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All your images and video are cloud hosted and automatically scaled using hi-quality settings. We want to present you the new Fuerte and Nano and jGallery and lightGallery (video support) skin in the Ozio Gallery extension – the first FREE responsive and adaptive Joomla Image Gallery. limit to 30 photo max for album in the free version ✔ Load image only from Google Plus album. ✔ Load video only from YouTube in the Skin lightGallery. ✔ Unlimited photo uploads. ✔ Automatically photo resized. ✔ Category and image title. ✔ Show also limited (private) albums from Google Plus. ✔ Support for adding image galleries inside your Joomla! articles or modules. ✔ Album list index view. ✔ Links that go directly to a single image.(Deep Linking). ✔ Full screen template (responsive & adaptive!). ✔ Photo statistic. ✔ Exif data support, also map point from GPS coordinates for every image. ✔ Map all gallery photos, displaying beautiful maps with your photos by using EXIF Data or geocoding. ✔ Photowall thumbnails. You can also share photos in your site directly from your Android phone or iPhone by the Google Photos APP. Adaptive, detects visitor browser windows size and automatically creates, caches, and delivers device appropriate re-scaled versions of images. Native Joomla extension, open source and GPL. Do not support the Google Plus business page albums and Google Suite account. Only from the personal Gmail profile and Google Photos. Ozio Gallery do not support the video in Google Photos and do not support the 360° Photos. If you do not want to have visible menu items of every galleries that you have included in the content or modules or list you need to move these menu items to a new hidden menu. Create a new menu which we will call such 'hidden' here you can move or create your menu items of Ozio Gallery that you want to insert in content or module or list. This menu should remain published and also the menu items should remain published. The module of this menu may not be published so as not to appear on the site giving you the possibility to use also the galleries created in the hidden menu. Simple :) Skin Fuerte is based on Supersized Design/Development by Build Internet project by Sam Dunn of One Mighty Roar ( Skin Nano is based on nanoGALLERY Design/Development by Christophe Brisbois ( Skin jGallery is based on jGallery Design/Development by Jakub Kowalczyk ( Skin lightGallery is based on lightGallery Design/Development by Sachin N ( Note: The software is free of charge, its support is not. You need a subscription to request support by mail. However, its documentation and the public forum is free: Changelog Ozio Gallery Ver. 4.8.1 : 10 Mar 2017 : Update Skins jgallery v1.6.1, lightgallery v1.3.9, nanogallery v5.10.3; Better GET e POST Google API connections; Restore whitelist and blacklist; Fix cache problem for album list; Minor fixes. *Ver. 4.8.0 : 20 Feb 2017 : New system to use Google Photo because from february 2017 Google no longer allows to make public the Google Photo albums; New params for the Google MAP API; New params for photos order; New params to use the file name in the photos title; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.7.0 : 14 Jul 2016 : New 30 photo max for album limit in the free version; Fixed skin lightGallery album in the album list; skin lightGallery updated to v1.2.19; New skin jGallery params to disable thumbnails; New parameter for deciding the position of the description, above or below the gallery; Fixed skin Nano photos sorting alphabetically by description and by file name; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.6.1 : 09 Mar 2016 : Joomla! 3.5 compatibility; New skin lightgallery zoom mode; Fixed Album permission page; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.6.0 : 22 Feb 2016 : New Video and Foto Skin lightGallery; Now CSS and JS are in the media folder for Google bot happiness; Skin Nano Black List params fixed; New params for skin jGallery to fix the long description text; Data format fixed for the list; Ozio Gallery Full Screen templare are now compatible with all the skins; Skin Nano info box windows fixed in Chrome; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.5.0 : 22 Dic 2015 : New auto-login button to find the Google ID; New button to set correct album rights on Google; Update Skin Nano Gallery 5.9.1; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.4.3 : 28 Aug 2015 : Fixed language files; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.4.2 : 04 Aug 2015 : Fixed skin Nano 1000 Photo limit; New parameter in jGallery skin to select Height mode; Fixed the unistall problem; Fixed skin Fuerte and Joomla 3.4.3 problem in admin album select; New parameter in jGallery skin to add link in the slider images; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.4.1 : 17 Mar 2015 : Optimized loading thumbnails for skin jGallery; Fixed random effect for jGallery; Fixed fullscreen overlay for jGallery; Invisible old album where deleted all images; update nanoGallery to version 5.5.1; Fixed Deep Linking for skin jGallery; Minor fixes. Ver. 4.4.0 : 05 Feb 2015 : New skin jGallery; Correct order error in album list; New Skin Fuerte param to hide toolbar; More Minor fixes. Ver. 4.3.3 : 04 Dic 2014 : Fix Skin Nano error: "nanoGALLERY: Could not retrieve Picasa/Google+ data... [nanoGallery]"; Google+ profile album is no more availlable. Ver. 4.3.2 : 29 Oct 2014 : Fix Skin Nano scroll page problem. Ver. 4.3.1 : 28 Oct 2014 : Update Skin Nano to nanoGALLERY 5.2.1. IE7 & IE8 fix and allert message. All Skin Nano Thumbnail Hover Effect is ok now. Fix swipe in Skin Nano. Skin Nano social share button. Skin Nano RTL or LTR text support. Minor fixes. Ver. 4.3.0 : 25 Sep 2014 : Update Skin Nano to nanoGALLERY 5.1.1 (more improvement). New parameter to write a text under each gallery. New parameters in the List view. Fixed IE11 problem in Skin Fuerte full screen image. Minor fixes. Ver. 4.2.3 : 26 Aug 2014 : Fixed Skin Nano Picasa/Google+ data parsererror. Minor fixes. Ver. 4.2.2 : 11 Aug 2014 : Fixed translation for NEXT and PREV labels for paging in Skin NANO. plugin s </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-1138" aria-describedby="intro-text-1138"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/sigplus/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="sigplus" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-1138"> sigplus </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Galleries | <strong>Levente Hunyadi</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">290 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-1138" class="intro-text"> sigplus Image Gallery Plus is a straightforward way to add image or photo galleries to a Joomla article with a simple syntax. It takes a matter of minutes to set up a gallery but those who are looking for a powerful gallery solution will not be disappointed either: sigplus is suitable for both beginner and advanced users. Even while simple to use, sigplus offers an impressive set of features. Images suitable for gallery preview are