Generative art from rectangleworld

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How do I make an generative art from rectangleworld?

Code from What is a generative art from rectangleworld? How do you make a generative art from rectangleworld? This script and codes were developed by Theun on 22 July 2022, Friday.

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Generative art from rectangleworld - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Generative art from rectangleworld</title> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>HTML5 Canvas Generative Art</title>
<style type="text/css">
<div id="container"> <canvas id="displayCanvas" width="1024px" height="576px"> Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas. </canvas> <form> <p id="caption"> HTML5 Canvas - Morphing Fractal Curves, version 2. <input type="button", id="btnRegenerate" value="regenerate"/>	<input type="button", id="btnExport" value="export image (png)"/> <br><a href=""></a> </p> </form>
</html> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Generative art from rectangleworld - Script Codes CSS Codes

body {background-color:#000000; color:#333333;}	h4 {font-family: sans-serif; color:#333333; font-size:16px;}	h3 {font-family: sans-serif; color:#333333;}	p {font-family: sans-serif; color:#333333; font-size:14px;}	#caption {position:absolute; width:1024px; text-align:center; top:520px; z-index:1}	a {font-family: sans-serif; color:#d15423; text-decoration:none;}	canvas {}	#displayCanvas {position:absolute; top:10px; z-index:0;}	div {}	#container {width:1024px; height:576px; margin:auto;}

