Netguru Frontend recruitement task

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How do I make an netguru frontend recruitement task?

What is a netguru frontend recruitement task? How do you make a netguru frontend recruitement task? This script and codes were developed by Piotr Kozanecki on 15 January 2023, Sunday.

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Netguru Frontend recruitement task - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Netguru Frontend recruitement task</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app='app'> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <script src=''></script> <title>Hangman!</title> <link href='css/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> </head> <body ng-controller='MainController as app'> <div class='wrapper'> <div class='folk-wrapper'> <div class='hang-bar'> <div class='horizontal'></div> <div class='vertical'></div> </div> <div class='head hidden'></div> <div class='neck hidden'></div> <div class='body hidden'> <div class='left'></div> <div class='right'></div> <div class='bottom'></div> </div> <div class='arm-right hidden'></div> <div class='arm-left hidden'></div> <div class='hand-right hidden'></div> <div class='hand-left hidden'></div> <div class='leg-right hidden'></div> <div class='leg-left hidden'></div> <div class='foot-right hidden'></div> <div class='foot-left hidden'></div> </div> <div class='letters-missed'> <h5>you missed:</h5> </div> <div class='word-guessed'> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> <div class='inactive'> <div></div> </div> </div> <div class='decoration'></div> <h2 class='error-prompt hidden'>Hello</h2> </div> <div class='menu' id='menu'> <form ng-submit='init()'> <h1>HANGMAN</h1> <label>Difficulty level:</label> <select ng-model='difficulty'> <option value='easy'>EASY</option> <option value='medium'>MEDIUM</option> <option value='hard'>HARD</option> </select> <input type='submit' value='NEW WORD!'> </form> </div> <script src='js-min/controller.min.js'></script> <script src='js-min/services.min.js'></script> </body>
</html> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Netguru Frontend recruitement task - Script Codes CSS Codes

