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How do I make an lunar-lander-0.1.0?

Exploring the mechanics of a lunar lander gamebackground from What is a lunar-lander-0.1.0? How do you make a lunar-lander-0.1.0? This script and codes were developed by Not Important on 13 July 2022, Wednesday.

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Lunar-lander-0.1.0 - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Lunar-lander-0.1.0 - Script Codes CSS Codes

html { height: 100%;
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Lunar-lander-0.1.0 - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var seed = 5625463739 + 20;
var gravityForce = 0.1;
var shipThrust = 0.00004;
var turnForce = 0.03;
var random = function () { var s = seed; return function () { return alea(s++)(); };
setTimeout(function () { var canvasId = 'js-canvas-container'; var width = 410; var height = 410; var background = 'transparent'; var engine = MatterEngine.create(canvasId, { width: width, height: height, background: background, wireframes: false }); engine.loadScene(seed, mainSceneFactory, { canvasId: canvasId, width: width, height: height });
}, 0);
var mainSceneFactory = { create: function create(seed, matter, options) { var _ref = [0, gravityForce]; = _ref[0]; = _ref[1]; var state = MatterEngine.SceneFactory.create(mainSceneFactory, matter); state.input = { up: false, right: false, down: false, left: false }; state.options = options; state.mainContainer = new PIXI.Container(); state.worldContainer = new PIXI.Container(); state.background = mainSceneFactory.createBackground(options.width, options.height); // state.mainContainer.addChild(; state.mainContainer.addChild(state.worldContainer); state.mainContainer.pivot = { x: 205, y: 205 }; state.mainContainer.position = { x: 205, y: 205 }; matter.render.container.addChild(; matter.render.container.addChild(state.mainContainer); state.ground = mainSceneFactory.createGround(options.width / 2, options.height + 60, options.width * 5, options.height / 2, options.width); state.worldContainer.addChild(; state.ship = mainSceneFactory.createShip(options.width / 2 + 200, 30, state.input); state.minimap = mainSceneFactory.createMinimap(options.width - 130, 10); state.mainContainer.addChild(; state.worldContainer.addChild(; mainSceneFactory.createMatter(state); setupEventListeners(state.input); state.iteration = 0; return state; }, update: function update(state) { mainSceneFactory.handleKeys(state); var position = state.ship.matterBody.position; var _ref2 = [0 - position.x + state.options.width / 2, 0 - position.y + state.options.height / 2]; state.worldContainer.position.x = _ref2[0]; state.worldContainer.position.y = _ref2[1]; state.minimap.render(state.ground, state.ship); var bounds = state.ground.matterBody.bounds; state.ship.matterBody.position.x = Math.min(bounds.max.x - state.options.width / 2, Math.max(bounds.min.x + state.options.width / 2, position.x)); state.background.render(state.ship.matterBody.velocity); state.iteration++; }, createBackground: function createBackground(width, height) { return backgroundFactory.create(width, height); }, createMinimap: function createMinimap(x, y) { return minimapFactory.create(x, y); }, createGround: function createGround(x, y, width, height) { return groundFactory.create(x, y, width, height); }, createShip: function createShip(x, y, input) { return shipFactory.create(x, y, 30, 0, input); }, handleKeys: function handleKeys(_ref3) { var ship = _ref3.ship; var input = _ref3.input; if (input.left) { ship.turnForce = -turnForce; document.getElementById('left').className = 'key left is-down'; } if (input.right) { ship.turnForce = turnForce; document.getElementById('right').className = 'key right is-down'; } if (input.up) { var angle = (ship.matterBody.angle - Math.PI / 2) % (Math.PI * 2); var _ship$matterBody = ship.matterBody; var force = _ship$matterBody.force; var velocity = _ship$matterBody.velocity; force.x += Math.cos(angle) * shipThrust; force.y += Math.sin(angle) * shipThrust; Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(ship.matterBody, 0); document.getElementById('up').className = 'key up is-down'; } if (input.down) { document.getElementById('down').className = 'key down is-down'; } }, createMatter: function createMatter(state) { state.addMatter([state.ground, state.ship]); }
