5,088 Kb

How do I make an gooey?

SVG / JS Gooey Goodness...Drag from edges to split. Drag from center to move. Goo may be fused back together. . What is a gooey? How do you make a gooey? This script and codes were developed by Tiffany Rayside on 13 June 2022, Monday.

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GOOey - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>GOOey</title> <script>console.log('Always with ❤, @tmrDevelops w/huge help from theManInBlue');</script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <!--
Drag from edges to split.
Drag from center to move.
Goo may be fused back together.
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0,0,800,800" version="1.1" fill = 'hsla(166, 95%, 60%, .8)' > <text x="300" y="410" font-size='3em' fill="hsla(166, 95%, 75%, 1)">GOOey</text>
</svg> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

GOOey - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(;
html { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;
body { cursor: move; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; background: hsla(166, 95%, 25%, 1); background-position: 50% 50%; font-family: 'Chango', cursive;
svg text::-moz-selection { background: none;
svg text::selection { background: none;

GOOey - Script Codes JS Codes

Heavily Influenced by "The Man In Blue's Blobular" (found on Creative Bloq
This is a pretty sad attempt at recreating it - it's not nearly as good. Has some kinks, but it works.
var _svg = "";
var _xlnk = "";
var midX = 400;
var midY = 400;
var mt = true;
var thi = 85;
var cY_X = function(a, b, r, x) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(x - a, 2));
var calc = function(o, pt) { var tan = (pt[1] - o[1]) / (pt[0] - o[0]); var ang = Math.atan(tan) / Math.PI * 180 + 90; if (pt[0] < o[0]) { ang += 180; } return ang;
var Goo = function(r, a, b) { var _goo = this; this.c1rad = r; this.c1p1 = a; this.c1p2 = b; this._c1p1_ = a; this._c1p2_ = b; this.msdn = [a, b]; this.fuse = thi; this.c2rad = 50; this.c2p1 = 0; this.c2p2 = 0 - this.c1rad + this.c2rad - 1; this.pth = document.createElementNS(_svg, "path"); this.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth"); this.pth.or = this; this.reset = function() { this.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + this.c1p1 + "," + this.c1p2 + ")"); var pthd = "m 0 " + -this.c1rad + " A " + this.c1rad + " " + this.c1rad + " 0 1 1 0 " + this.c1rad; pthd += "A " + this.c1rad + " " + this.c1rad + " 0 1 1 0 " + -this.c1rad; this.pth.setAttribute("d", pthd); }; this.split = function(dist, ang) { this.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + this.c1p1 + "," + this.c1p2 + ") rotate(" + ang + ",0,0)"); this.c2p2 = 0 - this.c1mrad + this.c2rad - dist; this.fuse = thi; var fina = 0 - this.c1mnrad - this.fuse * 2 - this.c2rad; var srta = 0 - this.c1mrad + this.c2rad - 1; var diffa = srta - fina; var _diffa = this.c2p2 - fina; var dper = _diffa / diffa; this.c1rad = this.c1mnrad + (this.c1mrad - this.c1mnrad) * dper; var angA = this.c1rad + this.fuse; var angB = this.c2rad + this.fuse; var angC = Math.abs(this.c2p2 - 0); var aper = (angA + angB + angC) / 2; var aa = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(aper * (aper - angA) * (aper - angB) * (aper - angC))); if (angC >= angA) { var anght = 2 * aa / angC; var angbi = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(angA, 2) - Math.pow(anght, 2)); } else { var anght = 2 * aa / angA; var angbi = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(angC, 2) - Math.pow(anght, 2)); } var c1tan = anght / angbi; var c1ang = Math.atan(c1tan); var c1sin = Math.sin(c1ang); var c1iX = c1sin * this.c1rad; var c1cos = Math.cos(c1ang); var c1iY = c1cos * this.c1rad; var fusec1ht = 0 + c1sin * (this.c1rad + this.fuse); var fusec1bi = 0 - c1cos * (this.c1rad + this.fuse); var pt1X = 0 - c1iX; var pt1Y = 0 - c1iY; var pt2X = 0 + c1iX; var pt2Y = 0 - c1iY; var c2tan = (this.c2p2 - fusec1bi) / (this.c2p1 - fusec1ht); var c2ang = Math.atan(c2tan); var c2iX = fusec1ht - Math.cos(c2ang) * (this.fuse); var