Online Learning Quiz Form

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How do I make an online learning quiz form?

View-source: What is a online learning quiz form? How do you make a online learning quiz form? This script and codes were developed by Utcwebdev on 26 November 2022, Saturday.

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<br> <h3>Is Online Learning For Me?</h3><br> <span class="bodyTextOrange">Take this quiz to find out if you are ready to take online classes. For more information about WashingtonOnline, visit the Get Started section.</span><br><br> <h5>1. My technology access is best described as:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion1" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion1_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion1_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="0"><div class="accordionHeaderSelectedGreen"> <input name="Q1" type="radio" value="3" enableviewstate="true">I have a computer at home with Internet access and I have my own e-mail account.	</div><div style="height: auto; overflow: auto; display: block; opacity: 1;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: auto;"> <span class="p-green">Great! You’ll need to be able to download course material, get assignments and communicate with other students and your instructor.</span>	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q1" type="radio" value="2" enableviewstate="true">I have regular access to a computer with Internet access, have my own e-mail account and have permission to download files.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;">	<span class="p-green">Fabulous! You’ll need to be able to download course material, get assignments and communicate with other students and your instructor.</span>	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q1" type="radio" value="1" enableviewstate="true">I don't have a computer or an e-mail address.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> <span class="p-green">Contact a college advisor or counselor to help with other options. If you do not have a computer or access to a computer and the internet then online courses will not work for you. </span>	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>2. My technology skills are:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion2" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion2_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion2_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q2" type="radio" value="3" enableviewstate="true">Very good. I can use e-mail, Web browsers, word-processing software, and can download files and create attachments. I like trying to solve technology problems on my own and don't get frustrated easily.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Good. These are all skills you’ll likely need in any course you take.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q2" type="radio" value="2" enableviewstate="true">Average. I can use e-mail, Web browsers and word-processing software. I don't feel comfortable solving technology problems on my own.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> It’s good you understand these basic skills and it would be wise to have a backup plan in case you have technology problems.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q2" type="radio" value="1" enableviewstate="true">Very basic. I have used e-mail, Web browsers and word-processing software, but I get frustrated when things don't work the way they should.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Beware! You may need to get more comfortable working online and develop technical problem-solving skills before taking an online course. Contact your college, they may offer courses to help you build your skills.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>3. Face-to-face communication is:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion3" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion3_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion3_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q3" type="radio" value="3">Not essential to me. I am comfortable learning without face-to-face interaction.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Good. You’ll probably feel comfortable in an online course.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q3" type="radio" value="2">Important to me and I wonder about my ability to learn without being able to see the instructor or other students.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Consider how important this is to your learning and decide whether or not you are currently willing to challenge yourself to learn in a new way.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q3" type="radio" value="1">Essential and I learn only if I can interact in person with the instructor and other students.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Stop here! If you can only learn in a face-to-face classroom then online classes are not for you. You may consider taking a hybrid class (a class that combines online learning with at least half of the time spent in a traditional classroom). A Hybrid class may be more flexible than traditional classes.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>4. When I need help in class:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion4" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion4_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion4_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q4" type="radio" value="3">I feel comfortable asking questions and asking for help	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Great. It is your responsibility to speak up if you have any questions or concerns (that may be the only way the instructor can tell if you’re challenged in any way).	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q4" type="radio" value="2">I hesitate to ask questions of the instructor, but I will ask for help if I need it.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Great, it’s good that you realize when it is important to speak up. It’s likely that if the instructor doesn’t hear from you he/she will assume you’re doing fine.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q4" type="radio" value="1">I often feel intimidated asking questions or asking for help.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> It is important that you contact your instructor if you’re having any sort of problem. If you’re not likely to do this you should consider taking a face-to-face class which may be more comfortable.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>5. The amount of uninterrupted time I have to devote to an online class is:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion5" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion5_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion5_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q5" type="radio" value="3">15 hours or more per week, anytime during the day or night.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Super! You’ll likely need this time to complete assignments and stay on task.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q5" type="radio" value="2">10-15 hours per week, mainly at night.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Good. This is the minimum amount of time you will probably need to stay on schedule in your class. Find the time of the day that works best for you and make a habit of studying then.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q5" type="radio" value="1">less than 10 hours per week.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Reconsider. To increase your online success rate consider taking an online course when you have at least 10-15 hours per week for class.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>6. I would describe my personal style as:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion6" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion6_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion6_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q6" type="radio" value="3">Self-motivated, self-disciplined and organized.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Just what you need to succeed! Keep it up.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q6" type="radio" value="2">Motivated, but I need help remembering assignments and due dates.