Design System for OCC

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How do I make an design system for occ?

What is a design system for occ? How do you make a design system for occ? This script and codes were developed by Vanessa Vevoda on 12 September 2022, Monday.

Design System for OCC Previews

Design System for OCC - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<!-- SECTION -->	<section class="system-palettes">	<header class="primary">	<h1 class="section-title">Web Color Palette</h1>	<h2>Primary Colors</h2>	</header>	<header>	<h3>OCC Greens</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-color">	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color dark-green"></div>	<ul>	<li>Dark Green</li>	<li>#64f8e1e</li>	<li>rgba(79, 142, 30, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color green"></div>	<ul>	<li>Light Green</li>	<li>#69be28</li>	<li>rgba(105, 190, 40, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color other-green"></div>	<ul>	<li>Other Green</li>	<li>#87bd3c</li>	<li>rgba(135, 189, 60, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color yet-another-green"></div>	<ul>	<li>Yet Another Green</li>	<li>#b0d236</li>	<li>rgba(176, 210, 54, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	<header>	<h3>OCC Reds</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-color">	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color dark-red"></div>	<ul>	<li>Dark Red</li>	<li>#b82121</li>	<li>rgba(184, 33, 33, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color banner-red"></div>	<ul>	<li>Banner Red</li>	<li>#d92727</li>	<li>rgba(217, 39, 39, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	<header>	<h3>Secondary Colors: Jewel Tones</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-color">	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color red"></div>	<ul>	<li>Red</li>	<li>#be1d2c</li>	<li>rgba(190, 29, 44, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color orange"></div>	<ul>	<li>Orange</li>	<li>#e64a19</li>	<li>rgba(230, 74, 25, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color yellow"></div>	<ul>	<li>Yellow</li>	<li>#ffab00</li>	<li>rgba(255, 171, 0, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color purple"></div>	<ul>	<li>Purple</li>	<li>#512da8</li>	<li>rgba(81, 45, 168, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color blue"></div>	<ul>	<li>Blue</li>	<li>#1565c0</li>	<li>rgba(21, 101, 192, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color light-gray"></div>	<ul>	<li>Light Gray</li>	<li>#bababa</li>	<li>rgba(186, 186, 186, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div class="system-occ--color dark-gray"></div>	<ul>	<li>Dark Gray</li>	<li>#878787</li>	<li>rgba(135, 135, 135, 1)</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	</section>
<!-- SECTION -->	<section class="system-palettes">	<header class="primary">	<h1 class="section-title">Color Application</h1>	<h2>Interactive Elements</h2>	</header>	<header>	<h3>Buttons</h3>	</header>	<article>	<div>	<div>	<button class="system-occ--color system-occ--primary-btn green">	Primary CTA	</button>	</div>	<ul>	<li>Green Primary CTA HTML</li>	<li><pre><code>&lt;button class="system-occ--color system-occ--primary-btn green"&gt;Green Primary CTA&lt;/button&gt</code></pre></li>	<li>.system-occ--color</li>	<li>.system-occ--primary-btn</li>	<li>.green</li>	</ul>	<ul>	<li>Primary CTA CSS</li>	<li>#69be28</li>	<li>rgba(105, 190, 40, 1)</li>	<li>border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);</li>	<li>border-radius: 2px 2px;</li>	<li>box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);</li>	<li>color: #fff;</li>	<li>display: block;</li>	<li>font-size: 1rem;</li>	<li>font-weight: bold;</li>	<li>line-height: 1;</li>	<li>text-align: center;</li>	<li>text-transform: uppercase;</li>	<li>text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);</li>	<li>margin: 20px</li>	<li>padding: 15px 40px</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div>	<button class="system-occ--color system-occ--primary-btn banner-red">	Primary CTA	</button>	</div>	<ul>	<li>Red Primary CTA HTML</li>	<li><pre><code>&lt;button class="system-occ--color system-occ--primary-btn banner-red"&gt;Red Primary CTA&lt;/button&gt</code></pre></li>	<li>.system-occ--color</li>	<li>.system-occ--primary-btn</li>	<li>.banner-redy</li>	</ul>	<ul>	<li>Primary CTA CSS</li>	<li>#d92727</li>	<li>rgba(217, 39, 39, 1)</li>	<li>border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);</li>	<li>border-radius: 2px 2px;</li>	<li>box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);</li>	<li>color: #fff;</li>	<li>display: block;</li>	<li>font-size: 1rem;</li>	<li>font-weight: