D3.js with CSS sprites

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How do I make an d3.js with css sprites?

This graph shows the growth of Brazil's tax burden over the years. What is a d3.js with css sprites? How do you make a d3.js with css sprites? This script and codes were developed by Rafael Abensur on 12 September 2022, Monday.

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D3.js with CSS sprites - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>D3.js with CSS sprites</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/5.0.0/normalize.min.css"> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='css/9a5ecf2380448bc1a0825a3cb.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="tax-burden"> <h2 class="tax-burden__title">Gr&aacute;fico interativo: carga tribut&aacute;ria entre 1947 e 2014</h2> <div class="tax-burden__info"> <div class="tax-burden__thumbnail jd" id="thumbnail"> <span class="tax-burden__year" id="year">2014</span> </div> <div class="tax-burden__info-aside"> <div class="tax-burden__name"><span id="name">Em&iacute;lio Garrastazu M&eacute;dici</span></div> <div class="tax-burden__percentage"> <span class="tax-burden__percentage-number" id="percentage">0%</span> do PIB </div> </div> </div> <div class="tax-burden__svg-wrapper" id="taxBurden"></div> <span class="tax-burden__caption">Deslize o cursor pela linha do gr&aacute;fico para navegar pelos dados.</span>
<pre class="tax-burden__data" id="data">
1947,13.8,&quot;Eurico Gaspar Dutra&quot;,ed
1948,14,&quot;Eurico Gaspar Dutra&quot;,ed
1949,14.4,&quot;Eurico Gaspar Dutra&quot;,ed
1950,14.4,&quot;Eurico Gaspar Dutra&quot;,ed
1951,15.7,&quot;Get&uacute;lio Vargas&quot;,gv
1952,15.4,&quot;Get&uacute;lio Vargas&quot;,gv
1953,15.2,&quot;Get&uacute;lio Vargas&quot;,gv
1954,15.8,&quot;Get&uacute;lio Vargas&quot;,gv
1955,15.1,&quot;Nereu Ramos&quot;,nr
1956,16.4,&quot;Juscelino Kubitschek&quot;,jk
1957,16.7,&quot;Juscelino Kubitschek&quot;,jk
1958,18.7,&quot;Juscelino Kubitschek&quot;,jk
1959,17.9,&quot;Juscelino Kubitschek&quot;,jk
1960,17.4,&quot;Juscelino Kubitschek&quot;,jk
1961,16.4,&quot;J&acirc;nio Quadros&quot;,jq
1962,15.8,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Goulart&quot;,jg
1963,16.1,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Goulart&quot;,jg
1964,17,&quot;Humberto Castelo Branco&quot;,hcb
1965,18.8,&quot;Humberto Castelo Branco&quot;,hcb
1966,20.6,&quot;Humberto Castelo Branco&quot;,hcb
1967,20.2,&quot;Artur da Costa e Silva&quot;,acs
1968,23,&quot;Artur da Costa e Silva&quot;,acs
1969,24.6,&quot;Artur da Costa e Silva&quot;,acs
1970,26,&quot;Em&iacute;lio Garrastazu M&eacute;dici&quot;,egm
1971,25.3,&quot;Em&iacute;lio Garrastazu M&eacute;dici&quot;,egm
1972,26,&quot;Em&iacute;lio Garrastazu M&eacute;dici&quot;,egm
1973,25.1,&quot;Em&iacute;lio Garrastazu M&eacute;dici&quot;,egm
1974,25.1,&quot;Em&iacute;lio Garrastazu M&eacute;dici&quot;,egm
1975,25.2,&quot;Ernesto Geisel&quot;,eg
1976,25.1,&quot;Ernesto Geisel&quot;,eg
1977,25.6,&quot;Ernesto Geisel&quot;,eg
1978,25.7,&quot;Ernesto Geisel&quot;,eg
1979,24.7,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Figueiredo&quot;,jf
1980,24.4,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Figueiredo&quot;,jf
1981,25.1,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Figueiredo&quot;,jf
1982,26.2,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Figueiredo&quot;,jf
1983,26.8,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Figueiredo&quot;,jf
1984,24.2,&quot;Jo&atilde;o Figueiredo&quot;,jf
1985,23.8,&quot;Jos&eacute; Sarney&quot;,js
1986,26.5,&quot;Jos&eacute; Sarney&quot;,js
1987,24.2,&quot;Jos&eacute; Sarney&quot;,js
1988,23.3,&quot;Jos&eacute; Sarney&quot;,js
1989,23.7,&quot;Fernando Collor&quot;,fc
1990,29.6,&quot;Fernando Collor&quot;,fc
1991,24.4,&quot;Fernando Collor&quot;,fc
1992,25,&quot;Fernando Collor&quot;,fc
1993,25.3,&quot;Itamar Franco&quot;,if
1994,27.9,&quot;Itamar Franco&quot;,if
1995,28.4,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
1996,28.6,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
1997,28.6,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
1998,29.3,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
1999,31.1,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
2000,30.4,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
2001,31.9,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
2002,32.4,&quot;Fernando Henrique Cardoso&quot;,fhc
2003,31.9,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2004,32.8,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2005,33.8,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2006,34.1,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2007,34.7,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2008,34.9,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2009,33.7,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2010,33.76,&quot;Luiz In&aacute;cio Lula da Silva&quot;,lils
2011,34.91,&quot;Dilma Rousseff&quot;,dr
2012,34.61,&quot;Dilma Rousseff&quot;,dr
2013,35.04,&quot;Dilma Rousseff&quot;,dr
2014,35.42,&quot;Dilma Rousseff&quot;,dr
</pre> <script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.3/d3.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