var minimapFactory = { create: function create(x, y) { var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); var state = { x: x, y: y, graphics: graphics, render: function render(ground, ship) { minimapFactory.render(state, ground, ship); } }; return state; }, renderGround: function renderGround(state, ground) { var graphics =; var matterBody = ground.matterBody; var scaleFactor = 0.1; (_ref4, index) { var vertices = _ref4.vertices; if (index === 0) { return; } graphics.beginFill(0xffdede); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffdede); var xPos = vertices[0].x; var yPos = vertices[0].y; graphics.moveTo(xPos * scaleFactor + state.x, yPos * scaleFactor + state.y); for (var _index = 1; _index < vertices.length; _index++) { var _xPos = vertices[_index].x; var _yPos = vertices[_index].y; graphics.lineTo(_xPos * scaleFactor + state.x, _yPos * scaleFactor + state.y); } xPos = vertices[0].x; yPos = vertices[0].y; graphics.lineTo(xPos * scaleFactor + state.x, yPos * scaleFactor + state.y); graphics.endFill(); }); }, renderShip: function renderShip(state, ship) { var graphics =; var _ship$matterBody$posi = ship.matterBody.position; var x = _ship$matterBody$posi.x; var y = _ship$matterBody$posi.y; var scaleFactor = 0.1; graphics.beginFill(0x00ff00); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00ff00); graphics.drawRect(state.x + x * scaleFactor - 2.5, state.y + y * scaleFactor - 2.5, 5, 5); graphics.endFill(); }, render: function render(state, ground, ship) {; if ( { return; } minimapFactory.renderGround(state, ground); minimapFactory.renderShip(state, ship); // = true; }
var groundFactory = { create: function create(x, y, width, height, screenWidth) { var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); var state = { width: width, height: height, screenWidth: screenWidth, x: x, y: y, graphics: graphics, update: function update(options) { return groundFactory.update(state, options); }, vertices: groundFactory.generateVertices(width, height, 30, 40), matterOptions: { friction: 1, airFriction: 0, restitution: 0.1, isStatic: true } }; return state; }, generateVertices: function generateVertices(width, height, stepCount, elevationVariance) { var stepSize = Math.floor(width / stepCount); var groundVertices = Array.apply(undefined, Array(stepCount)).map(function (_, index) { return [stepSize * index + stepSize / 2 + -width / 2, -height / 2 - Math.floor(random() * 5) * elevationVariance]; }); return [[-width / 2, -height / 2]].concat(groundVertices, [[width / 2, -height / 2], [width / 2, height / 2], [-width / 2, height / 2]]).map(function (_ref5) { var x = _ref5[0]; var y = _ref5[1]; return { x: x, y: y }; }); }, update: function update(state, options) { var graphics =; var matterBody = state.matterBody; var vertices = matterBody.vertices; var parts =; var _matterBody$position = matterBody.position; var x = _matterBody$position.x; var y = _matterBody$position.y; graphics.rotation = matterBody.angle; var _ref6 = [x, y]; graphics.position.x = _ref6[0]; graphics.position.y = _ref6[1]; if (graphics.cacheAsBitmap) { return; } graphics.clear(); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x999999); graphics.moveTo(-state.width / 2 + 135, -800); graphics.lineTo(-state.width / 2 + 135, state.height / 2); graphics.moveTo(state.width / 2 - 254, -800); graphics.lineTo(state.width / 2 - 254, state.height / 2); parts.forEach(function (_ref7, index) { var vertices = _ref7.vertices; if (index === 0) { return; } graphics.beginFill(0xdedede); graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xdedede); graphics.moveTo(vertices[0].x - x, vertices[0].y - y); for (var _index2 = 1; _index2 < vertices.length; _index2++) { graphics.lineTo(vertices[_index2].x - x, vertices[_index2].y - y); } graphics.lineTo(vertices[0].x - x, vertices[0].y - y); graphics.endFill(); }); graphics.cacheAsBitmap = true; }
