(134) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(135) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(215deg) rotateX(96deg) rotateY(184deg); transform: rotateZ(215deg) rotateX(96deg) rotateY(184deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -74469ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -74469ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(135) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 36vw; }
li:nth-child(136) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(160deg) rotateX(338deg) rotateY(221deg); transform: rotateZ(160deg) rotateX(338deg) rotateY(221deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -99952ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -99952ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(136) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(137) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(311deg) rotateX(144deg) rotateY(71deg); transform: rotateZ(311deg) rotateX(144deg) rotateY(71deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -22849ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -22849ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(137) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(138) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(213deg) rotateX(128deg) rotateY(259deg); transform: rotateZ(213deg) rotateX(128deg) rotateY(259deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -33409ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -33409ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(138) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 37vw; }
li:nth-child(139) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(17deg) rotateX(118deg) rotateY(215deg); transform: rotateZ(17deg) rotateX(118deg) rotateY(215deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -73112ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -73112ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(139) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 110, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 34vw; }
li:nth-child(140) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(205deg) rotateX(32deg) rotateY(217deg); transform: rotateZ(205deg) rotateX(32deg) rotateY(217deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -49249ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -49249ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(140) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 110, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(141) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(178deg) rotateX(169deg) rotateY(67deg); transform: rotateZ(178deg) rotateX(169deg) rotateY(67deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -54877ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -54877ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(141) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 43vw; }
li:nth-child(142) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(212deg) rotateX(342deg) rotateY(321deg); transform: rotateZ(212deg) rotateX(342deg) rotateY(321deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -54493ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -54493ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(142) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(143) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(240deg) rotateX(283deg) rotateY(234deg); transform: rotateZ(240deg) rotateX(283deg) rotateY(234deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -54634ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -54634ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(143) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 49vw; }
li:nth-child(144) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(349deg) rotateX(289deg) rotateY(275deg); transform: rotateZ(349deg) rotateX(289deg) rotateY(275deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -24761ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -24761ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(144) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 77, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(145) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(115deg) rotateX(142deg) rotateY(296deg); transform: rotateZ(115deg) rotateX(142deg) rotateY(296deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -93219ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -93219ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(145) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 110, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 39vw; }
li:nth-child(146) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(112deg) rotateX(159deg) rotateY(22deg); transform: rotateZ(112deg) rotateX(159deg) rotateY(22deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -63143ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -63143ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(146) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 105, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 31vw; }
li:nth-child(147) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(102deg) rotateX(215deg) rotateY(85deg); transform: rotateZ(102deg) rotateX(215deg) rotateY(85deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -39012ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -39012ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(147) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(148) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(212deg) rotateX(44deg) rotateY(29deg); transform: rotateZ(212deg) rotateX(44deg) rotateY(29deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -20653ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -20653ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(148) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
li:nth-child(149) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(287deg) rotateX(215deg) rotateY(250deg); transform: rotateZ(287deg) rotateX(215deg) rotateY(250deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -63501ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -63501ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(149) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(150) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(225deg) rotateX(105deg) rotateY(213deg); transform: rotateZ(225deg) rotateX(105deg) rotateY(213deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -99616ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -99616ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(150) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 140, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(151) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(200deg) rotateX(257deg) rotateY(327deg); transform: rotateZ(200deg) rotateX(257deg) rotateY(327deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -39580ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -39580ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(151) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 46vw; }
li:nth-child(152) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(346deg) rotateX(224deg) rotateY(110deg); transform: rotateZ(346deg) rotateX(224deg) rotateY(110deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -68617ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -68617ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(152) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 148, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(153) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(218deg) rotateX(242deg) rotateY(214deg); transform: rotateZ(218deg) rotateX(242deg) rotateY(214deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -68295ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -68295ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(153) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 145, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 43vw; }
li:nth-child(154) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(238deg) rotateX(240deg) rotateY(349deg); transform: rotateZ(238deg) rotateX(240deg) rotateY(349deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -27282ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -27282ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(154) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 105, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 43vw; }
li:nth-child(155) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(146deg) rotateX(260deg) rotateY(70deg); transform: rotateZ(146deg) rotateX(260deg) rotateY(70deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -64068ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -64068ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(155) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
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li:nth-child(156) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 153, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(157) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(261deg) rotateX(88deg) rotateY(61deg); transform: rotateZ(261deg) rotateX(88deg) rotateY(61deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -38285ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -38285ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(157) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 115, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 43vw; }
li:nth-child(158) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(62deg) rotateX(28deg) rotateY(231deg); transform: rotateZ(62deg) rotateX(28deg) rotateY(231deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -60434ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -60434ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(158) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(159) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(69deg) rotateX(195deg) rotateY(343deg); transform: rotateZ(69deg) rotateX(195deg) rotateY(343deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -30860ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -30860ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(159) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 89, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 44vw; }
