Modular Guage

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How do I make an modular guage?

What is a modular guage? How do you make a modular guage? This script and codes were developed by Roy on 15 November 2022, Tuesday.

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Modular Guage - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Modular Guage</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="outer">
<div id="chart"></div>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 350 50">	<defs> <linearGradient x1="1" y1="1" x2="0" y2="0" id="gWrst">	<stop stop-color="#EC0E57" offset="0"/>	<stop stop-color="#F36F16" offset="1"/>	</linearGradient> <linearGradient x1="0" y1="1" x2="1" y2="0" id="gBad" >	<stop stop-color="#F36F16" offset="0"/>	<stop stop-color="#FBC307" offset="1"/>	</linearGradient> <linearGradient x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0" id="gAvg" >	<stop stop-color="#FBC307" offset="0"/> <stop stop-color="#FFF100" offset="0.5"/>	<stop stop-color="#D2E40D" offset="1"/>	</linearGradient> <linearGradient x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="1" id="gGood" >	<stop stop-color="#D2E40D" offset="0"/>	<stop stop-color="#6AC52E" offset="1"/>	</linearGradient> <linearGradient x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1" id="gBest" >	<stop stop-color="#6AC52E" offset="0"/>	<stop stop-color="#00A165" offset="1"/>	</linearGradient> </defs> <rect x="10" y="0" height="50" width="50" fill="url(#gWrst)"/> <rect x="70" y="0" height="50" width="50" fill="url(#gBad)"/> <rect x="130" y="0" height="50" width="50" fill="url(#gAvg)"/> <rect x="190" y="0" height="50" width="50" fill="url(#gGood)"/> <rect x="250" y="0" height="50" width="50" fill="url(#gBest)"/>
</svg> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Modular Guage - Script Codes CSS Codes

#outer { height: 236px; width: 236px; /*border: solid 1px red;*/
#chart { /*border: solid 1px blue;*/ height: 100%; width: 100%;
svg { border: solid 1px green;
.arcs path { stroke : #ffffff; stroke-width : 1; stroke-opacity : 0.4;
.label text { font-size: 4px; fill: #333333;
.label line { stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 0.4;
.dft-guage-alert-0 { fill: url(#gWrst);
.dft-guage-alert-1 { fill: url(#gBad);
.dft-guage-alert-2 { fill: url(#gAvg);
.dft-guage-alert-3 { fill: url(#gGood);
.dft-guage-alert-4 { fill: url(#gBest);
.centerGroup circle { fill:none;
.centerGroup text { font-size: 20px; fill: #231F20; text-anchor: middle; alignment-baseline: middle;
.markerGroup circle, .markerGroup polygon { fill: #333333;
circle.marker-center { display: none;

