For my blog

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How do I make an for my blog? сайтына. What is a for my blog? How do you make a for my blog? This script and codes were developed by Khangeldy on 09 November 2022, Wednesday.

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For my blog - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
/* global ReactRedux, Redux, ReactDOM */
// "Getting Started with Redux" (by Dan Abramov)
var _ReactRedux = ReactRedux;
var connect = _ReactRedux.connect;
var Provider = _ReactRedux.Provider;
var _Redux = Redux;
var combineReducers = _Redux.combineReducers;
var createStore = _Redux.createStore;
// Reducers (except root, see bottom)
// 2nd level reducer
// todos reducer
var todos = function todos() { var state = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? [] : arguments[0]; var action = arguments[1]; console.log("todos reducer called"); switch (action.type) { // Returns a new array of todos, containing the added todo as described by `action`. // The new todo is constructed by delegating to the `todo` reducer. case 'ADD_TODO': console.log('todos ADD_TODO'); // ... below is ES6 "spread operator" (arrays only) return [].concat(state, [todo(undefined, action)]); // Returns a new array of todos, with an individual todo's completed status // toggled as identified by ``. // Must operate on entire list (seems wrong somehow). case 'TOGGLE_TODO': console.log('todos TOGGLE_TODO'); return (t) { return todo(t, action); }); default: return state; }
// 2nd level reducer
// Here, `state` refers to a simple configuration string (enum/atom)
// Remember, we are only returning the state we are concerned with
var visibilityFilter = function visibilityFilter() { var state = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 'SHOW_ALL' : arguments[0]; var action = arguments[1]; console.log("visibilityFilter reducer called"); switch (action.type) { case 'SET_VISIBILITY_FILTER': return action.filter; default: return state; }
// 3rd level reducer.
// Here, `state` refers to a single todo object.
var todo = function todo(state, action) { console.log("todo reducer called"); // Remember, no mutation. // Initial state is considered (or not, in the ADD_TODO case), // and used to construct a new state object, always. switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_TODO': console.log('todo ADD_TODO'); return { id:, text: action.text, completed: false }; case 'TOGGLE_TODO': console.log('todo TOGGLE_TODO'); // Bail out if the action is for a different todo than the one passed in. if ( !== { return state; } // ... below is ES7 "Object Rest Destructuring" // // Think of it as "and the rest", or "override these object properties" return _extends({}, state, { completed: !state.completed }); default: return state; }
// React components
// (not including generated or root component/s)
// This is a "stateless component". It gets `props` passed in.
// Notice the curlybraces in the parameter list. This is destructuring
// `props` (e.g. filter = props.filter, children = props.children)
var TodoList = function TodoList(_ref) { var todos = _ref.todos; var onTodoClick = _ref.onTodoClick; return React.createElement( 'ul', null, (todo) { return React.createElement(Todo, _extends({ key: }, todo, { onClick: function onClick() { return onTodoClick(; } })); }) );
var Todo = function Todo(_ref2) { var onClick = _ref2.onClick; var completed = _ref2.completed; var text = _ref2.text; return React.createElement( 'li', { onClick: onClick, style: { textDecoration: completed ? 'line-through' : 'none' } }, text );
var Link = function Link(_ref3) { var active =; var children = _ref3.children; var _onClick = _ref3.onClick; if (active) return React.createElement( 'span', null, children ); return React.createElement( 'a', { href: '#', onClick: function onClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); _onClick(); } }, children );
var Footer = function Footer() { return React.createElement( 'p', null, 'Show:', ' ', React.createElement( FilterLink, { filter: 'SHOW_ALL' }, 'All' ), ' ', React.createElement( FilterLink, { filter: 'SHOW_ACTIVE' }, 'Active' ), ' ', React.createElement( FilterLink, { filter: 'SHOW_COMPLETED' }, 'Completed' ) );
// Intentionally not `const` here.
// We will override AddTodo later with a connected component.
var AddTodo = function AddTodo(_ref4) { var dispatch = _ref4.dispatch; var input = undefined; return React.createElement( 'div', null, React.createElement('input', { ref: function ref(node) { // This is a newer 0.14 syntax where ref can be a callback. // n.b. no `this` available in a functional/stateless component. // Here, we're making a closure over `input`, defined above. input = node; } }), React.createElement( 'button', { onClick: function onClick() { dispatch(addTodo(input.value)); input.value = ''; } }, 'Add todo' ) );
// react-redux mapping functions
// This takes Redux state, and returns the props needed
// for the presentational component.
var mapStateToTodoListProps = function mapStateToTodoListProps(state) { console.log('mapStateToTodoListProps(): state.todos = ' + state.todos); return { todos: getVisibleTodos(state.todos, state.visibilityFilter) };
// This takes the store's dispatch method, and returns the
// callbacks props needed for the presentational component.
