Folding Panel

6,671 Kb

How do I make an folding panel?

Folds and unfolds a panel. What is a folding panel? How do you make a folding panel? This script and codes were developed by François Chazal on 21 September 2022, Wednesday.

Folding Panel Previews

Folding Panel - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Folding Panel</title> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ @import url(,400italic,700italic,400,300,700);
html { font-size: 11px;
* { outline: 1px solid transparent;
body { overflow: hidden; min-height: 100%; font: 1em/1.5em 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;
#content { position: relative; padding-top: 30px; /* CONTAINER */
#content #parameters { position: absolute; z-index: 100; top: 0px; right: 0px;
#content #element { margin: auto; width: 300px;
#content #element .title { padding: 5px; background: #ccc; font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer;
#content #element .title::after { content: 'CLICK TO CLOSE'; margin-left: 10px; font-size: 0.8rem;
#content #element .title:hover { background: #aaa;
#content #element .content { background: #eee; padding: 5px; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: 300;
#content #element .content p { margin: 5px;
#content #element > .content { display: none;
#content #element.closed .title::after { content: 'CLICK TO OPEN';
#content #element .container { perspective-origin: 50% 50%; perspective: 1000px; overflow: hidden; transition: all 1s cubic-bezier(0.04, 0, 0.56, 1);
#content #element .container .fold { transform-origin: 0% 0%; transform-style: preserve-3d; transition: all 1s linear;
#content #element .container .tile { position: relative; overflow: hidden;
#content #element .container .tile .shadow { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s linear;
#content #element.closed .container { height: 0px !important; transition: all 1s cubic-bezier(0.49, 0, 0.96, 1);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.first { transform: rotateX(-90deg);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.first > .tile > .shadow { opacity: 1;
#content #element.closed .container .fold.even { transform: rotateX(180deg);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.odd { transform: rotateX(-180deg);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.odd > .tile > .shadow { opacity: 1;
#about { position: fixed; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: 50px; color: #fff; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
#about-title { position: absolute; left: 25px; bottom: 25px; font-size: 2em; font-weight: 700;
#about-author { position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 27px; font-size: .9em; font-weight: 300;
} </style> <script src=""></script>
<body> <section id="content"> <div id="element" class=""> <div class="title">Lorem Ipsum</div> <div class="content"> <p align="center"><img src="" width="240" /></p> <p>Sed maximum est in amicitia parem esse inferiori. Saepe enim excellentiae quaedam sunt, qualis erat Scipionis in nostro, ut ita dicam, grege. Numquam se ille Philo, numquam Rupilio, numquam Mummio anteposuit, numquam inferioris ordinis amicis, Q. vero Maximum fratrem, egregium virum omnino, sibi nequaquam parem, quod is anteibat aetate, tamquam superiorem colebat suosque omnes per se posse esse ampliores volebat.</p> <p>Hoc inmaturo interitu ipse quoque sui pertaesus excessit e vita aetatis nono anno atque vicensimo cum quadriennio imperasset. natus apud Tuscos in Massa Veternensi, patre Constantio Constantini fratre imperatoris, matreque Galla sorore Rufini et Cerealis, quos trabeae consulares nobilitarunt et praefecturae.</p> <p>Et interdum acciderat, ut siquid in penetrali secreto nullo citerioris vitae ministro praesente paterfamilias uxori susurrasset in aurem, velut Amphiarao referente aut Marcio, quondam vatibus inclitis, postridie disceret imperator. ideoque etiam parietes arcanorum soli conscii timebantur.</p> </div> </div>
<section id="about"> <div id="about-title">Folding Panel</div> <div id="about-author">an experimentation by François Chazal (@fchazal)</div>
</section> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Folding Panel - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(,400italic,700italic,400,300,700);
html { font-size: 11px;
* { outline: 1px solid transparent;
body { overflow: hidden; min-height: 100%; font: 1em/1.5em 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;
#content { position: relative; padding-top: 30px; /* CONTAINER */
#content #parameters { position: absolute; z-index: 100; top: 0px; right: 0px;
#content #element { margin: auto; width: 300px;
#content #element .title { padding: 5px; background: #ccc; font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 700; cursor: pointer;
#content #element .title::after { content: 'CLICK TO CLOSE'; margin-left: 10px; font-size: 0.8rem;
#content #element .title:hover { background: #aaa;
#content #element .content { background: #eee; padding: 5px; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: 300;
#content #element .content p { margin: 5px;
#content #element > .content { display: none;
#content #element.closed .title::after { content: 'CLICK TO OPEN';
#content #element .container { perspective-origin: 50% 50%; perspective: 1000px; overflow: hidden; transition: all 1s cubic-bezier(0.04, 0, 0.56, 1);
#content #element .container .fold { transform-origin: 0% 0%; transform-style: preserve-3d; transition: all 1s linear;
#content #element .container .tile { position: relative; overflow: hidden;
#content #element .container .tile .shadow { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s linear;
#content #element.closed .container { height: 0px !important; transition: all 1s cubic-bezier(0.49, 0, 0.96, 1);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.first { transform: rotateX(-90deg);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.first > .tile > .shadow { opacity: 1;
#content #element.closed .container .fold.even { transform: rotateX(180deg);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.odd { transform: rotateX(-180deg);
#content #element.closed .container .fold.odd > .tile > .shadow { opacity: 1;
#about { position: fixed; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: 50px; color: #fff; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
#about-title { position: absolute; left: 25px; bottom: 25px; font-size: 2em; font-weight: 700;
#about-author { position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 27px; font-size: .9em; font-weight: 300;

