Digital brush Mask input

4,058 Kb

How do I make an digital brush mask input?

What is a digital brush mask input? How do you make a digital brush mask input? This script and codes were developed by Rpun on 12 August 2022, Friday.

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Digital brush Mask input - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Digital brush Mask input</title>
Phone: <input type="text" id="phone" />
<div id="result"></div>
<button>See reusult</button> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Digital brush Mask input - Script Codes JS Codes

/* jQuery Masked Input Plugin Copyright (c) 2007 - 2015 Josh Bush ( Licensed under the MIT license ( Version: 1.4.1
! function(factory) {	"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], factory) : factory("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : jQuery);
}(function($) {	var caretTimeoutId, ua = navigator.userAgent,	iPhone = /iphone/i.test(ua),	chrome = /chrome/i.test(ua),	android = /android/i.test(ua);	$.mask = {	definitions: {	"9": "[0-9]",	a: "[A-Za-z]",	"*": "[A-Za-z0-9]"	},	autoclear: !0,	dataName: "rawMaskFn",	placeholder: "_"	}, $.fn.extend({	caret: function(begin, end) {	var range;	if (0 !== this.length && !":hidden")) return "number" == typeof begin ? (end = "number" == typeof end ? end : begin,	this.each(function() {	this.setSelectionRange ? this.setSelectionRange(begin, end) : this.createTextRange && (range = this.createTextRange(),	range.collapse(!0), range.moveEnd("character", end), range.moveStart("character", begin),;	})) : (this[0].setSelectionRange ? (begin = this[0].selectionStart, end = this[0].selectionEnd) : document.selection && document.selection.createRange && (range = document.selection.createRange(),	begin = 0 - range.duplicate().moveStart("character", -1e5), end = begin + range.text.length), {	begin: begin,	end: end	});	},	unmask: function() {	return this.trigger("unmask");	},	mask: function(mask, settings) {	var input, defs, tests, partialPosition, firstNonMaskPos, lastRequiredNonMaskPos, len, oldVal;	if (!mask && this.length > 0) {	input = $(this[0]);	var fn =$.mask.dataName);	return fn ? fn() : void 0;	}	return settings = $.extend({	autoclear: $.mask.autoclear,	placeholder: $.mask.placeholder,	completed: null	}, settings), defs = $.mask.definitions, tests = [], partialPosition = len = mask.length,	firstNonMaskPos = null, $.each(mask.split(""), function(i, c) {	"?" == c ? (len--, partialPosition = i) : defs[c] ? (tests.push(new RegExp(defs[c])),	null === firstNonMaskPos && (firstNonMaskPos = tests.length - 1), partialPosition > i && (lastRequiredNonMaskPos = tests.length - 1)) : tests.push(null);	}), this.trigger("unmask").each(function() {	function tryFireCompleted() {	if (settings.completed) {	for (var i = firstNonMaskPos; lastRequiredNonMaskPos >= i; i++)	if (tests[i] && buffer[i] === getPlaceholder(i)) return;;	}	}	function getPlaceholder(i) {	return settings.placeholder.charAt(i < settings.placeholder.length ? i : 0);	}	function seekNext(pos) {	for (; ++pos < len && !tests[pos];);	return pos;	}	function seekPrev(pos) {	for (; --pos >= 0 && !tests[pos];);	return pos;	}	function shiftL(begin, end) {	var i, j;	if (!(0 > begin)) {	for (i = begin, j = seekNext(end); len > i; i++)	if (tests[i]) {	if (!(len > j && tests[i].test(buffer[j]))) break;	buffer[i] = buffer[j], buffer[j] = getPlaceholder(j), j = seekNext(j);	}	writeBuffer(), input.caret(Math.max(firstNonMaskPos, begin));	}	}	function shiftR(pos) {	var i, c, j, t;	for (i = pos, c = getPlaceholder(pos); len > i; i++)	if (tests[i]) {	if (j = seekNext(i), t = buffer[i], buffer[i] = c, !