Day 77 - Choose Category

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How do I make an day 77 - choose category?

Implementation of Day 77 design from @npaulflavius' 100 Days UI Challenge. What is a day 77 - choose category? How do you make a day 77 - choose category? This script and codes were developed by Arnelle Balane on 29 September 2022, Thursday.

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Day 77 - Choose Category - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Day 77 - Choose Category</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<div class="card"> <div class="card__content"> <h1 class="card__title">Choose categories</h1> <div class="categories-container"> <button class="categories__scroll categories__scroll--left hidden"></button> <button class="categories__scroll categories__scroll--right hidden"></button> <ul class="categories"> <li class="category"><a class="category__link" href="#"><img class="category__image" src="" alt="Bar"/><span class="category__name">Bar</span></a></li> <li class="category"><a class="category__link" href="#"><img class="category__image" src="" alt="Fashion"/><span class="category__name">Fashion</span></a></li> <li class="category"><a class="category__link" href="#"><img class="category__image" src="" alt="Cars"/><span class="category__name">Cars</span></a></li> <li class="category"><a class="category__link" href="#"><img class="category__image" src="" alt="Plants &amp; Nature"/><span class="category__name">Plants & Nature</span></a></li> <li class="category"><a class="category__link" href="#"><img class="category__image" src="" alt="Food"/><span class="category__name">Food</span></a></li> <li class="category"><a class="category__link" href="#"><img class="category__image" src="" alt="Traveling"/><span class="category__name">Traveling</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="infobox"> <p class="selected-count"></p> <p class="selected-names"></p> </div> </div> <footer class="card__footer"> <ul class="card__steps"> <li class="card__steps__item card__steps__item--current">1</li> <li class="card__steps__item">2</li> <li class="card__steps__item">3</li> <li class="card__steps__item">4</li> </ul> <button class="card__button card__button--disabled">Skip</button> <button class="card__button">Next</button> </footer>
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Day 77 - Choose Category - Script Codes CSS Codes

