
7,050 Kb

How do I make an jstag?

Http://eranhirs.github.io/jsTag/ https://github.com/eranhirs/jsTag http://eranhirs.github.io/jsTag/assets/angular-typeahead.js. What is a jstag? How do you make a jstag? This script and codes were developed by Kevin on 28 August 2022, Sunday.

JsTag Previews

JsTag - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>jsTag</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="bs-example"> <div ng-controller="MoreControlController"> <js-tag js-tag-options="jsTagOptions"></js-tag> Number of tags: {{tags.getNumberOfTags()}} </div>
<div class="bs-example"> <div ng-controller="CustomizedController"> <js-tag js-tag-options='{ "texts": {"inputPlaceHolder": "Type text here"}, "defaultTags": ["Default Tag #1", "Default Tag #2"]}'> </js-tag> </div>
<div class="bs-example"> <div ng-controller="NoneditableController"> <js-tag js-tag-options="jsTagOptions"></js-tag> </div>
<div class="bs-example"> <div ng-controller="TypeaheadController"> <js-tag js-tag-mode="typeahead" js-tag-options="jsTagOptions"></js-tag> Number of tags: {{tags.getNumberOfTags()}} </div>
--> <script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.3.14/angular.min.js'></script>
<script src='http://eranhirs.github.io/jsTag/assets/angular-typeahead.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

JsTag - Script Codes CSS Codes

/* * Container * Explaining some of the CSS: # background-color: #FFFFFF; | To simulate an input box - in case background of the whole page is different
.jt-editor { padding: 6px 12px 5px 12px; display: block; height: auto; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.428571429; color: #555; border: 1px solid #BFBFBF; border-radius: 2px; cursor: text; background-color: #FFFFFF;
.jt-editor.focused-true { border-color: #66AFE9; outline: 0;
/* Tag */
.jt-tag { background: #DEE7F8; border: 1px solid #949494; padding: 0px 0px 20px 2px; cursor: default; display: inline-block; -webkit-border-radius: 2px 3px 3px 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px 3px 3px 2px; border-radius: 2px 3px 3px 2px; height: 22px;
/* Because bootstrap uses it and we don't want that if bootstrap is not included to look different */
.jt-tag { box-sizing: border-box;
.jt-tag:hover { border-color: #BCBCBC;
/* Value inside jt-tag */
.jt-tag .value { padding-left: 4px;
/* Tag when active */
.jt-tag.active-true { border-color: rgba(82, 168, 236, 0.8);
/* Tag remove button ('x') */
.jt-tag .remove-button { cursor: pointer; padding-right: 4px;
.jt-tag .remove-button:hover { font-weight: bold;
/* New tag input & Edit tag input */
.jt-tag-new, .jt-tag-edit { border: none; outline: 0px; min-width: 50px; /* Will keep autogrow from lowering width more than 60 */
/* New tag input & Edit tag input & Tag */
.jt-tag-new, .jt-tag-edit, .jt-tag { margin: 1px 4px 1px 1px;
/* Should not be displayed, only used to capture keydown */
.jt-fake-input { float: left; position: absolute; left: -10000px; width: 1px; border: 0px;

