Jigsaw puzzle

5,193 Kb

How do I make an jigsaw puzzle?

What is a jigsaw puzzle? How do you make a jigsaw puzzle? This script and codes were developed by Darby Rathbone on 02 October 2022, Sunday.

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Jigsaw puzzle - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Jigsaw puzzle - Script Codes JS Codes

function clone(obj) { if (null === obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj; var copy = obj.constructor(); for (var attr in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = obj[attr]; } return copy;
function Point(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.d = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); return this;
Point.prototype = { slopeTo: function (p) { return (this.y - p.y) / (this.x - p.x); }, distanceTo: function (p) { return (Math.sqrt(((this.y - p.y) * (this.y - p.y)) + ((this.x - p.x) * (this.x - p.x)))); }, distanceByAxis: function (p) { return (new Point(this.x - p.x, this.y - p.y)); }, normalize: function () { return new Point(this.x / this.d, this.y / this.d); }
var puzzlePiece = (function () { function puzzlePiece(obj) { this.imgtop = clone(obj.top); this.imgright = clone(obj.right); this.imgbottom = clone(obj.bottom); this.imgleft = clone(obj.left); this.rotation = obj.rotation; this.image = obj.image; this.width = obj.width + 0; this.height = obj.height + 0; this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.canvas.rotation = 0; this.connected = []; this.canvas.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;"); this.canvas.setAttribute("width", obj.width * 3); this.canvas.setAttribute("height", obj.height * 3); this.canvas.style.setProperty("top", this.imgtop.first.y + 1 + "px"); this.canvas.style.setProperty("left", this.imgtop.first.x + 1 + "px"); //this.canvas.ondblclick = dblclick; this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); document.body.appendChild(this.canvas); this.top = { "first": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.height / 2.0)), "last": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.height / 2.0)) }; this.right = { "first": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.height / 2.0)), "last": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.height / 2.0)) }; this.bottom = { "first": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.height / 2.0)), "last": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.height / 2.0)) }; this.left = { "first": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) + (obj.height / 2.0)), "last": new Point((this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.width / 2.0), (this.canvas.height / 2) - (obj.height / 2.0)) }; if ((obj.top.first.y <= 0) == false) { this.top.points = this.makeSide(this.top); } else { this.top.points = []; this.top.points.push(this.top.first); this.top.points.push(this.top.last); } if ((parseFloat(obj.right.first.x) > parseFloat(obj.imgwidth))) { this.right.points = []; this.right.points.push(this.right.first); this.right.points.push(this.right.last); } else { this.right.points = this.makeSide(this.right); } if ((parseFloat(obj.bottom.last.y) > parseFloat(obj.imgheight))) { this.bottom.points = []; this.bottom.points.push(this.bottom.first); this.bottom.points.push(this.bottom.last); } else { this.bottom.points = this.makeSide(this.bottom); } if ((obj.left.first.x <= 0) == false) { this.left.points = this.makeSide(this.left); } else { this.left.points = []; this.left.points.push(this.left.first); this.left.points.push(this.left.last); } this.display = function () { //this.context.save(); //this.canvas.style.setProperty("border-style","solid"); //this.context.translate((this.canvas.width/2.0)-(this.width/4.0)-this.top.first.x,(this.canvas.width/2.0)-(this.width/4.0)-this.top.first.y); this.context.beginPath(); this.dBezierCurve(this.top.points); this.dBezierCurve(this.right.points); this.dBezierCurve(this.bottom.points); this.dBezierCurve(this.left.points); this.context.closePath(); this.context.save(); this.context.clip(); this.context.drawImage(this.image, -this.imgtop.first.x, -this.imgtop.first.y); //context.fill(); for (var i = 5; i > 1; i--) { this.context.strokeStyle = "RGBA(0,0,0,.15)"; this.context.lineWidth = i; this.context.stroke(); } //this.context.restore(); }; } return puzzlePiece;