bold;</li>	<li>line-height: 1;</li>	<li>text-align: center;</li>	<li>text-transform: uppercase;</li>	<li>text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);</li>	<li>margin: 20px</li>	<li>padding: 15px 40px</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<div>	<button class="system-occ--color system-occ--secondary-btn light-gray">	Secondary CTA	</button>	</div>	<ul>	<li>Secondary CTA HTML</li>	<li><pre><code>&lt;button class="system-occ--color system-occ--secondary-btn light-gray"&gt;Secondary CTA&lt;/button&gt</code></pre></li>	<li>.system-occ--color</li>	<li>.system-occ--secondary-btn</li>	<li>.light-gray</li>	</ul>	<ul>	<li>Secondary CTA CSS</li>	<li>#bababa</li>	<li>rgba(79, 142, 30, 1)</li>	<li>background-color: #bababa;</li>	<li>border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);</li>	<li>border-radius: 2px 2px;</li>	<li>box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);</li>	<li>color: #fff;</li>	<li>display: block;</li>	<li>font-size: 1rem;</li>	<li>font-weight: bold;</li>	<li>line-height: 1;</li>	<li>text-align: center;</li>	<li>text-transform: uppercase;</li>	<li>text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);</li>	<li>padding: 15px 40px;</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	</section>
<!-- SECTION -->	<section class="system-container--content">	<header class="primary">	<h1 class="section-title">Containers: Copy</h1>	<h2>Article Hierarchy</h2>	</header>	<header>	<h3>Headings</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-container--copy headings">	<div>	<ul>	<li>Global Heading Properties</li>	<li>color: #333333;</li>	<li>font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive;</li>	<li>margin: 0 0 0.25em 0;</li>	<li>font-weight: inherit;</li>	<li>line-height: 1.2;</li>	<li>vertical-align: baseline;</li>	<li>-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;</li>	<li>-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<ul>	<li>Global Heading Properties</li>	<li>color: #333333;</li>	<li>font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive;</li>	<li>margin: 0 0 0.25em 0;</li>	<li>font-weight: inherit;</li>	<li>line-height: 1.2;</li>	<li>vertical-align: baseline;</li>	<li>-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;</li>	<li>-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	<article class="system-container--copy headings">	<div>	<header>	<h1>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h1>	</header>	<ul>	<li>H1 Heading</li>	<li>margin-top: 0;</li>	<li>font-size: 3.157rem;</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<header>	<h2>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h2>	</header>	<ul>	<li>H2 Heading</li>	<li>font-size: 2.369rem;</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<header>	<h3>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h3>	</header>	<ul>	<li>H3 Heading</li>	<li>font-size: 1.777rem;</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<header>	<h4>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h4>	</header>	<ul>	<li>H4 Heading</li>	<li>color: #666;</li>	<li>font-family: 'Open Sans', "Helvetica", sans-serif;</li>	<li>font-size: 1.333rem;</li>	<li>font-size: 1.333rem;</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div>	<header>	<h5>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h5>	</header>	<ul>	<li>H5 Heading</li>	<li>font-size: 0.83rem;</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	<header>	<h3>Body Copy Components</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-container--copy article-layout">	<div>	<section>	<p>The wonderful world of a dog named River. He is treated like a prince by everyone he meets. He is admired by all the passers-by at the local park. Yet, it affects him not. He is content being outside in the sun and among the other creatures of the world. He has little concern for the comings and goings of others, although he takes the time to investigate every person, stroller, bike and dog that crosses his path. Oh! But do not touch him or try to pet his soft coat, for he will flee if you get too close!</p>	<p>The wonderful world of a dog named River. He is treated like a prince by everyone he meets. He is admired by all the passers-by at the local park. Yet, it affects him not. He is content being outside in the sun and among the other creatures of the world. He has little concern for the comings and goings of others, although he takes the time to investigate every person, stroller, bike and dog that crosses his path. Oh! But do not touch him or try to pet his soft coat, for he will flee if you get too close!