automatically generated with cropping and/or centering, and clicking on a preview image brings up a pop-up window overlay (so-called lightbox) showing the original full-size image without navigating away from the current page. Images in a gallery can be displayed in fixed or flow layout, they can be shown on a slider or carousel/rotator, or an image can blend into another using a fancy transition effect. Appearance and behavior are highly configurable including image margin, border, padding, slider/rotator orientation (horizontal or vertical), animation speed, slideshow delay, image sort order, etc. Despite its versatility, sigplus is completely free. It is a full-fledged product with all features included, there is no need to buy a commercial professional version with extra features or purchase club membership that grants you additional privileges. Translations included: English, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew*, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak and Spanish* (asterisk indicates front-end only). </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-2887" aria-describedby="intro-text-2887"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/slideshow/smart-slider-2/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Smart Slider" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-2887"> Smart Slider </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Slideshow | <strong>NEXTEND</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">254 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-2887" class="intro-text"> Smart Slider 3 by Nextend is the perfect slider solution for Joomla, that contains 5 slider types and it's totally responsive. Create beautiful sliders & animated blocks with the next generation visual editor. Awesome sliders, no compromises! Smart Slider 3 is the top rated slider extension for Joomla with more than 25.000 satisfied users. INTRODUCTION Smart Slider 3 is a brand new and intuitive Joomla extension to create sliders which was never possible before with any slider extensions. Besides that Smart Slider gives you the tool to create YouTube and Vimeo slides, create slides from your Joomla articles, even more it has a complete easy-to-use slide editor with different layers. Don't hesitate install the Smart Slider 3 and enjoy the next generation Joomla experience. MOST POWERFUL FEATURES User-friendly Editor - Anyone can build with Smart Slider. The interface comes with drag&drop builder and live preview. Totally integrated with Joomla - module, shortcode and ACL Fully responsive and touch friendly - Sliders can be enjoyed in any environment, be it a mobile, tablet or desktop. 4 slider types - Simple slider, Showcase slider, Carousel slider, Accordion slider and Block type. You can create whole landing pages easily with blocks. Dynamic Slides - Available sources are listed below Customizable controls - Arrows, Bullets, Autoplay, Indicator, Bar, Thumbnails, Shadows, Full screen and custom HTML Slide backgrounds - Lot of super smooth background animations and Ken Burns effect Layers - Build unique design with varied layers: Image, Heading, Text, Button, Vimeo, YouTube, Input, List, Icon, Caption, Transition, Iframe, HTML5 video, HTML and Area Font and Style manager system - Change easily all the details that really matter in typography and style. Powerful layer animation system to give layers motion and transitions. The possibilities of what you can build are endless. Even more you can create different type of layer animations: In, Loop and Out In-built image editor and lightbox Complete detailed documentation Tutorial videos - Sample sliders - more than 40 sliders to start DYNAMIC SLIDER SOURCES Generate sliders from external sources. Add dynamic content to each slide such as: Joomla specific generators: Images from folder, Joomla articles, K2 items, Ignity Gallery, EasyBlog posts, Cobalt CCK, Phoca Gallery, redSHOP products, VirtueMart products, Joomshopping products, MijoShop products, EasyDiscuss, Eshop, HikaShop, JEvents , ODude, JReviews, JomSocial, Zoo , Flexicontent, RSEvents, Ecwid. Social generators: Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Instragram, 500px, Dribbble, Twitter. SUPPORT AND SERVICES We are committed to top-notch customer support because we know if you have problem with Smart Slider 3, you need a solution as soon as possible. FEATURES Slider creation with 11 pre-sets: Default slider, Full width slider, Full page slider, Block, Carousel, Showcase, Thumbnail - horizontal and vertical slider, Captioned slider, Horizontal and vertical accordion slider. Import and Export sliders Intuitive slide creation: choose images, select Joomla Article or add YouTube and Vimeo url Static slides Dynamic slides - use different dynamic sources for the same slider Bulk actions for slides - delete, duplicate, publish and unpublish Publish slider with module, shortcode or PHP Touch Swipe, scroll, keyboard navigation Auto and full-width responsive mode Define responsive size by setting minimum and maximum slider height Optimized for any screen sizes and touch devices 4 Slide switching animations: Horizontal, Vertical, Fade and No animation More than 30 Slide background animations: Scale to left, Zoom, Fade, Curtain to left, Puzzle, Scale to top, Scale to bottom, Curtain to bottom, Curtain to top and much more Autoplay configurations Add different slider controls and change the styles and positions Slider controls: Arrows, Bullets, Autoplay, Indicator, Bar, Thumbnails, Shadows, Full screen - design your own or use pre-set SEO and script optimized Export slider as HTML Hardware Accelerated 2D and 3D Transforms Slide link: Choose your post or page to create permalinks to articles Slide background image with transparent color overlay 5 Slide background image fill mode: Fill, Fit, Stretch, Center and Tile 16 Layers: Image, Heading, Text, Button, Vimeo, YouTube, Input, List, Icon, Caption, Transition, Iframe, HTML5 video, HTML and Area Undo and redo in slide editor Visual slide editor with zoom and desktop, tablet and mobile modes Advanced layer snap in visual slide editor Adaptive layer font sizing Layer aligning: left, center, right, top, middle, bottom Layer sizing: fixed and auto adjusted Layer cropping: visible, hidden and scroll Hide layers on specific devices Slide thumbnail image Layer animation builder Live Timeline Built-in lightbox Built-in image editor Ton of expert settings Premium support </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- grid close row --> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-337" aria-describedby="intro-text-337"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/ignite-gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Ignite Gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-337"> Ignite Gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Galleries | <strong>Matt Thomson</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">210 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-337" class="intro-text"> Ignite Gallery is a full featured gallery with flexible options so you can create