puzzlePiece.prototype = { rotate: function (around) { this.connected.forEach(function (element, index, a) { var temptop = parseFloat(around.canvas.style.top) - (parseFloat(around.canvas.style.left) - parseFloat(element.canvas.style.left)); var templeft = parseFloat(around.canvas.style.left) + (parseFloat(around.canvas.style.top) - parseFloat(element.canvas.style.top)); element.canvas.style.setProperty("top", temptop + "px"); element.canvas.style.setProperty("left", templeft + "px"); element.canvas.getContext('2d').restore(); element.canvas.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, element.canvas.width, element.canvas.height); element.context.translate(element.canvas.width / 2.0, element.canvas.height / 2.0); element.canvas.getContext('2d').rotate(Math.PI / 2.0); element.rotation += 1; element.rotation %= 4; element.context.translate(-(element.canvas.width / 2.0), -(element.canvas.height / 2.0)); element.display(); var origtop = element.piecetop; var origright = element.pieceright; var origbottom = element.piecebottom; var origleft = element.pieceleft; element.piecetop = null; element.pieceright = null; element.piecebottom = null; element.pieceleft = null; element.piecetop = origleft; element.pieceright = origtop; element.piecebottom = origright; element.pieceleft = origbottom; }); }, moveTo: function (x, y) { this.connected.forEach(function (element, index, a) { element.canvas.style.setProperty("left", parseFloat(element.canvas.style.left) + x + "px"); element.canvas.style.setProperty("top", parseFloat(element.canvas.style.top) + y + "px"); }); }, dBezierCurve: function () { var controlpoint = 3.5; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if (args[0].length > 1) { args = args[0]; } if (args.length <= 2) { this.context.lineTo(args[0].x, args[0].y); this.context.lineTo(args[1].x, args[1].y); return; } var a = []; a.push(args[0]); for (var j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { a.push(args[j]); } a.push(args[args.length - 1]); args = a; for (var i = 2; i < args.length - 1; i++) { //these get the args before and after arg[i] it is so long because i am checking to make sure it actually exists if not it gets the remainder of it divided by the total args var before = new Point(args[(i + (args.length - 1)) % args.length].x, args[(i + (args.length - 1)) % args.length].y); var after = new Point(args[(i + (args.length + 1)) % args.length].x, args[(i + (args.length + 1)) % args.length].y); var current = new Point(args[(i + (args.length)) % args.length].x, args[(i + (args.length)) % args.length].y); var before2 = new Point(args[(i + (args.length - 2)) % args.length].x, args[(i + (args.length - 2)) % args.length].y); //these are taking the difference of the points before and after divides it by controlpoint and adds or subtracts that from the middle point to get the bezier control points var mid1 = new Point(before.x - ((before2.x - current.x) / controlpoint), before.y - ((before2.y - current.y) / controlpoint)); var mid2 = new Point(current.x + ((before.x - after.x) / controlpoint), current.y + ((before.y - after.y) / controlpoint)); this.context.bezierCurveTo(mid1.x, mid1.y, mid2.x, mid2.y, current.x, current.y); } }, makeSide: function (eobj) { var lp = []; var d = new Point(eobj.first.x - eobj.last.x, eobj.first.y - eobj.last.y), midpoint = new Point((eobj.first.x + eobj.last.x) / 2.0, (eobj.first.y + eobj.last.y) / 2.0), r = (Math.round(Math.random()) * 2.0) - 1, //r = 1, rd = new Point(d.x / 6.0 * (Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.7), d.y / 6.0 * (Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.7)), pt1 = new Point(midpoint.x + rd.x + (rd.y / 2.0 * Math.random()), midpoint.y + rd.y + (rd.x / 2.0 * Math.random())), pt2 = new Point(midpoint.x - rd.x + (rd.y / 2.0 * Math.random()), midpoint.y - rd.y + (rd.x / 2.0 * Math.random())); lp.push(new Point(eobj.first.x, eobj.first.y)); lp.push(pt1); //lp.push(new Point((obj.first.x+midpoint.x + rd.x + (rd.y * r))/2.0,(obj.first.y+ midpoint.y + rd.y + (rd.x * r))/2.0)); lp.push(new Point(pt1.x + (rd.y * r), pt1.y + (rd.x * r))); lp.push(new Point(pt2.x + (rd.y * r), pt2.y + (rd.x * r))); lp.push(pt2); //lp.push(new Point((lp[lp.length - 1].x+obj.last.x)/2.0,(lp[lp.length - 1].y+obj.last.y)/2.0)); lp.push(new Point(eobj.last.x, eobj.last.y)); return lp.splice(0); }
