DataTables fixed header

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How do I make an datatables fixed header?

Example of the fixed header extension and a demo of all elements (buttons, filter, info and length) on the same line.. What is a datatables fixed header? How do you make a datatables fixed header? This script and codes were developed by Dirk Drijkoningen on 19 January 2023, Thursday.

DataTables fixed header Previews

DataTables fixed header - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <a class="btn btn-success" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" href="" target="_blank">Other examples on Codepen</a>
<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">	<thead>	<tr>	<th>Order</th>	<th>Description</th>	<th>Deadline</th>	<th>Status</th>	<th>Amount</th>	</tr>	</thead>	<tbody>	<tr>	<td>1</td>	<td>Alphabet puzzle</td>	<td>2016/01/15</td>	<td>Done</td>	<td data-order="1000">€1.000,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>2</td>	<td>Layout for poster</td>	<td>2016/01/31</td>	<td>Planned</td>	<td data-order="1834">€1.834,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>3</td>	<td>Image creation</td>	<td>2016/01/23</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="1500">€1.500,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>4</td>	<td>Create font</td>	<td>2016/02/26</td>	<td>Done</td>	<td data-order="1200">€1.200,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>5</td>	<td>Sticker production</td>	<td>2016/02/18</td>	<td>Planned</td>	<td data-order="2100">€2.100,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>6</td>	<td>Glossy poster</td>	<td>2016/03/17</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="899">€899,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>7</td>	<td>Beer label</td>	<td>2016/05/28</td>	<td>Confirmed</td>	<td data-order="2499">€2.499,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>8</td>	<td>Shop sign</td>	<td>2016/04/19</td>	<td>Offer</td>	<td data-order="1099">€1.099,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>9</td>	<td>X-Mas decoration</td>	<td>2016/10/31</td>	<td>Confirmed</td>	<td data-order="1750">€1.750,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>10</td>	<td>Halloween invite</td>	<td>2016/09/12</td>	<td>Planned</td>	<td data-order="400">€400,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>11</td>	<td>Wedding announcement</td>	<td>2016/07/09</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="299">€299,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>12</td>	<td>Member pasport</td>	<td>2016/06/22</td>	<td>Offer</td>	<td data-order="149">€149,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>13</td>	<td>Drink tickets</td>	<td>2016/11/01</td>	<td>Confirmed</td>	<td data-order="199">€199,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>14</td>	<td>Album cover</td>	<td>2017/03/15</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="4999">€4.999,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>15</td>	<td>Shipment box</td>	<td>2017/02/08</td>	<td>Offer</td>	<td data-order="1399">€1.399,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>16</td>	<td>Wooden puzzle</td>	<td>2017/01/11</td>	<td>Done</td>	<td data-order="1000">€1.000,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>17</td>	<td>Fashion Layout</td>	<td>2016/01/30</td>	<td>Planned</td>	<td data-order="1834">€1.834,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>18</td>	<td>Toy creation</td>	<td>2016/01/10</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="1550">€1.550,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>19</td>	<td>Create stamps</td>	<td>2016/02/26</td>	<td>Done</td>	<td data-order="1220">€1.220,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>20</td>	<td>Sticker design</td>	<td>2017/02/18</td>	<td>Planned</td>	<td data-order="2100">€2.100,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>21</td>	<td>Poster rock concert</td>	<td>2017/04/17</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="899">€899,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>22</td>	<td>Wine label</td>	<td>2017/05/28</td>	<td>Confirmed</td>	<td data-order="2799">€2.799,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>23</td>	<td>Shopping bag</td>	<td>2017/04/19</td>	<td>Offer</td>	<td data-order="1299">€1.299,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>24</td>	<td>Decoration for Easter</td>	<td>2017/10/31</td>	<td>Confirmed</td>	<td data-order="1650">€1.650,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>25</td>	<td>Saint Nicolas colorbook</td>	<td>2017/09/12</td>	<td>Planned</td>	<td data-order="510">€510,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>26</td>	<td>Wedding invites</td>	<td>2017/07/09</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="399">€399,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>27</td>	<td>Member pasport</td>	<td>2017/06/22</td>	<td>Offer</td>	<td data-order="249">€249,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>28</td>	<td>Drink tickets</td>	<td>2017/11/01</td>	<td>Confirmed</td>	<td data-order="199">€199,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>29</td>	<td>Blue-Ray cover</td>	<td>2018/03/15</td>	<td>To Do</td>	<td data-order="1999">€1.999,00</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>30</td>	<td>TV carton</td>	<td>2019/02/08</td>	<td>Offer</td>	<td data-order="1369">€1.369,00</td>	</tr>	</tbody>
</table> <script src=''></script>
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DataTables fixed header - Script Codes CSS Codes

body {	margin:2em 3em;
.dt-buttons {	margin-bottom: 10px;
.dt-buttons.btn-group{	float: left;	margin-right: 2%;
.dataTables_filter {	float: left;	margin-top: 4px;	margin-right: 2%;	text-align: left;
.dataTables_info {	float: right;
.dataTables_length{	float: right;	margin-top: 4px;	margin-left: 2%;

DataTables fixed header - Script Codes JS Codes

$(document).ready(function() {	//Only needed for the filename of export files.	//Normally set in the title tag of your page.	document.title='Simple DataTable';	// DataTable initialisation	$('#example').DataTable(	{	"dom": '<"dt-buttons"Bfli>rtp',	"paging": false,	"autoWidth": true,	"fixedHeader": true,	"buttons": [	'colvis',	'copyHtml5', 'csvHtml5',	'excelHtml5', 'pdfHtml5',	'print'	]	}	);
DataTables fixed header - Script Codes
DataTables fixed header - Script Codes
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Developer Dirk Drijkoningen
Username RedJokingInn
Uploaded January 19, 2023
Rating 3
Size 3,218 Kb
Views 10,120
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