the gallery layout you want. Choose the demo link to see the galleries features in action. ★Features ✔Categories/Subcategories ✔Mobile friendly with swipe and responsive grid layouts ✔Embed video or sound from hosting sites like youtube/vimeo/soundcloud etc ✔Frontend gallery creation ✔Multiple image uploader with resize before upload ✔Image tagging and search ✔Watermarking of images ✔Top/ bottom/ left or right position for thumbs ✔Top/ bottom/ left/ right /overlay position for image descriptions ✔Lazyloading of images ✔Social sharing buttons ✔Download image button ✔Image commenting using Facebook comments or Jcomments ✔Image ratings ✔Optional plugin and module to place galleries into articles and module positions ✔Random/ Latest/ Most Viewed/ Highest rated galleries ✔Disable right click and save ✔Search engine friendly urls </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-1486" aria-describedby="intro-text-1486"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/slideshow/dj-imageslider/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="DJ-ImageSlider" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-1486"> DJ-ImageSlider </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Slideshow | <strong>DJ-Extensions</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">186 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-1486" class="intro-text"> The DJ-ImageSlider extension allows you to display image slides with title and short description linked to any menu item, article or url address. It can works as responsive slideshow displaying one image at once or responsive slider displaying more images at once vertically or horizontally. Check this free easy slideshow used by hundred thousands of websites. Component features: create categories for your slides link it to your menu item, article or any URL add the description that will overlay the image (can be disabled in module's settings) upload images easily Module features: select if module should work with dj-imageslider component or as standalone (images from folder) select slider's type (horizontal, vertical, fade) select the category of images to be displayed choose the options for the module: - show/hide title - show/hide description - show/hide readmore - enable/disable title link - enable/disable link description - select start/end publish date set parameters: - image width/height - amount of visible images at once! - space between images - maximum of images - ordering (file name/ordering, random)! - slide effect (bounce/linear/cubic/expo/bacl/elastic) - set autoplay on/off - show play/pause button - show next/prev buttons Advanced parameters: - set description width - set description position - customize buttons! (add the path to your own buttons) - align the navigation bar easily - set slides' effect, duration, delay </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-3926" aria-describedby="intro-text-3926"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/slideshow/slideshow-ck/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Slideshow CK" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-3926"> Slideshow CK </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Slideshow | <strong>Cédric KEIFLIN</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">162 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-3926" class="intro-text"> Slideshow CK can display images or videos with links with nice effects. It is mobile compatible and responsive design, and you can add unlimited slides with a Drag & Drop admin interface. List of features : - Unlimited slides - Ergonomic admin interface with Drag & Drop - Effect Kenburns available - Can display images or videos - Multiple options to congifure the slideshow - Mobiles compatible, you can slide with your fingers - Responsive design (adapts the image to the width of the container) - Multiple skins - You can add a link on any slide - Captions with HTML allowed (to put some links for example) - Compatible RTL direction - Normal or random order for images display - You can add params to video url (&rel=0 for example) - options to set the thumbnails height and width - you can load any article in the caption - many fields to set the caption styles - possibility to set a specific time for each slide - option to load the images from a folder (with the plugin slideshow params) - options to open the links in a Lightbox (with the plugin slideshow params) - compatible with Virtuemart (needs the plugin Slideshow CK Virtuemart) - autoload images from article categories - autoload images from Flickr album - responsive caption options (font-size, hide, ...) It is based on the script Camera from Pixedelic : </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- grid close row --> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-440" aria-describedby="intro-text-440"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/images/mavik-thumbnails/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="mavik Thumbnails" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-440"> mavik Thumbnails </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Images | <strong>Vitaliy Marenkov</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">161 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-440" class="intro-text"> Advanced plugin for creating thumbnails with a simple to use. You need only insert original image to text and resize to necessary size. Features: - create thumbnail and replace original image to thumbnail; - support of graphic libraries: GD2, ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick; - add link for pop-up window: Slimbox, Slimbox 2, Magnific Popup, uikit Lightbox, Highslide (for non-commercial sites -; - add link to full text in blogs; - default sizes; - proportions: keep aspect ratio, cut to fit, keep area, stretch; - include/exclude images with the specified classes; - works with remote images; - add meta-tag og:image; - different settings for different contexts; - skip images inside links; - compatible with Joomla 1.5 - 3.x. For developers: - html-code can be replaced in template; - you can use your own type of pop-up window, only put it in decorators/popups; - you can write your own handler for contexts, put in in decorators/context; - thumbnail generator is separated to library mavik/thumb, you can use in your extensions or templates. Languages: English, Germany, French, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Finnish, Chinese, Estonian, Swedish, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Serbian (latin), Bulgarian, Hungarian. </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-6555" aria-describedby="intro-text-6555"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/event-gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Event Gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-6555"> Event Gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Galleries | <strong>Sven Bluege</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">149 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-6555" class="intro-text"> Upload - Show Off - Sell