var backgroundFactory = { create: function create(width, height) { var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); var stars = Array.apply(undefined, Array(100)).map(function (_, index) { var speed = random() * 1.5; var x = random() * width; var y = random() * height; return { x: x, y: y, speed: speed }; }); var state = { stars: stars, width: width, height: height, graphics: graphics, render: function render(vector) { backgroundFactory.render(state, vector); } }; return state; }, render: function render(state, vector) { var graphics =; graphics.clear(); state.stars.forEach(function (star) { var x = star.x; var y = star.y; var speed = star.speed; var particleSpeed = speed / 3; graphics.beginFill(0xffffff); graphics.drawCircle(x, y, speed); graphics.endFill(); var _vec2$add = vec2.add([], [star.x, star.y], [-vector.x * particleSpeed, -vector.y * particleSpeed]); star.x = _vec2$add[0]; star.y = _vec2$add[1]; var _ref8 = [(star.x + state.width) % state.width, (star.y + state.height) % state.height]; star.x = _ref8[0]; star.y = _ref8[1]; }); }
var shipFactory = { create: function create(x, y, size, rotation, input) { var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); var state = { input: input, graphics: graphics, rotation: rotation, size: size, x: x, y: y, update: function update(options) { return shipFactory.update(state, options); }, turnForce: 0, vertices: shipFactory.generateVertices(size), flameVertices: shipFactory.generateFlameVertices(size), lastDown: false, matterOptions: { friction: 1, airFriction: 0, resitution: 0.1 } }; return state; }, generateVertices: function generateVertices(size) { return [[0, -0.4], [0.4, 0.4], [0, 0.2], [-0.4, 0.4]].map(function (_ref9) { var x = _ref9[0]; var y = _ref9[1]; return { x: x * size, y: y * size - 4 }; }); }, generateFlameVertices: function generateFlameVertices(size) { return [[-0.2, 0.3], [0, 0.6], [0.2, 0.3], [0, 0.2]].map(function (_ref10) { var x = _ref10[0]; var y = _ref10[1]; return { x: x * size, y: y * size - 4 }; }); }, update: function update(state) { var graphics =; var matterBody = state.matterBody; var vertices = state.vertices; var flameVertices = state.flameVertices; var _matterBody$position2 = matterBody.position; var x = _matterBody$position2.x; var y = _matterBody$position2.y; if (state.input.up !== state.lastDown) { graphics.cacheAsBitmap = false; state.lastDown = state.input.up; } Matter.Body.setAngle(state.matterBody, state.matterBody.angle + state.turnForce); state.turnForce *= 0.8; graphics.rotation = matterBody.angle; var _ref11 = [x, y]; graphics.position.x = _ref11[0]; graphics.position.y = _ref11[1]; graphics.clear(); graphics.beginFill(0x3b3251); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xdedede); graphics.moveTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y); for (var index = 1; index < vertices.length; index++) { graphics.lineTo(vertices[index].x, vertices[index].y); } graphics.lineTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y); graphics.endFill(); if (state.input.up) { graphics.beginFill(0xdedede); graphics.moveTo(flameVertices[0].x, flameVertices[0].y); for (var index = 1; index < flameVertices.length; index++) { graphics.lineTo(flameVertices[index].x, flameVertices[index].y); } graphics.lineTo(flameVertices[0].x, flameVertices[0].y); graphics.endFill(); } graphics.cacheAsBitmap = true; }
// start controls
function setupEventListeners(input) { window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown(input)); window.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp(input));
