IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator

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How do I make an ibm puresystems - pureapp emulator?

A linear, self-contained experience emulating the PureApp software workflow.. What is a ibm puresystems - pureapp emulator? How do you make a ibm puresystems - pureapp emulator? This script and codes were developed by Daniel Yuschick on 25 September 2022, Sunday.

IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator Previews

IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator - Script Codes HTML Codes

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<body> <div class="container"> <header class="dark-header"> <a href="" title="IBM"><img class="logo" src="" /></a> <span class="helvbold">IBM PureApplication Tutorial</span> </header> <section class="scene one active"> <section class="blue-nav"> <div class="step-back"> <svg version="1.1" class="back-arrow" xmlns:sketch="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M11,0c6.075,0,11,4.925,11,11s-4.925,11-11,11S0,17.075,0,11S4.925,0,11,0L11,0z M11,21 c5.523,0,10-4.477,10-10c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S1,5.477,1,11C1,16.523,5.477,21,11,21L11,21z M5.5,11l3,4h1l-2.75-3.501h9.75 V10.5H6.75L9.5,7h-1L5.5,11L5.5,11z" /> </g> <g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M11,0c6.075,0,11,4.925,11,11s-4.925,11-11,11S0,17.075,0,11S4.925,0,11,0L11,0z M11,21 c5.523,0,10-4.477,10-10c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S1,5.477,1,11C1,16.523,5.477,21,11,21L11,21z M5.5,11l3,4h1l-2.75-3.501h9.75 V10.5H6.75L9.5,7h-1L5.5,11L5.5,11z" /> </g> </svg> </div> <span class="step lubalin strong">Step 1:</span><span class="instruction helv"> Click "Create New" to start a Mobile Application Pattern</span> </section> <section class="content-container"> <button type="button">Create New</button> <table class="pattern-list"> <thead> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>Created By</td> <td>Updated By</td> <td>Created On</td> <td>Updated On</td> <td>Actions</td> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </section> </section> <section class="scene two"> <section class="blue-nav"> <div class="step-back active"> <svg version="1.1" class="back-arrow" xmlns:sketch="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" enable-background="new 0 0 22 22" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M11,0c6.075,0,11,4.925,11,11s-4.925,11-11,11S0,17.075,0,11S4.925,0,11,0L11,0z M11,21 c5.523,0,10-4.477,10-10c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S1,5.477,1,11C1,16.523,5.477,21,11,21L11,21z M5.5,11l3,4h1l-2.75-3.501h9.75 V10.5H6.75L9.5,7h-1L5.5,11L5.5,11z" /> </g> <g> <path fill="#ffffff" d="M11,0c6.075,0,11,4.925,11,11s-4.925,11-11,11S0,17.075,0,11S4.925,0,11,0L11,0z M11,21 c5.523,0,10-4.477,10-10c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S1,5.477,1,11C1,16.523,5.477,21,11,21L11,21z M5.5,11l3,4h1l-2.75-3.501h9.75 V10.5H6.75L9.5,7h-1L5.5,11L5.5,11z" /> </g> </svg> </div> <span class="step lubalin strong">Step 2: </span><span class="instruction helv">Select your Mobile Application Platform</span> </section> <section class="save-bar"> <img src="" alt="Save" /> <span>Save</span> </section> <section class="left-section"> <nav class="tab-bar"> <ul> <li class="active">Diagram</li> <li>List View</li> <li>Source</li> </ul> </nav> <section class="components-section"> <div class="assets-bar"> <span>Assets</span> </div> <div class="components-bar"> <span>Worklight Components</span> </div> <div class="components-container"> <div> <img src="" alt="Worklight Adapter" /> <span>Worklight Adapter</span> </div> <div class="application-item active"> <img src="" alt="Worklight Application" /> <span>Worklight Application</span> </div> <div> <img src="" alt="Worklight Configuration" /> <span>Worklight Configuration</span> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section class="right-section"> <div class="top"></div> <section class="application-container"> <div class="application-container-inner"> <div class="item configuration"></div> <div class="item admin-db"></div> <div class="item runtime-db"></div> <div class="item reports-db"></div> <div class="item server"></div> <div class="item starter-adapter"></div> <div class="item tds"></div> <div id="application-zone" class="item application"></div> <canvas id="the-line" width="100" height="30"></canvas> </div> </section> </section> </section> <footer> <div class="push-left"> <span class="helvlight"><a class="fountain-blue" href="" target="_blank" title="IBM - Hybrid Cloud Apps">Interactive Trial</a></span> </div> <div class="push-right"> <span class="helvlight">For more information: <a href="" title="IBM - Hybrid Cloud Apps"></a></span> <span><a class="exit" href="" title="Exit Emulator">Close</a></span> </div> </footer>