li:nth-child(160) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(334deg) rotateX(6deg) rotateY(49deg); transform: rotateZ(334deg) rotateX(6deg) rotateY(49deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -41750ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -41750ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(160) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 47vw; }
li:nth-child(161) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(220deg) rotateX(60deg) rotateY(345deg); transform: rotateZ(220deg) rotateX(60deg) rotateY(345deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -51657ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -51657ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(161) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 150, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(162) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(243deg) rotateX(46deg) rotateY(174deg); transform: rotateZ(243deg) rotateX(46deg) rotateY(174deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -49502ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -49502ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(162) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 138, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(163) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(306deg) rotateX(289deg) rotateY(338deg); transform: rotateZ(306deg) rotateX(289deg) rotateY(338deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -99219ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -99219ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(163) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 99, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(164) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(313deg) rotateX(93deg) rotateY(197deg); transform: rotateZ(313deg) rotateX(93deg) rotateY(197deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -32335ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -32335ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(164) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 102, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 43vw; }
li:nth-child(165) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(291deg) rotateX(341deg) rotateY(90deg); transform: rotateZ(291deg) rotateX(341deg) rotateY(90deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -28194ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -28194ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(165) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 112, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 50vw; }
li:nth-child(166) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(15deg) rotateX(21deg) rotateY(16deg); transform: rotateZ(15deg) rotateX(21deg) rotateY(16deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -15177ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -15177ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(166) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 97, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(167) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(334deg) rotateX(214deg) rotateY(338deg); transform: rotateZ(334deg) rotateX(214deg) rotateY(338deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -6202ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -6202ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(167) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 128, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 46vw; }
li:nth-child(168) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(327deg) rotateX(278deg) rotateY(48deg); transform: rotateZ(327deg) rotateX(278deg) rotateY(48deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -92666ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -92666ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(168) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 77, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 35vw; }
li:nth-child(169) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(71deg) rotateX(208deg) rotateY(58deg); transform: rotateZ(71deg) rotateX(208deg) rotateY(58deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -88460ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -88460ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(169) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 115, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(170) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(160deg) rotateX(92deg) rotateY(309deg); transform: rotateZ(160deg) rotateX(92deg) rotateY(309deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -59959ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -59959ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(170) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 94, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(171) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(50deg) rotateX(97deg) rotateY(43deg); transform: rotateZ(50deg) rotateX(97deg) rotateY(43deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -17402ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -17402ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(171) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 140, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(172) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(297deg) rotateX(185deg) rotateY(344deg); transform: rotateZ(297deg) rotateX(185deg) rotateY(344deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -33842ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -33842ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(172) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 143, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 34vw; }
li:nth-child(173) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(44deg) rotateX(357deg) rotateY(62deg); transform: rotateZ(44deg) rotateX(357deg) rotateY(62deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -42462ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -42462ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(173) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 84, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(174) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(189deg) rotateX(274deg) rotateY(98deg); transform: rotateZ(189deg) rotateX(274deg) rotateY(98deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -36305ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -36305ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(174) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 122, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 40vw; }
li:nth-child(175) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(187deg) rotateX(280deg) rotateY(286deg); transform: rotateZ(187deg) rotateX(280deg) rotateY(286deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -55044ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -55044ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(175) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(176) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(77deg) rotateX(251deg) rotateY(317deg); transform: rotateZ(77deg) rotateX(251deg) rotateY(317deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -20721ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -20721ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(176) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 110, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(177) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(44deg) rotateX(199deg) rotateY(249deg); transform: rotateZ(44deg) rotateX(199deg) rotateY(249deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -4146ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -4146ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(177) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 79, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 38vw; }
li:nth-child(178) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(64deg) rotateX(47deg) rotateY(60deg); transform: rotateZ(64deg) rotateX(47deg) rotateY(60deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -98152ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -98152ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(178) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 133, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 45vw; }
li:nth-child(179) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(261deg) rotateX(263deg) rotateY(125deg); transform: rotateZ(261deg) rotateX(263deg) rotateY(125deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -63968ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -63968ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(179) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 82, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 33vw; }
li:nth-child(180) { -webkit-transform: rotateZ(66deg) rotateX(2deg) rotateY(327deg); transform: rotateZ(66deg) rotateX(2deg) rotateY(327deg); -webkit-animation: height 25000ms -20750ms ease-in-out infinite; animation: height 25000ms -20750ms ease-in-out infinite;
li:nth-child(180) .plate { background-color: rgba(26, 92, 179, 0.95);
@keyframes height { 50% { width: 32vw; }
CSS Breathing Particle Orb - Script Codes
CSS Breathing Particle Orb - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Paul Sullivan
Username pwsm50
Uploaded January 26, 2023
Rating 4
Size 8,158 Kb
Views 4,048
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Paul Sullivan (pwsm50) Script Codes
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