/** Mixin definitions **/
/** Base styles **/
*::after { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box;
html { font-size: 62.5%;
body { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; height: 100vh; font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 1.4rem; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1; color: #333; background: url("") center center no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-size: cover;
button { font: inherit; color: inherit; cursor: pointer;
ul { list-style: none;
.hidden { display: none !important;
/** Card styles **/
.card { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; width: 63rem; min-height: 54rem; max-width: 90vw; border-radius: 5px; background-color: #1f1e22; box-shadow: 0 2.5rem 15rem rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
.card__content { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; -ms-flex-pack: distribute; justify-content: space-around; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-flex: 1; -ms-flex-positive: 1; flex-grow: 1;
.card__title { font-size: 3rem; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; color: #fff; margin-top: 4rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
.categories-container { position: relative;
.categories { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; max-width: 90vw; overflow: hidden;
.categories__scroll { -ms-flex-negative: 0; flex-shrink: 0; width: 3rem; height: 3rem; border: none; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 1.5rem); z-index: 2; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #19ba30; outline: none; -webkit-transition: background-color 250ms ease; transition: background-color 250ms ease;
.categories__scroll:focus { background-color: #1bcc35;
.categories__scroll::before { content: ""; width: 1rem; height: 1rem; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 0.5rem); left: calc(50% - 0.5rem); border-top: 2px solid #fff; border-left: 2px solid #fff;
.categories__scroll--left { left: -1.5rem;
.categories__scroll--left::before { -webkit-transform: translateX(2px) rotate(-45deg); transform: translateX(2px) rotate(-45deg);
.categories__scroll--right { right: -1.5rem;
.categories__scroll--right::before { -webkit-transform: translateX(-2px) rotate(135deg); transform: translateX(-2px) rotate(135deg);
.category { -ms-flex-negative: 0; flex-shrink: 0; width: 20rem; height: 20rem; margin: 0 0.5rem; position: relative;
.category:first-child { margin-left: 0;
.category:last-child { margin-right: 0;
.category::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; border: 3px solid transparent; border-radius: 3px; pointer-events: none; -webkit-transition: border-color 150ms ease; transition: border-color 150ms ease;
.category--selected::before { border-color: #19ba30;
.category__link { display: block; height: 100%; position: relative; border-radius: 3px; overflow: hidden;
.category__image { width: 100%;
.category__name { position: absolute; top: auto; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; padding: 2rem; color: #707070; background-color: #fff;
.category__name::before { content: ""; width: 1.4rem; height: 0.8rem; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 0.4rem); right: 2rem; border-left: 3px solid #19ba30; border-bottom: 3px solid #19ba30; -webkit-transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-45deg) scale(0); transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-45deg) scale(0); -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.54, 1.75); transition: -webkit-transform 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.54, 1.75); transition: transform 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.54, 1.75); transition: transform 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.54, 1.75), -webkit-transform 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.54, 1.75);
.category--selected .category__name { color: #333;
.category--selected .category__name::before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-45deg) scale(1); transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-45deg) scale(1);
.infobox { text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1rem;
.infobox p { line-height: 1.2;
.infobox p:first-child { color: #fff; opacity: 0.3;
.infobox p:last-child { color: #34c044;
.card__footer { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; padding: 0 3rem; height: 10rem; border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; background-color: #fff;
.card__steps { display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; margin-right: auto; position: relative;
.card__steps__item { width: 4rem; height: 4rem; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 2rem); left: 0; font-size: 0; text-align: center; line-height: 4rem; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #707070;
.card__steps__item:nth-child(2) { left: 1.2rem; opacity: 0.8; -webkit-transform: scale(0.8); transform: scale(0.8);
.card__steps__item:nth-child(3) { left: 2.4rem; opacity: 0.5; -webkit-transform: scale(0.6); transform: scale(0.6);
.card__steps__item:nth-child(4) { left: 3.6rem; opacity: 0.2; -webkit-transform: scale(0.4); transform: scale(0.4);
.card__steps__item--current { z-index: 1; font-size: 1.6rem; background-color: #19ba30; opacity: 1;
.card__button { display: block; padding: 1.5rem 2.5rem; border: none; background-color: transparent;
.card__button--disabled { color: #999;
@media all and (max-width: 600px) { body { -webkit-box-align: start; -ms-flex-align: start; align-items: flex-start; } .card { margin: 2rem; } .card__content { -webkit-box-align: stretch; -ms-flex-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; } .card__title { margin-bottom: 3rem; } .categories { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; padding: 0 1rem; } .categories__scroll { display: none !important; } .category { width: 100%; height: auto; margin: 0.5rem 0; } .infobox { margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; }

Day 77 - Choose Category - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var $infobox = $('.infobox');
var $infoboxCount = $infobox.find('.selected-count');
var $infoboxNames = $infobox.find('.selected-names');
var $categories = $('.categories');
var $scrollButtons = $('.categories__scroll');
$(document).on('click', '.category__link', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); selectCategory($(this).closest('.category'));
$(window).on('resize', adjustCategoriesContainer);
$scrollButtons.on('click', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('categories__scroll--left')) { scrollCategoriesContainer(-1); } else { scrollCategoriesContainer(1); }
function selectCategory($category) { $category.toggleClass('category--selected'); updateInfobox();
function updateInfobox() { var $selectedCategories = $('.category--selected'); var selectedCount = $selectedCategories.length; var selectedCategories = []; $selectedCategories.each(function () { var name = $(this).find('.category__name').text(); selectedCategories.push(name); }); var totalCategories = $('.category').length; $infoboxCount.text(selectedCount + ' / ' + totalCategories + ' selected'); $infoboxNames.html(selectedCategories.join(' / ') || '&nbsp;');
function adjustCategoriesContainer() { var containerWidth = $categories.width(); var contentWidth = $categories[0].scrollWidth; if (containerWidth < contentWidth) { $scrollButtons.removeClass('hidden'); } else { $scrollButtons.addClass('hidden'); }
function scrollCategoriesContainer(direction) { var offset = $('.category').first().width() * direction; var scrollLeft = $categories.scrollLeft() + offset; $categories.animate({ scrollLeft: scrollLeft }, 250);
Day 77 - Choose Category - Script Codes
Day 77 - Choose Category - Script Codes
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Developer Arnelle Balane
Username arnellebalane
Uploaded September 29, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 7,442 Kb
Views 10,120
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Arnelle Balane (arnellebalane) Script Codes
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