FreeCodeCamp homepage redesign

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How do I make an freecodecamp homepage redesign?

Practicing full-page coding with a FreeCodeCamp redesign.. What is a freecodecamp homepage redesign? How do you make a freecodecamp homepage redesign? This script and codes were developed by Giana on 12 June 2022, Sunday.

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0 70.6 23.5 70.6 70 0 11.5-4.6 17.2-13.2 17.2H1278l.1-1zm0-20.7h102.7c0-31-17.2-46.5-52.2-46.5-12.6 0-24.1 2.9-34.4 8.6-10.9 7.5-16.1 16.1-16.1 25.8v12.1zM1439.4 495.4v-89.5c0-47.1 24.7-70 74.6-70 20.1 0 36.2 4.6 48.8 13.2 14.3 10.9 21.2 25.8 21.2 44.2 0 8.6-3.4 13.2-10.9 13.2-5.2 0-8.6-4-10.9-12.6-1.1-6.9-4-13.8-8-20.1-6.3-11.5-20.1-16.6-41.9-16.6-18.4 0-31.6 4.6-39.6 13.8-7.5 8.6-11.5 21.8-11.5 40.7v74.5c0 19.5 4 33.3 12.1 41.9 8.6 9.2 21.8 14.3 40.2 14.3 28.1 0 44.2-9.8 48.2-29.3 1.7-7.5 2.3-10.9 2.3-11.5 1.7-4 4.6-6.3 8.6-6.3 6.9 0 10.9 4.6 10.9 13.2 0 17.8-7.5 31.6-22.4 42.5-12.1 8-27.5 12.1-47.1 12.1-23 0-40.7-5.2-53.9-16.1-13.3-12-20.7-29.2-20.7-51.6zM1733.2 542.4c-10.3 7.5-18.4 12.6-24.1 14.9-7.5 2.9-16.6 4.6-28.1 4.6-17.2 0-31.6-3.4-42.5-10.9-12.6-8.6-19.5-21.2-19.5-37.9s6.9-29.8 20.1-39c11.5-8.6 26.4-12.6 43.6-12.6 14.3 0 30.4 3.4 48.8 9.8V446c0-12.1-5.7-20.7-17.2-25.8-8-3.4-17.8-5.2-29.3-5.2-27 0-41.3 7.5-44.2 22.4-1.1 6.9-2.3 10.3-2.3 10.9-1.7 3.4-4.6 5.2-8.6 5.2-7.5 0-11.5-4-11.5-12.1 0-10.9 4-20.7 12.6-29.8 10.3-11.5 29.3-17.2 55.7-17.2 21.2 0 36.7 3.4 47.1 10.3 12.1 8.6 18.4 23 18.4 43v73.5c0 8.6 1.7 14.3 5.2 4 2.3 9.8 4.6 3.4 1.7 5.2 4.6 5.2 9.8 0 5.7-2.9 8.6-9.2 8.6-1.7 0-4.6-.6-9.2-2.3-8-2.9-13.2-4.6-14.3-5.2-3.1-1.7-5.4-5.7-6.5-11.5zm-1.2-21.8v-30.4c-16.1-5.2-31.6-8-45.3-8-31 0-46.5 9.8-46.5 29.8 0 10.3 4.6 18.4 13.8 23 7.5 4 16.6 6.3 28.1 6.3 9.8 0 18.9-1.7 27-5.7 6.3-2.3 13.8-7.5 22.9-15zM1813.5 412.2c5.2-6.3 9.8-10.9 13.2-12.6 4.6-2.9 10.3-4.6 17.8-4.6 11.5 0 21.2 5.7 29.8 17.8 5.7-6.9 10.9-11.5 15.5-13.8 5.2-2.9 12.1-4 20.1-4 24.7 0 37.3 12.1 37.3 36.2v116.5c0 9.8-3.4 14.3-10.9 14.3-6.9 0-10.3-4.6-10.3-14.3V438c0-14.9-6.3-23-18.4-23-9.2 0-18.4 5.7-26.4 16.6v115.9c0 9.8-3.4 14.3-10.3 14.3s-10.3-4.6-10.3-14.3V440.3c0-16.6-6.9-24.7-20.1-24.7-8.6 0-16.6 5.7-25.3 16.6v115.4c0 9.8-3.4 14.3-10.9 14.3-6.9 0-10.3-4.6-10.3-14.3V405.3c0-6.9 2.9-10.3 8.6-10.3 2.9 0 5.7 2.3 7.5 6.3 2.3 2.8 3.4 6.8 3.4 10.9zM2000 412.2c16.1-11.5 35-17.2 55.7-17.2 43.6 0 65.4 18.4 65.4 54.5v59.7c0 17.2-6.3 30.4-18.4 40.2-10.9 8.6-25.8 13.2-44.8 13.2-22.4 0-41.3-5.7-58-17.8v67.7c0 10.3-3.4 15.5-10.3 15.5s-10.3-5.2-10.3-15.5v-202c0-10.3 2.9-15.5 8.6-15.5 2.9 0 5.7 2.3 8 6.3 1.3 3.4 3 7.4 4.1 10.9zm0 109c14.9 13.2 33.3 20.1 54.5 20.1 13.2 0 23.5-2.3 31.6-7.5 9.8-5.7 14.3-14.3 14.3-25.3v-59.7c0-12.6-5.2-21.2-15.5-27-8-4-18.9-6.3-32.1-6.3-12.1 0-21.8 1.7-29.3 5.2-6.9 2.9-14.3 9.2-23.5 18.4v82.1zM2192.3 464.4c0-45.3 15.5-85.5 