c2iY = fusec1bi - Math.sin(c2ang) * (this.fuse); var pthd = "M " + pt1X + " " + pt1Y + " A " + this.c1rad + " " + this.c1rad + " 0 1 0 " + pt2X + " " + pt2Y; if (fusec1ht - this.fuse <= 0 && this.c2p2 < fusec1bi) { var xxY = cY_X(fusec1ht, fusec1bi, this.fuse, 0); pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 0 " + (fusec1bi + xxY); pthd += "m 0 -" + (xxY * 2); } pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 " + c2iX + " " + c2iY; var lcfl = 1; if (fusec1bi < this.c2p2) { lcfl = 0; } pthd += "a " + this.c2rad + " " + this.c2rad + " 0 " + lcfl + " 0 " + ((c2iX - 0) * -2) + " 0"; if (fusec1ht - this.fuse <= 0 && this.c2p2 < fusec1bi) { pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 0 " + (fusec1bi - xxY); pthd += "m 0 " + (xxY * 2); } pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 " + pt1X + " " + pt1Y; pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 " + pt1X + " " + pt1Y; this.pth.setAttribute("d", pthd); };
this.dfuse = function(dist, ang) { this.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth joining"); this.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(" + this.c1p1 + "," + this.c1p2 + ") rotate(" + ang + ",0,0)"); this.c2p2 = 0 - this.c1mrad + this.c2rad - dist; this.fCmnrad = 1; this.fCmrad = 200; var srta = 0 - this.c1mnrad - this.c2rad; var fina = 0 - this.c1mrad + this.c2rad - 1; var diffa = srta - fina; var _diffa = this.c2p2 - fina; var dper = _diffa / diffa; this.fuse = this.fCmrad - (this.fCmrad - this.fCmnrad) * dper; this.c1rad = this.c1mrad - (this.c1mrad - this.c1mnrad) * dper; var angA = this.c1rad + this.fuse; var angB = this.c2rad + this.fuse; var angC = Math.abs(this.c2p2); var aper = (angA + angB + angC) / 2; var aa = Math.sqrt(aper * (aper - angA) * (aper - angB) * (aper - angC)); if (angC >= angA) { var anght = 2 * aa / angC; var angbi = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(angA, 2) - Math.pow(anght, 2)); } else { var anght = 2 * aa / angA; var angbi = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(angC, 2) - Math.pow(anght, 2));
} var c1tan = anght / angbi; var c1ang = Math.atan(c1tan); var c1sin = Math.sin(c1ang); var c1iX = c1sin * this.c1rad; var c1cos = Math.cos(c1ang); var c1iY = c1cos * this.c1rad; var fusec1ht = c1sin * (this.c1rad + this.fuse); var fusec1bi = -c1cos * (this.c1rad + this.fuse); var pt1X = -c1iX; var pt1Y = -c1iY; var pt2X = c1iX; var pt2Y = -c1iY; var c2tan = (this.c2p2 - fusec1bi) / (this.c2p1 - fusec1ht); var c2ang = Math.atan(c2tan); var c2iX = fusec1ht - Math.cos(c2ang) * (this.fuse); var c2iY = fusec1bi - Math.sin(c2ang) * (this.fuse); var pthd = "M " + pt1X + " " + pt1Y + " A " + this.c1rad + " " + this.c1rad + " 0 1 0 " + pt2X + " " + pt2Y; if (fusec1ht - this.fuse <= 0 && this.c2p2 < fusec1bi) { var xxY = cY_X(fusec1ht, fusec1bi, this.fuse, 0); pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 0 " + (fusec1bi + xxY); pthd += "m 0 -" + (xxY * 2); } pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 " + c2iX + " " + c2iY; var lcfl = 1; if (fusec1bi < this.c2p2) { lcfl = 0; } pthd += "a " + this.c2rad + " " + this.c2rad + " 0 " + lcfl + " 0 " + (c2iX * -2) + " 0"; if (fusec1ht - this.fuse <= 0 && this.c2p2 < fusec1bi) { pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 0 " + (fusec1bi - xxY); pthd += "m 0 " + (xxY * 2); } pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 " + pt1X + " " + pt1Y; pthd += "A " + this.fuse + " " + this.fuse + " 0 0 1 " + pt1X + " " + pt1Y; this.pth.setAttribute("d", pthd);
this.brk = function(pts) { var inc = thi / 4; var curra = this.c2p2 + inc; if (curra > -this.c1rad + this.c2rad - 1) { this.c1rad = this.c1mrad; this.reset(); } else { var dist = -curra - (this.c1mrad - this.c2rad); var ang = calc([this.c1p1, this.c1p2], pts); this.split(dist, ang); setTimeout(function() { _goo.brk(pts); }, 25); }