var p = [];
var square = 75;
var cols = Math.floor(document.getElementById("image").width / square);
var rows = Math.floor(document.getElementById("image").height / square);
var count = 0;
for (var l = 0; l < rows; l++) { for (var k = 0; k < cols; k++) { p.push(new puzzlePiece({ "rotation": 0, "imgwidth": document.getElementById("image").width, "imgheight": document.getElementById("image").height, "width": square, "height": square, "image": document.getElementById("image"), "imagepoint": new Point(k * square, l * square), "top": { "first": new Point(k * square, l * square), "last": new Point(k * square + square, l * square) }, "right": { "first": new Point(k * square + square, l * square), "last": new Point(k * square + square, l * square + square) }, "bottom": { "first": new Point(k * square + square, l * square + square), "last": new Point(k * square, l * square + square) }, "left": { "first": new Point(k * square, l * square + square), "last": new Point(k * square, l * square) } })); p[p.length - 1].canvas.style.setProperty("top", parseFloat(document.getElementById("image").height) * Math.random() * 1.50 + "px"); p[p.length - 1].canvas.style.setProperty("left", parseFloat(document.getElementById("image").width) * Math.random() * 1.50 + "px"); if (k !== 0) { var temp = p[p.length - 2].right.points; p[p.length - 2].pieceright = p[p.length - 1]; p[p.length - 1].pieceleft = p[p.length - 2]; p[p.length - 1].left.points = []; for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { p[p.length - 1].left.points.push(new Point(temp[i].x - p[p.length - 1].width, temp[i].y)); } p[p.length - 1].left.points.reverse(); } if (l !== 0) { var temp2 = p[count - cols].bottom.points; p[count - cols].piecebottom = p[p.length - 1]; p[p.length - 1].piecetop = p[count - cols]; p[count].top.points = []; for (var i = 0; i < temp2.length; i++) { p[count].top.points.push(new Point(temp2[i].x, temp2[i].y - p[count].height)); } p[count].top.points.reverse(); } count++; }
///var canvas = document.getElementById('can');
//var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
//var temp = p[0].right.points;
//p[1].left.points = [];
//for (var i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
// p[1].left.points.push(temp[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { p[i].canvas.style.zIndex = i; p[i].display(); p[i].connected.push(p[i]); for (var rotation = Math.round(Math.random() * 4.0); rotation < 4; rotation++) { p[i].rotate(p[i]); }
function mousedown(event) { for (var j = 0; j < p.length; j++) { p[j].canvas.style.zIndex = p.length - j; //p[j].display(); } for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { var that = p[i].canvas; if (that.getContext('2d').isPointInPath(event.pageX - parseInt(that.style.getPropertyValue("left"), 10), event.pageY - parseInt(that.style.getPropertyValue("top"), 10))) { document.selectedpiece = p[i]; that = p.splice(i, 1)[0]; p.unshift(that); that = that.canvas; that.style.zIndex = p.length + 1; that.mouse = new Point(event.pageX, event.pageY); document.selected = that; document.onmousemove = mousemove; document.onmouseup = mouseup; return; } }
document.onmousedown = mousedown;
function dblclick(event) { //alert("works"); for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { var that = p[i]; if (that.canvas.getContext('2d').isPointInPath(event.pageX - parseInt(that.canvas.style.getPropertyValue("left"), 10), event.pageY - parseInt(that.canvas.style.getPropertyValue("top"), 10))) { that.rotate(that); return; } }