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<script id="overlay-enter" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> <h1>Deploy applications faster with IBM PureApplication</h1> <div class="overlay-inner"> <h2>Get a glimpse of how simple and fast you can deploy 200+ enterprise<br />applications using Patterns.</h2> <h2>This tool guides you through the process of building a Virtual Application using the IBM Mobile Application Pattern as an example.</h2> </div> <button type="button" id="overlay-button">{{buttonText}}</button>
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<script id="overlay-save" type="x-handlebars-template"> <h1>Your pattern has been saved as<br>"IBM PureApp Demo"</h1> <h2>The last step is to deploy your app</h2> <button type="button" id="overlay-button">{{buttonText}}</button>
<script id="overlay-exit" type="x-handlebars-template"> <h1>Congratulations! You've successfully deployed your virtual application with IBM PureApplication</h1> <h2>For a deeper look at how you can cut time to deployment and save money</h2> <div class="exit-overlay-container"> <div class="exit-overlay-main"> <h2>Click the button below to join an interactive trial</h2> <span><a class="final-button" href="#" target="_blank" title="IBM - Join the Trial">Join the trial</a></span> </div> <div class="exit-overlay-mid"> <h1>OR</h1> </div> <div class="exit-overlay-main"> <h2>If you're ready to buy, click the button below</h2> <span><a class="final-button" href="#" target="_blank" title="IBM - Purchasing Information">Purchasing Information</a></span> </div> </div>
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IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator - Script Codes CSS Codes

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.scene.two .right-section .application-container .application-container-inner .item.server.dropped:hover { background-position: -165px -320px
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IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * IBM PureSystems - PureApp * Centerline Digital - * Interactive Developer * February 2015 **/
(function(window, document, $) { var isConnected = false, imageCounter = 0, theInterval; var theEmulator = { init: function() { theEmulator.overlayBuild("enter"); theEmulator.buildTableRows("step-one"); $(" button").click(function() { theEmulator.drag(); theEmulator.drop(); theEmulator.toggleScene(); theEmulator.overlayBuild("create"); theEmulator.updateStepBackLink(2); theInterval = setInterval(function() { theEmulator.rotateImages(imageCounter); }, 1000); if ($(".canvas-container").length < 1) { theEmulator.activateCanvas(); } }); }, buildTableRows: function(type) { var theDate = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm a', "America/New_York"); var source = $("#list-row").html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); var context; if (type == "step-one") { for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var context = { appName: "Sample " + i, username: "PureAppUser", date: theDate }; var theNewRow = template(context); $(" .pattern-list tr").eq(i).html(theNewRow); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == 0) { context = { appName: "IBM PureApp Demo", username: "PureAppUser", date: theDate }; } else { context = { appName: "Sample " + i, username: "PureAppUser", date: theDate }; } var theNewRow = template(context); $(" .pattern-list tr").eq(i + 1).html(theNewRow); } } }, drag: function() { /** * Initialize the drag functionality */ $(".application-item").draggable({ revert: true, cursorAt: { top: 55, left: 75 }, snap: "#application-zone", zIndex: 2, helper: "clone", start: function(event, ui) { $(ui.helper).attr('class', 'application-drag').empty(); theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); } }); }, drop: function() { /** * Initialize the drop functionality */ $("#application-zone").droppable({ addClass: false, drop: function(event, ui) { $(ui.helper).remove(); $(this).addClass("active"); $(".application-item").draggable({ disabled: true }).addClass("dropped"); $startDot = $(document.createElement('div')); $startDot.attr("class", "dot-start").appendTo(this); $endDot = $(document.createElement('div')); $endDot.attr("class", "dot-end").appendTo(".item.server"); theEmulator.updateStepBackLink(3); theEmulator.updateInstructions(3); theEmulator.tooltipBuild("drop"); } }); }, activateCanvas: function() { /** * Initialize the drawing canvas functionality */ var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('the-line', { selection: false }); var line, isDown, targetX, targetY; canvas.on('mouse:down', function draw(o) { if (!isConnected) { theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); isDown = true; var pointer = canvas.getPointer(o.e); var points = [pointer.x, pointer.y, pointer.x, pointer.y]; line = new fabric.Line(points, { strokeWidth: 2, fill: '#1b8fc2', stroke: '#1b8fc2', originX: 'center', originY: 'center' }); canvas.add(line); } }); canvas.on('mouse:move', function(o) { if (!isDown) return; if (!isConnected) { var pointer = canvas.getPointer(o.e); line.set({ x2: pointer.x, y2: pointer.y }); canvas.renderAll(); } }); canvas.on('mouse:up', function(o) { if (!isConnected) { var pointer = canvas.getPointer(o.e); targetX = pointer.x; targetY = pointer.y; isDown = false; // If the drawn line successfully connects to the Server element if (targetX > 86 && (targetY > 15 && targetY < 38)) { $(".item, .dot-end, .item.server").addClass("dropped"); theEmulator.enableSave(); theEmulator.tooltipBuild("save"); $(".canvas-container, #the-line").find("*").off(); $(".canvas-container, #the-line").find("*").off(); isConnected = true; theEmulator.updateStepBackLink(4); } else { canvas.clear(); } } }); }, resetCanvas: function() { /** * Removes and recreates the canvas element when stepping back */ $(".canvas-container").remove(); $newCanvas = $(document.createElement('canvas')); $newCanvas.attr({ "id": "the-line", "width": 100, "height": 30 }).appendTo(".application-container-inner"); theEmulator.activateCanvas(); }, toggleScene: function() { /** * Transfers the user to Step 2 to begin building their pattern */ $(".scene").toggleClass("active"); }, updateInstructions: function(theStep) { /** * Update the Step # and Instructions per action * @param {Integer} theStep - the step currently being triggered */ var theScene; var theInstructions = { 1: { step: "Step 1:", instruction: "Click \"Create New\" to start a mobile application pattern" }, 2: { step: "Step 2:", instruction: "Select your mobile application platform" }, 3: { step: "Step 3:", instruction: "Connect the dot to the Worklight Server to complete" }, 4: { step: "Step 4:", instruction: "Save your new Worklight Application" }, 5: { step: "Step 5:", instruction: "Deploy your new Mobile Application Pattern" } }; if (theStep > 1 && theStep < 5) { theScene = "two"; } else { theScene = "one"; } $(".scene." + theScene + " .step").text(theInstructions[theStep]["step"]); $(".scene." + theScene + " .instruction").text(" " + theInstructions[theStep]["instruction"]); }, rotateImages: function(i) { var count = $(".img-create").length; $("").toggleClass("active"); $(".img-create").eq(i).toggleClass("active"); imageCounter++; if (i === count - 1) { imageCounter = 0; } }, clearInterval: function() { clearInterval(theInterval); }, enableSave: function() { /** * Enables the Save button for Step 5 */ theEmulator.updateInstructions(4); $(".save-bar").addClass("active"); $(".save-bar img, .save-bar span").click(function() { theEmulator.saveApplication(); }); }, disableSave: function() { /** * Disables the Save button when stepping back from Step 5 */ $(".save-bar").unbind().removeClass("active"); $(".save-bar img, .save-bar span").unbind(); }, saveApplication: function() { /** * 'Saves' the created pattern and progresses the user to Step 6 */ theEmulator.toggleScene(); theEmulator.buildStepSix(); theEmulator.updateInstructions(5); theEmulator.overlayBuild("save"); theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); theEmulator.updateStepBackLink(5); }, buildStepSix: function() { /** * Creates the list entry for the 'saved' pattern from Step 5 */ theEmulator.buildTableRows("scene-six"); $(" .pattern-list tr:last").remove(); $(" button").addClass("disabled"); document.getElementById("deploy-text").addEventListener("click", function() { theEmulator.overlayBuild("exit"); theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); }); document.getElementById("deploy-icon").addEventListener("click", function() { theEmulator.overlayBuild("exit"); theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); }); }, overlayBuild: function(theAction) { /** * Builds and displays the step overlays * @param {String} theAction - the function that triggers the overlay */ var theActionHTML = { "enter": { button: "Get Started", callback: "" }, "create": { button: "Start Building", callback: "theEmulator.tooltipBuild('worklight')" }, "save": { button: "Continue", callback: "theEmulator.tooltipBuild('deploy')" }, "exit": { button: "", callback: "" } }; var source = $("#overlay-" + theAction).html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); var context = { buttonText: theActionHTML[theAction]["button"] }; var theHTML = template(context); $theFullOverlay = $(document.createElement('div')); $theFullOverlay.attr("class", "overlay-full"); $theContentOverlay = $(document.createElement('div')); $theContentOverlay.attr("class", "overlay-content " + theAction); $theContentOverlay.html(theHTML); $theContentOverlay.appendTo($theFullOverlay); $theFullOverlay.appendTo(".container").fadeIn("fast"); if (theActionHTML[theAction]["button"] !