@font-face { font-family: AllerDisplay; src: url(""), local("AllerDisplay");
.hidden { opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: 0.5s ease-in; transition: 0.5s ease-in;
.removed { display: none;
body { background-color: #3b4163; font-family: AllerDisplay, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;
/* ---------- folk rules ------ */
.folk-wrapper { height: 63em; overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 35em;
@media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 1 / 1) { .folk-wrapper { font-size: 0.9vh; top: 5vh; }
@media screen and (max-aspect-ratio: 1 / 1) { .folk-wrapper { font-size: 0.9vw; top: 10vh; }
.folk-wrapper .hang-bar { position: relative;
.folk-wrapper .hang-bar .horizontal { background-color: #53555d; border-radius: 1.2em; height: 3em; left: -3em; position: relative; width: 25em;
.folk-wrapper .hang-bar .vertical { background-color: #53555d; height: 4em; margin: auto; position: relative; width: 3em;
.folk-wrapper .head { background-image: url(""); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; height: 21em; position: relative; top: -1em; z-index: 10;
.folk-wrapper .neck { background-color: #fece8a; height: 6.7em; margin: auto; position: relative; top: -2em; width: 4.6em; z-index: 1;
.folk-wrapper .body { border-radius: 1.5em; height: 16.4em; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: -6em; width: 10.5em; z-index: 10;
.folk-wrapper .body .left { background-color: #8ac657; float: left; height: 75%; width: 50%;
.folk-wrapper .body .right { background-color: #4ea06a; float: right; height: 75%; width: 50%;
.folk-wrapper .body .bottom { background-color: #3c5a92; clear: both; height: 100%;
.folk-wrapper .arm-right { border-radius: 1em; height: 14em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 28em; width: 4.5em; z-index: 9; background-color: #4ea06a; left: 15em; right: 0; -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-45deg); transform: rotateZ(-45deg);
.folk-wrapper .arm-left { border-radius: 1em; height: 14em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 28em; width: 4.5em; z-index: 9; background-color: #8ac657; left: 0; right: 15em; -webkit-transform: rotateZ(45deg); transform: rotateZ(45deg);
.folk-wrapper .hand-right { background-color: #fece8a; border-radius: 50%; height: 3em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 39em; width: 3em; left: 26em; right: 0;
.folk-wrapper .hand-left { background-color: #fece8a; border-radius: 50%; height: 3em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 39em; width: 3em; left: 0; right: 26em;
.folk-wrapper .leg-right { background-color: #3c5a92; border-radius: 1em; height: 17.5em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 43em; width: 5em; z-index: 9; left: 8.5em; right: 0; -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-10deg); transform: rotateZ(-10deg);
.folk-wrapper .leg-left { background-color: #3c5a92; border-radius: 1em; height: 17.5em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 43em; width: 5em; z-index: 9; left: 0; right: 8.5em; -webkit-transform: rotateZ(10deg); transform: rotateZ(10deg);
.folk-wrapper .foot-right { background-color: #fece8a; border-radius: 1em; height: 3em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 59em; width: 8em; left: 15em; right: 0; -webkit-transform: rotateZ(-7.5deg); transform: rotateZ(-7.5deg);
.folk-wrapper .foot-left { background-color: #fece8a; border-radius: 1em; height: 3em; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 59em; width: 8em; left: 0; right: 15em; -webkit-transform: rotateZ(7.5deg); transform: rotateZ(7.5deg);
/* ------- display rules ------- */
.wrapper { background-color: #f5f5f5; height: 80vh; margin: 10vh auto; position: relative; width: 80vw;
.wrapper .letters-missed { position: absolute; right: 3em; text-transform: uppercase; top: 3em; width: 50%;
.wrapper .letters-missed h5 { color: #53555d; font-size: 3vh; margin: 0;
.wrapper .letters-missed span { color: #4d69fa; font-size: 4vw; font-weight: bold;
.wrapper .letters-missed span::after { content: " ";
.wrapper .word-guessed { bottom: 3em; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-direction: row; flex-direction: row; -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-wrap: nowrap; left: 3em; position: absolute; right: 3em; text-transform: uppercase; z-index: 10;
@media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 3 / 1) { .wrapper .word-guessed { left: auto; width: 85%; }
.wrapper .word-guessed .active { -ms-flex-item-align: center; -ms-grid-row-align: center; align-self: center; border-radius: 0.2em; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 4vw; font-weight: bold; height: 6vw; margin: auto; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 6vw; background-color: #53555d;
@media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 3 / 1) { .wrapper .word-guessed .active { font-size: 3vw; height: 5vw; width: 5vw; }
.wrapper .word-guessed .active:not(.guessed) div { display: none;
.wrapper .word-guessed .active div { position: relative; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%);
.wrapper .word-guessed .inactive { -ms-flex-item-align: center; -ms-grid-row-align: center; align-self: center; border-radius: 0.2em; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 4vw; font-weight: bold; height: 6vw; margin: auto; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 6vw; background-color: #e6e6e7;
@media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 3 / 1) { .wrapper .word-guessed .inactive { font-size: 3vw; height: 5vw; width: 5vw; }
.wrapper .word-guessed .inactive:not(.guessed) div { display: none;
.wrapper .decoration { border-bottom: 20vh solid #4d69fa; border-left: 20vw solid transparent; border-right: 20vw solid #4d69fa; border-top: 20vh solid transparent; bottom: 0; position: absolute; right: 0;
.wrapper .error-prompt { color: #d10f0f; font-size: 5vh; left: 0; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; right: 0; text-align: center; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%); z-index: 30;
/*----------------- menu rules ------- */
.menu { background-color: rgba(59, 65, 99, 0.5); height: 100vh; left: 0; position: fixed; text-transform: uppercase; top: 0; width: 100vw; z-index: 20;
.menu form { margin: auto; position: relative; text-align: center; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); transform: translateY(-50%);
.menu select { -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; border: 0.15em dashed #ffba00; border-radius: 0.6em; color: #ffba00; font-size: 3vh; padding: 0.3em; background: url("") no-repeat right; background-size: 1em 1em;
.menu input { -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; border: 0.15em dashed #ffba00; border-radius: 0.6em; color: #ffba00; font-size: 5vh; padding: 0.3em; background: none; display: block; height: 2em; margin: 0.5em auto; width: 8em;
.menu label { color: #fff; font-size: 3vh; font-weight: bold;
h1 { color: #fff; font-size: 8vh; font-weight: bolder;

