Guest Post on CSS-Tricks

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How do I make an guest post on css-tricks?

What is a guest post on css-tricks? How do you make a guest post on css-tricks? This script and codes were developed by Shankar Cabus on 24 June 2022, Friday.

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Guest Post on CSS-Tricks - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Guest Post on CSS-Tricks</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <article>
<h1>Title of Your Article</h1>
<p class="time"> Published <time datetime="2013-06-13"> June 13, 2013 </time> by Guest Author
<em class="explanation">This top paragraph is where I introduce you and explain how this guest post came about. I will write it, but you can provide links that you want used. It's an &lt;em> for various syndication reasons.</em>
This is <em>your</em> intro paragraph. This is where you explain briefly what this article is going to be about. Hopefully it's quite enticing and interesting.
<strong>Note</strong> that there are no &lt;p> tags around these paragraphs. I publish in WordPress and use their auto-p functionality. Not a big deal, just easier if you don't use them. So here on CodePen, we're using Markdown which automatically does that. Don't use Markdown for anything else though. While I love it, I don't use it while publishing articles on CSS-Tricks (legacy reasons).
<strong>Also note</strong> there are no super hard-and-fast rules for post formatting. If you want to do something usual or fancy or whatever, I'm typically down.
<h3>Subheads are &lt;h3> tags</h3>
They probably should be &lt;h2> tags but again for legacy reasons they are not. h3's have a bunch of margin above them to set them apart.
Breaking articles into sections is a good idea. It just flows better and is easier to scan.
You can use &lt;strong>, &lt;b>, &lt;em>, and &lt;i> as needed, but don't nest them as I don't load the bold-and-italic version of my body font for performance reasons.
Sub-sections using &lt;h4> tags. Like if you were going going to make a section all about the font property and then sub-heads for each of the sub-properties. Sub-sections should be related to the larger section they are a part of.
<h4>Another sub-subhead</h4>
These don't have as much space above or below them as the h3's.
<h3>The HTML (Example Section Title)</h3>
A common thing when demonstrating a front end technique is to break into sections by language.
<pre rel="HTML"><code markup="tt" class="language-markup"><div>
<h3 class="title">Example Code</h3>
<ul> <li>This</li> <li>Little</li> <li>Piggy</li>
Things to note about posting code blocks:
<ul> <li>Do not escape HTML</li> <li>Use two spaces for indenting</li> <li>HTML uses &lt;pre rel="HTML">&lt;code markup="tt" class="language-markup"></li> <li>CSS uses &lt;pre rel="CSS">&lt;code class="language-css"></li> <li>JS uses &lt;pre rel="jQuery">&lt;code class="language-javascript"></li> <li>For any JS library, replace the rel="" with that library name, like "jQuery"</li> <li>No extra lines at top or bottom of the code block</li>
Inline code is in &lt;code> tags. HTML in code tags don't need to be escaped either, even though I have here.
<h3>The CSS (Example Header)</h3>
Block quotes are like this:
<blockquote>To live is to love or something.</blockquote>
You don't need paragraph tags inside blockquotes unless they are more than one paragraph. Then put paragraph tags around both.
<blockquote><p>This is the first paragraph of a multi-paragraph quote.</p>
<p>And this is the second.</p></blockquote>
<pre rel="CSS"><code class="language-css">.selector {
property: value;
<h3>The JavaScript (...just another example)</h3>
<ul> <li>Oh by the way you can nest lists if you need to. <ol> <li>Itty</li> <li>Bitty</li> <li>Titty</li> </ol> </li> <li>They can be of any type.</li>
<pre rel="jQuery"><code class="language-javascript">$("pre code").each(function() { var content = $(this).html(); $(this).text(content);
yadda yadda yadda.
<h3>Another Lovely Section</h3>
I host all images in articles right on the CSS-Tricks CDN. Link them up however you need to temporarily and I'll upload them.
If the image blending into white makes sense (<a href="">example</a>) then just use an &lt;img>.
Otherwise, mark it up in a &lt;figure> tag which gives it a frame and sets it apart. This is the standard.
<figure> <img src="" /> <figcaption>This is a star.</figcaption>
Use &lt;figcaption> tags within the &lt;figure> to write captions if needed.
Images will never scale up, but if they are wider than the column, they will scale down.
<table> <tr> <th>Header</th> <th>Header</th> <th>Header</th> <tr> <tr> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> <td>data</td> </tr>
</article> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Guest Post on CSS-Tricks - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background: url(;
article { background: white; border: 20px solid #D6D5D5; padding: 40px; width: 80%; max-width: 700px; margin: 20px auto;

Guest Post on CSS-Tricks - Script Codes JS Codes

// HTML in article should just be HTML, not escaped
// CSS-Tricks doesn't do it exactly this way, but close enough.
$("pre code").each(function() { var content = $(this).html(); $(this).text(content);
Guest Post on CSS-Tricks - Script Codes
Guest Post on CSS-Tricks - Script Codes
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Developer Shankar Cabus
Username shankarcabus
Uploaded June 24, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,425 Kb
Views 66,792
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