(len > j && tests[j].test(t))) break;	c = t;	}	}	function androidInputEvent() {	var curVal = input.val(),	pos = input.caret();	if (oldVal && oldVal.length && oldVal.length > curVal.length) {	for (checkVal(!0); pos.begin > 0 && !tests[pos.begin - 1];) pos.begin--;	if (0 === pos.begin)	for (; pos.begin < firstNonMaskPos && !tests[pos.begin];) pos.begin++;	input.caret(pos.begin, pos.begin);	} else {	for (checkVal(!0); pos.begin < len && !tests[pos.begin];) pos.begin++;	input.caret(pos.begin, pos.begin);	}	tryFireCompleted();	}	function blurEvent() {	checkVal(), input.val() != focusText && input.change();	}	function keydownEvent(e) {	if (!input.prop("readonly")) {	var pos, begin, end, k = e.which || e.keyCode;	oldVal = input.val(), 8 === k || 46 === k || iPhone && 127 === k ? (pos = input.caret(),	begin = pos.begin, end = pos.end, end - begin === 0 && (begin = 46 !== k ? seekPrev(begin) : end = seekNext(begin - 1),	end = 46 === k ? seekNext(end) : end), clearBuffer(begin, end), shiftL(begin, end - 1),	e.preventDefault()) : 13 === k ?, e) : 27 === k && (input.val(focusText),	input.caret(0, checkVal()), e.preventDefault());	}	}	function keypressEvent(e) {	if (!input.prop("readonly")) {	var p, c, next, k = e.which || e.keyCode,	pos = input.caret();	if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey || 32 > k) && k && 13 !== k) {	if (pos.end - pos.begin !== 0 && (clearBuffer(pos.begin, pos.end), shiftL(pos.begin, pos.end - 1)),	p = seekNext(pos.begin - 1), len > p && (c = String.fromCharCode(k), tests[p].test(c))) {	if (shiftR(p), buffer[p] = c, writeBuffer(), next = seekNext(p), android) {	var proxy = function() {	$.proxy($.fn.caret, input, next)();	};	setTimeout(proxy, 0);	} else input.caret(next);	pos.begin <= lastRequiredNonMaskPos && tryFireCompleted();	}	e.preventDefault();	}	}	}	function clearBuffer(start, end) {	var i;	for (i = start; end > i && len > i; i++) tests[i] && (buffer[i] = getPlaceholder(i));	}	function writeBuffer() {	input.val(buffer.join(""));	}	function checkVal(allow) {	var i, c, pos, test = input.val(),	lastMatch = -1;	for (i = 0, pos = 0; len > i; i++)	if (tests[i]) {	for (buffer[i] = getPlaceholder(i); pos++ < test.length;)	if (c = test.charAt(pos - 1),	tests[i].test(c)) {	buffer[i] = c, lastMatch = i;	break;	}	if (pos > test.length) {	clearBuffer(i + 1, len);	break;	}	} else buffer[i] === test.charAt(pos) && pos++, partialPosition > i && (lastMatch = i);	return allow ? writeBuffer() : partialPosition > lastMatch + 1 ? settings.autoclear || buffer.join("") === defaultBuffer ? (input.val() && input.val(""),	clearBuffer(0, len)) : writeBuffer() : (writeBuffer(), input.val(input.val().substring(0, lastMatch + 1))),	partialPosition ? i : firstNonMaskPos;	}	var input = $(this),	buffer = $.map(mask.split(""), function(c, i) {	return "?" != c ? defs[c] ? getPlaceholder(i) : c : void 0;	}),	defaultBuffer = buffer.join(""),	focusText = input.val();$.mask.dataName, function() {	return $.map(buffer, function(c, i) {	return tests[i] && c != getPlaceholder(i) ? c : null;	}).join("");	}),"unmask", function() {".mask").removeData($.mask.dataName);	}).on("focus.mask", function() {	if (!input.prop("readonly")) {	clearTimeout(caretTimeoutId);	var pos;	focusText = input.val(), pos = checkVal(), caretTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {	input.get(0) === document.activeElement && (writeBuffer(), pos == mask.replace("?", "").length ? input.caret(0, pos) : input.caret(pos));	}, 10);	}	}).on("blur.mask", blurEvent).on("keydown.mask", keydownEvent).on("keypress.mask", keypressEvent).on("input.mask paste.mask", function() {	input.prop("readonly") || setTimeout(function() {	var pos = checkVal(!0);	input.caret(pos), tryFireCompleted();	}, 0);	}), chrome && android &&"input.mask").on("input.mask", androidInputEvent),	checkVal();	});	}	});
jQuery(function($) {	$("#phone").mask("(999) 999-9999", {	placeholder: " "	});	$("#result").html("<em> Phone: " + $("#phone").val() + "</em>");
$("button").click(function() {	$("#result").html("<em> Phone: " + $("#phone").val() + "</em>");	console.log($("#phone").val());
Digital brush Mask input - Script Codes
Digital brush Mask input - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Rpun
Username echoeCode
Uploaded August 12, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,058 Kb
Views 44,528
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Rpun (echoeCode) Script Codes
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