Event Gallery is an easy to use gallery component for image from local webspace, Flickr, Google Photos or Amazon S3 including a cart & checkout system. It supports adaptive, flexible and responsive layouts and provides a unique way of presenting images. If presenting is not enough enable the cart! Let users browse through your images and buy them. Event Gallery 3 adds a full cart&checkout process to the gallery. Don't be mistaken by the name. Event Gallery is a real multipurpose gallery component which fits many needs. Main Features Joomla 3.7 & PHP7 compatible native multi language support Supports adaptive, responsive layouts Includes Google Picasa Webalbums/Google Photos, Flickr, Amazon S3 and local stored images ICC profile support Image processing like sharpening Password / User Group protected folders 5 configurable ways to display images Integrated, mobile friendly lightbox Easy image management using the Joomla back end Supports FTP uploads for mass data processing Multiple file upload with modern browsers Cart&Checkout for images Swipe gesture support for the lightbox Social Sharing (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Direct Download, Pinterest) Watermarks If you encounter any issues please let me know. Usually they can be solved in a couple of hours or even faster. Please check the requirement section in the manual to sort out possible issues as soon as possible. Since the install package is pretty large make sure your upload limit is high enough. If not just use the download link to install it using the Joomla Extension Manager. </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-5467" aria-describedby="intro-text-5467"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/slideshow/unite-slider/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Unite Slider" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-5467"> Unite Slider </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Slideshow | <strong>Unite Cms</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">131 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-5467" class="intro-text"> Unite Slider is an innovative, responsive Joomla Slider Extension that displays your content in the most beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! FRONT PAGE DESIGNER # Unite Slider is not only for “Sliders”. You can now build a beautiful one-page web presence with absolutely no coding knowledge required. ➜ Create Beautiful One-Page Websites ➜ Works Great on any Device (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) ➜ No Coding Knowledge necessary! DRAG & DROP VISUAL SLIDER BUILDING # Building sliders has never been easier! Even though Unite Slider is sporting an impressive number of options, even beginners will manage to create beautiful presentations with our new, more intuitive workflow. ➜ Text, Image, Video, HTML Content Layers ➜ Complete Graphical User Interface ➜ Full Control over Styles, Animations, Transitions FULLY RESPONSIVE SOLUTION # We made sure that Unite Slider looks great and is intuitive to use on every device, be it desktop computers, tablets or smartphones. ➜ Works on Desktops, Notebooks, Tablets & Smartphones ➜ Optimised for Android & Apple Devices MORE FEATURES # ➜ Image and Thumbs fully re-sizable ➜ Using CSS Animation with FallBack to jQuery ➜ Unlimited Caption Layers ➜ Unlimited Slides ➜ iPhone & Android Swipe Touch enabled ➜ jQuery Conflict free plugin ➜ Customizable 100% via Plugin Backend ➜ Easy installation in your Website ➜ Special Easing ➜ Vimeo & Youtube Supported ➜ Stop AutoPlay during Video Playback ➜ Duplicate, Slider, slide, captions Function ➜ Drag and Drop Captions in the Editor ➜ Fullwidth, Responsive and Normal Modes ➜ Countless Art of Transitions ➜ Optional Shadows included </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- grid close row --> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-66" aria-describedby="intro-text-66"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/sige/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="SIGE - Simple Image Gallery Extended" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-66"> SIGE - Simple Image Gallery Extended </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Galleries | <strong>Viktor Vogel</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">88 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-66" class="intro-text"> SIGE (Simple Image Gallery Extended) is a powerful gallery content plugin for Joomla! It offers numerous opportunities to present pictures quickly and easily in articles. The special feature of the plugin is that you can control any parameter on the syntax call. New feature: Turbo mode. Load huge galleries within seconds! Highligts are: parameter call, watermark function, read IPTC data, read text files (support for multilingual files), thumbnail storage, crop function, sort by modification date, output as a list, CSS Image Tooltip, Editor Button SIGE Parameter and much more! Features Thumbnail generation and storage: Preview images are created and stored - faster loading, better quality Valid XHTML 1.1 / HTML 5 - CSS and JS files are included in the head section, eliminates syntax errors Turbo Mode - whole gallery is loaded from a text file Parameter call - individual galleries possible Integration of Slimbox, Lytebox, Shadowbox, Milkbox and Mootools Lytebox installed to display a slide show and avoidance of JS conflicts Number of images displayed adjustable Pictures can be displayed without a link -> web 1.0 gallery Random order of the images Sort by modification date possible Captions Read IPTC data (title and description) Read text file (title and description) - support for multilingual files Print option - print image easily in the JS view Download Option - download image with one click Show single image (no gallery and with gallery) List view - image output as a list Crop function Watermark function CSS Image Tooltip Editor Button - SIGE Parameter Link words with gallery Original image can be resized An index.html is automatically generated in each image folder, to protect against the reading of the content by the browser Backend German / English and some more languages Download Joomla! 3.x - Plus Editor Button - SIGE Parameters. With the button you can set the parameters very easy on-the-fly in an article. It is a great addition to the SIGE plugin. Joomla! 