Midas Odds

6,237 Kb

How do I make an midas odds?

What is a midas odds? How do you make a midas odds? This script and codes were developed by Steven on 31 July 2022, Sunday.

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Midas Odds - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Midas Odds</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/c3/0.4.10/c3.css'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <h2>Crystal Odds</h2>
<h3>Now with added Web Workers</h3>
<p> 750 Draws = Tickets from full Beer Festival inc. extra week<br> 850 Draws = Expected Presents from full Xmas Event inc. extension<br> 1375 Draws = Expected Islands from full Mythical Invasion inc. extention.<br> <span id="beerv2draws"></span> Draws = Beer Festival v2 estimate up to right now.<br> <span id="totalDraws"></span> Draws = Full Beer Festival + Full Xmas + Full Mythical Invasion + Beer Festival v2.
<!-- 1150 Mythical Invasion pre extension. Approx 1375 after -->
<div id="inputForm"> <label>Players</label><input type="number" id="attempts" placeholder="100000" value="10000"><br> <label>Draws</label><input type="number" id="draws" placeholder="2975" value="2975"><br> <label>Crystal Odds %</label><input type="number" min=0.5 step=0.5 max=100 id="odds" placeholder="2.5" value="2.5"> <label id="lblDecreasing">Decreasing</label><input type="checkbox" id="chkDecreasing" checked> <label id="lblIndividual">Individual</label><input type="checkbox" id="chkIndividual"><br> <div id="indContainer"> <label class="indLabel">1st</label><input class="indText" type="number" placeholder="4.5" value="4.5"> <label class="indLabel">2nd</label><input class="indText" type="number" placeholder="4.3" value="4.3"> <label class="indLabel">3rd</label><input class="indText" type="number" placeholder="1.1" value="1.1"> <label class="indLabel">4th</label><input class="indText" type="number" placeholder="0.8" value="0.8"> <label class="indLabel">5th</label><input class="indText" type="number" placeholder="0.4" value="0.4"> </div> <label>Goal Crystals</label><input type="number" id="crystals" placeholder="5" value="5"><br> <button id="calculate">Calculate</button><br> <progress id="progBar" max=1 value=0>
<div id="result"></div>
<div id="furtherStats1"></div>
<div id="chartContainer">
<div id="volvChart"></div>
<div id="volvPieChart"></div>
<div id="furtherStats2"></div>
<div id="resultTime"></div>
<script type="text/js-worker"> // This script WON'T be parsed by JS engines because its MIME type is text/js-worker. self.addEventListener('message', function(e) { self.postMessage(calculate(e.data)); }, false); function calculate([iterations, attempts, crystalOdds, crystalGoal, decreasing, userDefinedOdds]) { let t0 = performance.now(); let crystalCount = 0; let score = 0;	let _iterations = iterations; // copy for loop let _crystalOdds = crystalOdds; let individualOdds = (crystalOdds / 5)*1000; // To split into 5ths let totals = []; do {	if (_iterations % 100 === 0 ) { // Update progress every 100 attempts	self.postMessage({prog: 1-(_iterations/iterations)}); } for (let i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {	if (userDefinedOdds) {	_crystalOdds = userDefinedOdds[crystalCount%5]/100 } if (Math.random() < _crystalOdds) { crystalCount++; if (decreasing && !userDefinedOdds) {	_crystalOdds = (_crystalOdds*1000 - individualOdds)/1000; if (crystalCount % 5 === 0) { // Every 5th crystal	_crystalOdds = crystalOdds; // Reset odds	} } } } if (crystalCount >= crystalGoal) { score++; }	_crystalOdds = crystalOdds; // Reset odds totals.push(crystalCount); crystalCount = 0; } while (--_iterations); let t1 = performance.now(); return { msg: `With ${Number(iterations)} players with ${attempts} draws each${ (decreasing) ? ` with` : `` } ${ (!decreasing) ? `at ${(crystalOdds*100).toFixed(2)}% flat chance per crystal` : `` } ${ (decreasing) ? `	<table><tr><td><b>Crystal</b></td><b><td>Chance%</b></td></tr> <tr><td><b>1st</b></td><td><b>${(userDefinedOdds) ? userDefinedOdds[0] : (individualOdds*5/10).toFixed(2)}</b></td></tr> <tr><td><b>2nd</b></td><td><b>${(userDefinedOdds) ? userDefinedOdds[1] : (individualOdds*4/10).toFixed(2)}</b></td></tr> <tr><td><b>3rd</b></td><td><b>${(userDefinedOdds) ? userDefinedOdds[2] : (individualOdds*3/10).toFixed(2)}</b></td></tr> <tr><td><b>4th</b></td><td><b>${(userDefinedOdds) ? userDefinedOdds[3] : (individualOdds*2/10).toFixed(2)}</b></td></tr> <tr><td><b>5th</b></td><td><b>${(userDefinedOdds) ? userDefinedOdds[4] : (individualOdds*1/10).toFixed(2)}</b></td></tr></table> ` : `` } ${score} players hit at least ${crystalGoal} Crystals or a success rate of ${((score/Number(iterations))*100).toFixed(2)}%`, time: `Took, ${(t1 - t0).toFixed(2)}, milliseconds to generate`, totals: totals };	} // Rest of your worker code goes here.
</script> <script src='http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js'></script>
<script src='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/c3/0.4.10/c3.js'></script>
<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.0/moment.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Midas Odds - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background: #622806; background: #491447; background: rgba(200, 167, 112, 1); color: lightblue; color: #00D50F; color: black; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;
#inputForm, #result, #resultTime { width: 486px; padding: 2rem; padding-top: 1rem; margin: auto; text-align: center;
label { display: inline-block; width: 140px; text-align: left; padding: 0.5rem;
input { font-weight: bold; width: 320px;
#calculate { font-weight: bold;
label::after { content: ":";
#calculate { width:100%; margin-top: 1rem;;
#result, #resultTime, #furtherStats1, #furtherStats2 { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; font-family: cursive;
#resultTime { color: skyblue; color: #00D50F; color: black;
#progBar { width: 100%; margin: 1rem auto; margin-bottom: -20px; visibility: hidden;
#odds { width: 50px;
#chkDecreasing, #lblDecreasing, #chkIndividual, #lblIndividual { display: inline-block; width: 50px; margin: auto 4px;
#chkDecreasing, #chkIndividual { vertical-align:middle;
table { font-size: smaller; margin: 10px auto;
td { padding-left: 20px;
.chart { background: #b0e0f8; margin: 5px;
.chart rect { stroke: white; fill: steelblue;
#chartContainer {
#volvChart { display: inline-block; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 70%; left: 10%;
#volvPieChart { display: inline-block; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 20%; left: -10%; top: -50px;
#indContainer { visibility: hidden; max-height: 0px; transition: all 1s;
#chkIndividual:checked ~ #indContainer { visibility: visible; max-height: 300px;
.indLabel { width: 24px;
.indText { width: 48px;

