Dynamic SVG creation

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How do I make an dynamic svg creation?

Testing out creation of dynamic SVG objects and their manipulation.. What is a dynamic svg creation? How do you make a dynamic svg creation? This script and codes were developed by Ilia on 04 August 2022, Thursday.

Dynamic SVG creation Previews

Dynamic SVG creation - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Dynamic SVG creation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/normalize/5.0.0/normalize.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g class="rtm-obj ostat-problem"> <polygon points="54,1 67,1 69,3 69,15" class="obj-tab"/> <circle cx="50" cy="20" r="19" class="obj-body"/> <path d="M50 2 V8 A14 14 0 1 0 50 37 V38 A18 18 0 1 1 50 2 Z" class="obj-status"/> <rect x="0" y="42" width="100" height="50" class="obj-label"/> <text y="56" class="obj-text"> <tspan x="50">The quick brown</tspan> <tspan x="50" dy="15">fox jumped over</tspan> <tspan x="50" dy="15">the lazy dog.</tspan> </text> </g>
<div> <button type="button" id="add">add objects</button> <button type="button" id="statusUp">up</button> <button type="button" id="statusDown">down</button> <button type="button" id="statusProblem">problem</button> <button type="button" id="add2">add object #2</button> <button type="button" id="addText">add text</button> <button type="button" id="changePos">reposition</button> <button type="button" id="move">move #2</button>
<div><svg id="test" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"></svg></div> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Dynamic SVG creation - Script Codes CSS Codes

html { background:#16181a }
body { background:#444/*1d2329*/; margin:10px }
.obj-tab { cursor:pointer; fill:#1d2329; stroke:#61656a; stroke-width:3 }
.obj-tab:hover { stroke:#44a8c7 }
.obj-body { stroke:#61656a; stroke-width:2; fill:#46494d; cursor:move }
.obj-body:hover { stroke:#44a8c7 }
.obj-status { fill:#808080 }
.ostat-up .obj-status { fill:#0c0 }
.ostat-down .obj-status { fill:#c00 }
.ostat-problem .obj-status { fill:#fc0 }
.obj-label { fill:#1c1c1c }
.obj-text { font:11px sans-serif; fill:#d9d9d9; text-anchor:middle }
#test { border:1px solid #ccc; height:600px; width:100% }