Modular Guage - Script Codes JS Codes

// Decision first ui rendering code
// Authors : [email protected]
// This code is dependent on D3 and JQuery
// Ensure the global dft namesapce is defined, with out overwriting
var DFT = (DFT === undefined) ? {} : DFT;
// Define the implementation of ui
(function(DFT) { // Extend DFT with the ui namespace var ui = $.extend(true, DFT, {ui:{}}).ui; // Convert Degrees to Radians for drawing D3 Arc Segments ui.deg2rad = function(deg) { return deg * Math.PI / 180; }; // Create a D3 scale function that returns degrees in a spread // centered on 0. Sets the domain for the scale to the provided // domain array passed as second parameter ui.degScale = function (spread, domain) { return d3.scale.linear()	.range([-1*spread/2,spread/2]) .domain(domain); }; // Create a modified D3 numberformat that uses B for billions and // capital K for thousands, with given precision ui.numberFormat = function (precision) { return function (val) { var siVal = d3.formatPrefix(val); siVal.symbol = siVal.symbol.replace(/G/, 'B').replace(/k/, 'K'); var gFormat = d3.format("." + precision + "g"); return gFormat(siVal.scale(val)) + " " + siVal.symbol; }; }; // Return a d3 ready SVG Transformation function that places content // using polar coordinates. I.E. Angle of Rotation and distance // from center. Assuming an initial coordinate space where 0,0 is center // and -Y is up for distance. The function will convert positive distances to the // UP direction with a -1 multiplication. // Function takes two inputs deg scale function which can be created with degScale // and a distance scale which is likely a percentage scale on R of some circle. ui.polarCoordinateTx = function (angle, distance) { return function (d) { return 'rotate(' +angle(d) +') translate(0,' + -1*distance(d) +')'; }; };
// Define implementation of Guage Component as extension
// to UI Namespace
(function(ui) { // Guage is not a namespace but a function that produces // a Guage component ready to render. Doesn't matter if we're // Overwriting guage here we only want one definiton. ui.guage = function(selection) { // property variables in closure, exposed with accessors. var outerRadiusPrct=0.85, // outer radius of arcs as percent of R innerRadiusPrct=0.60, // inner radius of arcs as percent of R labelRadiusPrct=0.45, minorTickSizePrct=0.08, minorTicksOffsetPrct= 0.15, majorTicks=11, tickFormat=d3.format(',g'), minValue=0, maxValue=100, spread=240, alerts=[33,66], value=0, valueXOffset=0, valueYOffset=0, valueFormat=null, valueMkrSize=2, valueMkrOffset= 0.24, valueMkrLengthPrct= -0.25, alertClass="dft-guage-alert"; // Private drawing variables initialized durring init or derived from property methods. var svg, r=50, centerTx, arcGroup, tickGroup, cg, mkg, scale; // Methods that initialize derived values, can be called by init or property setters // that alter state of dependent values. function setScale() { scale = ui.degScale(spread, [minValue,maxValue]); } // Helper Methods that derive values function outerRadius() { return r*outerRadiusPrct; } function innerRadius() { return r*innerRadiusPrct; } // output a cleaned up array of alert breakpoints // Ensure at least one segment and that sengments cover full range function alertData() { var data = alerts.sort(d3.ascending); if (data.length === 0 || data[data.length - 1] < maxValue) { data.push(maxValue); } return data; } // One time initialization work performed here function init() { valueFormat=ui.numberFormat(3); // Base SVG Structure one time operation svg = selection.append('svg') .attr('viewBox',"0 0 100 100") .attr('class', "guage-svg"); // Translate the 0,0 coordinate to the center of the element centerTx = "translate(" + r + "," + r+ ")"; // Setup an SVG Group to hold Arcs arcGroup = svg.append('g') .attr("class", "arcs") .attr('transform', centerTx); // Add a Group to hold Tick Marks tickGroup = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'label') .attr('transform', centerTx); // Create a group to hold the Value lable and center circle cg = svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'centerGroup') .attr('transform', centerTx); // Draw a circle at center position. // Radius will be updated durring render cg.append('circle') .attr({cx:0,cy:0}); // Create a group to hold marker values mkg = svg.append('g') .attr("class", "markerGroup") .attr('transform', centerTx); setScale(); } // Arc Template Generator function arcGen(alertData) { // define an Arc Template, all Angles in Radians return d3.svg.arc() .outerRadius(outerRadius()) .innerRadius(innerRadius()) // Start Angle is based on the prior alerts break point unless this is the first // arc segement where start angle is based on minValue .startAngle(function(d,i) { return ui.deg2rad(scale((i>0)?alertData[i-1]:minValue)); }) .endAngle(function(d) { return ui.deg2rad(scale(d)); }); } function drawArcs() { // Generate Data for Arc Segments and assemble Arc Template var arcData = alertData(); var arc = arcGen(arcData); // Bind Alert Data to Arcs group and draw Arcs with template var arcs = arcGroup.selectAll('path').data(arcData); // Add New Arcs arcs.enter().append('path'); // Update Arc Properties for new and old arcs.attr('class', function(d,i){ return "arc " + alertClass + "-" + i;}) .attr('d', arc); // If Number of Arcs Shrink remove uneeded arcs.exit().remove(); } function drawTicks() { // Generate Arrays for Major and Minor Tick values using d3 scale var mgTicks = scale.ticks(majorTicks); var minTicks = scale.ticks(2*majorTicks); // Draw the Major Ticks into lg var mgTickText = tickGroup.selectAll('text').data(mgTicks); // Add New Text where needed mgTickText.enter().append('text'); var labelRadiusScale=function(){return r*labelRadiusPrct;}; var minTickRadiusScale=function(){return r*(labelRadiusPrct+minorTicksOffsetPrct);}; // update properties for new and old mgTickText.attr('text-anchor',"middle") .text(tickFormat) .attr('transform', ui.polarCoordinateTx(scale, labelRadiusScale)); mgTickText.exit().remove(); // Draw Minor Ticks into lg var minTickLine = tickGroup.selectAll('line').data(minTicks); minTickLine.enter().append('line'); minTickLine.attr({x1:0, x2:0, class:"minor-tick"}) .attr('transform', ui.polarCoordinateTx(scale, minTickRadiusScale)) .attr('y2',function(d,i) { return (i%2===0) ? r*minorTickSizePrct : r*(3*minorTickSizePrct/4); }) .attr('y1',function(d,i) { return (i%2===0) ? 0 : r*(minorTickSizePrct/4); }); minTickLine.exit().remove(); } // The guage instance we are constructing which we will expose as the public interface var g = {}; // Update the display with latest values g.render = function(){ // Draw the Arcs for Alert backgrounds drawArcs(); // Draw Tick Marks drawTicks(); // Draw center circle'circle').attr({r:innerRadius()}); // Draw the Value Text representation var valueText = cg.selectAll('text').data([value]); valueText.enter().append('text'); valueText.attr({"text-anchor":"middle", x:r*valueXOffset, y:r*valueYOffset}).text(valueFormat(value)); var markerDistanceScale = function() {return innerRadius() + valueMkrOffset*r;}; var markerCircle = mkg.selectAll('circle').data([value]); markerCircle.enter().append('circle'); markerCircle.attr({cx:0,cy:0,r:valueMkrSize,"class":"marker-center"}) .attr('transform', ui.polarCoordinateTx(scale,markerDistanceScale)); var markerTail = mkg.selectAll('polygon').data([value]); markerTail.enter().append("polygon"); markerTail.attr("points", valueMkrSize + ",0 " + -1*valueMkrSize + ",0 0," + -1*r*valueMkrLengthPrct) .attr('transform', ui.polarCoordinateTx(scale,markerDistanceScale)); }; // Public properties Mehtods g.outerRadiusPrct = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return outerRadiusPrct; outerRadiusPrct = v; return g; }; g.innerRadiusPrct = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return innerRadiusPrct; innerRadiusPrct = v; return g; }; g.labelRadiusPrct = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return labelRadiusPrct; labelRadiusPrct = v; return g; }; g.minorTickSizePrct = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return minorTickSizePrct; minorTickSizePrct = v; return g; }; g.minorTicksOffsetPrct = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return minorTicksOffsetPrct; minorTicksOffsetPrct = v; return g; }; g.majorTicks = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return majorTicks; majorTicks = v; return g; }; g.tickFormat = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return tickFormat; tickFormat = v; return g; }; g.alerts = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return alerts; alerts = v; return g; }; g.value = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return value; value = v; return g; }; g.valueXOffset = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return valueXOffset; valueXOffset = v; return g; }; g.valueYOffset = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return valueYOffset; valueYOffset = v; return g; }; g.valueFormat = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return valueFormat; valueFormat = v; return g; }; g.valueMkrSize = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return valueMkrSize; valueMkrSize = v; return g; }; g.valueMkrOffset = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return valueMkrOffset; valueMkrOffset = v; return g; }; g.valueMkrLengthPrct = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return valueMkrLengthPrct; valueMkrLengthPrct = v; return g; }; g.alertClass = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return alertClass; alertClass = v; return g; }; // Properties that affect the scale g.minValue = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return minValue; minValue = v; setScale(); return g; }; g.maxValue = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return maxValue; maxValue = v; setScale(); return g; }; g.spread = function(v) { if (v===undefined) return spread; spread = v; setScale(); return g; }; // Invoke Init once and return public interface init(); return g; };
//var tscale = d3.scale.threshold().domain([75,78,81,84]).range([0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5]);
var myGuage = DFT.ui.guage("#chart")) .value(72.3) .spread(270) .valueFormat(function(d) { return d3.format("f")(d) + "%"}) .minValue(71) .maxValue(88) .alerts([74.4,77.8,81.2,84.6]) .majorTicks(0) .outerRadiusPrct(1) .innerRadiusPrct(0.822) .labelRadiusPrct(1) .minorTicksOffsetPrct(0) .minorTickSizePrct(0) .valueMkrLengthPrct(-0.15) .valueMkrOffset(0.2) .valueMkrSize(4) .alertClass("dft-guage-alert") .render();
Modular Guage - Script Codes
Modular Guage - Script Codes
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Developer Roy
Username roygwells
Uploaded November 15, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,852 Kb
Views 10,120
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Roy (roygwells) Script Codes
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