function mousemove(evt) { document.selectedpiece.moveTo(evt.pageX - document.selected.mouse.x, evt.pageY - document.selected.mouse.y); document.selected.mouse = new Point(evt.pageX, evt.pageY);
function mouseup(evt) { //alert('hello'); document.selectedpiece.moveTo(evt.pageX - document.selected.mouse.x, evt.pageY - document.selected.mouse.y); document.selectedpiece.connected.forEach(function (element, index, array) { checkForMatches(element) }); document.selectedpiece = null; document.onmouseup = ''; document.onmousemove = ''; document.selected.mouse = ''; document.selected = null;
document.ondblclick = dblclick;
function contains(a, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false;
Array.prototype.myUnique = function () { var r = new Array(); o: for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { for (var x = 0; x < r.length; x++) { if (r[x] === this[i]) { continue o; } } r[r.length] = this[i]; } return r;
function checkForMatches(e) { var top = parseFloat(e.canvas.style.top); var left = parseFloat(e.canvas.style.left); var accuracy = 5.0; var topmatchmin = top - e.height / accuracy; var topmatchmax = top + e.height / accuracy; var leftmatchmin = left - e.width / accuracy; var leftmatchmax = left + e.width / accuracy; if (typeof e.piecetop !== 'undefined') { var toptop = parseFloat(e.piecetop.canvas.style.top); var topleft = parseFloat(e.piecetop.canvas.style.left); if (toptop + e.height > topmatchmin && toptop + e.height < topmatchmax && topleft > leftmatchmin && topleft < leftmatchmax && e.rotation == e.piecetop.rotation) { e.piecetop.moveTo(left - topleft, top - (toptop + e.height)); var c = (e.connected.concat(e.piecetop.connected)).myUnique(); c.forEach(function (element, index, array) { element.connected = array; }); //e.connected=c; //e.piecetop.connected=e.connected; } } if (typeof e.pieceright !== 'undefined') { var righttop = parseFloat(e.pieceright.canvas.style.top); var rightleft = parseFloat(e.pieceright.canvas.style.left); if (righttop > topmatchmin && righttop < topmatchmax && rightleft - e.width > leftmatchmin && rightleft - e.width < leftmatchmax && e.rotation == e.pieceright.rotation) { e.pieceright.moveTo(left - (rightleft - e.width), top - righttop); var d = (e.connected.concat(e.pieceright.connected)).myUnique(); d.forEach(function (element, index, array) { element.connected = array; }); //e.connected = d; //e.pieceright.connected=e.connected; } } if (typeof e.pieceleft !== 'undefined') { var lefttop = parseFloat(e.pieceleft.canvas.style.top); var leftleft = parseFloat(e.pieceleft.canvas.style.left); if (lefttop > topmatchmin && lefttop < topmatchmax && leftleft + e.width > leftmatchmin && leftleft + e.width < leftmatchmax && e.rotation == e.pieceleft.rotation) { e.pieceleft.moveTo(left - (leftleft + e.width), top - lefttop); var f = (e.connected.concat(e.pieceleft.connected)).myUnique(); f.forEach(function (element, index, array) { element.connected = array; }); //e.connected=f; //e.pieceleft.connected=e.connected; } } if (typeof e.piecebottom !== 'undefined') { var bottomtop = parseFloat(e.piecebottom.canvas.style.top); var bottomleft = parseFloat(e.piecebottom.canvas.style.left); if (bottomtop - e.height > topmatchmin && bottomtop - e.height < topmatchmax && bottomleft > leftmatchmin && bottomleft < leftmatchmax && e.rotation == e.piecebottom.rotation) { e.piecebottom.moveTo(left - bottomleft, top - (bottomtop - e.height)); var g = (e.connected.concat(e.piecebottom.connected)).myUnique(); g.forEach(function (element, index, array) { element.connected = array; }); //e.connected=g; //e.piecebottom.connected=e.connected; } }
Jigsaw puzzle - Script Codes
Jigsaw puzzle - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Darby Rathbone
Username blackkbot
Uploaded October 02, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,193 Kb
Views 30,360
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Darby Rathbone (blackkbot) Script Codes
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