
19,971 Kb

How do I make an hangman?

What is a hangman? How do you make a hangman? This script and codes were developed by Harley Santos Garzón on 31 January 2023, Tuesday.

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Hangman - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<main class="templateApplication"> <div class="templateContent mt40"> <div class="game__hangman game__hangman1"> <div class="game__hangman--hiddenImg" style="background-image:url('http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/fondo.png')"><img class="responsive-img hiddenImg lingote_1 is--visible" src="http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/lingote_1.png"/><img class="responsive-img hiddenImg lingote_2 is--visible" src="http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/lingote_2.png"/><img class="responsive-img hiddenImg lingote_3 is--visible" src="http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/lingote_3.png"/><img class="responsive-img hiddenImg lingote_4 is--visible" src="http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/lingote_4.png"/><img class="responsive-img hiddenImg lingote_5 is--visible" src="http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/lingote_5.png"/><img class="responsive-img hiddenImg lingote_6 is--visible" src="http://bbdigitaldemo.com/00.material_apoyo/UNAD_business/hangman/lingote_6.png"/></div> <!----> <div class="game__hangman--findWord"> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-word"> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-letter letter"></div> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-letter letter"></div> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-letter letter"></div> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-letter letter"></div> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-letter letter"></div> <div class="game__hangman--findWord-letter letter"></div> </div> </div> <!----> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard"> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard--line"> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="Q" disabled="disabled">Q</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="W" disabled="disabled">W</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="E" disabled="disabled">E</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="R" disabled="disabled">R</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="T" disabled="disabled">T</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="Y" disabled="disabled">Y</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="U" disabled="disabled">U</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="I" disabled="disabled">I</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="O" disabled="disabled">O</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="P" disabled="disabled">P</div> </div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard--line"> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="A" disabled="disabled">A</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="S" disabled="disabled">S</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="D" disabled="disabled">D</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="F" disabled="disabled">F</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="G" disabled="disabled">G</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="H" disabled="disabled">H</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="J" disabled="disabled">J</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="K" disabled="disabled">K</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="L" disabled="disabled">L</div> </div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard--line"> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="Z" disabled="disabled">Z</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="X" disabled="disabled">X</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="C" disabled="disabled">C</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="V" disabled="disabled">V</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="B" disabled="disabled">B</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="N" disabled="disabled">N</div> <div class="game__hangman--keyBoard-key key" pos="0" value="M" disabled="disabled">M</div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
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Hangman - Script Codes CSS Codes

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato);
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway');
//Reset básico -- Basic reset	* {	box-sizing: border-box;	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	text-decoration: none;	font-weight: normal;	font-family: 'Lato';	color: $noche;	}	ul{	li{	list-style: none;	}	}	a{	}	h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{	font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;	margin-bottom: 10px;	}
//-- Estructura proyecto	body{	background-color: $gray;	}	.template{	&Application{	position: relative;	top: 0;	left: 0;	min-height: 100vh;	height: 100%;	width: 100%;	z-index: 10;	overflow: hidden;	overflow-y: auto;	//	}	&Content{	width: 90%;	//min-width: 768px;	max-width: 1280px;	margin: auto;	}	}
.game{ &__hangman{	position	: relative;	width	: 100%;	height	: 100%;	//	@include flexbox;	@include flex-direction(column);	@include justify-content(flex-end);	//@include align-items(center);	//	min-width	: 748px;	max-width	: 768px;	min-height	: 430px;	max-height	: 500px;	//	margin	: auto;	// estilos comunes	// ===================================== &--keyBoard, &--findWord, &--hiddenImg{ position: relative; z-index: 2; }	// =====================================	// imagen de fondo > imagen de ahorcado	// =====================================	&--hiddenImg{	position: absolute;	top: 0;	left: 0;	width: 100%;	height: 420px;	@include flexbox;	@include justify-content(center);	@include flex(1 0 auto);	background-size: 768px 420px;	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-position: center;	.hiddenImg{	$topImage: 3em;	opacity: 0;	top: 3rem;	left: auto;	right: auto;	position: absolute;	width: 150px;	&.is--visible{ opacity: 1; }	//	&:nth-child(1){	top: $topImage - .6em;	left: 41%;	z-index: 6;	}	&:nth-child(2){	top: $topImage + .7em;	left: 37%;	z-index: 4;	}	&:nth-child(3){	top: $topImage + 2.8em;	left: 45%;	z-index: 5;	}	&:nth-child(4){	top: $topImage + 2em;	left: 34%;	z-index: 1;	}	&:nth-child(5){	top: $topImage + 4em;	left: 42%;	z-index: 2;	}	&:nth-child(6){	top: $topImage + 6em;	left: 50%;	z-index: 3;	}	} } // teclado	// =====================================	// ===================================== // Palabra a buscar	// =====================================	&--findWord{	@include flexbox;	@include justify-content(center);	//	min-width: 50%;	max-width: 90%;	margin: 0 auto;	//	&-letter{	width: 30px;	height: 30px;	background-color: #fff;	box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 2px rgba(157, 179, 188, 1) inset;	border-radius: 5px;	//	@include flexbox;	@include justify-content(center);	@include align-items(center);	}	&-word{	@include flexbox;	@include justify-content(center);	@include flex-wrap(wrap);	padding: 0 .5rem;	max-width: 100%;	&:first-child{	padding-left: 0;	}	} }	// teclado	// =====================================	&--keyBoard{	//	@include flexbox;	@include justify-content(center);	@include align-items(center);	@include flex-wrap(wrap);	//	width: 70%;	min-height: 35px;	padding: 5px 0;	margin: 0 auto;	background-color: transparent;	//	&--line{	@include flexbox;	@include justify-content(center);	@include align-items(center);	min-height: 35px;	}	//	&-key {	width: 30px;	height: 30px;	z-index: 20;	outline: none;	margin: 0 4px 0 0;	border-radius: 5px;	background-color: #e1f4fd;	border: none;	color: #606a70;	font-size: 18px;	line-height: 25px;	text-align: center;	cursor: pointer;	box-shadow: 1px 3px 0px 0px rgba(157, 179, 188, 1);	&:hover, &:active, &.press{	background-color: #fff;	color: #606a70;	}	&:active, &.press, &.bien, &.mal{	box-shadow: 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(157, 179, 188, 1);	}	&.bien, &.mal{	color: white;	}	} }	// =====================================	&:after{	// content: url(data-bg);	position: absolute;	top: 0;	left: 0;	height: 100%;	max-height	: 420px;	width: 100%;	z-index: 1;	//background-image: url('http://bbdigitaldemo.com/demo_B-teens/templates/level-1/module-1/img/24/bgTree.png');	background-size: 748px 420px;	background-repeat: no-repeat;	background-position: center; }	// =====================================	}
.bien{	background-color: green !important;	color: white !important;
.mal{	background-color: red !important;	color: white !important;

