FAQ JS-Enhanced Tab Order

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How do I make an faq js-enhanced tab order?

Just an exploration for a client.. What is a faq js-enhanced tab order? How do you make a faq js-enhanced tab order? This script and codes were developed by Aaron Gustafson on 13 August 2022, Saturday.

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FAQ JS-Enhanced Tab Order - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <div class="faq-table-contents-section"> <h3 class="headline headlineH m-text-uppercase" id="section-4" tabindex="-1">Withdrawals</h3>	<hr class="m-light-grey-hr"> <div class="standalone-link"><a href="#canITakeMoney1" id="q_canITakeMoney1" class="faq-question" data-hash-navigation=""><span>Can I take money out of my IRA before I reach retirement?</span></a></div> <div class="standalone-link"><a href="#canITakeMoney2" id="q_canITakeMoney2" class="faq-question" data-hash-navigation=""><span>Can I take money out of my IRA before I reach retirement?</span></a></div>
<div class="faq-section"> <h2 class="headline headlineD2">Withdrawals</h2>	<hr class="m-light-grey-hr"><!-- Why not a border? --> <div class="qnaItem content-area"> <div id="canITakeMoney1" class="qnaWrapper" tabindex="-1"> <h3 class="headline headlineF1 question">Can I take money out of my IRA before I reach retirement?</h3> <div class="answer"> <p>Yes. And you don't have to pay it back like you would with a loan from your employer-sponsored plan.</p> <p>However, withdrawals you make before age 59Ω&nbsp;may have consequences:</p> <ul class="list"> <!-- Why a class of list? --> <li><strong>Roth IRA:</strong> There's a 10% federal penalty tax on withdrawals of earnings before age 59Ω. Withdrawals of your contributions are always penalty-free.</li> <li class="last-element"><strong>Traditional IRA:</strong> There's a 10% federal penalty tax on withdrawals of contributions and earnings before age 59Ω.</li> </ul> <p>There are some exceptions<sup><a data-hash-navigation="" class="footnoteLink goToFootnote ng-binding" id="footnoteLink1" href="http://t39902.vanguard.com:8080/401k-rollover/401k-to-ira-rollover-rules#footnote1">*<span class="accessibleOffscreenText ng-binding">Go to footnote star link</span></a></sup> to the 10% penalty, so be sure to check the IRS website for details.</p> <div class="standalone-link"> <a class="offsiteIconLink" href="http://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/Plan-Participant,-Employee/Retirement-Topics---Tax-on-Early-Distributions" target="_blank"><span>Go to irs.gov for more information about early withdrawals</span><span class="linkIcon">&nbsp;</span><span class="linkIconAltText">External site</span></a> </div><!-- /.standalone-link --> </div><!-- /.answer -->	</div><!-- /.qnaWrapper -->	</div><!-- /.qnaItem --> <div class="qnaItem content-area lastQnaItem"> <div id="canITakeMoney2" class="qnaWrapper" tabindex="-1"> <h3 class="headline headlineF1 question">Can I take money out of my IRA before I reach retirement?</h3> <div class="answer"> <p>Yes. And you don't have to pay it back like you would with a loan from your employer-sponsored plan.</p> <p>However, withdrawals you make before age 59Ω&nbsp;may have consequences:</p> <ul class="list"> <!-- Why a class of list? --> <li><strong>Roth IRA:</strong> There's a 10% federal penalty tax on withdrawals of earnings before age 59Ω. Withdrawals of your contributions are always penalty-free.</li> <li class="last-element"><strong>Traditional IRA:</strong> There's a 10% federal penalty tax on withdrawals of contributions and earnings before age 59Ω.</li> </ul> <p>There are some exceptions<sup><a data-hash-navigation="" class="footnoteLink goToFootnote ng-binding" id="footnoteLink1" href="http://t39902.vanguard.com:8080/401k-rollover/401k-to-ira-rollover-rules#footnote1">*<span class="accessibleOffscreenText ng-binding">Go to footnote star link</span></a></sup> to the 10% penalty, so be sure to check the IRS website for details.</p> <div class="standalone-link"> <a class="offsiteIconLink" href="http://www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans/Plan-Participant,-Employee/Retirement-Topics---Tax-on-Early-Distributions" target="_blank"><span>Go to irs.gov for more information about early withdrawals</span><span class="linkIcon">&nbsp;</span><span class="linkIconAltText">External site</span></a> </div><!-- /.standalone-link --> </div><!-- /.answer -->	</div><!-- /.qnaWrapper -->	</div><!-- /.qnaItem -->	<a href="#section-4" class="faq-section-return" data-hash-navigation=""><span>Back to top</span></a>
</div><!-- /.faq-section --> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

FAQ JS-Enhanced Tab Order - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { padding: 1em;
.linkIconAltText { position: absolute !important; height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
.faq-table-contents-section { margin-bottom: 3em;
.qnaItem:focus { background: yellow;

FAQ JS-Enhanced Tab Order - Script Codes JS Codes

(function($){ var $body = $('body'), $focusable_children = null, $watching = null, focusable = 'a[href], input:not(:disabled), textarea:not(:disabled), select:not(:disabled), [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'; function manageTab() { // update current watcher $watching = $(this); // update our focusable children $focusable_children = $watching.find( focusable ); // Look for you to leave $body.on( 'keydown', watchTab ); } function watchTab( e ) { var key = e.which, last = $focusable_children.eq(-1).is(':focus'); if ( key == 9 && last ) { // stop the focus event e.preventDefault(); // redirect it $watching.closest('.faq-section') .find('.faq-section-return') .focus(); // empty the variables $watching = null; $focusable_children = null; // remove the tab listener $body.off( 'keydown', watchTab ); } } // Trigger the watcher $('.qnaWrapper') .on( 'focus', manageTab );
FAQ JS-Enhanced Tab Order - Script Codes
FAQ JS-Enhanced Tab Order - Script Codes
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Developer Aaron Gustafson
Username aarongustafson
Uploaded August 13, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,573 Kb
Views 52,624
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