this.fuse_ = function(pts) { var inc = 20; var curra = this.c2p2 + inc; if (curra > -this.c1rad + this.c2rad - 1) { this.c1rad = this.c1mrad; this.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth"); this.reset(); } else { var dist = -curra - (this.c1mrad - this.c2rad); var ang = calc([this.c1p1, this.c1p2], pts); this.dfuse(dist, ang); setTimeout(function() { _goo.fuse_(pts); }, 25); }
this.mousedown = function(e) { _goo.msdn = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); _goo._c1p1_ = _goo.c1p1; _goo._c1p2_ = _goo.c1p2; _goo.od = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_goo.msdn[0] - _goo.c1p1, 2) + Math.pow(_goo.msdn[1] - _goo.c1p2, 2)); _goo.c2rad = _goo.c1rad - _goo.od; if (_goo.od < 20) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mousemove, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", _goo.mouseup, false); } else { var c1area = Math.PI * Math.pow(_goo.c1rad, 2); var c2area = Math.PI * Math.pow(_goo.c2rad, 2); var nxtarea = c1area - c2area; _goo.c1mrad = _goo.c1rad; _goo.c1mnrad = Math.sqrt(nxtarea / Math.PI); document.addEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvsplit, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupSplit, false); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
}; this.mousemove = function(e) { var pts = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); _goo.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth"); _goo.c1p1 = _goo._c1p1_ + pts[0] - _goo.msdn[0]; _goo.c1p2 = _goo._c1p2_ + pts[1] - _goo.msdn[1]; if (mt == true) { var paths = document.getElementsByTagName("path"); for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { var or = paths[i].or; var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_goo.c1p1 - or.c1p1, 2) + Math.pow(_goo.c1p2 - or.c1p2, 2)) if (paths[i] != _goo.pth && dist < _goo.c1rad + or.c1rad) { var c1area = Math.PI * Math.pow(or.c1rad, 2); var c2area = Math.PI * Math.pow(_goo.c1rad, 2); var nxtarea = c1area + c2area; if (_goo.c1rad < or.c1rad) { or.c1mnrad = or.c1rad; or.c1mrad = Math.sqrt(nxtarea / Math.PI); or.c2rad = _goo.c1rad; or.c2oa = _goo._c1p1_; or.c2ob = _goo._c1p2_; or.msdn = _goo.msdn; var dd = dist - or.c1mrad + or.c2rad; if (dd < 1) { dd = 1; } or.dfuse(dd, calc([or.c1p1, or.c1p2], [_goo.c1p1, _goo.c1p2])); document.addEventListener("mousemove", or.mvfuse, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", or.msupFuse, false); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mousemove, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.mouseup, false); _goo.pth.parentNode.removeChild(_goo.pth); } else { or.c1mnrad = _goo.c1rad; or.c1mrad = Math.sqrt(nxtarea / Math.PI); or.c2rad = or.c1rad; or.c2oa = or.c1p1; or.c2ob = or.c1p2; or.c1rad = _goo.c1rad; or.c1p1 = _goo.c1p1; or.c1p2 = _goo.c1p2; or._c1p1_ = _goo._c1p1_; or._c1p2_ = _goo._c1p2_; or.msdn = _goo.msdn; var dd = dist - or.c1mrad + or.c2rad; if (dd < 1) { dd = 1; } or.dfuse(dd, calc([or.c1p1, or.c1p2], [or.c2oa, or.c2ob])); document.addEventListener("mousemove", or.mvfusea, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", or.msupfusea, false); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mousemove, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.mouseup, false); _goo.pth.parentNode.removeChild(_goo.pth); } break; } } } _goo.reset(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.mvsplit = function(e) { var pts = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pts[0] - _goo.c1p1, 2) + Math.pow(pts[1] - _goo.c1p2, 2)); if (dist > _goo.c1rad + _goo.fuse * 2 + _goo.c2rad) { var apart = new Goo(_goo.c2rad, pts[0], pts[1]); apart.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth joining"); document.addEventListener("mousemove", apart.mousemove, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", apart.mouseup, false); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvsplit, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupSplit, false); this.c1rad = this.c1mnrad; _goo.reset(); } else { var dd = dist - _goo.od; if (dd < 1) { dd = 1; } _goo.split(dd, calc([_goo.c1p1, _goo.c1p2], pts)); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.mvfuse = function(e) { var pts = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_goo.c2oa + pts[0] - _goo.msdn[0] - _goo.c1p1, 2) + Math.pow(_goo.c2ob + pts[1] - _goo.msdn[1] - _goo.c1p2, 2)); if (dist > _goo.c1mnrad + _goo.c2rad) { var apart = new Goo(_goo.c2rad, pts[0], pts[1]); document.addEventListener("mousemove", apart.mousemove, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", apart.mouseup, false); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvfuse, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupFuse, false); _goo.