JsTag - Script Codes JS Codes

angular.module("jsTag", []) .constant("jsTagDefaults", { 'edit': true, 'defaultTags': [], 'breakCodes': [13, 44], 'splitter': ',', 'texts': { 'inputPlaceHolder': 'Input text', 'removeSymbol': String.fromCharCode(215) } }) .run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("jsTag/source/templates/default/js-tag.html", '<div class="jt-editor" ng-click="inputService.focusInput()" ><span ng-repeat="tag in tagsCollection.tags | toArray:orderBy:\'id\'" ng-switch="tagsCollection.isTagEdited(tag)"> <span ng-switch-when="false" class="jt-tag active-{{tagsCollection.isTagActive(tag)}}"> <span class="value" ng-click="tagsInputService.tagClicked(tag)" ng-dblclick="tagsInputService.tagDblClicked(tag)"> {{tag.value}} </span> <span class="remove-button" ng-click="tagsCollection.removeTag(tag.id)">{{options.texts.removeSymbol}}</span> </span> <span ng-switch-when="true"> <input type="text" class="jt-tag-edit" focus-once ng-model="tag.value" data-tag-id="{{tag.id}}" ng-keydown="inputService.tagInputKeydown(tagsCollection, {$event: $event})" placeholder="{{options.texts.inputPlaceHolder}}" auto-grow /> </span> </span> <input class="jt-tag-new" type="text" focus-me="inputService.isWaitingForInput" ng-model="inputService.input" ng-hide="isThereAnEditedTag" ng-keydown="inputService.onKeydown(inputService, tagsCollection, {$event: $event})" placeholder="{{options.texts.inputPlaceHolder}}" ng-blur="inputService.onBlur(tagsCollection)" auto-grow /> <input class="jt-fake-input" focus-me="isThereAnActiveTag" ng-keydown="tagsInputService.onActiveTagKeydown(inputService, {$event: $event})" ng-blur="tagsInputService.onActiveTagBlur()" /></div>'); }]);
angular.module("jsTag") .filter('inArray', function(){ return function(needle, haystack){ for(var key in haystack){ if(needle === haystack[key]){ return true; } } return false; }; }) .filter('toArray', function(){ return function(input){ var objectsArray = []; for(var key in input){ objectsArray.push(input[key]); } return objectsArray; }; });
angular.module("jsTag") .factory("JSTag", function(){ function JSTag(value, id){ this.value = value; this.id = id; } return JSTag; }) .factory("JSTagsCollection", ['JSTag', '$filter', function(JSTag, $filter){ function JSTagsCollection(defaultTags){ this.tags = {}; this.tagsCounter = 0; for(var defaultTagKey in defaultTags){ var defaultTagValue = defaultTags[defaultTagKey]; this.addTag(defaultTagValue); } this._onAddListenerList = []; this._onRemoveListenerList = []; this.unsetActiveTags(); this.unsetEditedTag(); } //TODO: Object manipulation methods JSTagsCollection.prototype.addTag = function(value) { var tagIndex = this.tagsCounter; this.tagsCounter++; var newTag = new JSTag(value, tagIndex); this.tags[tagIndex] = newTag; angular.forEach(this._onAddListenerList, function (callback) { callback(newTag); }); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.removeTag = function(tagIndex) { var tag = this.tags[tagIndex]; delete this.tags[tagIndex]; angular.forEach(this._onRemoveListenerList, function (callback) { callback(tag); }); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.onAdd = function onAdd(callback) { this._onAddListenerList.push(callback); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.onRemove = function onRemove(callback) { this._onRemoveListenerList.push(callback); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.getNumberOfTags = function() { return getNumberOfProperties(this.tags); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.getTagValues = function() { var tagValues = []; for (var tag in this.tags) { tagValues.push(this.tags[tag].value); } return tagValues; }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.getPreviousTag = function(tag) { var firstTag = getFirstProperty(this.tags); if (firstTag.id === tag.id) { // Return same tag if we reached the beginning return tag; } else { return getPreviousProperty(this.tags, tag.id); } }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.getNextTag = function(tag) { var lastTag = getLastProperty(this.tags); if (tag.id === lastTag.id) { // Return same tag if we reached the end return tag; } else { return getNextProperty(this.tags, tag.id); } }; //TODO: Active methods JSTagsCollection.prototype.isTagActive = function(tag) { return $filter("inArray")(tag, this._activeTags); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.setActiveTag = function(tag) { if (!this.isTagActive(tag)) { this._activeTags.push(tag); } }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.setLastTagActive = function() { if (getNumberOfProperties(this.tags) > 0) { var lastTag = getLastProperty(this.tags); this.setActiveTag(lastTag); } }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.unsetActiveTag = function(tag) { var removedTag = this._activeTags.splice(this._activeTags.indexOf(tag), 1); }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.unsetActiveTags = function() { this._activeTags = []; }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.getActiveTag = function() { var activeTag = null; if (this._activeTags.length === 1) { activeTag = this._activeTags[0]; } return activeTag; }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.getNumOfActiveTags = function() { return this._activeTags.length; }; //TODO: Edit methods JSTagsCollection.prototype.getEditedTag = function() { return this._editedTag; }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.isTagEdited = function(tag) { return tag === this._editedTag; }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.setEditedTag = function(tag) { this._editedTag = tag; }; JSTagsCollection.prototype.unsetEditedTag = function() { // Kill empty tags! if (this._editedTag !== undefined && this._editedTag !== null && this._editedTag.value === "") { this.removeTag(this._editedTag.id); } this._editedTag = null; }; return JSTagsCollection; }]);
