Livestream Audio Visualizer v2

5,771 Kb

How do I make an livestream audio visualizer v2?

This is a visualizer i made for DFNTN Bass radio. Works best on Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Safari has some kind of weird audio processing bug (returning 0’s for all FFT bands).. What is a livestream audio visualizer v2? How do you make a livestream audio visualizer v2? This script and codes were developed by Erik Terwan on 04 July 2022, Monday.

Livestream Audio Visualizer v2 Previews

Livestream Audio Visualizer v2 - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Livestream Audio Visualizer v2</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <audio id="stream" crossorigin="anonymous" controls>	<source src="" type="audio/mpeg" />	</audio>	<canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Livestream Audio Visualizer v2 - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background: #323232;
canvas { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;
audio { position: absolute; z-index: 2; bottom: 0; left: 0;

Livestream Audio Visualizer v2 - Script Codes JS Codes

/** * Inspired by this pen from Justin Windle, cheers m8! ( */
(function(){	var AudioAnalyser = function (_audio)	{	// Store `this` for use in inner scopes	var _this = this;	var numBands, smoothing, muted;	var context, jsNode, analyser, source;	var isInitialized;	/** * Initializer */	function init(_numBands, _smoothing, _muted)	{	// Set the local variables / settings = _audio != null ? _audio : new Audio();	numBands = _numBands != null ? _numBands : 32;	smoothing = _smoothing != null ? _smoothing : 0.1;	muted = _muted != null ? _muted : false;	// Check if an audio object is given, otherwise make one from the source string	if (typeof === 'string') {	var src =; = new Audio(); = 'anonymous'; = true; = src;	}	// Create the AudioContext	context = new AudioAnalyser.AudioContext();	// Create the ScriptProcessor	jsNode = context.createScriptProcessor(1024,1,1);	// Create the Context's Analyser	analyser = context.createAnalyser();	analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = smoothing;	analyser.fftSize = numBands * 2;	isInitialized = false;	// Allocate a new Unsigned int8 array	_this.bands = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);	// Add eventlistener for the 'play' event, gets fired once enough data is buffered	// to play the stream / tune.'play', ready, false);	}	/** * Called when the audio is ready to play */	function ready()	{	if (isInitialized) {	return;	}	// Create media element from source	source = context.createMediaElementSource(;	// Connect the analyser to the source	source.connect(analyser);	// Connect the jsNode to the analyser	analyser.connect(jsNode);	// Connect the destination to the jsNode	jsNode.connect(context.destination);	// Check if the sound should be playing	if (!muted) {	// Connect the destination to the audio source	source.connect(context.destination);	}	// Call the processAudio() function	jsNode.onaudioprocess = processAudio;	isInitialized = true;	}	/** * Called whenever there is new FFT data available */	function processAudio(e)	{	analyser.getByteFrequencyData(_this.bands);	var out = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);	var int = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);	var max = 0;	for (var i = 0; i < int.length; i++) {	out[i] = 0; // prevent feedback + we only need the input data	max = int[i] > max ? int[i] : max;	}	// set the energy value = max;	//convert from magnitude to decibel	_this.decibels = 20 * Math.log( Math.max(max, Math.pow(10,-72/20)) ) / Math.LN10;	if (! {	if (_this.onUpdate != null && typeof _this.onUpdate === 'function') {	_this.onUpdate(_this.bands, _this.decibels,; // call the onUpdate method	}	}	}	// Finally, start the init method	init();	};	/** * Start method */	AudioAnalyser.prototype.start = function () {	return;	};	/** * Stop method */	AudioAnalyser.prototype.stop = function () {	return;	};	// Set the AudioContext, if that's not found, try the (deprecated) webkitAudioContext	AudioAnalyser.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;	// If the AudioAnalyser is enabled / working.	AudioAnalyser.enabled = AudioAnalyser.AudioContext != null;	// Make the AudioAnalyser globally available	window.AudioAnalyser = AudioAnalyser;