3.x - Support The extension is completely free, but you need a subscription for support: </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-8410" aria-describedby="intro-text-8410"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/slideshow/layer-slider/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Layer Slider" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-8410"> Layer Slider </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Slideshow | <strong>Offlajn</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">81 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-8410" class="intro-text"> LayerSlider is a premium multi-purpose slider for creating image gallery sliders, content sliders, and mind-blowing slideshow with must-see effects. This slideshow uses cutting edge technologies to provide the smoothest experience that’s possible, and it comes with more than 200 preset 2D and 3D slider transitions. Layer Slider has a beautiful and easy-to-use admin interface with supporting modern features like drag and drop WYSIWYG slider builder, real-time slider previews, timeline view, Google Fonts and transition builder for custom animations for the slider. Layer Slider is device friendly by supporting responsive mode, multiple layouts, touch gestures on mobile devices, and uses techniques like lazy load and conditional script loading for optimal performance. You can add any content into sliders, including images, text, custom HTML, YouTube and Vimeo videos or HTML5 self-hosted multimedia contents. Layer Slider is also SEO friendly by allowing you to build semantic markup with custom attributes that search engines can index easily. Layer Slider comes with 13 built-in skins, and Layer Slider has tons of options to entirely customize the appearance and behavior of your slideshow at the smallest detail. Tutorial videos General Features Super smooth hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions with jQuery fallback for the slideshows Fully responsive sliders & multiple layouts support Unlimited layers with image, video, audio, text or custom HTML content SEO friendly Included free slider transition gallery Very detailed documentation with examples WYSIWYG editor with real-time slideshow previews Build slideshow with modern techniques like drag and drop Timeline view Review your layer timings like in a movie editor Transition builder for slideshow, Skin and CSS Editors Customize the built-in skins and transitions easily for your slider Slider Import / Export feature Slideshow Auto-start slideshow (can be disabled) Pause slideshow on hover feature Starting with specified slide Option for backwards-slider (Two way slideshow) Touch navigation on mobile browsers Keyboard navigation for the slideshow Additional Options More than 200 2D & 3D transitions Option for create your own slider transitions Layers can slide (axis-free), fade, rotate (in 2D or 3D), scale and skew, or mixed of these Optional parallax effect on layers Easy to use with YouTube, Vimeo or HTML5 videos or audios Auto-play videos and audios (optional) YouTube and Vimeo thumbnail images Slider Types Slideshow with background video Fixed background slider Parallax slider Full width slideshow Media slideshow For support create a ticket here: Do NOT use below reviews to post support requests or issues. </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-8240" aria-describedby="intro-text-8240"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/6gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="6gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-8240"> 6gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Galleries | <strong></strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">57 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-8240" class="intro-text"> Balbooa Joomla Gallery is a Powerful Joomla Photo Gallery extension, allows you to create beautiful Joomla gallery with stunning grid layouts, easily and fast. Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery is simple for beginners and powerful for professionals. Balbooa Joomla Gallery is the ideal solution for creating portfolios or showcases. If you would like to create a modern looking photo gallery, Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery is what you need. ★ Modern Drag & Drop Admin Panel Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery comes with a beautiful, modern, simple and user-friendly user interface which is easy to use and allows you to create amazing portfolios or image galleries easily and fast. Using Drag and Drop feature you can quickly manage photos and categories in your Joomla gallery. With help of context menu (Right-click menu) you can work faster and more efficient. ★ Frontend Image and Categories Management Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery allows users to upload, rename and delete gallery photos and categories from the frontend. With Joomla ACL, you can configure user group permissions. ★ Modern Grid Layouts Balbooa Joomla Gallery allows you to display photos in an incredibly beautiful and modern grid layouts. Make your Joomla gallery look more professional and unique. Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery comes with 6 types of grid layouts: Tile Grid Layout Justified Grid Layout Masonry Grid Layout Metro Grid Layout Classic Grid Layout Square Grid Layout Justified and Masonry Grid Layouts generate thumbnails without cropping in original proportions. Also, you can set the number of columns and spacing between photos. ★ Gallery Pagination Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery allows to break up long galleries into pages to make your Joomla! gallery more user-friendly. Joomla Gallery comes with different pagination styles: Default Load More Infinite Slider Dots ★ Albums and Subcategories Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery allows you to display photos in albums. Albums can include the unlimited number of subcategories. Organize and present your photo gallery more efficiently! ✔ Fully Responsive with Touch Swipe Support Balbooa Joomla Gallery is Fully Responsive and gallery looks awesome on all screen sizes from mobile devices to desktops. Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery Supports Touch Swipe Navigation in the lightbox. For each device (desktop, tablet and smartphone) you can configure a specific number of the columns to display. ▼ Display Gallery Anywhere in Your Joomla Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery comes with a flexible method of displaying Joomla galleries at the frontend. With help of shortcode system, you can easily add gallery to any part of your Joomla website. Joomla Articles, Custom HTML Modules and 3rd Party Extensions. Find the freedom with Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery. ✪ Disqus and VKontakte Comments Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery allows to display the comments system for each photo or video. Increase social activity on your Joomla website. Your users can share photos and videos and write their opinion. Supported comment systems: Disqus VKontakte ☺ Social Sharing Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery allows your visitors to share photos across most popular social networks: Twitter Facebook Google + Pinterest LinkedIn Vkontakte ♫ YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Balbooa Joomla Gallery allows you to add video from YouTube, Vimeo or any other services which provide embed code. ® Protect Your Photos Balbooa Joomla Gallery includes a set of tools which can protect your photos: Watermark - protect your photos with custom watermarks. You can upload your watermark image file, configure opacity and watermark position Disable Right Click Disable Shortcuts Disable Developer Console ✪ Powerful SEO Tools Balbooa Joomla Gallery