angular.module("jsTag") .factory("InputService", ['$filter', function($filter){ function InputService(options){ this.input = ""; this.isWaitingForInput = options.autoFocus || false; this.options = options; } //TODO: Events InputService.prototype.onkeydown = function(inputService, tagsCollection, options){ var e = options.$event; var $element = angular.element(e.currentTarget); var keycode = e.which; var value = ($element.typeahead !== undefined) ? $element.typeahead('val') : this.input; var valueIsEmpty = (value === null || value === undefined || value === ""); if($filter("inArray")(keycode, this.options.breakCodes) !== false){ inputService.breakCodeHit(tagsCollection, this.options); $element.triggerHandler('jsTag:breakcodeHit'); if(!valueIsEmpty){ e.preventDefault(); } }else{ switch (keycode){ case 9: //TAB break; case 37:// Left arrow case 8://Backapace if(valueIsEmpty){ tagsCollection.setLastTagActive(); } break; } } }; InputService.prototype.tagInputKeydown = function(tagsCollection, options){ var e = options.$event; var keycode = e.which; if($filter("inArray")(keycode, this.options.breakCodes) !== false){ this.breakCodeHitOnEdit(tagsCollection, options); } }; InputService.prototype.onBlur = function(tagsCollection) { this.breakCodeHit(tagsCollection, this.options); }; //TODO: Method InputService.prototype.resetInput = function() { var value = this.input; this.input = ""; return value; }; InputService.prototype.focusInput = function() { this.isWaitingForInput = true; }; InputService.prototype.breakCodeHit = function(tagsCollection, options) { if( this.input !== ''){ var originalValue = this.resetInput(); if(originalValue instanceof Object){ originalValue = originalValue[options.tagDisplayKey || Object.keys(originalValue)[0]]; } var values = originalValue.split(options.splitter); for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (!values[i]) { values.splice(i, 1); i--; } } for (var key in values) { if ( !values.hasOwnProperty(key) ) continue; // for IE 8 var value = values[key]; tagsCollection.addTag(value); } } }; InputService.prototype.breakCodeHitOnEdit = function(tagsCollection, options) { var editedTag = tagsCollection.getEditedTag(); if (editedTag.value instanceof Object) { editedTag.value = editedTag.value[options.tagDisplayKey || Object.keys(editedTag.value)[0]]; } tagsCollection.unsetEditedTag(); this.isWaitingForInput = true; }; return InputService; }]) .factory("TagsInputService", ['JSTag', 'JSTagsCollection', function(JSTag, JSTagsCollection){ function TagsHandler(options){ this.options = options; var tags = options.tags; if (tags && Object.getPrototypeOf(tags) === JSTagsCollection.prototype) { this.tagsCollection = tags; }else{ var defaultTags = options.defaultTags; this.tagsCollection = new JSTagsCollection(defaultTags); } this.shouldBlurActiveTag = true; } TagsHandler.prototype.tagClicked = function(tag) { this.tagsCollection.setActiveTag(tag); }; TagsHandler.prototype.tagDblClicked = function(tag) { var editAllowed = this.options.edit; if (editAllowed) { this.tagsCollection.setEditedTag(tag); } }; TagsHandler.prototype.onActiveTagKeydown = function(inputService, options) { var activeTag = this.tagsCollection.getActiveTag(); // Do nothing in unexpected situations if (activeTag !== null) { var e = options.$event; // Mimics blur of the active tag though the focus is on the input. // This will cause expected features like unseting active tag var blurActiveTag = function() { // Expose the option not to blur the active tag if (this.shouldBlurActiveTag) { this.onActiveTagBlur(options); } }; switch (e.which) { case 13: // Return var editAllowed = this.options.edit; if (editAllowed) { blurActiveTag.apply(this); this.tagsCollection.setEditedTag(activeTag); } break; case 8: // Backspace this.tagsCollection.removeTag(activeTag.id); inputService.isWaitingForInput = true; break; case 37: // Left arrow blurActiveTag.apply(this); var previousTag = this.tagsCollection.getPreviousTag(activeTag); this.tagsCollection.setActiveTag(previousTag); break; case 39: // Right arrow blurActiveTag.apply(this); var nextTag = this.tagsCollection.getNextTag(activeTag); if (nextTag !== activeTag) { this.tagsCollection.setActiveTag(nextTag); } else { inputService.isWaitingForInput = true; } break; } } }; TagsHandler.prototype.onActiveTagBlur = function(options) { var activeTag = this.tagsCollection.getActiveTag(); // Do nothing in unexpected situations if (activeTag !== null) { this.tagsCollection.unsetActiveTag(activeTag); } }; TagsHandler.prototype.onEditTagBlur = function(tagsCollection, inputService) { tagsCollection.unsetEditedTag(); this.isWaitingForInput = true; } return TagsHandler; }]);
