Javascript Spelling Game

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How do I make an javascript spelling game?

What is a javascript spelling game? How do you make a javascript spelling game? This script and codes were developed by Tim on 31 October 2022, Monday.

Javascript Spelling Game Previews

Javascript Spelling Game - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Javascript Spelling Game</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <h1>Javascript Spelling Game</h1>
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="480" height="320"></canvas>
<div> <button id="reset-btn">Reset</button> <button id="shuffle-btn">Shuffle</button> <button id="start-btn" disabled>Submit</button>
<div> <button id="newGame-btn">New Game</button>
<div> <div>Instructions:</div> <div>Create the two highest scoring words you can with the given letters.</div> <div>Reset: return all letters to the word bank.</div> <div>Shuffle: shuffle letters that are in the word bank.</div> <div>New game: get a new set of letters.</div>
</div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Javascript Spelling Game - Script Codes CSS Codes

*{ margin: 0; padding: 0;
body{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center;
canvas{ background: #eee;
canvas:active { cursor: default;
button{ font-size: 18px;

Javascript Spelling Game - Script Codes JS Codes

//DOM references
const canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
const shuffleBtn = document.getElementById('shuffle-btn')
const resetBtn = document.getElementById('reset-btn')
const newGameBtn = document.getElementById('newGame-btn')
const count = 15
//Alphabet scores based off Scrabble
const alphabet = [ {letter:'A',value:1}, {letter:'B',value:3}, {letter:'C',value:3}, {letter:'D',value:2}, {letter:'E',value:1}, {letter:'F',value:4}, {letter:'G',value:2}, {letter:'H',value:4}, {letter:'I',value:1}, {letter:'J',value:8}, {letter:'K',value:5}, {letter:'L',value:1}, {letter:'M',value:3}, {letter:'N',value:1}, {letter:'O',value:1}, {letter:'P',value:3}, {letter:'Q',value:10}, {letter:'R',value:1}, {letter:'S',value:1}, {letter:'T',value:1}, {letter:'U',value:1}, {letter:'V',value:4}, {letter:'W',value:4}, {letter:'X',value:8}, {letter:'Y',value:4}, {letter:'Z',value:10},
var scrabbleAlphabet
const tileSize = 25
const padding = tileSize + 5
const startingX = (canvas.width - (count-1)*padding)/2
const startingY = canvas.height - 40
const letter = {value:'', x:0, y:0, width:tileSize, height:tileSize, inBoundsOf: inBoundsOf, center: center, letterMultiplier: 1, wordMultiplier: 1}
const word = {value:'',score:0, x:5, y:0, width:canvas.width-10,height:60, letters:null, insert:insert}
var letters
var activeLetter
var word1
var word2
var wordbank
//Drawing functions
function drawLetter(x,y,letter){ ctx.beginPath() if(letter.letterMultiplier > 1 || letter.wordMultiplier > 1) ctx.rect(x,y-4,letter.width,letter.height+4) else ctx.rect(x,y,letter.width,letter.height) ctx.strokeStyle = 'black' ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() ctx.font = "16px Arial" ctx.fillStyle = 'black' ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.fillText(letter.value,x+letter.width/2,y+letter.height*3/4) ctx.font = "8px Arial" ctx.fillStyle = 'black' ctx.textAlign = "right" ctx.fillText(letter.score,x+letter.width-2,y+letter.height-2) if(letter.letterMultiplier > 1){ ctx.font = "8px Arial" ctx.fillStyle = 'black' ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.fillText(letter.letterMultiplier+'L',x+letter.width/2-1,y+4) } else if(letter.wordMultiplier > 1){ ctx.font = "8px Arial" ctx.fillStyle = 'black' ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.fillText(letter.wordMultiplier+'W',x+letter.width/2-1,y+4) }
function drawWord(w, score=false){ ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(w.x,w.y,w.width,w.height) ctx.strokeStyle = 'black' ctx.stroke() ctx.closePath() if(score){ ctx.font = "16px Arial" ctx.fontStyle = 'black' ctx.textAlign = 'center' ctx.fillText(w.score,w.x+w.width/2,w.y+w.height+20) }
function drawTotalScore(){ // let total = 0 let total = word1.score + word2.score ctx.font = "16px Arial" ctx.fontStyle = 'black' ctx.textAlign = 'center' ctx.fillText('Total '+total,canvas.width/2,15)
function drawGUI(){ drawTotalScore() drawWord(word1,true) drawWord(word2,true) drawWord(wordbank)
//Canvas drawing function
function draw(){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height) drawGUI() letters.forEach((l,i)=>drawLetter(l.x, l.y, l)) requestAnimationFrame(draw)
