Insane - Tech Demo

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How do I make an insane - tech demo?

Demo of my upcomming HTML5 game. Circles - speed up. Rectangles - speed down.Forked from Momcilo Jasikovac's Pen Insane - Tech Demo.. What is a insane - tech demo? How do you make a insane - tech demo? This script and codes were developed by Allan on 12 October 2022, Wednesday.

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Insane - Tech Demo - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Insane - Tech Demo - Script Codes CSS Codes

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Insane - Tech Demo - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * Provides requestAnimationFrame in a cross browser way. * */
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// stats.js r6 -
var Stats=function(){function s(a,g,d){var f,c,e;for(c=0;c<30;c++)for(f=0;f<73;f++)e=(f+c*74)*4,a[e]=a[e+4],a[e+1]=a[e+5],a[e+2]=a[e+6];for(c=0;c<30;c++)e=(73+c*74)*4,c<g?(a[e]=b[d].bg.r,a[e+1]=b[d].bg.g,a[e+2]=b[d].bg.b):(a[e]=b[d].fg.r,a[e+1]=b[d].fg.g,a[e+2]=b[d].fg.b)}var r=0,t=2,g,u=0,j=(new Date).getTime(),F=j,v=j,l=0,w=1E3,x=0,k,d,a,m,y,n=0,z=1E3,A=0,f,c,o,B,p=0,C=1E3,D=0,h,i,q,E,b={fps:{bg:{r:16,g:16,b:48},fg:{r:0,g:255,b:255}},ms:{bg:{r:16,g:48,b:16},fg:{r:0,g:255,b:0}},mb:{bg:{r:48,g:16,
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//Insane - Tech Demo
(function( Insane, $, undefined ) { //Public Vars Insane.WIDTH = 350; Insane.HEIGHT = 480; Insane.scale = 1,	Insane.offset = {top: 0, left: 0},	Insane.RATIO = null, Insane.currentWidth = null, Insane.currentHeight = null, Insane.canvas = null, Insane.ctx = null, = null, = null, Insane.ios = null, Insane.startTime =, Insane.dtime, Insane.stats, //FPS stats Insane.rychlost = 80, Insane.hvezdy = [], Insane.planety = [], Insane.boostery = [], Insane.slowery = [], Insane.player //FPS init function fpsInit() {	stCon = document.createElement( 'div' );	document.body.appendChild( stCon );	Insane.stats = new Stats(); = 'absolute'; = '0px';	stCon.appendChild(Insane.stats.domElement);	} //Init funkce Insane.init = function() {	Insane.RATIO = Insane.WIDTH / Insane.HEIGHT;	Insane.currentWidth = Insane.WIDTH;	Insane.currentHeight = Insane.HEIGHT;	Insane.canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];	Insane.canvas.width = Insane.WIDTH;	Insane.canvas.height = Insane.HEIGHT;	Insane.ctx = Insane.canvas.getContext('2d'); = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); ='android') > -1 ? true : false;	Insane.ios = ('iphone') > -1 ||'ipad') > -1 ) ? true : false;	// Controls	window.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //Insane.player1.x = e.clientX - Insane.offset.left / Insane.scale; //console.log(Insane.player1.x); }, false); // listen for touches window.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Insane.player1.x = (event.touches[0].pageX - Insane.offset.left) / Insane.scale; }, false); window.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Insane.player1.x = (event.touches[0].pageX - Insane.offset.left) / Insane.scale; }, false); window.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Insane.player1.x = (event.touches[0].pageX - Insane.offset.left) / Insane.scale; }, false); window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {	if(e.keyCode == "37") {	Insane.player1.x -= 1*Insane.rychlost/40;	}	if(e.keyCode == "39") {	Insane.player1.x += 1*Insane.rychlost/40;	} }, false); window.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); Insane.player1.x = (e.clientX - Insane.offset.left) / Insane.scale; }, false); window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //Insane.player1.x = e.clientX - Insane.offset.left; }, false); //	Insane.resize();	fpsInit();	Insane.player1 = new Insane.Player();	Insane.player1.reset();	Insane.loop(); } //Resize funkce Insane.resize = function() {	Insane.currentHeight = window.innerHeight;	Insane.currentWidth = Insane.currentHeight * Insane.RATIO;	if ( || Insane.ios) { = (window.innerHeight + 50) + 'px';	} = Insane.currentWidth + 'px'; = Insane.currentHeight + 'px'; Insane.scale = Insane.currentWidth / Insane.WIDTH; = Insane.canvas.offsetTop;	Insane.offset.left = Insane.canvas.offsetLeft;	window.setTimeout(function() { window.scrollTo(0,1);	}, 1); } //Main Loop Insane.loop = function() {	requestAnimationFrame(Insane.loop);	Insane.stats.update();	Insane.update();	