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How do I make an helpafriend?

What is a helpafriend? How do you make a helpafriend? This script and codes were developed by Kyle Mickey on 02 October 2022, Sunday.

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<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Brandon Goodell: Teaching, Research, Professional Information</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./page_files/normalize.css" media="screen"> <link href="./page_files/css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./page_files/stylesheet.css" media="screen"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./page_files/github-light.css" media="screen"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="Brandon Goodell's Teaching, Research, and Professional Information WebPage"> <meta name="keywords" content="Brandon Goodell, commutative algebra, factorization, monoids, partial order, partially ordered abelian group, pre-order, pre-ordered monoids, homological algebra, cohomology group, group of divisibility, category of factorization, category theory, bitcoin, monero, evolution, computational, simulations, stochastic processes, time series, time series analysis"> <meta name="author" content="Brandon Goodell">
<body> <section class="page-header"> <h1 class="project-name">Brandon Goodell</h1> <h1 class="project-tagline">Research, Teaching, Professional Information</h1> <a href="" class="btn">arXiv</a> <a href="" class="btn">LinkedIn</a> <a href="" class="btn">GitHub</a> </section> <section class="main-content"> <div class="container-row"> <div class="left-col"> <h1>
<a id="table-of-contents" class="anchor" href="" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Table of Contents</h1> <ul> <li><a href="">Research</a></li> <li><a href="">Teaching</a></li> <li><a href="">For Students</a></li> <li><a href="">Interests</a></li> <li><a href="">CV</a></li> <li><a href="">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="right-col"> <img src="" /> </div> </div> <h1> <div>
<a id="Research" class="anchor" href="" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Research</h1> <p> My research as a doctoral candidate has been focused on commutative algebra. In particular, I am interested in developing novel methods of analysis for studying factorization (in a broad sense). </p> <p> With my advisor, <a href="">Jim Coykendall</a>, we have developed cohomological tools for analyzing arbitrary integral domains and their groups of divisibility. These tools assess the degree of non-atomicity in integral domains and allow us to develop certain structure theorems for groups of divisibility. Check out my arXiv for a pre-print of our paper (although the arXiv print has gone through many revisions since it was last uploaded). </p> <p> More recently, with <a href="">Sean Sather-Wagstaff</a>, we have begun research on a new category describing ordered factorizations and their combinatorial diversity in general environments (i.e. pre-ordered, abelian, cancellative) monoids. This "category of factorizations" has a lot of interesting properties: there is a subcategory of weak equivalences and a model structure, so the category of factorizations admits a homotopy category, and the category is a section of the group of divisibility (or rather, the group of divisibility is a retract of the category of factorization) in the sense that there exists a pair of functors, F:C &rarr; G, E:G &rarr; C, that compose to the identity in one direction (FE is the identity on G) but not the other direction (EF is not the identity on C). </p> <p> In addition to interesting navel-gazing properties, we are able to solve concrete problems in commutative ring theory using this category with the following trick: formulate a ring-theoretic problem in the context of the category of factorizations, solve the problem in that setting, and then lift the result back into the context of ring theory. </p> <h1>
<a id="Teaching" class="anchor" href="" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Teaching</h1> <p> If you are one of my students looking for my course-specific webpages, check out my section <a href="">For Students</a>. </p> <p>I have been teaching in some capacity or another for over 8 years now. You can find my teaching statement <a href="">here</a> and you can see my history of teaching at the bottom of this section. </p> <h3>Clemson University Teaching</h3> <ul> <li>Spring 2016 - Present : Statistics for Science and Engineering (Math 3020)</li> <li>Spring 2014 - Fall 2015 : Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Math 2080)</li> <li>Fall 2013 : Business Calculus I (Math 1020)</li> </ul> <h3>North Dakota State Uinversity Teaching</h3> <ul> <li>Spring 2016 - Present : Statistics for Science and Engineering (Math 3020)</li> <li>Spring 2014 - Fall 2015 : Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Math 2080)</li> <li>Fall 2013 : Business Calculus I (Math 1020)</li> </ul> <h1> <a id="For-Students" class="anchor" href="" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>For Students</h1> <ul> <li>Fall 2016: <a href="">Statistics for Science and Engineering (Math 3020)</a></li> </ul> <h1>
<a id="Interests" class="anchor" href="" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Interests</h1> <p> My interests and hobbies are varied, including dynamical systems in biology and neuroscience, machine learning, cryptocurrencies and practical applications of math, computational approaches to assessing cultural evolution and phenomena, and stochastic process and time series analysis. </p> <p> I've been involved in coding projects regarding every one of these interests, some of which are available online. My master's thesis was focused on dynamical systems in neuroscience and constructing a bifurcation portrait for a computationally handy model neuron, and my research as an undergraduate involved stochastic implementations of ODEs describing ecological progression of plague in black-tailed prairie dogs and their fleas. </p> <p> Once upon a time, I was interested in blending computational neuroscience and machine learning in <a href="">Project BRAINN</a> with a colleague, Aaron Feickert, from NDSU, but that project was terminated before it bore any intellectual fruit. </p> <p> My interest in using computational approaches to machine learning and cultural evolution has not waned, though. On my GitHub, (link <a href="">here</a>), you can check out my book-clustering project, wherein I download free math textbooks, use optical character recognition to convert them into text, and then attempt to blindly cluster them by topic using k-means clustering. It is a hilariously inefficient approach to a worthy problem (it takes doubly exponential time to converge upon a solution, it downloads hundreds of free math PDF textbooks to your computer, and processes them into text, and it doesn't work very well). However, it was an interesting application of abstract data structures. </p> <p> One problem that characterizes many of my interests is the question of how altruism evolved. This question, which seems to be directly answerable, blends my interest in stochastics, evolution, dynamical systems, game theory, and cultural phenemona. My appraoch to look at this question included simulating a game that hybridized the Game of Life and Prisoner's Dilemma and incorporates evolutionary theory; my simulations ended up producing fairly impressive results, which you can view <a href="">here</a>. Clustered groups of cooperators tend to form with defectors existing in the "cracks" between coooperating masses of individuals. </p> <p> However, my most recent projects have involved cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Monero) which I feel present novel problems for computer science and mathematics to solve. From a rather... profit-driven point of view... I have developed my own code for automatedly buying and selling bitcoin (check out my <a href="">GitHub</a>), which uses simple statistical techniques and a modified version of <a href="">investment rebalancing</a> to make profit from the high volatility of the Bitcoin market. </p> <p> From a more scientific point of view, I have also taken interest in the Cryptocurrency Difficulty Control Problem, as described <a href="">here</a>. The problem comes down to asking the question: how does one map a non-homogeneous Poisson process with an unknown intensity function to a stochastic process that may be regarded as a reliable clock? </p> <h1>
<a id="contact" class="anchor" href="" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Contact</h1> <p>E-mail is bggoode at Clemson, with the usual educational suffix. You can also contact me through GitHub or through LinkedIn.</p> </div> <footer class="site-footer"> This page is maintained by <a href="">Brandon G Goodell</a>, and the code for this webpage is largely lifted directly from GitHub.</span> <span class="site-footer-credits">This page was generated by <a href="">GitHub Pages</a> using the <a href="">Cayman theme</a> by <a href="">Jason Long</a>.</span> </footer> </section>
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HelpAFriend - Script Codes CSS Codes

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HelpAFriend - Script Codes JS Codes

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HelpAFriend - Script Codes
HelpAFriend - Script Codes
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Developer Kyle Mickey
Username KDMickey
Uploaded October 02, 2022
Rating 3
Size 8,299 Kb
Views 14,168
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