Parallax Cats

6,553 Kb

How do I make an parallax cats?

What is a parallax cats? How do you make a parallax cats? This script and codes were developed by Jeanine on 12 September 2022, Monday.

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Parallax Cats - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Parallax Cats - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background:#333; color:#fff;}
.container, .container-fluid { width:100% !important;}
header.row { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.49);
header.row a { color:#fff; padding:8px; font-weight:600;}
.navbar { margin-bottom:0; padding-left:30px;}
main > div > div { padding: 100px 5px; } h2 { font-size: 2rem; padding: 40px 0 10px 0; font-weight: 300; } .background-image1 { position: relative; color:#000; } .background-image2 { width: 100%; position: relative; } .large-logo { margin-bottom: 80px; } .large-button.btn { border: 1px solid #fff; margin: 25px 50px; font-size: 2rem; } .large-button.btn:hover { background: #1a80c9; color: #fff; background: rgb(26, 128, 201); background: transparent\9; background: rgba(26, 128, 201, 0.6); filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#1a80c900, endColorstr=#1a80c900); zoom: 1; } .large-button { color: #fff; padding: 10px; display: inline-block; } .large-button.btn { -o-transition: .5s; -ms-transition: .5s; -moz-transition: .5s; -webkit-transition: .5s; /* ...and now for the proper property */ transition: .5s; } .overlay-icon { padding: 20px 10%; border-top:3px solid #000; border-bottom:3px solid #000; font-size: 2rem; } /* stylized */ .front img { width: 100%; height: auto; cursor: pointer; } .background-text { background: #333; }
.background-text h2 { color:#eee;} .background-text a { color:#ccc; text-decoration:none;border-bottom:1px dashed #333;} .background-image2 { z-index: 30; position: relative; }
/* header */
.sidebar-brand { width:10%;}
img { width:100%;height:auto;}