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth"); _goo.c1rad = _goo.c1mnrad; _goo.reset(); } else { var dd = dist - _goo.c1mrad + _goo.c2rad; if (dd < 1) { dd = 1; } _goo.dfuse(dd, calc([_goo.c1p1, _goo.c1p2], [_goo.c2oa + pts[0] - _goo.msdn[0], _goo.c2ob + pts[1] - _goo.msdn[1]])); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.mvfusea = function(e) { var pts = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); _goo.c1p1 = _goo._c1p1_ + pts[0] - _goo.msdn[0]; _goo.c1p2 = _goo._c1p2_ + pts[1] - _goo.msdn[1]; var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_goo.c1p1 - _goo.c2oa, 2) + Math.pow(_goo.c1p2 - _goo.c2ob, 2)); if (dist > _goo.c1mnrad + _goo.c2rad) { var apart = new Goo(_goo.c2rad, _goo.c2oa, _goo.c2ob); document.addEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mousemove, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", _goo.mouseup, false); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvfusea, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupfusea, false); _goo.c1rad = _goo.c1mnrad; _goo.reset(); } else { var dd = dist - _goo.c1mrad + _goo.c2rad; if (dd < 1) { dd = 1; } _goo.dfuse(dd, calc([_goo.c1p1, _goo.c1p2], [_goo.c2oa, _goo.c2ob])); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.mouseup = function(e) { _goo.pth.setAttributeNS(null, "class", "pth"); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mousemove, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.mouseup, false); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.msupSplit = function(e) { var pts = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); _goo.brk(pts); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvsplit, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupSplit, false); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.msupFuse = function(e) { var pts = _to(e.clientX, e.clientY); _goo.fuse_(pts); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvfuse, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupFuse, false); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.msupfusea = function(e) { _goo.fuse_([_goo.c2oa, _goo.c2ob]); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", _goo.mvfusea, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", _goo.msupfusea, false); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; this.pth.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedown, false); document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].appendChild(this.pth); this.reset();
var B = function(xPos, xPer) { thi = 10 + Math.round(xPer * 400);
var vws = function() { var sz = [0, 0]; sz = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]; return sz;
var _to = function(gx, gy) { var spt = [0, 0]; var svg = document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]; var vb = svg.viewBox.baseVal; var vbw = vb.width; var vbh = vb.height; var vbr = vbw / vbh; var vps = vws(); var vpr = vps[0] / vps[1]; if (vbr <= vpr) { spt[1] = gy * (vbh / vps[1]); var vbgw = vbw * (vps[1] / vbh); var vboX = (vps[0] - vbgw) / 2; spt[0] = (gx - vboX) * (vbh / vps[1]); } else { spt[0] = gx * (vbw / vps[0]); var vbgh = vbh * (vps[0] / vbw); var vboY = (vps[1] - vbgh) / 2; spt[1] = (gy - vboY) * (vbw / vps[0]); } return spt;
var set = function() { new Goo(200, midX, midY);
GOOey - Script Codes
GOOey - Script Codes
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Developer Tiffany Rayside
Username tmrDevelops
Uploaded June 13, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 5,088 Kb
Views 50,600
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