Midas Odds - Script Codes JS Codes

let formAttempts = document.getElementById("attempts");
let draws = document.getElementById("draws");
let odds = document.getElementById("odds");
let crystals = document.getElementById("crystals");
let decreasing = document.getElementById("chkDecreasing");
let individual = document.getElementById("chkIndividual");
let btnCalc = document.getElementById("calculate");
let result = document.getElementById("result");
let resultTime = document.getElementById("resultTime");
let furtherStats1 = document.getElementById("furtherStats1");
let furtherStats2 = document.getElementById("furtherStats2");
let progBar = document.getElementById("progBar");
let buttonProg = buttonProgress(btnCalc);
let now = new moment();
let startDate = new moment("2017-04-10T09:15Z"); // Festival start date
let diff = now - startDate;
let timeFromStart = moment.duration(diff);
let minutesFromStart = timeFromStart.asMinutes();
let beers = (minutesFromStart / 5) + 70; // Started with 70
let tickets = (Math.floor(beers / 95)*5)+5; // Started with 5
tickets = Math.floor(tickets + (tickets*0.04*2.5)); // Ticket drop estimate at 4% average 2.5 tickets per hit.
draws.setAttribute("placeholder", `${2975+tickets}`);
draws.setAttribute("value", `${2975+tickets}`);
document.getElementById("beerv2draws").innerHTML = tickets;
document.getElementById("totalDraws").innerHTML = `${2975+tickets}`;
var blob = new Blob(Array.prototype.map.call(document.querySelectorAll("script[type=\"text\/js-worker\"]"), function (oScript) { return oScript.textContent;
}),{type: "text/javascript"});
// Creating a new document.worker property containing all our "text/js-worker" scripts.
document.worker = new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
document.worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) { if (e.data.msg) { buttonProg.stop(); progBar.style.visibility = "hidden"; result.innerHTML = e.data.msg; resultTime.innerHTML = e.data.time; doFurtherStats(e.data.totals); } if (e.data.prog) { // Update progress bar progBar.value = e.data.prog; }
}, false);
function doFurtherStats(totals) { let dataMap = {}; let maxCrystals = Math.max(...totals); let minCrystals = Math.min(...totals); let totalPlayers = totals.length; let totalCrystals = totals.reduce((acc, cur) => { return acc+cur }, 0); let averageCrystals = totalCrystals / totalPlayers; let tickets = Number(draws.value); let EP = (tickets*.75); for (let i = 0; i <= maxCrystals; i++) { dataMap[i] = 0; } totals.forEach(each => dataMap[each] += 1) makeChart(dataMap, totalPlayers) let outputString = ``; outputString += `<h3>Full Breakdown</h3><table style="text-align: left">`; outputString += `<tr><td>Total Players</td><td>${totalPlayers}</td></tr>`; outputString += `<tr><td>Total Crystals Earned</td><td>${totalCrystals}</td></tr>`; //outputString += `<tr><td>Estimated EP earned</td><td>${(EP*30).toFixed(0)}</td></tr>`; outputString += `<tr><td>Lowest Crystals Earned</td><td>${minCrystals}</td></tr>`; outputString += `<tr><td>Highest Crystals Earned</td><td>${maxCrystals}</td></tr>`; outputString += `<tr><td>Average Crystals per Player</td><td>${Math.floor(averageCrystals)}</td></tr>`; outputString += `</table>`; furtherStats1.innerHTML = outputString; outputString = ``; outputString += `<table border><tr><td>Crystals Earned</td><td>Number of Players</td><td>Percentage of Total</td></tr>`; for (let i = 0; i <= maxCrystals; i++) { outputString += `<tr><td>${i}</td><td>${dataMap[i]}</td><td>${((dataMap[i]/totalPlayers)*100).toFixed(2)}</td></tr>`; } outputString += `</table>`; furtherStats2.innerHTML = outputString;