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Keep sharp! You may need to push yourself to complete assignments because no one will be showing up to remind you.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q6" type="radio" value="1">Spontaneous and not too disciplined- I need someone to motivate me and help me stay on top of my coursework.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> If you tend to procrastinate, watch out; online classes often require you to regularly participate in discussions and assignments in the classroom. Also, in online classes you have only yourself to rely on and can fall behind quickly!	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>7. My reading and writing abilities are:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion7" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion7_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion7_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q7" type="radio" value="3">Above average. I enjoy reading and writing and have confidence in my abilities.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Learning and communicating in online courses requires much reading and writing; these skills are essential.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q7" type="radio" value="2">OK. I read well but I'm not comfortable expressing myself in writing.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> You may need to work on your writing skills in order to be successful in an online course. If you are unable to accurately express yourself it will be difficult to succeed	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q7" type="radio" value="1">Below average. I don't like reading and look for classes without a lot of writing assignments.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Online classes center around reading and writing. If this is a struggle you will have more success taking online courses once you’ve improved your reading and writing skills. Check with your college about classes to help you with this.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>8. When it comes to analyzing class materials and expressing my own opinions about them I feel…</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion8" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion8_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion8_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q8" type="radio" value="3">confident; I can analyze class materials and formulate opinions on what I've learned.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Many online classes require you to evaluate material and give your opinion- you may enjoy this opportunity to express yourself and participate in discussions with other classmates.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q8" type="radio" value="2">a bit nervous; I can sometimes analyze class materials and form opinions but it is a struggle for me	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> You’ll need to decide if you feel confident enough to spend the extra time it takes to understand the material well enough to express your own opinion about it	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q8" type="radio" value="1">like I would rather do this with a group guiding me; analyzing material is not something I do well.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> You will probably not want an online course; many online classes require you to evaluate material and give your opinion. A college advisor or counselor would be very helpful in guiding you toward other modes of learning that fit your comfort level.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>9. Class discussions are:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion9" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion9_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion9_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q9" type="radio" value="3">Important to me and useful in helping me learn the information presented in class. I almost always participate in class discussions.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Great! You will probably really enjoy your online experience as discussions are a large part of many courses.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q9" type="radio" value="2">Somewhat important to my learning. I sometimes participate in class discussions.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Discussions are a large part of online courses and often play a significant role in your final grade. If you’re not sure that you’ll be a consistent participant you may want to reconsider taking an online course.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q9" type="radio" value="1">Not very useful to me. I don't usually participate in class discussions.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Discussions are a large part of online courses and often play a significant role in your final grade. If you don’t think you’ll participate in class discussions you’ll probably be better off not taking online classes. Ask your college about other options.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>10. When it comes to learning:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion10" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion10_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion10_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q10" type="radio" value="3">I welcome opportunities to learn new things and master new technologies.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Great. You’ll probably really like online courses!	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q10" type="radio" value="2">I get nervous around new technologies, but I like to learn.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> If you’re up for a challenge online learning may still work out for you. Allow yourself ample time to work through any difficulties that may arise and see if your college offers classes to help you become more familiar with new technologies.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q10" type="radio" value="1"> I get very nervous around technology and would rather not try it.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> If online learning would be considered a new technology for you it would probably be best for you to look at options other than online courses. Speak to someone in the advising office of your college for assistance.	</div></div>
</div> <br><br> <h5>11. I am considering taking an online course because:</h5> <div id="ContentBlock_Accordion11" style="height: auto; overflow: auto;">	<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentBlock$Accordion11_AccordionExtender_ClientState" id="ContentBlock_Accordion11_AccordionExtender_ClientState" value="-1"><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q11" type="radio" value="3">I've taken an online class before and enjoyed the experience.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Super! Although classes may greatly vary you have a general idea of what to expect.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q11" type="radio" value="2">I'm curious about online classes and have room in my schedule.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> Great- you may also want to check out our online tutorial for some hands-on experience in a sample online course.	</div></div><div class="accordionHeaderGreen"> <input name="Q11" type="radio" value="1">I need the class for a graduation requirement or job situation and I can't fit it in to my campus schedule.	</div><div style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: none; opacity: 0;"><div class="accordionContentGreen" style="display: block; height: auto; overflow: hidden;"> If you are looking to squeeze a class into an already full schedule it may be wise to skip an online course. If instead you’re just adding a class that fits your schedule better and you have all the time required to be successful, go for it.	</div></div>
</div> <br> <br> <input type="button" name="Submit" value=" Is It For Me? " align="left" onclick="CalculateScore();"> <br> <br> <div id="ResultsBlock"></div> </div>
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Online Learning Quiz Form - Script Codes
Online Learning Quiz Form - Script Codes
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Uploaded November 26, 2022
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