Parallax Cats - Script Codes JS Codes

/*! * parallax.js v1.3.1 ( * @copyright 2015 PixelCog, Inc. * @license MIT ( */
! function(t, i, e, s) { function o(i, e) { var h = this; "object" == typeof e && (delete e.refresh, delete e.render, t.extend(this, e)), this.$element = t(i), !this.imageSrc && this.$"img") && (this.imageSrc = this.$element.attr("src")); var r = (this.position + "").toLowerCase().match(/\S+/g) || []; return r.length < 1 && r.push("center"), 1 == r.length && r.push(r[0]), ("top" == r[0] || "bottom" == r[0] || "left" == r[1] || "right" == r[1]) && (r = [r[1], r[0]]), this.positionX != s && (r[0] = this.positionX.toLowerCase()), this.positionY != s && (r[1] = this.positionY.toLowerCase()), h.positionX = r[0], h.positionY = r[1], "left" != this.positionX && "right" != this.positionX && (this.positionX = isNaN(parseInt(this.positionX)) ? "center" : parseInt(this.positionX)), "top" != this.positionY && "bottom" != this.positionY && (this.positionY = isNaN(parseInt(this.positionY)) ? "center" : parseInt(this.positionY)), this.position = this.positionX + (isNaN(this.positionX) ? "" : "px") + " " + this.positionY + (isNaN(this.positionY) ? "" : "px"), navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/) ? (this.iosFix && !this.$"img") && this.$element.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + this.imageSrc + ")", backgroundSize: "cover", backgroundPosition: this.position }), this) : navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android)/) ? (this.androidFix && !this.$"img") && this.$element.css({ backgroundImage: "url(" + this.imageSrc + ")", backgroundSize: "cover", backgroundPosition: this.position }), this) : (this.$mirror = t("<div />").prependTo("body"), this.$slider = t("<img />").prependTo(this.$mirror), this.$mirror.addClass("parallax-mirror").css({ visibility: "hidden", zIndex: this.zIndex, position: "fixed", top: 0, left: 0, overflow: "hidden" }), this.$slider.addClass("parallax-slider").one("load", function() { h.naturalHeight && h.naturalWidth || (h.naturalHeight = this.naturalHeight || this.height || 1, h.naturalWidth = this.naturalWidth || this.width || 1), h.aspectRatio = h.naturalWidth / h.naturalHeight, o.isSetup || o.setup(), o.sliders.push(h), o.isFresh = !1, o.requestRender() }), this.$slider[0].src = this.imageSrc, void((this.naturalHeight && this.naturalWidth || this.$slider[0].complete) && this.$slider.trigger("load"))) } function h(s) { return this.each(function() { var h = t(this), r = "object" == typeof s && s; this == i || this == e ||"body") ? o.configure(r) :"px.parallax") || (r = t.extend({},, r),"px.parallax", new o(this, r))), "string" == typeof s && o[s]() }) }! function() { for (var t = 0, e = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], s = 0; s < e.length && !i.requestAnimationFrame; ++s) i.requestAnimationFrame = i[e[s] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], i.cancelAnimationFrame = i[e[s] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || i[e[s] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; i.requestAnimationFrame || (i.requestAnimationFrame = function(e) { var s = (new Date).getTime(), o = Math.max(0, 16 - (s - t)), h = i.setTimeout(function() { e(s + o) }, o); return t = s + o, h }), i.cancelAnimationFrame || (i.cancelAnimationFrame = function(t) { clearTimeout(t) }) }(), t.extend(o.prototype, { speed: .2, bleed: 0, zIndex: -100, iosFix: !0, androidFix: !0, position: "center", overScrollFix: !1, refresh: function() { this.boxWidth = this.$element.outerWidth(), this.boxHeight = this.$element.outerHeight() + 2 * this.bleed, this.boxOffsetTop = this.$element.offset().top - this.bleed, this.boxOffsetLeft = this.$element.offset().left, this.boxOffsetBottom = this.boxOffsetTop + this.boxHeight; var t = o.winHeight, i = o.docHeight, e = Math.min(this.boxOffsetTop, i - t), s = Math.max(this.boxOffsetTop + this.boxHeight - t, 0), h = this.boxHeight + (e - s) * (1 - this.speed) | 0, r = (this.boxOffsetTop - e) * (1 - this.speed) | 0; if (h * this.aspectRatio >= this.boxWidth) { this.imageWidth = h * this.aspectRatio | 0, this.imageHeight = h, this.offsetBaseTop = r; var n = this.imageWidth - this.boxWidth; this.offsetLeft = "left" == this.positionX ? 0 : "right" == this.positionX ? -n : isNaN(this.positionX) ? -n / 2 | 0 : Math.max(this.positionX, -n) } else { this.imageWidth = this.boxWidth, this.imageHeight = this.boxWidth / this.aspectRatio | 0, this.offsetLeft = 0; var n = this.imageHeight - h; this.offsetBaseTop = "top" == this.positionY ? r : "bottom" == this.positionY ? r - n : isNaN(this.positionY) ? r - n / 2 | 0 : r + Math.max(this.positionY, -n) } }, render: function() { var t = o.scrollTop, i = o.scrollLeft, e = this.overScrollFix ? o.overScroll : 0, s = t + o.winHeight; this.visibility = this.boxOffsetBottom > t && this.boxOffsetTop < s ? "visible" : "hidden", this.mirrorTop = this.boxOffsetTop - t, this.mirrorLeft = this.boxOffsetLeft - i, this.offsetTop = this.offsetBaseTop - this.mirrorTop * (1 - this.speed), this.$mirror.css({ transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)", visibility: this.visibility, top: this.mirrorTop - e, left: this.mirrorLeft, height: this.boxHeight, width: this.boxWidth }), this.$slider.css({ transform: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)", position: "absolute", top: this.offsetTop, left: this.offsetLeft, height: this.imageHeight, width: this.imageWidth, maxWidth: "none" }) } }), t.extend(o, { scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0, winHeight: 0, winWidth: 0, docHeight: 1 << 30, docWidth: 1 << 30, sliders: [], isReady: !1, isFresh: !1, isBusy: !1, setup: function() { if (!this.isReady) { var s = t(e), h = t(i); h.on("scroll.px.parallax load.px.parallax", function() { var t = o.docHeight - o.winHeight, i = o.docWidth - o.winWidth; o.scrollTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(t, h.scrollTop())), o.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(i, h.scrollLeft())), o.overScroll = Math.max(h.scrollTop() - t, Math.min(h.scrollTop(), 0)), o.requestRender() }).on("resize.px.parallax load.px.parallax", function() { o.winHeight = h.height(), o.winWidth = h.width(), o.docHeight = s.height(), o.docWidth = s.width(), o.isFresh = !1, o.requestRender() }), this.isReady = !0 } }, configure: function(i) { "object" == typeof i && (delete i.refresh, delete i.render, t.extend(this.prototype, i)) }, refresh: function() { t.each(this.sliders, function() { this.refresh() }), this.isFresh = !0 }, render: function() { this.isFresh || this.refresh(), t.each(this.sliders, function() { this.render() }) }, requestRender: function() { var t = this; this.isBusy || (this.isBusy = !0, i.requestAnimationFrame(function() { t.render(), t.isBusy = !1 })) } }); var r = t.fn.parallax; t.fn.parallax = h, t.fn.parallax.Constructor = o, t.fn.parallax.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.parallax = r, this }, t(e).on("", function() { t('[data-parallax="scroll"]').parallax() })
}(jQuery, window, document);
$(function() { $('.background-image1').attr('data-speed', '.2'); $('.background-image1').attr('data-type', 'background'); $('.background-image1').parallax({ imageSrc: '', overScrollFix: true, bleed: 100 }); $('.background-image2').attr('data-speed', '.2'); $('.background-image2').attr('data-type', 'background'); $('.background-image2').parallax({ imageSrc: '', overScrollFix: true, bleed: 100 });
Parallax Cats - Script Codes
Parallax Cats - Script Codes
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Developer Jeanine
Username virtual
Uploaded September 12, 2022
Rating 3
Size 6,553 Kb
Views 44,528
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