47.1-121.1 11.5-13.2 20.7-19.5 27-19.5 2.3 0 4.6.6 6.3 2.3 1.7 1.7 2.9 3.4 2.9 5.7 0 3.4-4 8.6-12.1 16.6-32.7 31.6-49.4 70.6-49.4 117.1 0 51.6 17.2 93.5 51.1 125.7 6.9 6.3 10.3 11.5 10.3 15.5 0 2.3-1.1 4.6-2.9 6.3-1.7 1.7-4 2.9-6.3 2.9-8 0-18.9-9.2-33.3-27.5-27.5-33.9-40.7-75.2-40.7-124zM2626.7 475.9c0 45.3-15.5 85.5-47.1 121.1-11.5 13.2-20.7 19.5-27 19.5-2.3 0-4.6-.6-6.3-2.3-1.7-1.7-2.9-4-2.9-6.3 0-3.4 4-8.6 12.1-16.1 32.7-31.6 49.4-70.6 49.4-117.1 0-51.6-17.2-93.5-51.1-125.7-6.9-6.3-10.3-11.5-10.3-15.5 0-2.3 1.1-4.6 2.9-6.3 1.7-1.7 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13.9-10.5 19.8-17.2 6-6.8 10.6-14.6 14.2-23 8.1-18.6 12.8-39.6 11.4-59.9-.5-9.7-1.9-19.9-4.8-29.5z" fill="#f2b139"/> <circle r="152.094" cy="475.972" cx="2416.891" fill="url(#b)" class="svg-fire"/> </svg> <!-- Logo end --> </a></h1> <nav class="top-navigation" role="navigation"> <ul class="inline-list padded-list"> <li><a href="#" class="icon ion-university">Learn</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="icon ion-map">Map</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="icon ion-chatbubbles">Chat</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="icon ion-paper-airplane">News</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="icon ion-edit">Wiki</a></li> <li><a href="#login" class="icon ion-android-exit button button-red button-login toggle-hide">Sign In</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="header-image"> <div class="header-image-text"> <h2 class="header-title">Code with Us</h2> <p class="header-description">Let's learn to code by building projects for nonprofits</p> <a class="button button-yellow" href="#">Start learning to code (it's 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FreeCodeCamp homepage redesign - Script Codes CSS Codes

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/* Login */
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/* Media queries */
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.unhide { -webkit-animation: fadein 0.3s forwards ease-out; animation: fadein 0.3s forwards ease-out; display: block;

FreeCodeCamp homepage redesign - Script Codes JS Codes

var buttonsHide = document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-hide'), buttonsArray = [], modal = document.getElementById('login'), modalBg = document.getElementById('modal-bg');
function toggleModal(){ modal.classList.toggle('unhide'); modalBg.classList.toggle('unhide');
buttonsArray.forEach(function (el){ el.addEventListener('click', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); toggleModal(); });
FreeCodeCamp homepage redesign - Script Codes
FreeCodeCamp homepage redesign - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Giana
Username giana
Uploaded June 12, 2022
Rating 4
Size 13,958 Kb
Views 46,552
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