Folding Panel - Script Codes JS Codes

/* REQUIREMENTS ******************************/
requireScripts( [ '' ], function() { Global.init(); }
/* ELEMENT : Global
var Global = { gui: null, fold: null, // parameters panels: 10, toggle: function() { if (this.fold) this.fold.toggle(); }, init: function() { this.gui = new dat.GUI({ autoPlace: true }); = 'parameters'; this.gui.add(Global, 'panels',2, 20).step(2).name('Panels number :').onFinishChange(this.setPanels); this.gui.add(Global, 'toggle').name('Toggle open/close'); }, setPanels: function (value) { if (this.fold) this.fold.element.removeChild(this.fold.container); this.fold = new Fold('#element', value); }
/* OBJECT : Fold
function Fold(elt, panels) { this.element = document.querySelector(elt); this.title = this.element.querySelector('.title'); this.content = this.element.querySelector('.content'); this.init(panels); addEvent(this.title, 'click', this.toggle, this);
Fold.prototype = { tiles: [], title: null, content: null, element: null, container: null, toggled: true, init: function(tilesNb) { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.addClass('container'); this.element.appendChild(this.container); var tile = document.createElement('div'); tile.appendChild(this.content.cloneNode(true)); tile.addClass('tile'); var shadow = document.createElement('div'); shadow.addClass('shadow'); tile.appendChild(shadow); var fold = document.createElement('div'); fold.addClass('fold'); var container = this.container; var oddity = false; for (i=0; i<tilesNb; i++) { this.tiles.push(tile.cloneNode(true)); var tmp = fold.cloneNode(true); tmp.addClass(oddity ? 'even' : 'odd'); oddity = !oddity; if (!i) tmp.className='fold first'; tmp.appendChild(this.tiles[i]); container.appendChild(tmp); container = tmp; } var totalHeight = this.tiles[0].offsetHeight;// alert(totalHeight); var tileHeight = Math.ceil(totalHeight / tilesNb); var containerHeight = tileHeight * tilesNb; for (i=0; i<tilesNb; i++) { this.tiles[i].style.height = tileHeight+'px'; this.tiles[i].children[0].style.marginTop = -i*tileHeight+'px'; } = containerHeight+'px'; }, toggle: function() { if (this.toggled == true) { this.toggled = false; this.element.removeClass('closed'); } else { this.toggled = true; this.element.addClass('closed'); } }
/* LIBRARY : Class Management
Element.prototype.hasClass = function(cls) {	return null !== this.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cls+'(\\s|$)'));
Element.prototype.addClass = function(cls) {	if (!this.hasClass(cls)) this.className += " "+cls;
Element.prototype.removeClass = function(cls) { if (this.hasClass(cls)) { var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cls+'(\\s|$)');	this.className = this.className.replace(reg,' ');	}
Element.prototype.toggleClass = function(cls) { if (!this.hasClass(cls))	this.addClass(cls);	else	this.removeClass(cls);
/* LIBRARY : Requirements Management
function requireScripts(scripts, callback) { for (var id in scripts) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = scripts[id] + '?' + (new Date().getTime()); if (callback) { script.onreadystatechange = callback; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange; } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }
/* LIBRARY : Event Management
function addEvent(eventTrigger, eventName, eventHandler, scopeElement) {	var scopedEventHandler = null;	if (scopeElement !== undefined)	scopedEventHandler = function(e) { eventHandler.apply(scopeElement, [e]); }	else	scopedEventHandler = eventHandler; if(document.addEventListener) eventTrigger.addEventListener(eventName, scopedEventHandler, false); else if(document.attachEvent) eventTrigger.attachEvent("on"+eventName, scopedEventHandler);
function fireEvent(eventTrigger, eventName, eventData) {	var evt = null;	if (typeof Event !== 'undefined') {	evt = new Event(eventName);	} else {	evt = document.createEvent("Event");	evt.initEvent(eventName, true, true);	} = eventData; eventTrigger.dispatchEvent(evt);
Folding Panel - Script Codes
Folding Panel - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer François Chazal
Username fchazal
Uploaded September 21, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,671 Kb
Views 24,288
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