OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS

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How do I make an oolo calculator - vanilla js?

What is a oolo calculator - vanilla js? How do you make a oolo calculator - vanilla js? This script and codes were developed by Zac Clemans on 14 January 2023, Saturday.

OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS Previews

OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div class="calc-body"> <div class="calc-body_display" id="display"></div> <div class="clr-btn-container" id="top-btns"></div> <div class="num-btn-container" id="num-btns"></div> <div class="op-btn-container" id="op-btns"></div>
</div> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS - Script Codes CSS Codes

.calc-body { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 400px;
} .calc-body_display { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); box-sizing: border-box; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); font-size: 24px; height: 20vh; line-height: 20vh; padding-right: 20px; text-align: right; width: 100%; }
.top-btn-container { width: 100%;
} .top-btn-container_clr-btn, .top-btn-container_del-btn, .top-btn-container_lprn-btn, .top-btn-container_rprn-btn { height: 15vh; width: 25%; } .top-btn-container_clr-btn { background: rgba(241, 66, 50, 1); } .top-btn-container_del-btn { background: rgba(244, 143, 48, 1); } .top-btn-container_lprn-btn, .top-btn-container_rprn-btn { background: rgba(41, 41, 41, 1); }
.num-btn-container { float: left; width: 75%;
} .num-btn-container_num-btn { background: rgba(49, 49, 49, 1); height: 15vh; max-width: 100px; width: calc(100% / 3); }
.op-btn-container { float: right; width: 25%;
} .op-btn-container_op-btn { background: rgba(41, 41, 41, 1); height: 15vh; width: 100%; }
.s-btn { border: none; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); cursor: pointer; font-size: 24px; padding: 0;
} .s-btn:hover { background: }

OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var Button = { // Initialize the button with class, label, and an // onclick function init: function init(label, className, clickEvent) { this.button = document.createElement('button'); this.button.setAttribute('class', className + ' s-btn'); this.button.innerHTML = label; this.button.onclick = clickEvent; }, // Insert the button into the DOM insert: function insert(where) { where.appendChild(this.button); }
var Calculator = { _expression: '', _lastEntered: '', _err: false, _operators: ['/', '*', '-', '+'], // Handles all of the button creation create: function create() { var _this = this; var topRow = document.getElementById('top-btns'); var numRow = document.getElementById('num-btns'); var opsRow = document.getElementById('op-btns'); var clrBtn = Object.create(Button); clrBtn.init('C', 'top-btn-container_clr-btn', function () { this.clearDisplay(); }.bind(this)); clrBtn.insert(topRow); var delBtn = Object.create(Button); delBtn.init('Del', 'top-btn-container_del-btn', function () { this.deleteLast(); }.bind(this)); delBtn.insert(topRow); var leftPrnBtn = Object.create(Button); delBtn.init('(', 'top-btn-container_lprn-btn', function () { this.insertOperation('('); }.bind(this)); delBtn.insert(topRow); var leftPrnBtn = Object.create(Button); delBtn.init(')', 'top-btn-container_rprn-btn', function () { this.insertOperation(')'); }.bind(this)); delBtn.insert(topRow); var _loop = function _loop(number) { numBtn = Object.create(Button); // Must bind to 'this' to retain context when // passing the 'insertNumber' function numBtn.init(number, 'num-btn-container_num-btn', function () { this.insertOperation(number); }.bind(_this)); numBtn.insert(numRow); }; for (var number = 9; number >= 0; number--) { var numBtn; _loop(number); } var _loop2 = function _loop2(operator) { opBtn = Object.create(Button); opBtn.init(_this._operators[operator], 'op-btn-container_op-btn', function () { this.insertOperation(this._operators[operator]); }.bind(_this)); opBtn.insert(opsRow); }; for (var operator = 0; operator < this._operators.length; operator++) { var opBtn; _loop2(operator); } var decBtn = Object.create(Button); decBtn.init('.', 'num-btn-container_num-btn', function () { this.insertOperation('.'); }.bind(this)); decBtn.insert(numRow); var eqBtn = Object.create(Button); eqBtn.init('=', 'num-btn-container_num-btn', function () { this.evaluateExpression(); }.bind(this)); eqBtn.insert(numRow); }, insertOperation: function insertOperation(op) { if (this._lastEntered === '=' && this._operators.indexOf(op) === -1) { this._expression = ''; } this._expression += op; this._lastEntered = op; this._updateDisplay(); }, evaluateExpression: function evaluateExpression() { this._lastEntered = '='; var evaluator = Object.create(Evaluator); this._expression = evaluator.parse(this._expression).toString(); this._updateDisplay(); }, clearDisplay: function clearDisplay() { this._expression = ''; this._updateDisplay(); }, deleteLast: function deleteLast() { console.log('deleting last'); this._expression = this._expression.slice(0, -1); this._updateDisplay(); }, _updateDisplay: function _updateDisplay() { var display = document.getElementById('display'); display.innerHTML = this._expression; }
var calc = Object.create(Calculator);
// Recursive Descent Math Expression Parser
// Modeled on and borrows heavily from
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3422673/evaluating-a-math-expression-given-in-string-form
var Evaluator = { position: -1, char: '', string: '', parse: function parse(stringExpression) { this.string = stringExpression; console.log(this.string); this.nextChar(); var result = this.parseExpression(); // If returned before reaching the end of the string, // unexpected character encountered if (this.position < this.string.length) { throw "Unexpected character: " + this.char; } return result; }, // Top-level, checks for + & - operators parseExpression: function parseExpression() { var expression = this.parseTerm(); // Loop to catch multiple +/- operators while (true) { if (this.isCharMatch('+')) { expression += this.parseTerm(); } else if (this.isCharMatch('-')) { expression -= this.parseTerm(); } else { return expression; } } }, // Middle-level, checks for * & / operators parseTerm: function parseTerm() { var terms = this.parseFactor(); while (true) { if (this.isCharMatch('*')) { terms *= this.parseFactor(); } else if (this.isCharMatch('/')) { terms /= this.parseFactor(); } else { return terms; } } }, // Bottom-level, checks for (), numbers, and other high // priority orders (according to PEMDAS); parseFactor: function parseFactor() { // Unary + & - operators if (this.isCharMatch('-')) { -this.parseFactor(); } else if (this.isCharMatch('+')) { +this.parseFactor; } var startPosition = this.position; var result; // First check for parentheses, and if found complete entire // expression as separate, moving on when completed // Otherwise, check for number // If nothing valid found, throw error, as this is the bottom level if (this.isCharMatch('(')) { result = this.parseExpression(); this.isCharMatch(')'); } else if (this.char.search(/[0-9\.]/gi) !== -1) { while (this.char.search(/[0-9\.]/gi) !== -1) { this.nextChar(); result = parseFloat(this.string.substring(startPosition, this.position)); } } else { // Handles any unaccounted for characters throw "Unexpected character: " + this.char; } return result; }, nextChar: function nextChar() { this.char = ++this.position < this.string.length ? this.string.charAt(this.position) : ''; }, // Matches the character and returns true or false // Skips any spaces // Moves to next character if a match isCharMatch: function isCharMatch(char) { while (this.char === ' ') { this.nextChar(); } if (this.char === char) { this.nextChar(); return true; } return false; }
OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS - Script Codes
OOLO Calculator - Vanilla JS - Script Codes
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Developer Zac Clemans
Username thalpha
Uploaded January 14, 2023
Rating 3
Size 5,734 Kb
Views 8,096
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Zac Clemans (thalpha) Script Codes
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