Include a set of powerful tools which can improve SEO for your Joomla website: ALT Attribute - for gallery photos and album covers you can add unique alt tag Search Engine Friendly URL's - each category and photo in the lightbox comes with own unique URL, URL can be changed in the admin panel. Create your own SEF urls! Category Description - for each category you can add unique content with keywords and H1-H6 tags ► Speed Up Page Performance Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery include performance tools, such as: Lazy Load Compress Thumbnails Quality Page Refresh Those tools help to improve your Joomla! website user experience by making page loading faster. ✔ Supported Languages English (en-GB); Catalan (ca-ES) Czech (cs-CZ) Dutch (nl-NL) Estonian (et-EE) Finnish (fi-FI) French (fr-FR) German (De-DE) Lithuanian (lt-LT) Persian (fa-IR) Portuguese (pt-BR) Spanish (es-ES) Swedish (sv-SE) ❤ 10 Reasons To Love Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery ★ Intuitive User Experience ★ 6 Modern Grid Layouts ★ Frontend Management ★ Albums and Subcategories ★ Fully Responsive ★ Touch Swipe Support ★ Disqus and VKontakte Comments ★ Social Sharing ★ Modern Caption Hover Effects ★ Detailed Documentation ★ Try the Free Version Out Before a PRO Purchase Before purchase the PRO version you can try Free version of Balbooa Joomla Gallery. Note! Free version of the Balbooa Joomla Photo Gallery comes with limited functionality. ★ Download Free Version: ★ Compare Gallery versions: ★ Useful Links ★ Gallery Demo: ★ Gallery Page: ★ Download: ★ Documentation: ★ Video Docs: ★ Support Forum: ★ Changelist: ★ Tags Joomla Gallery, Joomla Photo Gallery, Gallery Joomla, Joomla Extensions Gallery, Gallery Joomla 3, Joomla 3 Gallery, Joomla Gallery Extension, Joomla Gallery Component, Joomla Picture Gallery, Responsive Photo Gallery Joomla, Joomla 3 Photo Gallery, Best Joomla Photo Gallery, Photo Gallery Joomla 3 </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- grid close row --> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-3026" aria-describedby="intro-text-3026"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/slideshow/vinaora-nivo-slider/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Vinaora Nivo Slider" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-3026"> Vinaora Nivo Slider </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Slideshow | <strong>VINAORA</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">41 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-3026" class="intro-text"> Vinaora Nivo Slider is a great responsive slideshow module for Joomla. It allows you to easily create an image slider (slideshow or slide-show) using Nivo Slider. This javascript slider created by dev7studios and was the world's most awesome jQuery slider (hit over 2,200,000 downloads in Jun 2013). It also installed on many WordPress websites, too. Completely free and totally open source, there literally is no better way to make your website look totally stunning. One of the great things about the Vinaora Nivo Slider is that it is highly customisable. You can choose many slick and responsive themes to show your gallery. Not same as Vinaora Slick Show, Vinaora Cu3er 3D Slideshow or Vinaora Cu3ox Slideshow, this slider supports more than 15 unique transition effects without using flash. Vinaora Nivo Slider runs well on Joomla 3.x, Joomla 2.5, Joomla 1.5 and well-known browsers: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 3+, Google Chrome 4+, Safari 4+ and Opera 10+. ✔ Homepage: ✔ Demo: KEY FEATURES OF SLIDESHOW ✔ Responsive ✔ 15+ unique transition effects ✔ 7+ slick and responsive themes ✔ 7+ demos included ✔ Simple clean & valid markup ✔ Loads of settings to tweak ✔ Built in directional and control navigation ✔ Supports linking images ✔ Create an unlimited number of sliders ✔ Free to use RESPONSIVE SLIDESHOW Responsive web design (often abbreviated to RWD) is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience - easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling - across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones) Vinaora Nivo Slider can now handle images of any size and will fill the container width. The slider height is variable and changes depending on the image height. Fixed size sliders can still be created, all you need to do is make sure your images are all the same size and set the width and height attributes of your slider Note: As of v2.5.25 the slider is responsive by default. If you want a fixed size slider, please make sure all of your images are the same size. FAQs ✔ Does the slider support transparent PNG's? No. Due to the way slide transitions work it will look weird. ✔ Can I use images that are different sizes? As of v2.5.25 or later, yes you can. The slider is now responsive and can handle images of any size. ✔ Can I have multiple sliders on the same page? Yes but you will need to load jQuery v1.7 or greater for it to work. ✔ Can I set a random starting slide? Yes but you will need to install Vinaora Nivo Slider 1.7.4 or greater. And choose startSlide = 0 </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-5056" aria-describedby="intro-text-5056"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/2j-gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="2J Gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-5056"> 2J Gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Galleries | <strong>2JoomlaNet</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">35 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-5056" class="intro-text"> 2J Gallery it’s the one of the most effective and attractive ways to organize your images gallery on Joomla! website. You have here all necessary tools for creation of the gallery, upload images and customization of the front end interface of the gallery. 2J Gallery front end interface is CSS3 based what is most important it’s highly customizable. 2J Gallery have 8 per-configured themes with 4 different animation on Hover effects and 6 light boxes. It’s possible to insert multiply copies of the gallery at the same page and every gallery could have own settings. No limits for amount of uploaded images to the gallery and amount of the gallery instances per page. You can insert gallery as module, direct link to the 2J Gallery component or insert it to the article using plugin tags. For gallery plugin tags generation we have implement wizard where you just need to select gallery instance and it’s generate and insert tags to the article automatically. For uploading images to the gallery implemented set of the simple and very powerful tools. Joomla! administrator can upload set of the images to the gallery using batch upload function or upload images from server directory with scan directory function. If you don't need to upload big sets of images you can upload few images one by one in 2J Gallery resources manager. Installation and configuration of the gallery is really simple you don't need any special skills everything build in Joomla! native style. AJAX Gallery (No Flash here!); Batch gallery images