function handleKeyUp(input) { return function (_ref12) { var keyCode = _ref12.keyCode; document.getElementById('left').className = 'key left'; document.getElementById('right').className = 'key right'; document.getElementById('up').className = 'key up'; document.getElementById('down').className = 'key down'; switch (keyCode) { case 38: input.up = false; break; case 39: input.right = false; break; case 40: input.down = false; break; case 37: input.left = false; break; } };
function handleKeyDown(input) { return function (e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; switch (keyCode) { case 38: e.preventDefault(); input.up = true; break; case 39: input.right = true; break; case 40: e.preventDefault(); input.down = true; break; case 37: input.left = true; break; } };
// end controls
var d = "m -104.875,-92.09375 0,768.1875 1045.40625,0 0,-768.1875 z m 792,112.875 34.65625,11.90625 20.78125,0.96875 7.9375,27.71875 14.84375,-0.96875 1,27.71875 -19.8125,2.96875 -17.83323,10.88861 -0.97927,19.79889 -21.76826,41.59622 -16.82611,38.61541 -21.8125,-11.90625 -34.625,-3.9375 -24.78125,5.9375 -7.90625,-2 -24.75,0 -25.73329,-0.98391 -15.31378,13.83209 11.32832,18.83963 40.12327,-2.25028 32.87302,18.58819 19.19178,26.29536 26.63402,26.66748 -32.39197,7.92422 -27.00314,8.90591 -51.49567,-1.96968 -28.71875,-23.76392 -38.59931,-21.77166 -33.50197,0.84141 -15.01258,17.95902 22.03906,12.99888 31.72405,3.22072 -12.59415,20.3177 1.40096,23.85627 -34.66386,2.83963 -34.48373,-10.07244 -21.94059,13.16875 -29.70203,-16.81589 -33.52512,4.78517 -17.95385,-15.67626 6.9233,-24.75342 -6.9375,-22.78588 18.82117,-31.6612 -60.41058,16.83385 -12.875,8.90625 -13.84379,-10.90625 -2.96875,15.84375 -14.84375,7.9375 -10.90625,-2 -14.84375,15.84375 -22.78125,7.9375 -14.84375,6.90625 -12.875,15.84375 25.75,6.9375 22.75,13.875 0,10.875 14.875,2 2.96875,31.6875 14.84375,-1 -2.96875,-17.8125 21.78125,0.96875 3.96875,6.9375 0.96875,21.78125 -0.96875,14.84375 8.90625,8.90625 18.8125,0 30.6875,-18.8125 25.75,4.96875 14.84375,-6.9375 21.78125,8.90625 24.75,4.96875 20.78125,-8.9375 14.875,-0.96875 0.96875,12.875 21.78125,12.875 1,-28.71875 9.90625,0 3.96875,12.875 16.8125,7.90625 c 33.27463,-18.73251 24.47258,-18.82094 53.4734,17.82147 l 26.73948,-24.75556 24.74257,-0.9951 3.96071,21.78218 22.77135,2.98236 12.88861,18.80662 16.81714,-20.79115 21.77351,-15.84158 18.80879,-27.71659 21.81095,-9.90934 16.82334,-16.82457 13.85055,15.85303 8.92605,20.78775 -3.96968,21.78651 15.85056,12.86974 0.96875,21.78125 5.9375,9.90625 2.987,21.76764 -23.75247,1.97091 14.84777,16.84159 6.9177,18.79486 -11.875,12.875 -49.5,2 -17.84375,-10.90625 0,-31.6875 -13.84375,0 -15.84375,13.875 -27.71875,9.90625 -46.53125,22.75 -65.34375,0 -14.875,-16.8125 -17.8125,1 0,23.75 -28.71875,6.9375 -26.71875,-8.90625 3.95204,-23.76578 -28.70668,-0.9901 -22.77228,16.82612 -36.62933,-12.88274 -16.84375,-19.78125 -13.84375,0 -22.78496,11.86603 1.99195,30.68471 -53.4706,7.93843 -18.82766,-22.78744 -32.67018,-22.75371 -42.57859,-16.83168 -7.90625,-14.875 -22.78125,-9.875 -5.9375,-11.90625 -26.730195,-40.57952 -3.96875,-29.71875 -43.5625,-4.9375 L 49.5,318.8125 l -14.84375,-2.96875 0,-11.875 19.804765,-26.75248 28.721225,-2.95266 2.956374,-33.67698 -21.773824,-85.1284 39.59375,-18.8125 14.84375,4.9375 18.8125,-10.875 14.875,13.84375 10.875,-19.8125 30.6875,2 19.8125,-3.96875 6.9375,-19.8125 20.78125,-6.90625 32.6875,-21.78125 45.52073,11.875928 25.73948,40.572092 19.8125,-5.9375 23.75,7.9375 L 400,118.8125 430.6875,112.875 465.34375,97.03125 500,79.21875 l 27.71875,0.96875 22.78125,1 29.6875,-12.875 L 601,51.5 617.82457,77.231745 645.53125,78.21875 648.5,38.625 z";
Lunar-lander-0.1.0 - Script Codes
Lunar-lander-0.1.0 - Script Codes
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Developer Not Important
Username clindsey
Uploaded July 13, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 11,850 Kb
Views 40,480
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