btnCalc.addEventListener("click", function() { let iterations = Number(formAttempts.value); let attempts = Number(draws.value); let crystalOdds = Number(odds.value/100); let crystalGoal = Number(crystals.value); let chkDecreasing = decreasing.checked; let chkIndividual = individual.checked; let oddObject = {}; if (chkIndividual) { // Build odd object Array.from(document.getElementById("indContainer") .querySelectorAll(".indText")) .map(oddbox => oddbox.value) .forEach((each, i, arr) => { oddObject[i] = each === "" ? 0 : Number(each); }); } else { oddObject = undefined; } console.log(oddObject) buttonProg.start(); progBar.style.visibility = "visible"; document.worker.postMessage([iterations, attempts, crystalOdds, crystalGoal, chkDecreasing, oddObject]);
function buttonProgress(btn) { let dotCount = 0 let upTimer = ""; let downTimer = ""; function update() { btn.innerHTML = `${"-".repeat(dotCount)} Calculate ${"-".repeat(dotCount)}`; } function countUp() { dotCount += 1; update(); if (dotCount === 5) { clearInterval(upTimer); downTimer = setInterval(countDown, 250); } } function countDown() { dotCount -= 1; update(); if (dotCount === 0) { clearInterval(downTimer); upTimer = setInterval(countUp, 250); } } return { start: function() { btn.disabled = true; upTimer = setInterval(countUp, 250); }, stop: function() { dotCount = 0; btn.innerHTML = `Calculate`; btn.disabled = false; clearInterval(upTimer); clearInterval(downTimer); } }
var chart;
var chart2;
function makeChart(inData, count) { let data = Object.assign({}, inData) let values = Object.values(data).map(m => Number((m/count*100).toPrecision(2)) ); for (let keys in data) { if (data[keys] === 0) { delete data[keys]; } } let names = Object.keys(data); console.log(values) values.unshift("Percentage"); chart = c3.generate({ bindto: '#volvChart', data: { columns: [ values ], type: "bar" }, axis: { y: { label: { text: 'Percentage', position: 'outer-middle' }, padding: { bottom: 0 } }, x: { label: { text: `No of Crystals`, position: `outer-center` }, min: names[0] } }, tooltip: { format: { title: function (d) { return `${d} Crystals`; }, value: function (value, ratio, id) { return `${value}%`; } } }, legend: { show: false }, bar: { width: { ratio: 0.99 } }, }); console.log(values) var newData = []; var AACount = 0; var tmp = ["0 AA"]; values.shift(); values.forEach((each, i) => { tmp.push(each); if (i > 0 && (i+1) % 5 === 0) { newData.push(tmp); AACount++; tmp = [`${AACount} AA${ (AACount > 1) ? "'s" : "" }`]; } }) newData.push(tmp); console.log(newData) chart2 = c3.generate({ bindto: '#volvPieChart', data: { columns: newData, type: "pie" }, legend: { show: false }, pie: { label: { format: function (value, ratio, id) { return `${id}`; } } } });
var types = [`step`, `bar`, `scatter`, `line`, `spline`];
document.getElementById("volvChart").addEventListener("click", function() { console.log(types) chart.transform(types[0]); types.unshift(types.pop())
Midas Odds - Script Codes
Midas Odds - Script Codes
Home Page Home
Developer Steven
Username volv
Uploaded July 31, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,237 Kb
Views 32,384
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