Generative art from rectangleworld - Script Codes JS Codes

window.addEventListener("load", windowLoadHandler, false);
//for debug messages while testing code
var Debugger = function() { };
Debugger.log = function(message) {	try {	console.log(message);	}	catch (exception) {	return;	}
function windowLoadHandler() {	canvasApp();
function canvasSupport() {	return Modernizr.canvas;
function canvasApp() {	if (!canvasSupport()) {	return;	}	var displayCanvas = document.getElementById("displayCanvas");	var context = displayCanvas.getContext("2d");	var displayWidth = displayCanvas.width;	var displayHeight = displayCanvas.height;	//off screen canvas used only when exporting image	var exportCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');	exportCanvas.width = displayWidth;	exportCanvas.height = displayHeight;	var exportCanvasContext = exportCanvas.getContext("2d");	//var exportImage = document.createElement('img');	//buttons	var btnExport = document.getElementById("btnExport");	btnExport.addEventListener("click", exportPressed, false);	var btnRegenerate = document.getElementById("btnRegenerate");	btnRegenerate.addEventListener("click", regeneratePressed, false);	var numCircles;	var maxMaxRad;	var minMaxRad;	var minRadFactor;	var circles;	var iterations;	var numPoints;	var timer;	var drawsPerFrame;	var drawCount;	var bgColor,urlColor;	var lineWidth;	var colorParamArray;	var colorArray;	var dataLists;	var minX, maxX, minY, maxY;	var xSpace, ySpace;	var lineNumber;	var twistAmount;	var fullTurn;	var lineAlpha;	var maxColorValue;	var minColorValue;	init();	function init() {	numCircles = 15; //35	maxMaxRad = 200;	minMaxRad = 200;	minRadFactor = 0;	iterations = 11;	numPoints = Math.pow(2,iterations)+1;	drawsPerFrame = 4;	fullTurn = Math.PI*2*numPoints/(1+numPoints);	minX = -maxMaxRad;	maxX = displayWidth + maxMaxRad;	minY = displayHeight/2-50;	maxY = displayHeight/2+50;	twistAmount = 0.67*Math.PI*2;	stepsPerSegment = Math.floor(800/numCircles);	maxColorValue = 100;	minColorValue = 20;	lineAlpha = 0.10;	bgColor = "#000000";	urlColor = "#333333";	lineWidth = 1.01;	startGenerate();	}	function startGenerate() {	drawCount = 0;	context.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0);	context.clearRect(0,0,displayWidth,displayHeight);	setCircles();	colorArray = setColorList(iterations);	lineNumber = 0;	if(timer) {clearInterval(timer);}	timer = setInterval(onTimer,1000/60);	}	function setColorList(iter) {	var r0,g0,b0;	var r1,g1,b1;	var r2,g2,b2;	var param;	var colorArray;	var lastColorObject;	var i, len;	var maxComponentDistance = 32;	var maxComponentFactor = 0.5;	r0 = minColorValue + Math.random()*(maxColorValue-minColorValue);	g0 = minColorValue + Math.random()*(maxColorValue-minColorValue);	b0 = minColorValue + Math.random()*(maxColorValue-minColorValue);;	r1 = minColorValue + Math.random()*(maxColorValue-minColorValue);	g1 = minColorValue + Math.random()*(maxColorValue-minColorValue);	b1 = minColorValue + Math.random()*(maxColorValue-minColorValue);	/*	//can also set colors explicitly here if you like.	r1 = 90;	g1 = 60;	b1 = 20;	r0 = 30;	g0 = 77;	b0 = 66;	*/	a = lineAlpha;	var colorParamArray = setLinePoints(iter);	colorArray = [];	len = colorParamArray.length;	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {	param = colorParamArray[i];	r = Math.floor(r0 + param*(r1 - r0));	g = Math.floor(g0 + param*(g1 - g0));	b = Math.floor(b0 + param*(b1 - b0));	var newColor = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+","+a+")";	colorArray.push(newColor);	}	return colorArray;	}	function setCircles() {	var i;	var r,g,b,a;	var grad;	circles = [];	for (i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {	maxR = minMaxRad+Math.random()*(maxMaxRad-minMaxRad);	minR = minRadFactor*maxR;	var newCircle = {	centerX: minX + i/(numCircles-1)*(maxX - minX),	centerY: minY + i/(numCircles-1)*(maxY - minY),	//centerY: minY + Math.random()*(maxY - minY),	maxRad : maxR,	minRad : minR,	phase : i/(numCircles-1)*twistAmount,	pointArray : setLinePoints(iterations)	};	circles.push(newCircle);	}	}	function onTimer() {	var i;	var cosTheta, sinTheta;	var theta;	var numCircles = circles.length;	var linParam;	var cosParam;	var centerX, centerY;	var xSqueeze = 0.75;	var x0,y0;	var rad, rad0, rad1;	var phase, phase0, phase1;	for (var k = 0; k < drawsPerFrame; k++) {	theta = lineNumber/(numPoints-1)*fullTurn;	context.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";	context.lineJoin = "miter";	context.strokeStyle = colorArray[lineNumber];	context.lineWidth = lineWidth;	context.beginPath();	//move to first point	centerX = circles[0].centerX;	centerY = circles[0].centerY;	rad = circles[0].minRad + circles[0].pointArray[lineNumber]*(circles[0].maxRad - circles[0].minRad);	phase = circles[0].phase;	x0 = centerX + xSqueeze*rad*Math.cos(theta + phase);	y0 = centerY + rad*Math.sin(theta + phase);	context.moveTo(x0,y0);	for (i=0; i< numCircles-1; i++) {	//draw between i and i+1 circle	rad0 = circles[i].minRad + circles[i].pointArray[lineNumber]*(circles[i].maxRad - circles[i].minRad);	rad1 = circles[i+1].minRad + circles[i+1].pointArray[lineNumber]*(circles[i+1].maxRad - circles[i+1].minRad);	phase0 = circles[i].phase;	phase1 = circles[i+1].phase;	for (j = 0; j < stepsPerSegment; j++) {	linParam = j/(stepsPerSegment-1);	cosParam = 0.5-0.5*Math.cos(linParam*Math.PI);	//interpolate center	centerX = circles[i].centerX + linParam*(circles[i+1].centerX - circles[i].centerX);	centerY = circles[i].centerY + cosParam*(circles[i+1].centerY - circles[i].centerY);	//interpolate radius	rad = rad0 + cosParam*(rad1 - rad0);	//interpolate phase	phase = phase0 + cosParam*(phase1 - phase0);	x0 = centerX + xSqueeze*rad*Math.cos(theta + phase);	y0 = centerY + rad*Math.sin(theta + phase);	context.lineTo(x0,y0);	}	}	context.stroke();	lineNumber++;	if (lineNumber > numPoints-1) {	clearInterval(timer);	timer = null;	break;	}	}	}	//Here is the function that defines a noisy (but not wildly varying) data set which we will use to draw the curves.	//We first define the points in a linked list, but then store the values in an array.	function setLinePoints(iterations) {	var pointList = {};	var pointArray = [];	pointList.first = {x:0, y:1};	var lastPoint = {x:1, y:1}	var minY = 1;	var maxY = 1;	var point;	var nextPoint;	var dx, newX, newY;	var ratio;	var minRatio = 0.5; = lastPoint;	for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {	point = pointList.first;	while ( != null) {	nextPoint =;	dx = nextPoint.x - point.x;	newX = 0.5*(point.x + nextPoint.x);	newY = 0.5*(point.y + nextPoint.y);	newY += dx*(Math.random()*2 - 1);	var newPoint = {x:newX, y:newY};	//min, max	if (newY < minY) {	minY = newY;	}	else if (newY > maxY) {	maxY = newY;	}	//put between points = nextPoint; = newPoint;	point = nextPoint;	}	}	//normalize to values between 0 and 1	//Also store y values in array here.	if (maxY != minY) {	var normalizeRate = 1/(maxY - minY);	point = pointList.first;	while (point != null) {	point.y = normalizeRate*(point.y - minY);	pointArray.push(point.y);	point =;	}	}	//unlikely that max = min, but could happen if using zero iterations. In this case, set all points equal to 1.	else {	point = pointList.first;	while (point != null) {	point.y = 1;	pointArray.push(point.y);	point =;	}	}	return pointArray;	}	function exportPressed(evt) {	//background - otherwise background will be transparent.	exportCanvasContext.fillStyle = bgColor;	exportCanvasContext.fillRect(0,0,displayWidth,displayHeight);	//draw	exportCanvasContext.drawImage(displayCanvas, 0,0,displayWidth,displayHeight,0,0,displayWidth,displayHeight);	//add printed url to image	exportCanvasContext.fillStyle = urlColor;	exportCanvasContext.font = 'bold italic 16px Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif';	exportCanvasContext.textBaseline = "top";	var metrics = exportCanvasContext.measureText("");	exportCanvasContext.fillText("", displayWidth - metrics.width - 10, 5);	//we will open a new window with the image contained within:	//retrieve canvas image as data URL:	var dataURL = exportCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");	//open a new window of appropriate size to hold the image:	var imageWindow ="", "fractalLineImage", "left=0,top=0,width="+displayWidth+",height="+displayHeight+",toolbar=0,resizable=0");	//write some html into the new window, creating an empty image:	imageWindow.document.write("<title>Export Image</title>")	imageWindow.document.write("<img id='exportImage'"	+ " alt=''"	+ " height='" + displayHeight + "'"	+ " width='" + displayWidth + "'"	+ " style='position:absolute;left:0;top:0'/>");	imageWindow.document.close();	//copy the image into the empty img in the newly opened window:	var exportImage = imageWindow.document.getElementById("exportImage");	exportImage.src = dataURL;	}	function regeneratePressed(evt) {	startGenerate();	}
Generative art from rectangleworld - Script Codes
Generative art from rectangleworld - Script Codes
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Developer Theun
Username tjoen
Uploaded July 22, 2022
Rating 4
Size 5,196 Kb
Views 40,480
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Theun (tjoen) Script Codes
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