Gallery prototype

6,617 Kb

How do I make an gallery prototype?

CSS3 fluid gallery that loads (and preload) external content (a JSON file) using Javascript.. What is a gallery prototype? How do you make a gallery prototype? This script and codes were developed by Sophia on 28 July 2022, Thursday.

Gallery prototype Previews

Gallery prototype - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Gallery prototype</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='css/http___labs_juan_me_scss_.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id='veil'></div>
<div id='preloader'></div>
<div id='grid'></div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Gallery prototype - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import "compass/css3";
$fade-in-ms: 500ms;
$fade-out-ms: 600ms;
$unfold-ms: 300ms;
$rotate-ms: 150ms;
$din-light: "din-light";
$din-medium: "din-medium";
@font-face { font-family: 'din-light'; src: url(''); src: url('') format("embedded-opentype"), url('') format("woff"), url('') format("truetype"), url('') format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;
@font-face { font-family: 'din-medium'; src: url(''); src: url('') format("embedded-opentype"), url('') format("woff"), url('') format("truetype"), url('') format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;
$din-light: "din-light";
$din-medium: "din-medium";
#preloader {	position: absolute;	width: 24px;	height: 24px;	left: 50%;	top: 50%;	margin: -12px 0 0 -12px;	background: url( no-repeat center center;	@include transition($fade-out-ms, opacity, ease-out);	@include opacity(1);	&.o {	@include opacity(0);	}
#veil {	position: fixed;	top: 0;	left: 0;	width: 100%;	height: 0;	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84);	z-index: 7;	@include transition-property(opacity, height);	@include transition-duration($unfold-ms * 3, 0s);	@include transition-timing-function(ease-out);	@include transition-delay(0s, $unfold-ms * 3);	@include opacity(0);	&.o {	@include transition-delay(0s, 0s);	@include opacity(1);	height: 100%;	}
#grid {	width: 100%;	height: 100%;	@include transition($fade-in-ms, opacity, ease-out);	@include opacity(0);	font-size: 20px;	&.loaded {	@include opacity(1);	}	.cell {	position: absolute;	width: 256px;	height: 256px;	overflow: hidden;	background: url( no-repeat center center;	&.ov {	overflow: visible;	}	.detail {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	left: 0;	width: 200%;	height: 200%;	@include opacity(0);	&.l {	left: -100%;	}	&.t {	top: -100%;	}	.close {	position: absolute;	top: 3%;	right: 3%;	width: 35px;	height:35px;	z-index: 9;	background: black;	@include opacity(0);	@include transition($fade-in-ms, opacity, ease-out, ($unfold-ms * 3) + $fade-in-ms);	span {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	right: 0;	bottom: 0;	left: 0;	background: url( no-repeat center center;	@include transition($rotate-ms, all, ease-out);	&:hover {	@include rotate(90deg);	}	}	}	.image-detail {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	left: 0;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;	background: white;	@include opacity(0);	z-index: 8;	@include transition($fade-out-ms, opacity, ease-out, $unfold-ms * 3);	img {	width: 100%;	}	}	&.o {	@include opacity(1);	}	&.open {	z-index: 7;	@include perspective(500);	@include perspective-origin(25%, 0%);	.close {	@include opacity(.5);	}	.tl {	@include transform(rotateX(0deg));	@include opacity(1);	}	.bl {	@include transform(rotateX(0deg));	@include opacity(1);	}	.tr {	@include transform(rotateY(0deg));	@include opacity(1);	}	.image-detail {	@include opacity(1);	}	}	&.close {	.close {	@include transition($fade-out-ms, opacity, ease-out, 0s);	@include opacity(0);	}	.image-detail {	@include transition($fade-out-ms, opacity, ease-out, 0s);	@include opacity(0);	}	.tr {	@include transition($unfold-ms, all, linear, $fade-out-ms);	@include transform(rotateY(90deg));	@include opacity(0);	}	.bl {	@include transition($unfold-ms, all, linear, $fade-out-ms + $unfold-ms);	@include transform(rotateX(-90deg));	@include opacity(0);	}	.tl {	@include transition($unfold-ms, all, linear, $fade-out-ms + ($unfold-ms * 2));	@include transform(rotateX(-90deg));	@include opacity(0);	}	}	.tl {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	left: 0;	width: 50%;	height: 50%;	background: white;	@include transition($unfold-ms, all, linear);	@include opacity(0);	@include transform-origin(0%, 0%);	@include transform(rotateX(-90deg));	z-index: 6;	}	.bl {	position: absolute;	top: 50%;	left: 0;	width: 50%;	height: 50%;	background: white;	@include transition($unfold-ms, all, linear, $unfold-ms );	@include opacity(0);	@include transform-origin(0%, 0%);	@include transform(rotateX(-90deg));	z-index: 5;	}	.tr {	position: absolute;	top: 0;	left: 50%;	width: 50%;	height: 100%;	background: white;	z-index: 4;	@include transition($unfold-ms, all, linear, ($unfold-ms * 2));	@include opacity(0);	@include transform-origin(0%, 0%);	@include transform(rotateY(90deg));	}	}	&.no-bg {	background: none;	}	&.loaded {	.image {	img {	@include opacity(1);	}	}	.info {	display: table;	}	}	.info {	display: none;	position: absolute;	height: inherit;	width: inherit;	top: 0;	right: 0;	bottom: 0;	left: 0;	z-index: 2;	background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);	@include opacity(0);	@include transition($fade-out-ms, opacity, ease-out);	&:hover {	@include opacity(1);	}	.w {	display: table-cell;	vertical-align: middle;	h2 {	color: #333;	background: none;	text-align: center;	@include font($din-light, 100%);	padding: 0 5% 0 5%;	}	}	}	.image {	position: absolute;	height: inherit;	width: inherit;	top: 0;	right: 0;	bottom: 0;	left: 0;	z-index: 1;	img {	width: 100%;	@include transition($fade-out-ms, opacity, ease-out);	@include opacity(0);	}	}	}