var mapDispatchToTodoListProps = function mapDispatchToTodoListProps(dispatch) { return { onTodoClick: function onTodoClick(id) { dispatch(toggleTodo(id)); } };
var mapStateToFilterLinkProps = function mapStateToFilterLinkProps(state, ownProps) { return { active: ownProps.filter === state.visibilityFilter };
var mapDispatchToFilterLinkProps = function mapDispatchToFilterLinkProps(dispatch, ownProps) { return { onClick: function onClick() { console.log('FilterLink onClick'); dispatch(setVisibilityFilter(ownProps.filter)); } };
// react-redux container components generated by `connect`
// To create a container component, we use react-redux `connect`.
// We pass the mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps functions
// defined above.
// `connect` returns a curried function, which you call on the
// presentational component. *This* function returns a "connected"
// or "container" component.
// What is a connected component anyway?
// In the mapStateToProps function, we pluck any necessary state
// from the Redux store, and react-redux wires it to the React props.
// In the mapDispatchToProps function, we accept a callback to store.dispatch.
// We return an object, whose keys are callback attributes (`onClick` etc)
// and whose values are functions that actually perform dispatch.
// This allows us to take a stateless, dumb, presentation only component,
// and transform it into a component that knows how to get state from the store,
// and knows how to dispatch events to the store.
// The egghead redux video tutorials walk through how to implement `connect`
// by hand.
var VisibleTodoList = connect(mapStateToTodoListProps, mapDispatchToTodoListProps)(TodoList);
var FilterLink = connect(mapStateToFilterLinkProps, mapDispatchToFilterLinkProps)(Link);
// Default behavior of `connect` (with 0 parameters):
// Do not subscribe to any stores, inject `dispatch` as prop.
// This shorthand is equivalent to AddTodoHardWay, demonstrated below.
AddTodo = connect()(AddTodo);
// AddTodoTheHardWay = connect(
// state => {
// // AddToDo doesn't have any state to be mapped to props.
// // Could have just specified null here instead of an anon fn.
// return {};
// },
// dispatch => {
// // A bit hard to follow here.
// // The 2nd arg of `connect` is the mapDispatchToProps fn.
// // This function takes a dispatch function, returns callbacks as needed.
// // In other cases, we might return onSomethingClick callbacks here, calling
// // store.dispatch inside those callbacks as necessary.
// // In this case, we're just taking dispatch, and returning
// // {dispatch: dispatch}
// return { dispatch };
// }
// )(AddTodo);
// Redux action creators
// You could just litter the action object boilerplate all throughout
// the code. This is just DRY/shorthand...
// ...but it's actually more than that.
// (?) Closures mean I can keep state
// (?) Async operations are handled here!
var nextToDoId = 0; // global :shrug:
var addTodo = function addTodo(text) { return { type: 'ADD_TODO', id: nextToDoId++, text: text };
var setVisibilityFilter = function setVisibilityFilter(filter) { return { type: 'SET_VISIBILITY_FILTER', filter: filter };
var toggleTodo = function toggleTodo(id) { return { type: 'TOGGLE_TODO', id: id };
// Helpers (just a filter, really)
var getVisibleTodos = function getVisibleTodos(todos, filter) { console.log('getVisibleTodos: todos=' + todos + ' filter=' + filter); switch (filter) { case 'SHOW_ALL': return todos; case 'SHOW_COMPLETED': return todos.filter(function (t) { return t.completed; }); case 'SHOW_ACTIVE': return todos.filter(function (t) { return !t.completed; }); }
// Root reducer, root component, initial render
// Top level reducer.
var todoApp = combineReducers({ // n.b. following syntax is ES6 Object Initializer (shorthand property names) todos: todos, // todos: todos, visibilityFilter: visibilityFilter // visibilityFilter: visibilityFilter
// Create the Redux store from the root reducer.
var store = createStore(todoApp);
// Look at how simple the application is now!
// The top level React component needs no props.
var TodoApp = function TodoApp() { return React.createElement( 'div', null, React.createElement(AddTodo, null), React.createElement(VisibleTodoList, null), React.createElement(Footer, null) );
// react-redux <Provider> uses the React Context feature (`getChildContext`,
// `childContextTypes`) to inject the store, automatically subscribe and
// unsubscribe to it at the correct React lifecycle hooks (e.g. `componentDidMount`).
// See how <Provider> works here:
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement( Provider, { store: store }, React.createElement(TodoApp, null)
), document.getElementById('root'));
For my blog - Script Codes
For my blog - Script Codes
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Developer Khangeldy
Username Khangeldy
Uploaded November 09, 2022
Rating 3
Size 8,983 Kb
Views 12,144
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