Insane.render(); } //Update Insane.update = function() {	Insane.dtime = - Insane.startTime;	// Hvezdy random add	if(Math.random()<0.3){	Insane.hvezdy.push(new Insane.Hvezda());	}	// Hvezdy rychlost + remove	for (i = 0; i < Insane.hvezdy.length; i += 1) {	//rychlost	Insane.hvezdy[i].y += Insane.rychlost/60;	//remove	if(Insane.hvezdy[i].y > 480) {	Insane.hvezdy.splice(i, 1);	}	}	// Planety random add	if(Math.random()<0.01){	Insane.planety.push(new Insane.Planeta());	}	// Planety rychlost + remove	for (i = 0; i < Insane.planety.length; i += 1) {	//rychlost	Insane.planety[i].y += Insane.rychlost/40;	//remove	if(Insane.planety[i].y > 530) {	Insane.planety.splice(i, 1);	}	}	// Boostery random add	if(Math.random()<0.01){	Insane.boostery.push(new Insane.Booster());	}	// Boostery rychlost + remove	for (i = 0; i < Insane.boostery.length; i += 1) {	//rychlost	Insane.boostery[i].y += Insane.rychlost/20;	//remove	if(Insane.boostery[i].y > 530) {	Insane.boostery.splice(i, 1);	}	}	// Slowery random add	if(Math.random()<0.01){	Insane.slowery.push(new Insane.Slower());	}	// Slowery rychlost + remove	for (i = 0; i < Insane.slowery.length; i += 1) {	//rychlost	Insane.slowery[i].y += Insane.rychlost/20;	//remove	if(Insane.slowery[i].y > 530) {	Insane.slowery.splice(i, 1);	}	}	// Player speed = Insane.rychlost;	// Player position	if(Insane.player1.x < 10) {	Insane.player1.x = 10;	}	if(Insane.player1.x > 310) {	Insane.player1.x = 310;	}	// Kolize Boostery	for (i = 0; i < Insane.boostery.length; i += 1) {	if(Insane.boostery[i].y > 300) {	if(Insane.kolizeBoostery(Insane.player1,Insane.boostery[i])) {	Insane.rychlost += Insane.boostery[i].km;	Insane.boostery.splice(i, 1);	}	}	}	// Kolize Slowery	for (i = 0; i < Insane.slowery.length; i += 1) {	if(Insane.slowery[i].y > 300) {	if(Insane.kolizeSlowery(Insane.player1,Insane.slowery[i])) {	Insane.rychlost -= Insane.slowery[i].km;	Insane.slowery.splice(i, 1);	}	}	} } //Render Insane.render = function() {	Insane.Draw.clear();	// Hvezdy render	for (i = 0; i < Insane.hvezdy.length; i += 1) {	Insane.hvezdy[i].render();	}	// Planety render	for (i = 0; i < Insane.planety.length; i += 1) {	Insane.planety[i].render();	}	// Boostery render	for (i = 0; i < Insane.boostery.length; i += 1) {	Insane.boostery[i].render();	}	// Slowery render	for (i = 0; i < Insane.slowery.length; i += 1) {	Insane.slowery[i].render();	}	// Player render	Insane.Draw.player(Insane.player1.x,Insane.player1.y,;	//Insane.Draw.player(Math.sin(Insane.dtime/600)*20+Insane.player1.x,Insane.player1.y,;	//Insane.Draw.booster(50,50,1);	//Insane.Draw.slower(160,160,20);	//Insane.Draw.hvezda(200,200,0.6);	//Insane.Draw.planeta(300,150,20); } //Draw objects Insane.Draw = {	clear: function() {	Insane.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, Insane.canvas.width, Insane.canvas.height);	},	player: function(x, y, km) {	//raketa	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#98AFC7"; Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.moveTo(x, y-20);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x+14,y+7);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x,y+19);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x-14,y+7);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	//kabina	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#2B3856";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.moveTo(x, y-12);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x+5,y-3);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x,y-5);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x-5,y-3);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	Insane.Draw.motor(x,y,km);	Insane.Draw.infoText(x,y,km + " Km/h", 20);	},	motor: function(x,y,km) {	//levy motor	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#F88017";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.moveTo(x-9, y-15+28);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x+3-7,y-10+28);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x-9,y-5+28+km/20);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x-3-9,y-10+28);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	//pravy motor	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#F88017";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.moveTo(x+9, y-15+28);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x+3+9,y-10+28);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x+9,y-5+28+km/20);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x-3+7,y-10+28);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	