(function(){	window.Analyser = function (_audioElem) {	this.numOfBands = 32;	this.smoothing = 0.3;	var beforeInputInterval;	var beforeInputTimeout = 16; // +/- 60 fps	var tempCounter = 0;	var tempFrequency = 15;	var tempAmplitude = 0.6;	var analyser;	var _this = this;	// Sets everything up	this.init = function(_numOfBands, _smoothing)	{	// The source of the mp3 stream, an html5 audio element or the path to the strema.	var source;	if (!_audioElem) {	source = '';	} else {	source = _audioElem;	}	// The number of bands to read	_this.numOfBands = _numOfBands != null ? _numOfBands : 32;	// The amount of smoothing to use	_this.smoothing = _smoothing != null ? _smoothing : 0.3;	// Allocate a new AudioAnalyser, give the mp3/path, number of bands and the smoothing as arguments	analyser = new AudioAnalyser(source, _this.numOfBands, _this.smoothing);	// Listen to the onUpdate event	analyser.onUpdate = function (_bands, _decibels, _energy) {	if (beforeInputInterval != null) {	clearInterval(beforeInputInterval);	beforeInputInterval = null;	}	// set the global bands variable to the newly received bands	Analyser.bands = _bands;	// set the global decibels variable to the newly received db's	Analyser.decibels = _decibels;	// set the energy value = _energy;	if (_energy == 0) {	createTempData();	}	// call the onUpdate method, if it exists	if (_this.onUpdate != null && typeof _this.onUpdate === 'function') {	_this.onUpdate(_bands, _decibels,; // call the onUpdate method	}	};	};	function createTempData()	{	tempCounter++; = Math.sin(tempCounter / tempFrequency) * tempAmplitude;	for (var i = 0; i < Analyser.bands.length; i++) {	Analyser.bands[i] = Math.sin((i + tempCounter) / tempFrequency) * (Math.random() * 255);	}	}	/** * Call to start the analyser */	this.start = function () {	// Start the AudioAnalyser	analyser.start();	// Start the timer for the temporary visuals / input	beforeInputInterval = setInterval(createTempData, beforeInputTimeout);	};	/** * Call to stop the analyser */	this.stop = function () {	// Start the AudioAnalyser	analyser.stop();	};	};	Analyser.bands = [];	Analyser.decibels = 0; = 0;
(function(){	var calc = function () { = function (value, low1, high1, low2, high2)	{	return low2 + (high2 - low2) * (value - low1) / (high1 - low1);	}	};	window.Calc = new calc();
(function() { "use strict"; var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth, h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight, points = [], drawCount = 0, rotationRadius = 0, rotationRadiusUp = true, center = { x: w / 2, y: h / 2 }, settings = { speed: 1, rotationSpeed: -1, rotationRadiusFrom: 178, rotationRadiusTo: 280, rotationRadiusSpeed: 1.5, connectionDistance: 0, connectionDistanceFract: 12.1, lineWidth: 4.4, size: 0.4, killAfter: 190, hue: 187, saturation: 100, brightness: 50, backgroundSaturation: 0, backgroundBrightness: 0, backgroundAlpha: 0.033, randomSize: 0, pushEvery: 1, scaleFrom: 680, scaleTo: 760, scaleMin: -0.4, scaleMax: 0.1 }, analyser; function setup() { w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth; h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight; // Allocate a new analyser analyser = new Analyser(document.getElementById('stream')); analyser.init(); analyser.start(); ctx.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + settings.hue + ',40%,50%)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); rotationRadius = settings.rotationRadiusFrom; var gui = new dat.GUI(); gui.add(settings, 'speed').min(0).max(500).step(2); gui.add(settings, 'rotationSpeed').min(-500).max(500).step(2); gui.add(settings, 'rotationRadiusFrom').min(0).max(500).step(2); gui.add(settings, 'rotationRadiusTo').min(0).max(1000).step(2); gui.add(settings, 'rotationRadiusSpeed').min(0.0).max(3.0).step(0.01); gui.add(settings, 'connectionDistance').min(0).max(500).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'connectionDistanceFract').min(0.0).max(35.0).step(0.1); gui.add(settings, 'lineWidth').min(0).max(20).step(0.1); gui.add(settings, 'size').min(0.2).max(20).step(0.1); gui.add(settings, 'killAfter').min(10).max(1000).step(2); gui.add(settings, 'hue').min(0).max(360).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'saturation').min(0).max(100).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'brightness').min(0).max(100).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'backgroundSaturation').min(0).max(100).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'backgroundBrightness').min(0).max(100).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'backgroundAlpha').min(0.0).max(1.0).step(0.01); gui.add(settings, 'randomSize').min(0).max(5).step(0.1); gui.add(settings, 'pushEvery').min(1).max(100).step(1); gui.add(settings, 'scaleFrom').min(0).max(5000).step(10); gui.add(settings, 'scaleTo').min(0).max(5000).step(10); gui.add(settings, 'scaleMin').min(-2.0).max(2.0).step(0.1); gui.add(settings, 'scaleMax').min(0.0).max(5.0).step(0.1); gui.close(); draw(); } function draw() { ctx.fillStyle = 'hsla(' + settings.hue + ',' + settings.backgroundSaturation + '%,' + settings.backgroundBrightness + '%, ' + settings.backgroundAlpha + ')'; ctx.fillRect(-(w / 2), -(h / 2), w * 2, h * 2);; if (Analyser.bands != null && Analyser.bands.length > 0) { var lowEnd = Analyser.bands[0] + Analyser.bands[1] + Analyser.bands[2] + Analyser.bands[3] + Analyser.bands[4]; var scale = mapValue(lowEnd, settings.scaleFrom, settings.scaleTo, settings.scaleMin, settings.scaleMax); ctx.translate((w - (w * scale)) / 2, (h - (h * scale)) / 2); ctx.scale(scale, scale); } ctx.