== "") { document.getElementById("overlay-button").addEventListener("click", function() { if (theActionHTML[theAction]["callback"] !== "") { theEmulator.overlayDestroy(theActionHTML[theAction]["callback"]); } else { theEmulator.overlayDestroy(null); } }); } }, overlayDestroy: function(theCallback) { /** * Closes and removes the overlay * @param {String} theCallback - The function that should run upon closing the overlay */ $(".overlay-full").fadeOut(400, function() { $(this).remove(); if (theCallback) { eval(theCallback); } }); }, tooltipBuild: function(theAction) { /** * Builds, displays, and animates the tool tip element * @param {String} theAction - the function the tool tip is highlighting */ var theToolTips = { "worklight": { x: 55, y: 270, text: "Drag the Worklight Application onto the stage.", scene: "two", arrow: "left" }, "drop": { x: 436, y: 254, text: "Click and drag to connect the blue dots.", scene: "two", arrow: "left" }, "save": { x: "10", y: "105", text: "Click to save this Pattern.", scene: "two", arrow: "left" }, "deploy": { x: "800", y: "205", text: "Click to deploy the Pattern.", scene: "one", arrow: "right" } }; $theToolTip = $(document.createElement('div')); if (theToolTips[theAction]["arrow"] == "left") { $theToolTip.attr("class", "tool-tip"); } else { $theToolTip.attr("class", "tool-tip right-arrow"); } if (theAction == "worklight") { theEmulator.clearInterval(); } $theToolTip.html("<span>" + theToolTips[theAction]["text"] + "</span>"); $theToolTip.css({ top: theToolTips[theAction]["y"] + "px", left: theToolTips[theAction]["x"] + "px" }); $theToolTip.appendTo(".scene." + theToolTips[theAction]["scene"]).animate({ top: theToolTips[theAction]["y"] - 20 + "px" }, 1500, "easeOutBounce"); }, tooltipDestroy: function() { /** * Destroys the active tooltip */ setTimeout(function() { $(".tool-tip").each(function() { $(this).fadeOut("fast", function() { $(this).remove(); }); }); }, 100); }, updateStepBackLink: function(theStep) { /** * Updates the click event for the step back link * @param {Integer} theStep - the current step being stepped back from */ var theScene = "one"; if (theStep > 1 && theStep < 5) { theScene = "two"; } else { theScene = "one"; $(".scene." + theScene + " .step-back").addClass("active"); } $(".scene." + theScene + " .step-back svg").unbind().click(function() { theEmulator.stepBackFrom(theStep); }); }, stepBackFrom: function(theStep) { /** * Processes the request of stepping backwards, resets functionality and settingsas needed * @param {Integer} theStep - the current step being stepped back from */ if (theStep == 2) { theEmulator.overlayBuild("enter"); theEmulator.toggleScene(); theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); theEmulator.updateInstructions(1); theEmulator.buildTableRows("step-one"); $(" .step-back").removeClass("active"); //$(" .pattern-list tr").eq(1).children("td").html("&nbsp;"); $(" button").removeClass("disabled"); } else if (theStep == 3) { theEmulator.overlayBuild("create"); theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); theEmulator.updateInstructions(2); $("#application-zone").removeClass("active"); $(".dot-start, .dot-end").remove(); $(".application-item").draggable({ disabled: false }).removeClass("dropped"); theEmulator.updateStepBackLink(2); } else if (theStep == 4) { theEmulator.tooltipDestroy(); theEmulator.updateInstructions(3); theEmulator.disableSave(); theEmulator.tooltipBuild("drop"); theEmulator.resetCanvas(); $(".item, .dot-end, .item.server").removeClass("dropped"); isConnected = false; theEmulator.updateStepBackLink(3); } else if (theStep == 5) { theEmulator.toggleScene(); theEmulator.tooltipBuild("save"); } } }; $(document).ready(function() { theEmulator.init(); });
}(this, this.document, this.jQuery));
IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator - Script Codes
IBM PureSystems - PureApp Emulator - Script Codes
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Developer Daniel Yuschick
Username Yuschick
Uploaded September 25, 2022
Rating 3
Size 10,595 Kb
Views 12,144
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Daniel Yuschick (Yuschick) Script Codes
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