uploading; Upload gallery images from server directory (scan directory option); Auto-resizing of the gallery thumbnails and images ; Resizing crop function; Fluid or Fixed gallery width (acceptable values px, % or Auto); No Limits for amount of images in photo gallery; No Limits for amount of photo galleries per page; Mobile devices support; 6 light boxes, 4 animation OnHover effects Compatible with IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome; All gallery themes are CSS3 based; Ability to insert gallery to the article with plugin tag; 8 per-configured gallery styles; Support Videos in popup; Support Google Maps in popup; Floatable gallery front end interface elements; All themes from the gallery demos pre-configured in installer; Order by option for custom ordering of the images in gallery (order by joomla native ordering, name, random, id); Auto-resizing for gallery thumbnails and gallery images (possible to specify size of the gallery images smaller then original gallery image size); As additional option for gallery resizing functionality possible to specify alignment of gallery re-sized images (namely align to the left, right, top, bottom or center re-sized gallery image according to original image); All gallery settings in one place; Advanced gallery caching options; Ability to customize gallery images remove process (with or without physical removing of the gallery images files from server directory); Gallery implemented in native Joomla! way using native classes, structures, models, controllers; Advanced gallery preview options in admin backend (for uploaded gallery images); Gallery implemented to avoid AJAX libs conflicts; =========== Version 1.0.4 released =========== Gallery Pagination function: - 4 themes for pagination buttons; - 2 postions for the buttons; - Customizable button labels; - Customizable buttons layout; Customizable gallery lightbox navigation labels; New content type for the lightbox: - Description of the gallery image with HTML; - Page loaded by direct link; </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-3877" aria-describedby="intro-text-3877"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/unite-responsive-tile-gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Unite Responsive Tile Gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-3877"> Unite Responsive Tile Gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Galleries | <strong>Unite Cms</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">34 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-3877" class="intro-text"> Unite Responsive Tile Gallery is flexible and easy to integrate photo gallery featured in Metro Design. It allows you to build your unique photo wall with your custom settings. Auto Center Auto Responsive Metro Design Spacing Between Images Multi Upload Drag and Drop Upload Category Tabs Advanced Styling Options </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- grid close row --> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-2908" aria-describedby="intro-text-2908"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/slideshowfx/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="SlideshowFX" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-2908"> SlideshowFX </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Galleries | <strong>Joel</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">29 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-2908" class="intro-text"> SlideshowFx is a package of extensions aimed to display photo and video galleries or albums inside Joomla! websites. Photos and videos can be stored locally on your server or on a Google+, YouTube, Flickr or Instagram user account. Facebook, OneDrive and Piwigo platforms are supported as well but restricted to photos (contact our support if you need video support). The final rendering is the same whatever the underlined platform! Photos and video galleries and albums can be displayed anywhere inside articles; Widgetkit item, modules or menus (even inside Kunena forum!). A click on photo/video thumbnails open a slideshow and play videos. A large number of parameters provide you with: - 5 different layouts (including modern justified layout) - Widgetkit integration - Embedded slider with nice photo transition - Display of public and private photos/videos - Optional automatic slideshow with photos animations - Full control on elements (buttons, information, colors) - Possibility to merge several photo galleries into a single gallery - Tag "New" and "Updated" on top of thumbnails to highlight the last changes - Possibility to sort albums or photos/video by title, date, popularity or randomly - Internal cache mechanism increasing response time and decreasing access to 3rd parties API SlideshowFx is compatible with responsive templates. Conditions: - Free access to full feature Trial version before any purchase - 1 year free upgrade and support - Full documentation (50+ pages) - No advertising link - 30 days money back Give it a try for free ;-) If you use SlideshowFx plugin, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory. </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> <span title="Plugin" class="badge badge-plugin">p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-7965" aria-describedby="intro-text-7965"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/os-responsive-image-gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="OS Responsive Image Gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-7965"> OS Responsive Image Gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Free | Galleries | <strong>OrdaSoft</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">27 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-7965" class="intro-text"> Simple and responsive Joomla gallery component with mobile friendly design, Drag & Drop feature, shortcode generator and any number of gallery albums. Create Gallery in few minutes! Drag and Drop Image Gallery Simplicity and usability are the key factors of OS Responsive Image Gallery. Set up and run gallery in minutes, you are a few clicks far from your perfect gallery. Responsive & Mobile Friendly Design Modern gallery is impossible without responsive mobile design. Enjoy the mobile friendly design of OS Responsive Image Gallery on your smartphone, tablet and desktop. Shortcode to place responsive gallery anywhere you want it Create multiple galleries with ease and place them in articles, custom modules High Performance Don't worry about the speed of your website. OS Responsive Image Gallery is fully optimized for high number of images and big traffic SEO Ready With OS Responsive Image Gallery your images will be visible in search engines. Just fill in the alt with appropriate phrase Create multiple albums Create any number of gallery albums in the easiest way and choose gallery album layout from three album layouts Text & Image Watermark (pro version only) Great for photographers and illustrators who want to protect their work with text or image watermark Fancybox Settings (pro version only) Control an every aspect of fancybox