</p>	</section>	<ul>	<li>Paragraph Body Copy</li>	<li>color: #333333;</li>	<li>font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;</li>	<li>font-size: 1rem;</li>	<li>font-weight: 400;</li>	<li>line-height: 1.5;</li>	<li>margin: 24px 0;</li>	</ul>	</div>	<div class="special-char-container">	<section>	<blockquote><svg id="special-char-LquoTop" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 22.02 15.31"><defs><clipPath id="clip-path" transform="translate(-4.08 -7.64)"><path d="M12.93,9.53a1.89,1.89,0,0,0-1.18-.36q-1.54,0-3.53,2.29a7.56,7.56,0,0,0-2.13,4.9,4.35,4.35,0,0,0,1,2.87,3.22,3.22,0,0,0,2.61,1.2,3.19,3.19,0,0,0,2.22-.78,2.63,2.63,0,0,0,.86-2.05,3.74,3.74,0,0,0-.59-1.93A4.39,4.39,0,0,0,10.43,14a13.18,13.18,0,0,1,1.1-2.52A10.88,10.88,0,0,1,12.93,9.53Z" fill="none"/></clipPath><clipPath id="clip-path-2" transform="translate(-4.08 -7.64)"><path d="M24.31,9.73a1.89,1.89,0,0,0-1.18-.36q-1.54,0-3.53,2.29a7.56,7.56,0,0,0-2.13,4.9,4.35,4.35,0,0,0,1,2.87,3.22,3.22,0,0,0,2.61,1.2,3.19,3.19,0,0,0,2.22-.78,2.63,2.63,0,0,0,.86-2.05,3.74,3.74,0,0,0-.59-1.93,4.39,4.39,0,0,0-1.76-1.71,13.18,13.18,0,0,1,1.1-2.52A10.88,10.88,0,0,1,24.31,9.73Z" fill="none"/></clipPath></defs><title>Lquote</title><path d="M14.11,9.46a14.59,14.59,0,0,0-1.54,2,8.89,8.89,0,0,0-1,2.18,4.48,4.48,0,0,1,1.54,1.76,4.87,4.87,0,0,1,.59,2.23,3.46,3.46,0,0,1-1.14,2.65A4,4,0,0,1,9.7,21.3a4.06,4.06,0,0,1-3.22-1.47,5.14,5.14,0,0,1-1.27-3.47,8.29,8.29,0,0,1,2.43-5.48Q10,8.3,11.76,8.3A3.41,3.41,0,0,1,14.11,9.46Z" transform="translate(-4.08 -7.64)" fill="#231f20"/><g clip-path="url(#clip-path)"><line x1="0.27" y1="9.14" x2="9.14" y2="0.27" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/><line x1="1.14" y1="11.79" x2="8.58" y2="4.34" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/><line x1="9.27" y1="7.08" x2="2.69" y2="13.66" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/><line x1="4.87" y1="14.84" x2="9.81" y2="9.9" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/></g><path d="M25.49,9.66a14.59,14.59,0,0,0-1.54,2,8.89,8.89,0,0,0-1,2.18,4.48,4.48,0,0,1,1.54,1.76A4.87,4.87,0,0,1,25,17.8a3.46,3.46,0,0,1-1.14,2.65,4,4,0,0,1-2.83,1.05A4.06,4.06,0,0,1,17.86,20a5.14,5.14,0,0,1-1.27-3.47A8.29,8.29,0,0,1,19,11.08Q21.33,8.5,23.13,8.5A3.41,3.41,0,0,1,25.49,9.66Z" transform="translate(-4.08 -7.64)" fill="#231f20"/><g clip-path="url(#clip-path-2)"><line x1="11.65" y1="9.34" x2="20.59" y2="0.4" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/><line x1="12.51" y1="11.99" x2="20.23" y2="4.27" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/><line x1="20.67" y1="7.26" x2="14.06" y2="13.86" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/><line x1="16.25" y1="15.04" x2="21.75" y2="9.54" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.77"/></g></svg>However, it affects him not. He will flee if you get too close!</blockquote>	</section>	<ul>	<li>Blockquote</li>	<li>font-family: 'Monoton', cursive;</li>	<li>font-size: 2rem;</li>	<li>margin: 20px auto;</li>	<li>text-align: center;</li>	<li>width: 200px;</li>	</ul>	<ul>	<li>Blockquote::first-letter</li>	<li>font-size: 3rem;</li>	<li>letter-spacing: -1px;</li>	<li>padding-left:2px;</li>	</ul>	</div>	</article>	<header>	<h3>Content Block</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-container--copy article-example">	<div>	<header>	<h1>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h1>	<h2>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h2>	<h3>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h3>	<h4>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h4>	<h5>The Compelling Truth About Dogs</h5>	</header>	<section>	<p>The wonderful world of a dog named River. He is treated like a prince by everyone he meets. He is admired by all the passers-by at the local park. Yet, it affects him not. He is content being outside in the sun and among the other creatures of the world. He has little concern for the comings and goings of others, although he takes the time to investigate every person, stroller, bike and dog that crosses his path. Oh! But do not touch him or try to pet his soft coat, for he will flee if you get close enough!</p>	<p>When he sees a rabbit, off he goes! But don't worry, he always returns. It is all in good fun to him. When he is tired and the rabbit has gotten away (as it always does), River will come bounding back, panting and ready to play.</p>	<button class="system-occ--primary-btn green">	Read more	</button>	</section>	</div>	</article>	<header>	<h3>Content Block: OCC Article page</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-container--copy">	<div>	<header>	<h1>The Compelling Truth</h1>	<h4>A Day In the Life of a Dog Named River</h4>	</header>	<section>	<p>The wonderful world of a dog named River. He is treated like a prince by everyone he meets. He is admired by all the passers-by at the local park. Yet, it affects him not. He is content being outside in the sun and among the other creatures of the world. He has little concern for the comings and goings of others, although he takes the time to investigate every person, stroller, bike and dog that crosses his path. Oh! But do not touch him or try to pet his soft coat, for he will flee if you get too close!