Dynamic SVG creation - Script Codes JS Codes

// wrapper for creating SVG elements, which are a bit different from DOM elements and use createElementNS method
function doSVG (tag, attrs) {	var el = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tag);	for (var k in attrs) el.setAttribute(k, attrs[k]);	return el;
// fast wordwrap function from http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/wordwrap-for-javascript/
function wordwrap (str, width, brk, cut) { brk = brk || '\n'; width = width || 75; cut = cut || false; if (!str) { return str; } var regex = '.{1,' +width+ '}(\\s|$)' + (cut ? '|.{' +width+ '}|.+$' : '|\\S+?(\\s|$)'); // use brk=-1 as flag to not join the results into one string but keep it as array return (brk == -1 ? str.match( RegExp(regex, 'g') ) : str.match( RegExp(regex, 'g') ).join(brk)) ;
// breaks long strings into multiple lines using <tspan> and returns array of those lines
function doTSpan(text, maxLength, maxLine) { var lines = wordwrap(text, maxLength, -1, true), // maxLine limits number of lines function returns len = (lines.length <= maxLine ? lines.length : maxLine), i = 0, tspans = [], tspan, textNode; for ( ; i < len; i++) { // for the 1st element (i.e. i==0) do tspan w/o dy tspan = !i ? doSVG('tspan', {x:50}) : doSVG('tspan', {x:50, dy:15}); textNode = document.createTextNode(lines[i]); tspan.appendChild(textNode); tspans.push(tspan); } return tspans;
var rtmObject = function() { function rtmObject(x, y, className){ if (typeof x == "string"){ this._x = this._y = 0; this._class = x || "rtm-obj"; } else if (typeof y == "string"){ this._x = this._y = x || 0; this._class = y || "rtm-obj"; } else { this._x = x || 0; this._y = y || 0; this._class = className || "rtm-obj"; } this._root = doSVG('g', {'class':this._class, transform:'translate('+this._x+' '+this._y+')', 'data-status':''}); this._text = ''; }; rtmObject.prototype.draw = function(){ this._tab = doSVG('polygon', {points:'54,1 67,1 69,3 69,15', 'class':'obj-tab'}); this._body = doSVG('circle', {cx:50, cy:20, r:19, 'class':'obj-body'}); this._statusObj = doSVG('path', { d:'M50 2 V8 A14 14 0 1 0 50 37 V38 A18 18 0 1 1 50 2 Z', 'class':'obj-status'}); this._label = doSVG('rect', {x:0, y:42, width:100, height:50, 'class':'obj-label'}); this._textObj = doSVG('text', {y:56, 'class':'obj-text'}); if (this._text != '') this.text(this._text); this._root.appendChild(this._tab); this._root.appendChild(this._body); this._root.appendChild(this._statusObj); this._root.appendChild(this._label); this._root.appendChild(this._textObj); return this._root; }; rtmObject.prototype.getRoot = function(){ return this._root; }; rtmObject.prototype.getTab = function(){ return this._tab; }; rtmObject.prototype.getBody = function(){ return this._body; }; rtmObject.prototype.status = function(status){ if (!status) { return this._status || console.error('objRTM.status: No status was set.'); } else if (typeof status != "string") { return console.error('objRTM.status: Status is "' + typeof status + '", but must be a "string".'); } this._status = status; this._root.setAttribute('data-status', this._status); var classarr = this._class.split(' '), found = false; for (i in classarr) { if (classarr[i].indexOf('ostat') != -1) { classarr[i] = 'ostat-' + this._status; found = true; } } if (!found) classarr.push('ostat-' + this._status); this._class = classarr.join(' '); if (this._root) this._root.setAttribute('class', this._class); }; rtmObject.prototype.text = function(text){ if (!text) return this._text; this._text = text; if (this._textObj) { if (this._textObj.hasChildNodes()) { var children = this._textObj.childNodes, len = children.length, i = len-1; for ( ; i >= 0; i--) { this._textObj.removeChild(children[i]); } } var spans = doTSpan(text, 15, 3); for (i in spans) { this._textObj.appendChild( spans[i] ); } this._textObj.setAttribute('title', text); } }; rtmObject.prototype.pos = function(x, y) { if (!x && !y) return {x:this._x, y:this._y}; if (!y) this._x = this._y = x; else { this._x = x; this._y = y; } this._root.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + this._x + ' ' + this._y + ')'); }; rtmObject.prototype.move = function(dx, dy) { if (!dx && !dy) return; else if (!dy) dy = dx; this._root.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + (this._x + dx) + ' ' + (this._y + dy) + ')'); }; // to specify functions for different parts of the object use this { tab:func1, body:func2, status:func3 } rtmObject.prototype.addEvent = function(enames, efuncs) { $(this._root).on(enames, function(e){ var tagName = e.target.tagName, className = e.target.getAttribute('class'); // label and text need special handling since every tspan is separate target if (className == 'obj-label' || tagName == 'tspan') { if (typeof efuncs.label != 'undefined') efuncs.label(); } else { switch (className) { case 'obj-tab': if (typeof efuncs.tab != 'undefined') efuncs.tab(); break; case 'obj-body': if (typeof efuncs.body != 'undefined') efuncs.body(); break; case 'obj-status': if (typeof efuncs.status != 'undefined') efuncs.status(); break; } } }); }; rtmObject.prototype.ondrag = function(classname, doOnDrag) { var that = this; this._dragging = this._ocx = this._ocy = false; if (typeof classname == 'function') { doOnDrag = classname; classname = ''; } if (typeof classname != 'string' || typeof doOnDrag == 'undefined') return; var eventObj = this._root, doc = $(document); switch (classname) { case 'obj-tab': eventObj = this._tab; break; case 'obj-body': eventObj = this._body; break; case 'obj-status': eventObj = this._status; break; case 'obj-label': eventObj = this._textObj; break; } $(eventObj).on('mousedown', function(e){ if (!that._dragging) { that._dragging = true; if (!that._ocx && !that._ocy) { that._ocx = e.pageX; that._ocy = e.pageY; } doc.on('mousemove', function(e){ doOnDrag(e); }); } }); $(eventObj).on('mouseup', function(){ if (that._dragging) { that._dragging = false; doc.off('mousemove'); } }); }; rtmObject.prototype.drag = function(){ var that = this; return function(e){ that.move(e.pageX - that._ocx, e.pageY - that._ocy); } }; return rtmObject;
function drag(target) { return function(e){ target.move(e.pageX - target._ocx, e.pageY - target._ocy); }
var obj, obj2, test = $('#test');
$('#add').on('click', function(e){ var group = doSVG('svg'), j = 0, k = 0; for (var i=0; i < 300; i++) { console.time('adding objects'); var obj1 = new rtmObject(k*100, j*100); k++; if (k%20 == 0) k = 0; if (k%20 == 0) j++; obj1.status((i % 2 == 0) ? 'up' : 'down'); obj1.text(i + ' The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over the lazy dog and then Ate the Wizard!'); group.appendChild( obj1.draw() ); obj1.addEvent('click', { status:function(){ console.log('!! ', this); obj1.status('down'); } }); /* obj1.addEvent('click', { status:(function(target){ return function(){ target.status('down'); } })(obj1) }); */ /* obj1.ondrag(function(e){ obj1.move(e.pageX - obj1._ocx, e.pageY - obj1._ocy); }); obj1.ondrag( (function(target){ return function(e){ target.move(e.pageX - target._ocx, e.pageY - target._ocy); } })(obj1) ); */ obj1.ondrag(obj1.drag()); console.timeEnd('adding objects'); } test.append( group );
$('#statusUp').on('click', function(e){ obj.status('up');
$('#statusDown').on('click', function(e){ obj.status('down');
$('#statusProblem').on('click', function(e){ obj.status('problem');
$('#add2').on('click', function(e){ console.log(this); //console.profile(); obj2 = new rtmObject(200);	test.append( obj2.draw() ); //console.profileEnd(); obj2.status('down'); obj2.ondrag(function(e){ obj2.move(e.pageX - obj2.getClickX(), e.pageY - obj2.getClickY()); });
$('#addText').on('click', function(e){ obj.text('The Quick Brown Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Dog and then Ate the Wizard!');
$('#changePos').on('click', function(e){ obj2.pos(10, 20);
$('#move').on('click', function(e){ obj2.move(5, 3);
Dynamic SVG creation - Script Codes
Dynamic SVG creation - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Ilia
Username iliadraznin
Uploaded August 04, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,075 Kb
Views 30,360
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Ilia (iliadraznin) Script Codes
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