angular.module("jsTag") .controller("JSTagMainCtrl", ['$attrs', '$scope', 'InputService', 'TagsInputService', 'jsTagDefaults', function($attrs, $scope, InputService, TagsInputService, jsTagDefaults){ var userOptions = {}; try { userOptions = $scope.$eval($attrs.jsTagOptions); } catch(e) { console.log("jsTag Error: Invalid user options, using defaults only"); } var options = angular.copy(jsTagDefaults); if (userOptions !== undefined) { userOptions.texts = angular.extend(options.texts, userOptions.texts || {}); angular.extend(options, userOptions); } $scope.options = options; $scope.tagsInputService = new TagsInputService($scope.options); $scope.inputService = new InputService($scope.options); var tagsCollection = $scope.tagsInputService.tagsCollection; $scope.tagsCollection = tagsCollection; $scope.$watch('tagsCollection._editedTag', function(newValue, oldValue) { $scope.isThereAnEditedTag = newValue !== null; }); $scope.$watchCollection('tagsCollection._activeTags', function(newValue, oldValue) { $scope.isThereAnActiveTag = newValue.length > 0; }); } ]);
angular.module("jsTag") .directive("jsTag", ['$templateCache', function($templateCache){ return { restrict: 'E', scope: true, controller: 'JSTagMainCtrl', templateUrl: function($element, $attrs){ var mode = $attrs.jsTagMode || "default"; return 'jsTag/source/templates/' + mode + '/js-tag.html'; } }; }]) .directive("ngBlur", ['$parse', function($parse){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem, attrs){ var functionToCall = $parse(attrs.ngBlur); elem.bind('blur', function(event){ scope.$apply(function(){ functionToCall(scope, {$event: event}); }); }) } }; }]) .directive("focusMe", ['$parse', '$timeout', function($parse, $timeout){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs){ var model = $parse(attrs.focusMe); scope.$watch(model, function(value){ if(value === true){ $timeout(function(){ element[0].focus(); }); } }); element.bind('blur', function(){ scope.$apply(model.assign(scope, false)); }); } }; }]) .directive("focusOnce", ['$timeout', function($timeout){ return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs){ $timeout(function(){ element[0].select(); }); } }; }]) .directive("autoGrow", ['$timeout', function($timeout){ return { link: function(scope, element, attrs){ var paddingLeft = element.css('paddingLeft'), paddingRight = element.css('paddingRight'); var minWidth = 60; var $shadow = angular.element('<span></span>').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '-10000px', 'left': '-10000px', 'fontSize': element.css('fontSize'), 'fontFamily': element.css('fontFamily'), 'white-space': 'pre' }); element.after($shadow); function update(){ var val = element.val() .replace(/</g, '&lt;') .replace(/>/g, '&gt;') .replace(/&/g, '&amp;'); if(val !== ""){ $shadow.html(val); }else{ $shadow.html(element[0].placeholder); } var newWidth = ($shadow[0].offsetWidth + 10) + "px"; element.css('width', newWidth); } var ngModel = element.attr('ng-model'); if(ngModel){ scope.$watch(ngModel, update); }else{ element.bind('keyup keydown', update); } $timeout(update); } } }]) .directive("jsTagTypeahead", function(){//预先输入 return { restrict: 'A', require: '?ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel){ element.bind("jsTag:breakcodeHit", function(event){ if(scope.$eval(attrs.options).contentEditable === false){return;} $(event.currentTarget).typeahead('val', ''); }) } }; });
function getNumberOfProperties(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length;
function getFirstProperty(obj) { var keys = Object.keys(obj); return obj[keys[0]];
function getLastProperty(obj) { var keys = Object.keys(obj); return obj[keys[keys.length - 1]];
function getNextProperty(obj, propertyId) { var keys = Object.keys(obj); var indexOfProperty = keys.indexOf(propertyId.toString()); var keyOfNextProperty = keys[indexOfProperty + 1]; return obj[keyOfNextProperty];
function getPreviousProperty(obj, propertyId) { var keys = Object.keys(obj); var indexOfProperty = keys.indexOf(propertyId.toString()); var keyOfPreviousProperty = keys[indexOfProperty - 1]; return obj[keyOfPreviousProperty];
//--- 测试代码
angular.module("demoJSTag", ['siyfion.sfTypeahead', 'jsTag']);
angular.module("demoJSTag").controller("MoreControlController", MoreControlController);
function MoreControlController($scope, JSTagsCollection){ $scope.tags = new JSTagsCollection(["jsTag", "angularJS"]); $scope.jsTagOptions = { "tags": $scope.tags };
MoreControlController.$jection = ['$scope', 'JSTagsCollection'];
angular.module("demoJSTag").controller("CustomizedController", CustomizedController);
angular.module("demoJSTag").controller("NoneditableController", NoneditableController);
angular.module("demoJSTag").controller("TypeaheadController", TypeaheadController);
angular.bootstrap(document, ['demoJSTag']);
JsTag - Script Codes
JsTag - Script Codes
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Developer Kevin
Username chenming142
Uploaded August 28, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,050 Kb
Views 30,360
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Kevin (chenming142) Script Codes
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