Gallery prototype - Script Codes JS Codes

function App() {	var self = this;	// this.feedUrl	= "json/media.json";	this.debug	= true;	this.cellElement	= null;	this.window	= $(window);	this.grid	= $("#grid");	this.fadeOutMs	= 500;	this.unFoldMs	= 300;	this.preloader	= $("#preloader");	this.veil	= $("#veil");	this.currentMedia	= null;	// initialize	this._init = function() {	// load media feed	self.loadFeed(function(d) {	// add elements to the DOM	self.addToDOM(d);	self.cellElement = $(".cell");	self.window.on('resize', self.resizeHandler).resize();	// hide loader and show grid	self.preloader.addClass('o');	window.setTimeout(function() {	self.grid.addClass('loaded');	}, self.fadeOutMs);	});	// prepare pop state to load medias	window.onpopstate = function(e) {	if (e.state) self.loadMedia(e.state);	}	// click on veil will close the current media	self.veil.on('click', function(e) {	e.preventDefault();	if (self.currentMedia) self.closeMedia(self.currentMedia);	});	// hotkeys	$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {	switch (event.keyCode) {	// ESC	case 27:	// close the current media	if (self.currentMedia != null) self.closeMedia(self.currentMedia);	return false;	}	});	}	// load media.json	this.loadFeed = function(callback) {	callback(media);	// $.ajax({	//	url: self.feedUrl,	//	type: 'GET',	//	dataType: 'json',	//	complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {	//	},	//	success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {	//	callback(data);	//	},	//	error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {	//	}	// });	}	// add media elements to the DOM	this.addToDOM = function(d) {	var htmlImage = '<a href="#" class="cell image" data-id-media="{id-media}"><div class="detail"><div class="close"><span></span></div><div class="image-detail"></div><div class="tl"></div><div class="bl"></div><div class="tr"></div></div><div class="info"><div class="w"><h2>{title}</h2></div></div><div class="image"><img src="{img-src}"></div></a>',	nroMedia =;	$.each(, function(i, v) {	self.grid.append(htmlImage.replace('{img-src}', v.url).replace('{title}', v.title).replace('{id-media}',;	// moving the detail view if media element is at the end of the grid	if ((i + 1) % 5 == 0) $("a[data-id-media='" + + "']").find('.detail:first').addClass('l');	if (i >= (nroMedia - 5)) $("a[data-id-media='" + + "']").find('.detail:first').addClass('t');	// event to load media	$("a[data-id-media='" + + "']").on('click', function(e) {	e.preventDefault();	console.log(v);	self.loadMedia(v);	});	// doesn't show the image until it's fully loaded, and then will fade in.	self.grid.find("img:last").on('load', function() {	$(this).closest('a.cell').addClass("loaded");	window.setTimeout(function() {	$(this).closest('a.cell').addClass('no-bg');	}, self.fadeOutMs);	})	});	}	// load media and set push state	this.loadMedia = function(m) {	window.history.pushState(m, m.title +, "/" + + ".html");	if ( != self.currentMedia) {	self.openMedia(m);	} else {	if (self.currentMedia != null) self.closeMedia(self.currentMedia);	}	}	// open a media element	this.openMedia = function(m) {	var $cellMedia = $("a[data-id-media='" + + "']"),	$detail = $cellMedia.find('.detail'),	htmlImage = "<iframe src='//' width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>",	waitForIt = 0;	// if a media element is open will close it first	if (self.currentMedia != null) {	self.closeMedia(self.currentMedia);	waitForIt = (self.unFoldMs * 2) + (self.fadeOutMs * 2);	}	window.setTimeout(function() {	// if press back button in browser it will scroll to the position of the media element	$('body, html').animate({scrollTop:$cellMedia.offset().top - 100}, 600);	$detail.find('.image-detail:first').append(htmlImage.replace('{img-src}', m.url));	$cellMedia.addClass('ov');	$detail.addClass('open o');	self.veil.addClass('o');	self.currentMedia =;	}, waitForIt);	}	// close a media element	this.closeMedia = function(m) {	var $cellMedia = $("a[data-id-media='" + m + "']"),	$detail = $cellMedia.find('.detail');	$detail.addClass('close');	window.setTimeout(function() {	$detail.removeClass('open close o');	$detail.find('.image-detail:first').html('');	self.currentMedia = null;	}, (self.unFoldMs * 2) + (self.fadeOutMs * 2));	window.setTimeout(function() {	self.veil.removeClass('o');	}, self.fadeOutMs);	}	// resize handler for fluid grid	this.resizeHandler = function() {	var c = 0,	r = 0,	widthCell = Math.ceil(self.window.width() / 5);	$.each(self.cellElement, function(i, v) {	$(v).css({'top': (r * widthCell), 'left': (c * widthCell), 'width': widthCell, 'height': widthCell});	c++;	if (c % 5 == 0) {	c = 0;	r++;	}	});	}	self._init();
var Gallery;
$(window).load(function() {	Gallery = new App();
Gallery prototype - Script Codes
Gallery prototype - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Sophia
Username luxonglassing
Uploaded July 28, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,617 Kb
Views 30,360
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Sophia (luxonglassing) Script Codes
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