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + settings.hue + ',' + settings.saturation + '%,' + settings.brightness + '%)'; ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsl(' + settings.hue + ',' + settings.saturation + '%,' + settings.brightness + '%)'; ctx.lineWidth = settings.lineWidth; var distanceAdd =, settings.rotationRadiusFrom, settings.rotationRadiusTo, 1.0, settings.connectionDistanceFract); var connDistance = settings.connectionDistance; connDistance += distanceAdd; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { var point = points[i]; point.draw(); for (var n = 0; n < points.length; n++) { var connection = points[n]; var distanceX = Math.pow((connection.x - point.x), 2); var distanceY = Math.pow((connection.y - point.y), 2); var distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX + distanceY); if (distance <= connDistance) { ctx.strokeStyle = 'hsla(' + settings.hue + ',' + settings.saturation + '%,' + settings.brightness + '%, ' + connection.opacity + ')'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(point.x, point.y); ctx.lineTo(connection.x, connection.y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); } connection = null; } } drawCount++; pushPoints(); ctx.restore(); if (rotationRadiusUp) { rotationRadius += settings.rotationRadiusSpeed; } else { rotationRadius -= settings.rotationRadiusSpeed; } if (rotationRadius > settings.rotationRadiusTo) { rotationRadiusUp = false; } else if (rotationRadius < settings.rotationRadiusFrom) { rotationRadiusUp = true; } window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); } function pushPoints() { if (drawCount % settings.pushEvery == 0) { var centerX = Math.sin(drawCount / settings.rotationSpeed) * rotationRadius; var centerY = Math.cos(drawCount / settings.rotationSpeed) * rotationRadius; for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) { var xSpeed = (Math.random() * (settings.speed / 10)) - (settings.speed / 20); var ySpeed = (Math.random() * (settings.speed / 10)) - (settings.speed / 20); points.push(new Point(center.x + centerX, center.y + centerY, xSpeed, ySpeed, settings.killAfter)); } } } var Point = function(_x, _y, _xSpeed, _ySpeed, _killAfter) { this.x = _x; this.y = _y; this.xSpeed = _xSpeed; this.ySpeed = _ySpeed; this.killAfter = _killAfter != null ? _killAfter : 400; this.lifetime = 0; this.opacity = 1.0; var _this = this; this.draw = function() { if (_this.lifetime > _this.killAfter) { _this.dealloc(); return; } var xNoise = ((Math.random() * settings.randomSize) - settings.randomSize / 2); var yNoise = ((Math.random() * settings.randomSize) - settings.randomSize / 2); _this.x += _this.xSpeed + xNoise; _this.y += _this.ySpeed + yNoise; if (_this.x < settings.size || _this.x > (w - settings.size)) { _this.dealloc(); return; } if (_this.y < settings.size || _this.y > (h - settings.size)) { _this.dealloc(); return; } _this.opacity = 1.0 - (_this.lifetime / _this.killAfter); ctx.fillStyle = 'hsla(' + settings.hue + ',' + settings.saturation + '%,' + settings.brightness + '%,' + _this.opacity + ')'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(_this.x, _this.y, settings.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); _this.lifetime++; }; this.dealloc = function() { var index = points.indexOf(_this); if (index > -1) { points.splice(index, 1); } _this = null; // remove strong reference to 'this' }; }; function mapValue(value, low1, high1, low2, high2) { return low2 + (high2 - low2) * (value - low1) / (high1 - low1); } window.addEventListener('resize', function() { w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth; h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight; center = { x: w / 2, y: h / 2 }; ctx.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + settings.hue + ',40%,50%)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); }, false); setup();
Livestream Audio Visualizer v2 - Script Codes
Livestream Audio Visualizer v2 - Script Codes
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Developer Erik Terwan
Username erikterwan
Uploaded July 04, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,771 Kb
Views 38,456
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Erik Terwan (erikterwan) Script Codes
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