Curved warp

3,581 Kb

How do I make an curved warp?

Short rainbow segments that make a color changing spiral move the mouse around to interact. What is a curved warp? How do you make a curved warp? This script and codes were developed by Kittons on 09 September 2022, Friday.

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Curved warp - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>curved warp</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <canvas id="curves" width="500" height="300" style="width:100%;height:100%"></canvas> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Curved warp - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ margin: 0; background-color: #000;

Curved warp - Script Codes JS Codes

var cv = document.getElementById('curves'); var cvWidth,cvHeight,diaf; var ctx = cv.getContext('2d'); var xMouse = 0; var yMouse = 0; var perc; var radius,outerRadius; var easingValues = [.13,.83,.38,1]; //var easingValues = [.2,1.32,.73,1.12]; var easingOutValues = [.62,.01,.93,.33]; //var easingOutValues = [.2,1.32,.73,1.12]; var colorEasingValues = [.14,.69,.6,.92]; var colorEasingOutValues = [.61,.11,.96,.4]; var colorEasingOutValues = [.85,-0.35,.99,-0.11]; //var colorEasingOutValues = [.76,.1,.87,.22]; //var colorEasingOutValues = [.55,.18,.86,.53]; var colorPerc; //var easingValues = [.36,-0.28,.4,1.56]; var radiusDuration = 1500; var segmentsPerIteration = 20; var outerRadiusGrow = 20; var cvLineWidth = 10; var cvAlpha = .7; var angleOffsetIncrement = 4; function resize(){ cv.width = window.innerWidth; cv.height = window.innerHeight; cvWidth = cv.width; cvHeight = cv.height; diag = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((cvWidth/2),2)+Math.pow((cvHeight/2),2)); ctx.translate(cvWidth/2,cvHeight/2); ctx.lineWidth = cvLineWidth; ctx.globalAlpha = cvAlpha; ctx.lineCap = 'round'; //ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'overlay'; } function getMousePosition(e) { handleMouseMove(e.pageX,e.pageY); } function getTouchPosition(e) { handleMouseMove(e.targetTouches[0].e,targetTouches[0].pageY); } var currentX = 0,currentY = 0; var xx=0, yy=0; function handleMouseMove(x,y){ xx = (x-cvWidth/2); yy = (y-cvHeight/2); } var segments = []; function Segment(num){ this.num = num; = colorsRGB[num][0]; = colorsRGB[num][1]; this.cb = colorsRGB[num][2]; = colorsHSL[num][0]; this.cs = colorsHSL[num][1]; = colorsHSL[num][2]; this.color = 'rgb('','','+this.cb+')'; } var rotCount = 0; var cnt = 0; var deg2Rad = Math.PI/180; var angleOffset = 0; var currentMainColor = 0; Segment.prototype.update = function(){ var value = this.num - currentMainColor; if(value < 0){ value = colors.length + value; } ctx.lineWidth = 10 + 20*perc; ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsl('','+this.cs*(1-colorPerc)+'%,''%)'; radius = (cvWidth+value*100)/9*perc; outerRadius = outerRadiusGrow+radius; var i = 0; while(i<segmentsPerIteration){ var angle = 360*i/(segmentsPerIteration); angle += (this.num*10)+angleOffset/2; var degAngle = angle*deg2Rad; var sinAngle = Math.sin(degAngle); var cosAngle = Math.cos(degAngle); var outerAngle = (angle)*deg2Rad; var sinOuter = Math.sin(outerAngle); var cosOuter = Math.cos(outerAngle); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(xMouse+radius*sinAngle,yMouse+radius*cosAngle); ctx.lineTo(xMouse+(outerRadius)*sinOuter,yMouse+(outerRadius)*cosOuter); ctx.stroke(); i+=1; } }; var i; function createSegments(){ var i; for(i=0;i<totalSegments;i+=1){ segments.push(new Segment(i)); } } var colors = ['#B9D22F','#EE7B1F','#D12233','#00AAEA','#DD599F']; var colorsRGB = [[185,210,47],[238,123,31],[209,34,51],[0,170,234],[221,89,159]]; var colorsHSL = [[69,64.4,50.4],[27,85.9,52.7],[354,72,47.6],[196,100,45.9],[328,66,60.8]]; var growFlag = true; var totalSegments = colors.length; createSegments(); var factor = 20; function update(){ xMouse += (xx - xMouse)/factor; yMouse += (yy - yMouse)/factor; for(i=0;i<totalSegments;i+=1){ segments[(i+currentMainColor)%totalSegments].update(); } angleOffset += angleOffsetIncrement; var currentTime =; if(!growFlag){ perc = 1 - easingOutFn('',currentTime - startTime,0,1,radiusDuration); colorPerc = 1 - colorEasingOutFn('',currentTime - startTime,0,1,radiusDuration); }else{ perc = easingFn('',currentTime - startTime,0,1,radiusDuration); colorPerc = colorEasingFn('',currentTime - startTime,0,1,radiusDuration); } if(currentTime - startTime > radiusDuration){ startTime = currentTime + (currentTime - startTime) - radiusDuration; growFlag = !growFlag; if(growFlag){ currentMainColor += 1; if(currentMainColor >= colors.length){ currentMainColor = 0; } } } requestAnimationFrame(update); } var getEasingCurve = (function(){ var easingFunctions = {}; return function(aa,bb,cc,dd,encodedFuncName) { if(!encodedFuncName){ encodedFuncName = ('bez_' + aa+'_'+bb+'_'+cc+'_'+dd).replace(/\./g, 'p'); } if(easingFunctions[encodedFuncName]){ return easingFunctions[encodedFuncName]; } var A0, B0, C0; var A1, B1, C1; easingFunctions[encodedFuncName] = function(x, t, b, c, d) { var tt = t/d; x = tt; var i = 0, z; while (++i < 14) { C0 = 3 * aa; B0 = 3 * (cc - aa) - C0; A0 = 1 - C0 - B0; z = (x * (C0 + x * (B0 + x * A0))) - tt; if (Math.abs(z) < 1e-3) break; x -= z / (C0 + x * (2 * B0 + 3 * A0 * x)); } C1 = 3 * bb; B1 = 3 * (dd - bb) - C1; A1 = 1 - C1 - B1; var polyB = x * (C1 + x * (B1 + x * A1)); return c * polyB + b; }; return easingFunctions[encodedFuncName]; } }()); var easingFn = getEasingCurve(easingValues[0],easingValues[1],easingValues[2],easingValues[3]); var easingOutFn = getEasingCurve(easingOutValues[0],easingOutValues[1],easingOutValues[2],easingOutValues[3]); var colorEasingFn = getEasingCurve(colorEasingValues[0],colorEasingValues[1],colorEasingValues[2],colorEasingValues[3]); var colorEasingOutFn = getEasingCurve(colorEasingOutValues[0],colorEasingOutValues[1],colorEasingOutValues[2],colorEasingOutValues[3]); var startTime =; update(); resize(); cv.onmousemove = getMousePosition; cv.ontouchmove = getTouchPosition; window.onresize = resize;
Curved warp - Script Codes
Curved warp - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Kittons
Username airnan
Uploaded September 09, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 3,581 Kb
Views 28,336
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