with OS Responsive Image Gallery FEATURES OF OS RESPONSIVE IMAGE GALLERY: Fully Responsive and Mobile Ready Joomla gallery Upload Bundle of Images Drag and Drop Option Beautiful Gallery Layouts - Default, All in one and Album gallery layouts Space between columns in pixels Number of columns 8 Awesome Hover Effects Shortcode to place gallery anywhere on your website Friendly Admin Panel Drag & Drop Image Upload Drag & Drop Reordering Adding Image Captions Adding HTML code Image link Watermark type: image/text Watermark Size Settings Watermark Position options Watermark Opacity Fancybox Background Color Options Open/Close Fancybox Effects: Fade, Elastic or None Prev/Next Fancybox Effects: Fade, Elastic or None Fancybox Image Title Settings Fancybox Speed Settings Fancybox Loop Fancybox Helpers Buttons Fancybox Helpers Thumbnails Fancybox Width/Height Thumbnail Settings Fancybox Mouse Wheel Fancybox Autoplay settings Cross-Browser Compatibility Friendly and helpful Support WHAT'S MORE: Intuitive and Simple Admin Area OS Responsive Image Gallery is specifically designed to bring much comfort while using it on Joomla website. Create unlimited galleries and place them in a custom module, an article or anywhere else on website - with help of special shortcode. Looks Awesome on Every Mobile Device With so many Internet users on smartphone nowadays, it’s necessary to comply with the latest trends. Your website is going to look awesome with our responsive image gallery. Unparalleled Support at Any Time Any time you have issue, you can find answers on our forum or ask us via email. We can even fix slight issues on your website directly. Be sure to get professional support during our working hours Additional tags: image gallery, photo gallery, responsive photo gallery, photo gallery for joomla, joomla 3 gallery, responsive joomla gallery, joomla image gallery, gallery module, gallery extension, joomla gallery responsive, joomla gallery EXTENDED VERSION OF JOOMLA RESPONSIVE IMAGE GALLERY: </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4 extension" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="listing-title-8793" aria-describedby="intro-text-8793"> <a href="/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/unite-gallery/"></a> <div class="view"> <div class="mask"> <div class="mainimage-container"> <img src="//" alt="Unite Gallery" class="mainimage" /> </div> <div class=""> <div class="padder"> <h3 id="listing-title-8793"> Unite Gallery </h3> <div class="sub-header"> Paid download | Galleries | <strong>Unite Cms</strong> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="info-meta"> <div class="trophies versions"> <span title="Compatible with Joomla! 3.0" class="badge badge-30">3</span> </div> <span class="rating-label">Score:</span> <div class="rating score-100"> <span class="score score-100">100</span> </div> <span class="num-reviews">25 reviews</span> </div> <div id="intro-text-8793" class="intro-text"> The most powerful, multipurpose Joomla gallery. Fast, responsive and touch enabled to suit all your tailored needs. Unite gallery is the Swiss army knife of all galleries. The most unique feature of the gallery is the extended media manager which allows to upload images in bulk and edit ordering on the fly. Responsive – fits to every screen with automatic ratio preserve Touch Enabled – Every gallery parts can be controlled by the touch on touch enabled devices Responsive – The gallery can fit every screen size, and can respond to a screen size change. Skinnable – Allow to change skin with ease in different css file without touching main gallery css. Themable – The gallery has various of themes, each theme has it’s own options and features, but it uses gallery core objects Zoom Effect – The gallery has unique zoom effect that could be applied within buttons, mouse wheel or pinch gesture on touch enabled devices Gallery Buttons – The gallery has buttons on it, like full screen or play/pause that optimized for touch devidces access Keyboard controls – The gallery could be controlled by keyboard (left, right arrows) Tons of options. The gallery has huge amount of options for every gallery object that make the customization process easy and fun. Powerfull API – using the gallery API you can integrate the gallery into your website behaviour and use it with another items like lightboxes etc. </div> <div class="trophies includes"> <span title="Component" class="badge badge-com">c</span> <span title="Module" class="badge badge-mod">m</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pagination pagination-toolbar clearfix" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="limit pull-right"> Display # <select id="limit" name="limit" class="inputbox input-mini" size="1" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="20">20</option> <option value="25">25</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="100">100</option> <option value="0">All</option> </select> </div> <ul class="pagination-list"> <li class="disabled"> <span><span class="icon-first"></span></span> </li> <li class="disabled"> <span><span class="icon-previous"></span></span> </li> <li class="active hidden-phone"> <span>1</span> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=18" class="pagenav hidden-phone">2</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=36" class="pagenav hidden-phone">3</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=54" class="pagenav hidden-phone">4</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=72" class="pagenav hidden-phone">...</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=90" class="pagenav hidden-phone">6</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=108" class="pagenav hidden-phone">7</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=126" class="pagenav hidden-phone">8</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=144" class="pagenav hidden-phone">9</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=162" class="pagenav hidden-phone">10</a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=18" class="pagenav hasTooltip" title="Next"><span class="icon-next"></span></a> </li> <li> <a href="/category/photos-a-images?start=864" class="pagenav hasTooltip" title="End"><span class="icon-last"></span></a> </li> </ul> <input type="hidden" name="limitstart" value="0" /> </div> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="default" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="extension" /> <input type="hidden" name="layout" value="list" /> <input type="hidden" name="clearorders" value="0" /> </form> <!-- End Content --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Monkey patching this temporarily to close up any unclosed html tags --> </div> <!-- Footer --> <footer class="footer center"> <div class="container"> <hr /> <div class="custom ads-joomla ads-joomla-728x90"> <ins data-revive-zoneid="62" data-revive-id="4bacaeba2f8655edc9ca810c946aab5a"></ins> </div> <div class="social"> <ul class="soc"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" class="soc-twitter2" title="Joomla! 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