Hangman - Script Codes JS Codes

var correctas = 0;
var contp=0;
var verificar;
function soup_letter(array,letter,item,itemLetra,parent,ahor,pos){	//console.log(pos);	var letra = letter.text().toLowerCase();	var respuesta = array;	verificar = respuesta.indexOf(letra);	if(verificar != -1){	for (var i = 0; i < respuesta.length; i++) {	if(letra == respuesta[i]){	contar(respuesta.length, pos);	$(item).eq(i).text(respuesta[i]);	letter.addClass('bien');	}	} } else {	letter.addClass('mal');	contar_malas(parent); }
function contar_malas(parent){	contp ++; //console.log(`total malas ${contp}`); //console.log(`${parent} .lingote_${contp}`);	let cur= document.querySelector(`${parent} .lingote_${contp}`); if(contp==1){	cur.classList.remove("is--visible");	} if(contp==2){	cur.classList.remove("is--visible");	} if(contp==3){	cur.classList.remove("is--visible");	} if(contp==4){	cur.classList.remove("is--visible");	} if(contp==5){	cur.classList.remove("is--visible");	} if(contp==6){ cur.classList.remove("is--visible"); alert(`Opps!!, Try Again`); reset_aho(parent); }
function reset_aho(parent){ contp = 0; //$(".cuerpo").css("display","none"); $(".game__hangman--findWord-letter").text("") $(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass('mal'); $(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass("sel"); $(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass("bien"); $(".game__hangman--hiddenImg .hiddenImg").addClass("is--visible"); $('#correcta').val(correctas=0); $('#envio').val(0);
function contar(total, pos, parent){	correctas ++;	//console.log(`Letra ${pos}, Correctas: ${correctas} -> total: ${total}`)	if(correctas == total){	reset_aho(parent);	if (confirm("Press a button!") == true) {	$(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass("sel");	$(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass("bien");	} else {	$(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass("sel");	$(".game__hangman--keyBoard-key").removeClass("bien");	}	}	//(correctas == total+1) ? 'loop' : '' ;
$(".game__hangman1 .key").click(function() {	var pos = $( this ).text();	soup_letter(	['a', 'c', 't', 'i', 'n', 'g'],	$(this),	'.letter',	'.key',	'.game__hangman--hiddenImg',	'.lost1',	pos	);	});
Hangman - Script Codes
Hangman - Script Codes
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Developer Harley Santos Garzón
Username HarleySG
Uploaded January 31, 2023
Rating 3
Size 19,971 Kb
Views 8,096
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