Editable Table Concept

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How do I make an editable table concept?

What is a editable table concept? How do you make a editable table concept? This script and codes were developed by Robert Lowe on 23 July 2022, Saturday.

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Editable Table Concept - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <!--<table class="editTable table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="left-align">NAME</th> <th class="center">HOURS / QUANTITY</th> <th class="center" class="center">UNIT PRICE</th> <th class="center">TOTAL</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="left-align">2 Man Crew</td> <td class="center">2</td> <td class="center">$ 225.20</td> <td class="center">$ 1126.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left-align">Drafter</td> <td class="center">1</td> <td class="center">$ 225.20</td> <td class="center">$ 1126.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left-align">Project Manager</td> <td class="center">5</td> <td class="center">$ 225.20</td> <td class="center">$ 1126.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left-align">Project Surveyor</td> <td class="center">2</td> <td class="center">$ 225.20</td> <td class="center">$ 1126.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left-align">GIS Analyst</td> <td class="center">5</td> <td class="center">$ 225.20</td> <td class="center">$ 1126.00</td> </tr> </tbody>
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Editable Table Concept - Script Codes CSS Codes

.table-container { background: white; margin: 50px 10% 0 10%; border: 1px solid #DDD; border-radius: 3px;
.editTable { margin-bottom: 0px !important;
.editTable tbody tr { position: relative; cursor: pointer;
.editTable tbody td { line-height: 30px;
.editTable tbody td.removeRowCell { font-size: 1.3em; padding-right: 0px;
.left-align { text-align: left;
.center { text-align: center !important;
.hide { display: none;
.editTableInput { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; display: block !important; height: 28px !important; text-align: center;
.editTableSelect { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; display: block !important;
.editTableSelect a { height: 28px !important;
.editTable tr:hover .rowMenu { width: 100px; }
.editTable .rowMenu:after{ background: #1C699C; }
.editTable .tableActionsCell { position: relative;
.editTable .tableActions { position: absolute; background: #fff; width: 25px; top: 5px; right: 0px; border-radius-top-left: 5px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; -webkit-box-shadow: -6px -1px 10px 1px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.6);
.editTable .tableActions i { position: relative; font-size: 1.3em; cursor: pointer; margin: 5px;
.editTable i:hover { font-weight: bold;
.editTable i.add:hover { color: #0066FF;
.editTable i.edit:hover { color: #949494;
.editTable i.save:hover { color: #1B82C5;
.editTable i.remove:hover { color: red;
/* checkbox styles */
.bigCheckbox {	-webkit-appearance: none;	background-color: #fafafa;	border: 1px solid #cacece;	box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.05), inset 0px -15px 10px -12px rgba(0,0,0,0.05);	padding: 9px;	border-radius: 3px;	display: inline-block;	position: relative;
.bigCheckbox:active, .bigCheckbox:checked:active {	box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.05), inset 0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
.bigCheckbox:checked {	background-color: #e9ecee;	border: 1px solid #adb8c0;	box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.05), inset 0px -15px 10px -12px rgba(0,0,0,0.05), inset 15px 10px -12px rgba(255,255,255,0.1);	color: #39499b;
.bigCheckbox:checked:after {	content: '\2714';	font-size: 14px;	position: absolute;	top: 0px;	left: 3px;	color: #39499b;
[type="checkbox"]:disabled:checked{ box-shadow: none; border-color: #bbb; background-color: #d9d9d9;
[type="checkbox"]:disabled:checked{ color: #39499b;
[type="checkbox"]:disabled{ color: #39499b;

Editable Table Concept - Script Codes JS Codes