</p>	<p>When he sees a rabbit, off he goes! But don't worry, he always returns. It is all in good fun to him. When he is tired and the rabbit has gotten away (as it always does), River will come bounding back, panting and ready to play.</p>	<button class="system-occ--primary-btn green">	Read more	</button>	</section>	</div>	</article>	<header>	<h3>Content Block: All Custom OCC Pages</h3>	</header>	<article class="system-container--copy">	<div>	<header class="primary">	<h1>The Compelling Truth</h1>	<h4>A Day In the Life of a Dog Named River</h4>	</header>	<section class="system-container--copy--occ">	<p>The wonderful world of a dog named River. He is treated like a prince by everyone he meets. He is admired by all the passers-by at the local park. Yet, it affects him not. He is content being outside in the sun and among the other creatures of the world. He has little concern for the comings and goings of others, although he takes the time to investigate every person, stroller, bike and dog that crosses his path. Oh! But do not touch him or try to pet his soft coat, for he will flee if you get too close!</p>	<p>When he sees a rabbit, off he goes! But don't worry, he always returns. It is all in good fun to him. When he is tired and the rabbit has gotten away (as it always does), River will come bounding back, panting and ready to play.</p>	<button class="system-occ--primary-btn green">	Read more	</button>	</section>	</div>	</article>	</section>
<!-- SECTION -->	<section class="system-animation">	<h1 class="section-title">Interactions and Animations</h1>	</section>	<section class="system-font">	<h1 class="section-title">Font (including designation/style)</h1>	</section>	<section class="system-container--media">	<h1 class="section-title">Containers: Media</h1>	</section>	<section class="system-container--buttons">	<h1 class="section-title">Containers: Buttons</h1>	</section>
<!-- EMAIL DESIGN SECTION -->	<section class="system-container--email--social">	<header>	<h1 class="section=-title">Email Components</h1>	</header>	<header>	<h3>Social Sharing Icons</h3>	</header>	<article>	<div>	<!-- EMAIL TABLE FOR SOCIAL SHARE -->	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="left" class="deviceWidth"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #333333; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.5; vertical-align: top; padding:10px 8px 10px 0"> <table width="150" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="30" style="color: #333333; font-weight: normal;">Share:</td> <td width="30" style="padding:0 5px 0 0;"><a target="_blank" href="" xt="SPCLICK" name="Facebook Icon Button"><img name="Cont_16" src="" alt="" width="30" /></a></td> <td width="30" style="padding:0 5px 0 0;"><a xt="SPCLICK" href="" target="_blank" name="Twitter Icon Button"><img name="Cont_17" src="" alt="" width="30"/></a></td> <td width="30" style="padding:0 5px 0 0;"><a target="_blank" href="#SPFORWARD" xt="SPFORWARD" name="SPFORWARD"><img src="" name="Cont_22" alt="" width="30" /></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- END EMAIL TABLE FOR SOCIAL SHARE -->	</div>	</article>	</section>

Design System for OCC - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(,300,600,300italic,800,600italic);
@import url(|Monoton|Roboto:300i,400);
body { font-family: 'Open Sans', "Helvetica", sans-serif; font-size: 16px;	letter-spacing: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; /*word-break: break-word; /* Prevents very long strings of text from overflowing their container */
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section header h1 {	font-family: 'Abril Fatface', cursive;	font-size: 2.5rem;	font-weight: 400;	margin: 5px auto 0;
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article.system-container--copy h1 {	font-size: 3.157rem;	margin-top: 0;
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Design System for OCC - Script Codes
Design System for OCC - Script Codes
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Developer Vanessa Vevoda
Username vanessav
Uploaded September 12, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,889 Kb
Views 32,384
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Vanessa Vevoda (vanessav) Script Codes
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