Dark Sky Weather App

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How do I make an dark sky weather app?

How to use the Dark Sky API to retrieve a forecast for requested latitude and longitude with a sugar coating of motion to make it fun.. What is a dark sky weather app? How do you make a dark sky weather app? This script and codes were developed by GRAY GHOST on 28 January 2023, Saturday.

Dark Sky Weather App Previews

Dark Sky Weather App - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Dark Sky Weather App - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Dark Sky Weather App - Script Codes JS Codes

// =================================================
// Stagger Fade-In
// =================================================
function staggerFade() {	setTimeout(function() {	$('.fadein-stagger > *').each(function() {	$(this).addClass('js-animated');	})	}, 30);
// =================================================
// Skycons
// =================================================
function skycons() {	var i,	icons = new Skycons({	"color" : "#FFFFFF",	"resizeClear": true	}),	list = [	"clear-day",	"clear-night",	"partly-cloudy-day",	"partly-cloudy-night",	"cloudy",	"rain",	"sleet",	"snow",	"wind",	"fog"	];	for(i = list.length; i--;) {	var weatherType = list[i],	elements = document.getElementsByClassName( weatherType );	for (e = elements.length; e--;) {	icons.set(elements[e], weatherType);	}	}	icons.play();
// =================================================
// Temperature Converter
// =================================================
function fToC(fahrenheit) {	var fTemp = fahrenheit,	fToCel = (fTemp - 32) * 5 / 9;	return fToCel;
// =================================================
// Weather Reporter
// =================================================
function weatherReport(latitude, longitude) {	// Please don't be a dick and steal this API key since	// I'm sharing example code in the spirit of education.	var apiKey = '90102bf0cdb247ff47fce774ef05fbe9',	url = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/',	lati = latitude,	longi = longitude,	api_call = url + apiKey + "/" + lati + "," + longi + "?extend=hourly&callback=?";	var days = [	'Sunday',	'Monday',	'Tuesday',	'Wednesday',	'Thursday',	'Friday',	'Saturday'	];	// hold hourly values for each day of the week	var sunday = [],	monday = [],	tuesday = [],	wednesday = [],	thursday = [],	friday = [],	saturday = [];	var isCelsiusChecked = $('#celsius:checked').length > 0;	function hourlyReport(day, selector) {	for(var i = 0, l = day.length; i < l; i++) {	$("." + selector + " " + "ul").append('<li>' + Math.round(day[i]) + '</li>');	}	}	$.getJSON(api_call, function(forecast) {	for(var j = 0, k = forecast.hourly.data.length; j < k; j++) {	var hourly_date = new Date(forecast.hourly.data[j].time * 1000),	hourly_day = days[hourly_date.getDay()],	hourly_skicons = forecast.hourly.data[j].icon,	hourly_time = forecast.hourly.data[j].time,	hourly_temp = forecast.hourly.data[j].temperature;	if(isCelsiusChecked) {	hourly_temp = fToC(hourly_temp);	hourly_temp = Math.round((hourly_temp));	}	switch(hourly_day) {	case 'Sunday':	sunday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	case 'Monday':	monday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	case 'Tuesday':	tuesday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	case 'Wednesday':	wednesday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	case 'Thursday':	thursday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	case 'Friday':	friday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	case 'Saturday':	saturday.push(hourly_temp);	break;	default: console.log(hourly_date.toLocaleTimeString());	break;	}	}	for(var i = 0, l = forecast.daily.data.length; i < l - 1; i++) {	var date = new Date(forecast.daily.data[i].time * 1000),	day = days[date.getDay()],	skicons = forecast.daily.data[i].icon,	time = forecast.daily.data[i].time,	humidity = forecast.daily.data[i].humidity,	summary = forecast.daily.data[i].summary,	temp = Math.round(forecast.hourly.data[i].temperature),	tempMax = Math.round(forecast.daily.data[i].temperatureMax);	if(isCelsiusChecked) {	temp = fToC(temp);	tempMax = fToC(tempMax);	temp = Math.round(temp);	tempMax = Math.round(tempMax);	}	$("#forecast").append(	'<li class="shade-'+ skicons +'"><div class="flip-container"><div class="flipper"><div class="front card"><div>' +	"<div class='graphic'><canvas class=" + skicons + "></canvas></div>" +	"<div><b>Day</b>: " + date.toLocaleDateString() + "</div>" +	"<div><b>Temperature</b>: " + temp + "</div>" +	"<div><b>Max Temp.</b>: " + tempMax + "</div>" +	"<div><b>Humidity</b>: " + humidity + "</div>" +	'<p class="summary">' + summary + '</p>' +	'</div></div><div class="back card">' +	'<div class="hourly' + ' ' + day + '"><b>24hr Forecast</b><ul class="list-reset"></ul></div></div></div></div></li>'	);	switch(day) {	case 'Sunday':	hourlyReport(sunday, days[0]);	break;	case 'Monday':	hourlyReport(monday, days[1]);	break;	case 'Tuesday':	hourlyReport(tuesday, days[2]);	break;	case 'Wednesday':	hourlyReport(wednesday, days[3]);	break;	case 'Thursday':	hourlyReport(thursday, days[4]);	break;	case 'Friday':	hourlyReport(friday, days[5]);	break;	case 'Saturday':	hourlyReport(saturday, days[6]);	break;	}	}	skycons();	staggerFade();	});
// =================================================
// Get Weather Button Event
// =================================================
$('button').on('click', function(e) {	var lat = $('#latitude').val(),	long = $('#longitude').val(),	city_name = $('#city-search').val()	if(lat && long !== '') {	e.preventDefault();	$('.app').fadeOut(100, function() {	$('body').append('<button id="back">New Forecast</button><h3 class="city">' + city_name + '</h3><ul class="list-reset fadein-stagger" id="forecast"></ul>');	weatherReport(lat, long);	});	}
$('body').on('click', '#back', function() {	window.location.reload(true);	$(this).fadeOut(100);
// =================================================
// Report City & AutoFill Coords
// =================================================
// Please don't be a dick and steal this API key since
// I'm sharing example code in the spirit of education.
function insertGoogleScript() {	var google_api = document.createElement('script');	google_api.src = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyDvTrJlRYQjtX5-sBdU-EcZak63XzCKkpw&callback=initGoogleAPI&libraries=places,geometry";	document.body.appendChild(google_api);
function initGoogleAPI() {	var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.SearchBox(document.querySelector("#city-search"));	autocomplete.addListener('places_changed', function() {	var place = autocomplete.getPlaces()[0];	document.querySelector("#latitude").value = place.geometry.location.lat();	document.querySelector("#longitude").value = place.geometry.location.lng();	});
Dark Sky Weather App - Script Codes
Dark Sky Weather App - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer GRAY GHOST
Username grayghostvisuals
Uploaded January 28, 2023
Rating 3
Size 12,458 Kb
Views 6,072
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GRAY GHOST (grayghostvisuals) Script Codes
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