$(document).ready(function () { var selectOptions = ['2 Man Crew', 'Drafter', 'Project Manager', 'Project Surveyor', 'GIS Analyst']; var tableData = { headers: ['NAME', 'HOURS / QUANTITY', 'UNIT PRICE', 'TOTAL', 'TAXES'], data: [ { name: '2 Man Crew', hours: 1, price: 125, total: 1126.00, taxes: true }, { name: 'Drafter', hours: 2, price: 225, total: 2126.00, taxes: true }, { name: 'Project Manager', hours: 3, price: 325, total: 3126.00, taxes: true}, { name: 'Project Surveyor', hours: 4, price: 425, total: 4126.00, taxes: true }, { name: 'GIS Analyst', hours: 5, price: 525, total: 5126.00, taxes: true } ], order: ['name', 'hours', 'price', 'total', 'taxes'], editables: { name: { type: 'select', options: selectOptions, distinct: true }, hours: { type: 'input' }, price: { type: 'input' }, taxes: { type: 'checkbox', checked: 'Yes', unchecked: 'No' } }, styles: { headers: ['left-align', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center'], data: { name: 'left-align', hours: 'center', price: 'center', total: 'center', taxes: 'center' } } }; var editTable = createEditTable(tableData); var $table = $(editTable.getTable()); $('.table-container').append($table); function onRowChanged (event, rowInfo) { rowInfo.data.total = rowInfo.data.hours * rowInfo.data.price; editTable.updateRow(rowInfo.rowId, rowInfo.data); } $table.on('row-changed', onRowChanged);
function createEditTable (tableData) { var $table, tableState = { data: {} }, editMode = false, templates = { table: _.template('<table class="table editTable"><%= thead %><%= tbody %></table>'), header: _.template('<thead><tr><%= headers %></tr></thead>'), headerCell: _.template('<th class="<%= css_class %>"><%= name %></th>'), emptyHeaderCell: _.template('<th class="<%= css_class %>"></th>'), rowActionsHeader: _.template('<th class="tableActionsCell clearfix"><div class="tableActions"><i class="add icon-plus pull-left" title="Add Row"></i><i class="edit icon-pencil pull-left" title="Edit Table"></i><i class="save icon-save pull-left" title="Apply Changes"></i></div></th>'), body: _.template('<tbody><%= body %></tbody>'), row: _.template('<tr data-rowid="<%= rowid %>" class="viewRow"><%= rowCells %></tr>'), rowCell: _.template('<td data-key="<%= key %>" class="<%= css_class %>"><%= value %></td>'), editRow: _.template('<tr data-rowid="<%= rowid %>" class="editRow hide"><%= rowCells %></tr>'), editRowInputCell: _.template('<td><input type="text" class="editTableInput" data-key="<%= key %>"/></td>'), editRowSelectCell: _.template('<td><select class="editTableSelect" data-key="<%= key %>"><%= options %></select></td>'), editRowCheckboxCell: _.template('<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" data-key="<%= key %>" class="bigCheckbox" checked=""></td>'), selectOption: _.template('<option value="<%= index %>"><%= value %></option>'), placeholderOption: _.template('<option value="-1">Please Select...</option>'), rowRemoveCell: _.template('<td class="removeRowCell" style="width: 1px;"><i class="remove icon-remove" data-rowid="<%= rowId %>"></i></td>'), emptyCell: _.template('<td class="<%= css_class %>"></td>'), editRowSelector: _.template('tr.editRow[data-rowid="<%= rowId %>"]'), viewRowSelector: _.template('tr.viewRow[data-rowid="<%= rowId %>"]'), allViewRowSelector: _.template('tr.viewRow'), allEditRowSelector: _.template('tr.editRow'), allVisibleEditRowSelector: _.template('tr.editRow:visible'), viewCellSelector: _.template('td[data-key="<%= key %>"]'), editCellSelector: _.template('td.editRowCell[data-key="<%= key %>"]'), editInputSelector: _.template('input[type="text"][data-key="<%= key %>"]'), editSelectSelector: _.template('select[data-key="<%= key %>"]'), editCheckboxSelector: _.template('input[type="checkbox"][data-key="<%= key %>"]') }; /* Table Build */ function makeSelectOptions (selectOptions) { if (!selectOptions) return ''; var options = []; options.push(templates.placeholderOption()); for (var index in selectOptions) { var optionData = { index: index, value: selectOptions[index] }; options.push(templates.selectOption(optionData)); } return options.join(''); } function makeEditRowInputCell (key) { return templates.editRowInputCell({ key: key }); } function makeEditRowSelectCell (key) { var selectOptions = tableData.editables[key].options || ''; return templates.editRowSelectCell({ key: key, options: makeSelectOptions(selectOptions) }); } function makeEditRowCheckboxCell (key) { return templates.editRowCheckboxCell({ key: key }); } function makeRowCell (cellData) { return templates.rowCell(cellData); } function makeEditRowCell (key) { var type = tableData.editables[key].type || ''; switch (type) { case 'input': return makeEditRowInputCell(key); break; case 'select': return makeEditRowSelectCell(key); break; case 'checkbox': return makeEditRowCheckboxCell(key); break; } return ''; } function makeEmptyCell (hidden) { var className = hidden ? 