},	booster: function(x,y,km) {	//body	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#413839";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.arc(x, y, Math.abs(km-21)+15, 0 , 2 * Math.PI, false);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	//eye	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#357EC7";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.arc(x, y, 5, 0 , 2 * Math.PI, false);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	Insane.Draw.infoText(x,y, "+ " + km + " Km/h", Math.abs(km-21)+15);	},	slower: function(x,y,km) {	//body	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#000";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.rect(x-(km*5/2) ,y-(km*5/2) , km*5, km*5);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	//eye	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#357EC7";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.arc(x, y, 5, 0 , 2 * Math.PI, false);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	Insane.Draw.infoText(x,y, "- " + km + " Km/h", km*5);	},	hvezda: function(x,y,opacity) {	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+opacity*1+')';	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.arc(x, y, 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	},	planeta: function(x,y,size) {	Insane.ctx.fillStyle = "#5D6A88";	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.arc(x,y, size*5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.fill();	},	infoText: function(x,y,text,scale) {	Insane.ctx.beginPath();	Insane.ctx.moveTo(x+10, y-7);	Insane.ctx.lineTo(x+20*scale/20, y-17*scale/20);	Insane.ctx.stroke();	Insane.ctx.lineTo((x+20*scale/20)+50, y-17*scale/20);	Insane.ctx.stroke();	Insane.ctx.closePath();	Insane.ctx.font = '14px Arial'; Insane.ctx.fillStyle = '#FFA500'; Insane.ctx.textAlign = 'left'; Insane.ctx.fillText(text, x+20*scale/20, y-19*scale/20);	}	}	Insane.Hvezda = function() {	this.x = Math.random()*320;	this.y = -3;	this.opacity = Math.random()*1;	this.remove = false;	this.render = function() {	Insane.Draw.hvezda(this.x,this.y,this.opacity);	} }; Insane.Planeta = function() {	this.x = Math.random()*320;	this.y = -50;	this.size = Math.random()*10;	this.remove = false;	this.render = function() {	Insane.Draw.planeta(this.x,this.y,this.size);	} }; Insane.Booster = function() {	this.x = Math.random()*320;	this.y = -50; = Math.ceil(Math.random()*20);	this.remove = false;	this.render = function() {	Insane.Draw.booster(this.x,this.y,;	} }; Insane.Slower = function() {	this.x = Math.random()*320;	this.y = -50; = Math.ceil(Math.random()*20);	this.remove = false;	this.render = function() {	Insane.Draw.slower(this.x,this.y,;	} }; Insane.Player = function() {	this.x = 0;	this.y = 0; = 0;	this.reset = function() {	this.x = 160;	this.y = 430; = 80;	}	this.render = function() {	Insane.Draw.player(this.x,this.y,;	} } Insane.kolizeBoostery = function(a, b) {	var distance_squared = (((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x)) + ((a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y)));	//console.log(a.y);	//console.log(b.y);	distance_squared = Math.sqrt(distance_squared);	//console.log("dist: " + distance_squared + " rad: " + (Math.abs(; if (distance_squared < (Math.abs( {	return true; } else { return false; } } Insane.kolizeSlowery = function(a, b) {	var distance_squared = (((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x)) + ((a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y)));	//console.log(a.y);	//console.log(b.y);	distance_squared = Math.sqrt(distance_squared);	//console.log("dist: " + distance_squared + " rad: " + (*5)); if (distance_squared < (*4)) {	return true; } else { return false; } }	}( window.Insane = window.Insane || {}, jQuery ));	window.addEventListener('load', Insane.init, false);	window.addEventListener('resize', Insane.resize, false);
Insane - Tech Demo - Script Codes
Insane - Tech Demo - Script Codes
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Developer Allan
Username Araujoo
Uploaded October 12, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,045 Kb
Views 12,144
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Allan (Araujoo) Script Codes
Insane - Tech Demo
A Pen by Allan
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