D3.js with CSS sprites - Script Codes CSS Codes

.tax-burden { max-width: 768px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; padding: 0 1rem; &__data { display: none !important; } &__title { text-align: center; font-family: $font; font-size: 2rem; } &__info { position: absolute; top: 6.5rem; left: 1rem; width: 25rem; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; } &__thumbnail {	flex: 0 9rem; height: 10rem;	border: 2px solid white; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);	background-image: url(//assets-comparacaodefundos.s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/img/blog/sprite-presidentes.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;	position: relative; } &__info-aside { flex: 1; } &__year { background: $blue;	font-family: $roboto;	font-size: 1.25rem;	color: #fff; padding: 5px 10px;	border-radius: 2px;	position: absolute; bottom: 5px;	left: -2px; } &__name {	font-size: 1.15rem; font-family: $font-medium;	color: $gray-90;	border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; padding: 0.5rem; } &__percentage { padding: 0.5rem; font-size: 1.25rem; font-family: $font; color: $gray-70; } &__percentage-number { color: $blue; font-family: $roboto; font-weight: bold;	font-size: 1.875rem; margin-right: 0.5rem; } &__svg-wrapper { min-height: 300px;
// border: 1px solid $gray-20; } &__caption { display: block; text-align: center; font-size: 1rem; font-family: $roboto; font-style: italic; font-size: 1.25rem; color: $gray-70; margin: 1rem 0; } &__line {	fill: transparent; stroke-width: 1px; } &__overlay {	fill: none; pointer-events: all; } &__focus { display: none; line { stroke: $purple; shape-rendering: crispEdges; } } &__focus-circle { fill: none; stroke: $blue; } &__focus-x, &__focus-y { stroke: #27bdbe; stroke-dasharray: 3 3; opacity: 0.5; } &__axis { path, line { fill: none; stroke: $gray-50; shape-rendering: crispEdges; } text { font-family: $roboto; font-size: 1rem; fill: $gray-90; } }
.hcb { background-position: 0 0; }
.acs { background-position: -90px 0; }
.dr { background-position: -180px 0; }
.eg { background-position: -270px 0; }
.ed { background-position: -360px 0; }
.egm { background-position: -450px 0; }
.fc { background-position: -540px 0; }
.fhc { background-position: -630px 0; }
.gv { background-position: -720px 0; }
.if { background-position: -810px 0; }
.jd { background-position: -900px 0; }
.jg { background-position: -990px 0; }
.jk { background-position: -1080px 0; }
.jq { background-position: -1170px 0; }
.jf { background-position: -1260px 0; }
.js { background-position: -1350px 0; }
.lils { background-position: -1440px 0; }
.nr { background-position: -1530px 0; }