function inBoundsOf(object){ if( > object.x && < object.x+object.width && > object.y && < object.y+object.height){ return true } else{ return false }
function center(){ return { x: this.x + this.width/2, y: this.y + this.height/2 }
function wordSnapping(w){ let length = w.letters.length let start = w.x + (w.width-length*padding)/2 w.letters.forEach((l,i)=>{ l.x = start + i * padding l.y = w.y + w.height/2 - l.height/2 })
function insert(l){ let insert = false for(let i=0; i<this.letters.length; i++){ //insert before letter if it is to the left of it if(this.letters[i].center().x >{ this.letters.splice(i,0,l) insert = true break } } if(!insert){ this.letters.push(l) }
function updateWord(w){ let word =>l.value).join('') let sum = 0 let wordMultiplier = 0 if(word){ if(Word_List.isInList(word)){ for(let l of w.letters){ sum += l.score * l.letterMultiplier if(l.wordMultiplier > 1){ wordMultiplier += l.wordMultiplier } } } } wordMultiplier = wordMultiplier || 1 w.score = sum * wordMultiplier
function mouseDownHandler(e){ let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() let x = e.clientX - rect.left let y = e.clientY - letters.forEach(l=>{ if(x>l.x&&x<l.x+tileSize && y>l.y && y<l.y+tileSize){ activeLetter = l let word1Index = word1.letters.indexOf(activeLetter) let word2Index = word2.letters.indexOf(activeLetter) let wordbankIndex = wordbank.letters.indexOf(activeLetter) if(word1Index != -1){ word1.letters.splice(word1Index,1) } else if(word2Index != -1){ word2.letters.splice(word2Index,1) } else if(wordbankIndex != -1){ wordbank.letters.splice(wordbankIndex,1) } } })
function mouseUpHandler(e){ if(activeLetter){ if(activeLetter.inBoundsOf(word1)){ word1.insert(activeLetter) } else if(activeLetter.inBoundsOf(word2)){ word2.insert(activeLetter) } // else if(activeLetter.inBoundsOf(wordbank)){ else{ wordbank.insert(activeLetter) } //Snapping wordSnapping(word1) wordSnapping(word2) wordSnapping(wordbank) updateWord(word1) updateWord(word2) activeLetter = null }
function mouseMoveHandler(e){ if(activeLetter){ let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() let x = e.clientX - rect.left let y = e.clientY - activeLetter.x = x activeLetter.y = y }
function shuffle(){ for (let i = wordbank.letters.length; i; i--) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); [wordbank.letters[i - 1], wordbank.letters[j]] = [wordbank.letters[j], wordbank.letters[i - 1]]; } wordSnapping(wordbank)
function reset(){ word1.letters= [] word2.letters=[] updateWord(word1) updateWord(word2) wordbank.letters=[] letters.forEach(l=>wordbank.letters.push(l)) wordSnapping(wordbank)
function newGame(){ letters = [] activeLetter = null scrabbleAlphabet = [] for(let i=0; i<alphabet.length; i++){ let letterCount = 0 switch(i){ case 0: case 8:{ letterCount = 9 break } case 1: case 2: case 5: case 7: case 12: case 15: case 21: case 22: case 24:{ letterCount = 2 break } case 3: case 11: case 18: case 20:{ letterCount = 4 break } case 4:{ letterCount = 12 break } case 6:{ letterCount = 3 break } case 9: case 10: case 16: case 23: case 25:{ letterCount = 1 break } case 13: case 17: case 19:{ letterCount = 6 break } case 14:{ letterCount = 8 break } } let arr = Array(letterCount).fill(alphabet[i]) scrabbleAlphabet = [...scrabbleAlphabet, ...arr] } console.log(scrabbleAlphabet.length) for(let i=0; i<count; i++){ var x = startingX + i*padding var y = startingY let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * scrabbleAlphabet.length) let l = scrabbleAlphabet[index] scrabbleAlphabet.splice(index,1) let newLetter = Object.assign( {}, letter, { value: l.letter, score: l.value, x: x, y: y }) //get rate let multiplier = getMultiplier() //if rate over 1 then pick type if(multiplier > 1){ let type = getMultiplierType() newLetter[type] = multiplier } letters.push(newLetter) } function getMultiplier(){ let rand = Math.random() if(rand < .05) return 6 else if(rand < .1) return 5 else if(rand < .15) return 4 else if(rand < .2) return 3 else if(rand < .3) return 2 else return 1 } function getMultiplierType(){ let rand = Math.random() if(rand < 0.3) return 'wordMultiplier' else return 'letterMultiplier' } word1 = Object.assign({},word,{y:20, letters:[]}) word2 = Object.assign({},word,{y:120, letters:[]}) wordbank = Object.assign({},word,{y:canvas.height-65, letters:[...letters]}) wordSnapping(wordbank)
//Init the game
//Start the canvas drawing function
Javascript Spelling Game - Script Codes
Javascript Spelling Game - Script Codes
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Developer Tim
Username maytim
Uploaded October 31, 2022
Rating 3
Size 4,380 Kb
Views 18,216
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