Netguru Frontend recruitement task - Script Codes JS Codes

var mainController = angular.module('app', ['hangman'])
.controller('MainController', ['$scope', 'wordGet', 'game', 'errorDisplay', 'menu', function($scope, wordGet, game, errorDisplay, menu) { $scope.word = ''; $scope.difficulty = 'easy'; var defaultMin = 3; var defaultMax = 6; $scope.$watch('difficulty', function(){ switch ($scope.difficulty) { case 'medium': defaultMin = 5; defaultMax = 9; break; case 'hard': defaultMin = 8; defaultMax = 11; break; default: defaultMin = 3; defaultMax = 6; break; } }); $scope.init = function(min = defaultMin, max = defaultMax) { wordGet(min, max).then(function(data) { if(data.success){ $scope.word = data.text; } else { errorDisplay.message('Unable to connect to the server: ' + data.text); } }); }; $scope.$watch('word', function() { if ($scope.word !== '') { game.setWord($scope.word); game.activateLetters(); game.reset(); menu.hide(); } }); window.onkeypress = game.evaluate;
var hangman = angular.module('hangman', []);
hangman.factory('wordGet', ['$http', function($http) { var get = function(min = 5, max = 11) { var promise = $http({ method: 'GET', url: '' +'hasDictionaryDef=truesdpoiuywqertyuiopasdfghjkl' +'&includePartOfSpeech=noun' +'&excludePartOfSpeech=given-name, noun-plural' +'&minCorpusCount=0' +'&maxCorpusCount=-1' +'&minDictionaryCount=1' +'&maxDictionaryCount=-1' +'&minLength=' + min +'&maxLength=' + max +'&api_key=a2a73e7b926c924fad7001ca3111acd55af2ffabf50eb4ae5' }) .then( function(response) { return { success: true, text: }; }, function(response) { return { success: false, text: response.statusText }; } ); return promise; }; return get;
hangman.factory('game', ['errorDisplay', 'menu', function(errorDisplay, menu) { var word = ''; var misses = []; var numGuesses = 0; var guesses = ''; var MAX_NUM_MISSES = 11; var MAX_WORD_LEN = 11; var folkElements = document.querySelectorAll('.folk-wrapper > div:not(.hang-bar)'); folkElements = angular.element(folkElements); folkElements.addClass('hidden'); var letters = document.getElementsByClassName('word-guessed')[0] .children; var folkChange = function(stage = -1) { // changes appropriate elements to visible if (stage === -1) { folkElements.addClass('hidden'); } else { folkElements.eq(stage).removeClass('hidden'); } }; var letterCheck = function(letter) { // finds all instances of a given letter // returns: an array containing indexes of those instances var temp = word; var result = []; var i =[0]); while(i > -1) { result.push(i); temp = temp.slice(0, i) + '*' + temp.slice(i+1); i =[0]); } return result; }; var showLetters = function(indexArray) { // inserts appropriate value into apropriate display boxes // accepts: an array of indexes pointing to letters // that are to be revealed // returns: bool - whether all letters are currently being displayed var activeLetters = document.querySelectorAll('.word-guessed > .active'); for (var i of indexArray) { angular.element(activeLetters[i].children[0]) .text(word[i]) .parent() .addClass('guessed'); } numGuesses += indexArray.length; return numGuesses >= word.length; }; var appendMistake = function(value) { // appends an element containing an incorrect guess // to a DOM mistake container // returns: bool - whether number of mistakes exceeded // the allowed amount angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.letters-missed > span')) .remove(); misses.sort(); var mistakeContainer = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.letters-missed')); for (var i of misses) { var mistake = angular.element(document.createElement('span')) .text(i); mistakeContainer.append(mistake); } return misses.length >= MAX_NUM_MISSES; }; return { reset: function() { folkChange(); misses = []; guesses = ''; numGuesses = 0; angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.letters-missed > span')) .remove(); }, setWord: function(value) { word = value.toLowerCase(); }, activateLetters: function() { var i = 0; while (i < MAX_WORD_LEN - word.length) { letters[i].className = 'inactive'; i++; } while (i < MAX_WORD_LEN) { letters[i].className = 'active'; i++; } }, evaluate: function(event) { var code = event.witch || event.keyCode || event.charCode; if (! { if ( (code > 64 && code < 91) || (code > 96 && code < 123) ) { var letter = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(); if ( >= 0) { errorDisplay.message("You have already used that letter!"); } else { guesses += letter; var ind = letterCheck(letter); if (ind.length > 0) { var win = showLetters(ind); } else { folkChange(misses.length); misses.push(letter); var lose = appendMistake(letter); } if (win) {'YOU WON!') } if (lose) {'GAME OVER!'); } } } } } };
hangman.factory('errorDisplay', ['$timeout', function($timeout) { var errorPrompt = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.error-prompt')[0]); return { message: function(value) { errorPrompt .text(value) .toggleClass('hidden'); $timeout(function(){ errorPrompt.toggleClass('hidden'); }, 2000); } }
hangman.factory('menu', ['$timeout', function($timeout) { var menu = angular.element(document.getElementById('menu')); return { show: function(msg = 'HANGMAN') { // displays game menu // optionally switches main header for provided message menu.children().eq(0) .children().eq(0) .text(msg); = true; menu.removeClass('hidden') .removeClass('removed'); }, hide: function() { = false; menu.addClass('hidden'); $timeout(function() { menu.addClass('removed'); }, 1000); }, active: true }
Netguru Frontend recruitement task - Script Codes
Netguru Frontend recruitement task - Script Codes
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Developer Piotr Kozanecki
Username kozanecki_p
Uploaded January 15, 2023
Rating 3
Size 8,602 Kb
Views 4,048
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Piotr Kozanecki (kozanecki_p) Script Codes
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