D3.js with CSS sprites - Script Codes JS Codes

var taxBurden = { nodes: { year: document.querySelector('#year'), name: document.querySelector('#name'), thumbnail: document.querySelector('#thumbnail'), percentage: document.querySelector('#percentage'), container: document.querySelector('#taxBurden'), data: document.querySelector('#data') }, config: { w: 0, h: 0, m: 20, x: d3.time.scale().domain([new Date(1947,1,1), new Date(2014,1,1)]), y: d3.scale.linear().domain([13.8, 40]), data: null }, components: { axis: d3.svg.axis().orient("bottom").outerTickSize(0), line: d3.svg.line().interpolate("step-after")	.x(function (d) { return taxBurden.config.x(d.Ano); })	.y(function (d) { return taxBurden.config.y(d.Carga); }) }, formatDate: d3.time.format("%Y"), parseDate: d3.time.format("%Y").parse, bisectDate: d3.bisector(function (d) { return d.Ano; }).left, init: function () { var resizeTimer; window.onresize = function () {	clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(this.update.bind(this), 100);	}.bind(this); this.setMeasures();	this.setData(); this.plot(); }, setData: function () { this.config.data = d3.csv.parse(this.nodes.data.innerHTML); this.config.data.forEach(function(d) {	d.Ano = this.parseDate(d.Ano);	d.Carga = +d.Carga;	d.Presidente = d.Presidente;	d.Classe = d.Classe;	}.bind(this)); }, setMeasures: function () { this.config.w = this.nodes.container.offsetWidth; this.config.h = this.nodes.container.offsetHeight; this.config.x = this.config.x.range([0, this.config.w]); this.config.y = this.config.y.range([this.config.h - this.config.m, 0]); this.components.axis = this.components.axis.scale(this.config.x); }, update: function () { this.setMeasures();	d3.select(this.nodes.container).select('svg') .attr({	width: this.config.w }); d3.select('.tax-burden__axis')	.transition()	.call(this.components.axis); d3.select('.tax-burden__overlay')	.attr({	height: this.config.h,	width: this.config.w }); d3.select('.tax-burden__line') .attr('d', '')	.attr('d', this.components.line); }, plot: function () {	var svg = d3.select(this.nodes.container)	.append('svg')	.attr({ height: this.config.h, width: this.config.w }); svg.append('g') .attr({	class: 'tax-burden__axis',	transform: ['translate(0,', this.config.h - this.config.m ,')'].join('') })	.call(this.components.axis); var linearGradient = svg.append('defs')	.append('linearGradient') .attr('id', 'gradient'); linearGradient .append("stop") .attr("stop-color", "#008000");	linearGradient	.append("stop")	.attr("offset", "100%")	.attr("stop-color", "#c83a22"); var path = svg.append('path')	.datum(this.config.data)	.attr({ class: 'tax-burden__line', d: this.components.line, stroke: 'url(#gradient)' }); var totalLength = path.node().getTotalLength(); path.attr({ 'stroke-dasharray': [totalLength, totalLength].join(','), 'stroke-dashoffset': totalLength }) .transition().duration(3000).ease('linear') .attr('stroke-dashoffset', 0); var focus = svg.append('g')	.attr('class', 'tax-burden__focus'); focus.append('line')	.attr({	class: 'tax-burden__focus-x',	y1: this.config.h - 20,	y2: 0 }); focus.append('circle')	.attr({	class: 'tax-burden__focus-circle',	r: 4 }); svg.append('rect')	.attr({	class: 'tax-burden__overlay',	width: this.config.w,	height: this.config.h })	.on({	mouseover: function() { focus.style('display', 'initial'); },	mouseout: function() { focus.style('display', 'none'); },	mousemove: taxBurden.mousemove }); }, mousemove: function () { var self = taxBurden,	x0 = self.config.x.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0]),	i = self.bisectDate(taxBurden.config.data, x0, 1),	d0 = self.config.data[i - 1],	d1 = self.config.data[i],	d = x0 - d0.Ano > d1.Ano - x0 ? d1 : d0, focus = d3.select('.tax-burden__focus');	focus.select("circle") .attr("transform", ['translate(', self.config.x(d.Ano), ',', self.config.y(d.Carga), ')'].join(''));	focus.select(".tax-burden__focus-x")	.attr({	transform: ['translate(', self.config.x(d.Ano), ',0)'].join(''),	y2: self.config.y(d.Carga) });	focus.select(".tax-burden__focus-y") .attr({	transform: ['translate(0,', self.config.y(d.Carga), ')'].join(''),	x2: self.config.x(d.Ano) }) self.nodes.year.innerHTML = self.formatDate(d.Ano);	self.nodes.name.innerHTML = d.Presidente;	self.nodes.percentage.innerHTML = d.Carga + '%';	self.nodes.thumbnail.className = 'tax-burden__thumbnail '+ d.Classe; }
D3.js with CSS sprites - Script Codes
D3.js with CSS sprites - Script Codes
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Developer Rafael Abensur
Username abensur
Uploaded September 12, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 9,304 Kb
Views 26,312
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Rafael Abensur (abensur) Script Codes
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