'hide' : ''; return templates.emptyCell({ css_class: className }); } function makeEmptyHeaderCell (hidden) { var className = hidden ? 'hide' : ''; return templates.emptyHeaderCell({ css_class: className }); } function makeRowRemoveCell (rowId) { return templates.rowRemoveCell({ rowId: rowId }); } function makeRowActionsHeaderCell () { return templates.rowActionsHeader(); } function makeRow (rowId, rowData) { var rowCells = []; rowCells.push(makeEmptyCell(true)); for (var i = 0; i < tableData.order.length; i++) { var key = tableData.order[i]; var cellData = { key: key, value: getRowDisplayValue(key, rowData[key]), css_class: tableData.styles.data[key] || '' }; rowCells.push(makeRowCell(cellData)); } rowCells.push(makeEmptyCell()); return templates.row({ rowid: rowId, rowCells: rowCells.join('') }); } function makeEditRow (rowData, rowId) { var rowCells = []; rowCells.push(makeRowRemoveCell(rowId)); for (var i = 0; i < tableData.order.length; i++) { var key = tableData.order[i]; if (isEditable(key)) { rowCells.push(makeEditRowCell(key)); } else { var cellData = { key: key, value: rowData[key], css_class: 'editRowCell ' + tableData.styles.data[key] || '' }; rowCells.push(makeRowCell(cellData)); } } rowCells.push(makeEmptyCell()); return templates.editRow({ rowid: rowId, rowCells: rowCells.join('') }); } function makeHeaders () { var headerCells = []; headerCells.push(makeEmptyHeaderCell(true)); for (var index in tableData.headers) { var headerData = { name: tableData.headers[index], css_class: tableData.styles.headers[index] || '' }; headerCells.push(templates.headerCell(headerData)); } headerCells.push(makeRowActionsHeaderCell()); return templates.header({ headers: headerCells.join('') }); } function makeBody () { var rows = []; for (var index in tableData.data) { var rowData = tableData.data[index], rowId = _.uniqueId() rows.push(makeRow(rowId, rowData)); rows.push(makeEditRow(rowData, rowId)); tableData.data[index].rowId = rowId; } return templates.body({ body: rows.join('') }); } function addRowToTable(rowId, rowData) { var $viewRow = makeRow(rowId, rowData), $editRow = makeEditRow(rowData, rowId), $tbody = $table.find('tbody'); $tbody.append($viewRow); $tbody.append($editRow); } /* Table DOM Access */ function getEditRow (rowId) { return $table.find(templates.editRowSelector({ rowId: rowId })); } function getViewRow (rowId) { return $table.find(templates.viewRowSelector({ rowId: rowId })); } function getEditCell (rowId, key) { return getEditRow(rowId).find(templates.editCellSelector({ key: key })); } function getViewCell (rowId, key) { return getViewRow(rowId).find(templates.viewCellSelector({ key: key })); } function getEditRowInput (rowId, key) { return getEditRow(rowId.toString()).find(templates.editInputSelector({ key: key })); } function getEditRowSelect (rowId, key) { return getEditRow(rowId).find(templates.editSelectSelector({ key: key })); } function getEditRowCheckbox (rowId, key) { return getEditRow(rowId).find(templates.editCheckboxSelector({ key: key })); } function getAllViewRows () { return $table.find(templates.allViewRowSelector()); } function getAllEditRows () { return $table.find(templates.allEditRowSelector()); } function getAllVisibleEditRows () { return $table.find(templates.allVisibleEditRowSelector()); } function getRowId ($row) { return $row.data('rowid'); } function getRowDisplayValue (key, value) { if (!isEditable(key)) return value; var type = getEditableType(key); switch (type) { case 'checkbox': return getCheckboxDisplayValue(key, value); break; } return value; } function updateRemoveRowHeader () { var updateAction = (getAllVisibleEditRows().length === 0) ? hideRemoveRowHeader : showRemoveRowHeader; updateAction(); } function showRemoveRowHeader () { $table.find('thead th:first').show(); } function hideRemoveRowHeader () { $table.find('thead th:first').hide(); } function isEditable (key) { return _.contains(_.keys(tableData.editables), key); } function getEditableType (key) { if (!isEditable(key)) return 'none'; return tableData.editables[key].type || 'none'; } function populateEditables () { var rowData; for (var rowId in tableState.data) { populateEditablesForRow(rowId); } } function populateEditablesForRow (rowId) { var rowData = tableState.data[rowId]; console.log('populating with data ', rowData); populateEditRow(rowId, rowData); } function populateEditRow (rowId, rowData) { var value, type; for (var key in rowData) { value = rowData[key]; type = getEditableType(key); switch (type) { case 'input': setInputValue(rowId, key, value); break; case 'select': setSelectValue(rowId, key, value); break; case 'checkbox': setCheckboxValue(rowId, key, value); default: getEditCell(rowId, key).html(value); } } } function applyEditValues () { for (var rowId in tableState.data) { applyEditValuesForRow(rowId) } } function applyEditValuesForRow (rowId, silent) { var rowData = tableState.data[rowId]; for (var key in rowData) { if (!isEditable(key)) continue; switch (getEditableType(key)) { case 'input': tableState.data[rowId][key] = getInputValue(rowId, key); break; case 'select': tableState.data[rowId][key] = getSelectValue(rowId, key); break; case 'checkbox': console.log('getCheckboxValue: ', getCheckboxValue(rowId, key)); tableState.data[rowId][key] = getCheckboxValue(rowId, key); break; } } if (!silent) $table.trigger('row-changed', {rowId: rowId, data: rowData }); } function populateView () { for (var rowId in tableState.data) { populateViewForRow(rowId); } } function populateViewForRow (rowId) { var rowData = tableState.data[rowId]; for (var key in rowData) { var value = rowData[key]; if (isEditable(key)) { console.log("here"); var type = getEditableType(key); switch (type) { case 'checkbox': { getViewCell(rowId, key).html(getCheckboxDisplayValue(key, value)); break; } default: { getViewCell(rowId, key).html(value); } } } else { getViewCell(rowId, key).html(value); } } } function getInputValue (rowId, key) { var input = getEditRowInput(rowId, key); return input.val(); } function getSelectValue (rowId, key) { var index = getEditRowSelect(rowId, key).select2('val'); return selectValueOf(key, index); } function getCheckboxValue (rowId, key) { var checkbox = getEditRowCheckbox(rowId, key); return checkbox.is(':checked'); } function setInputValue (rowId, key, value) { var $input = getEditRowInput(rowId, key); $input.val(value); } function setSelectValue (rowId, key, value) { var $select = getEditRowSelect(rowId, key); $select.select2('val', selectIndexOf(key, value)); } function setCheckboxValue (rowId, key, value) { var checkbox = getEditRowCheckbox(rowId, key); checkbox.attr('checked', value); } function selectIndexOf (key, value) { var options = tableData.editables[key].options; return _.indexOf(options, value); } function selectValueOf (key, index) { var options = tableData.editables[key].options; return options[index]; } function showEditRow (rowId) { console.log('showing edit row ', rowId); if (!rowId) return; populateEditablesForRow(rowId); getViewRow(rowId).hide(); getEditRow(rowId).show(); updateRowHiddenCells(); } function showViewRow (rowId) { if (!rowId) return; populateViewForRow(rowId); getEditRow(rowId).hide(); getViewRow(rowId).show(); updateRowHiddenCells(); } function showEditAll () { populateEditables(); $table.find('tbody tr.viewRow').hide(); $table.find('tbody tr.editRow').show(); updateRowHiddenCells(); } function showViewAll () { applyEditValues(); populateView(); $table.find('tbody tr.editRow').hide(); $table.find('tbody tr.viewRow').show(); updateRowHiddenCells(); } function setupSelects () { function onSelectClose () { $('.select2-container-active').removeClass('select2-container-active'); $(':focus').blur(); } var selects = $table.find('select'); selects.select2().on('select2-close', onSelectClose); } function setupClickEvents () { setupViewRowClickEvents(); setupEditRowClickEvents(); setupTableActionEvents(); } function setupViewRowClickEvents () { getAllViewRows().each(function () { setupViewRowDblClickEvent($(this)); }); } function setupViewRowDblClickEvent ($row) { $row.on('dblclick', onViewRowDblClick); } function setupEditRowClickEvents () { getAllEditRows().each(function () { setupRemoveRowClickEvent($(this)); setupEditRowKeypressEvents($(this)); }); } function setupRemoveRowClickEvent ($row) { var rowId = getRowId($row); $row.find('.removeRowCell .remove').on('click', { rowId: rowId }, onRemoveRowClick); } function onRemoveRowClick (event) { console.log('onRemoveRowClick'); removeRow(event.data.rowId); } function setupEditRowKeypressEvents ($row) { var rowId = getRowId($row); $row.on('keypress', { rowId: rowId }, onEditRowKeypress); $row.find('.editTableSelect').on('keypress', { rowId: rowId }, onEditRowKeypress); } function onEditRowKeypress (event) { var rowId = event.data.rowId; if ( event.which === 13 ) { event.preventDefault(); applyEditValuesForRow(rowId); showViewRow(rowId); } } function setupTableActionEvents () { var $tableActions = $table.find('.tableActions'), $addBtn = $tableActions.find('.add'), $editBtn = $tableActions.find('.edit'), $saveBtn = $tableActions.find('.save'); $addBtn.on('click', addRow); $editBtn.on('click', showEditAll); $saveBtn.on('click', showViewAll); } function onViewRowDblClick (event) { var $row = $(event.currentTarget); showEditRow(getRowId($row)); } function updateTableState () { var $row, rowId; for (var index in tableData.data) { var rowData = tableData.data[index], rowId = rowData.rowId; setTableStateForRow(rowId, rowData); populateEditRow(rowId, rowData); } for (var key in tableData.order) { if (isDistinctSelect(key)) storeSelectOptionData(key); } console.log('tableState is now ', tableState); } function setTableStateForRow (rowId, rowData) { //console.log('rowId ' + rowId + ' set to ', rowData); tableState.data[rowId] = {}; for (var key in rowData) { tableState.data[rowId][key] = rowData[key]; } } function storeSelectOptionData (key) { var options = tableData.editables[key].options || '', optionData = [], index = 0; for (var optionText in options) { optionData.push({ id: index, text: optionText }); } tableState.distinctSelects[key] = optionData; } function getRowData (rowId) { var $row = getViewRow(rowId), rowData = {}, key; $row.find('td[data-key]').each(function () { var key = $(this).data('key'); rowData[key] = $(this).html(); }); return rowData; } function addRow() { var rowId = _.uniqueId(); var rowData = createEmptyRowData(); setTableStateForRow(rowId, rowData); addRowToTable(rowId, rowData); setupSelects(); setupNewRowEvents(rowId); showEditRow(rowId); } function removeRow (rowId) { console.log('removing row ' + rowId); getViewRow(rowId).remove(); getEditRow(rowId).remove(); delete tableState.data[rowId]; updateRowHiddenCells(); } function createEmptyRowData() { var rowData = {}, index, key; for(index in tableData.order) { key = tableData.order[index]; rowData[key] = ""; } return rowData; } function setupNewRowEvents (rowId) { var $viewRow = getViewRow(rowId), $editRow = getEditRow(rowId); setupViewRowDblClickEvent($viewRow); setupRemoveRowClickEvent($editRow); setupEditRowKeypressEvents($editRow); } function updateRowHiddenCells () { updateRemoveRowHeader(); if (getAllVisibleEditRows().length === 0) { getAllViewRows().find('td:first').hide(); } else { getAllViewRows().find('td:first').show(); } } function getCheckboxDisplayValue (key, isChecked) { if (isChecked) { return tableData.editables[key].checked; } else { return tableData.editables[key].unchecked; } } /* Distinct select options handling */ function isDistinctSelect(key) { if (!isEditable(key)) return false; if (getEditableType(key) != 'select') return false; return tableData.editables[key].distinct || false; } var distinctSelectHandler = function ($select, optionsData) { function addOption (optionData) { } function removeOption (optionData) { } $select.on('addOption', addOption); $select.on('removeOption', removeOption); } function repopulateSelect(rowId, key) { var $select = getEditRowSelect(rowId, key); var optionData = tableState.distinctSelects[key]; $select.select2({ data: optionData }); } function removeSelectOption(rowId, key, option) { } $table = $(templates.table({ thead: makeHeaders(), tbody: makeBody() })); setupSelects(); updateTableState(); setupClickEvents(); //$table.find('tbody tr:first').append('<div class="rowMenu"></div>'); return { getTable: function () { return $table; }, editAll: function () { showEditAll(); }, applyAll: function () { showViewAll(); }, view: function () { showViewAll(); }, updateRow: function (rowId, rowData) { console.log('updateRow: ', rowData); setTableStateForRow(rowId, rowData); applyEditValuesForRow(rowId, true); populateViewForRow(rowId); }, updateRowCell: function (rowId, key, value) { } };
Editable Table Concept - Script Codes
Editable Table Concept - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Robert Lowe
Username rlo206
Uploaded July 23, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 7,026 Kb
Views 40,480
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Robert Lowe (rlo206) Script Codes
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