Particle Motion trajectories

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How do I make an particle motion trajectories?

More exploration into motions along spherical trajectories. Better motion and less overhead by pooling the tweens and not generating new ones. Not as fast as tween repeat and yoyo variations, but allows for more complex animation.. What is a particle motion trajectories? How do you make a particle motion trajectories? This script and codes were developed by Scott Niejadlik on 07 September 2022, Wednesday.

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Particle Motion trajectories - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Particle Motion trajectories - Script Codes CSS Codes

body {	overflow:hidden; background: #c3d5e2; /* Old browsers */
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Particle Motion trajectories - Script Codes JS Codes

Spheres = {};
var local = Spheres;
local.wHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;
local.wHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;
local.rangeFact = 1;
local.mouseX = 0;
local.mouseY = 0;
local.materials = [];
local.matColors = [];
local.geometries = [];
local.particleSystems = [];
local.particleRotations = [];
local.particleGroupVelocity = [];
local.particleTweens = [];
local.markers = [{"id":"313","lat":"42.4882","lng":"-71.5871"}, {"id":"314","lat":"40.0107","lng":"-75.2363"}, {"id":"315","lat":"39.5717","lng":"-104.987"}, {"id":"316","lat":"37.6489","lng":"-122.214"}, {"id":"317","lat":"-32.3244","lng":"-56.999"}, {"id":"318","lat":"28.2269","lng":"30.1885"}, {"id":"319","lat":"52.643","lng":"-2.15524"}, {"id":"320","lat":"23.2816","lng":"113.553"}, {"id":"321","lat":"31.2784","lng":"121.155"}, {"id":"322","lat":"-30.0692","lng":"150.862"}, {"id":"323","lat":"-30.373","lng":"143.393"}, {"id":"324","lat":"7.44947","lng":"165.19"}, {"id":"325","lat":"58.8591","lng":"72.3777"}, {"id":"326","lat":"14.6897","lng":"5.58085"}, {"id":"327","lat":"-27.9169","lng":"34.7605"}];
local.coordinates = {"coordinates":[]};
local.init = function()
{ new Date().getTime(); local.container = document.createElement( 'div' ); document.body.appendChild( local.container ); = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 35, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 2, 10000 ); = 3100; local.scene = new THREE.Scene(); local.scene.fog = new THREE.FogExp2( 0x09397c, 0.00006 ); local.spinValues = {x:0,y:0,z:0,}; local.setSpinning(); local.generateLinesSystem(1000, 200); var i=0; var limit = 7; for (i=0;i<limit;++i) { local.generateParticleSystem(400+100*i, 350+Math.random()*100+20*(i*i+1), Math.random()*10+15); } local.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { clearAlpha: 1,antialias:true, alpha: true} ); local.renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); local.renderer.autoClear = false; local.container.appendChild( local.renderer.domElement );,6,{rangeFact:1.2,yoyo:true,repeat:-1, ease:Quad.easeInOut}); local.render(); $(document).on('mousemove', local.onDocumentMouseMove); $(document).on('mousewheel', local.onDocumentMouseWheel); $(window).on('resize', local.onWindowResize);
/*	generate Particle sphere geometry points and set them to motion @nodes - number of particles to generate; @range - radius of sphere
local.generateParticleGeometry = function(nodes, range) { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); if (nodes === undefined) nodes = 100; nodes = Math.floor(nodes); if (range === undefined) range = 500; var r = 500; var systemID = local.particleSystems.length-1; var tweenArr = []; var groupVelocity = Math.random()*6+0.2; local.particleGroupVelocity.push(groupVelocity); local.particleTweens[systemID] = tweenArr; for ( i = 0; i < nodes; i ++ ) { var vertex = new THREE.Vector3(); var node = i%local.markers.length-1; var initTheta = Math.random()*2*Math.PI; var initPhi = Math.random()*Math.PI; var theta = (local.markers[node]) ? local.markers[node].lat : 29.233; var phi = (local.markers[node]) ? local.markers[node].lng :75.5444; theta = (90+theta)*Math.PI/180;//+(Math.random()*2-1)/10; phi = -(phi)*Math.PI/180;//+(Math.random()*2-1)/10; var initX = range*Math.sin(initTheta)*Math.cos(initPhi);// var initY = range*Math.sin(initTheta)*Math.sin(initPhi);// var initZ = range*Math.cos(initTheta); vertex.x = initX;//Math.sin(i) * i; vertex.y = initY;// Math.cos(i) * i;//Math.random()*100; vertex.z = initZ;//Math.random()*1000; geometry.vertices.push( vertex ); var tartheta = theta + Math.sin(i)*2* Math.PI/180;// + var tarphi = phi + Math.cos(i)*Math.PI/180;//+ var tarX = range * Math.sin(tartheta)*Math.cos(tarphi); var tarY = range * Math.sin(tartheta)*Math.sin(tarphi); //var tarY = (range+i/10) * Math.sin(tartheta)*Math.sin(tarphi); var tarZ = range * Math.cos(tartheta); var tween; tweenArr.push(tween); tween =,1,{ x:tarX/range, y:tarY/range, z:tarZ/range, ease:Linear.easeNone, //Quad.easeInOut, delay:i/nodes*4, onComplete:local.moveGeomVertex, onCompleteParams:[systemID,i, vertex,tartheta,tarphi,range] }); } local.geometries.push(geometry); return geometry;
/*local.initializeGeomPoints = function(tween, i, vertex, theta, phi, range) { }
local.moveGeomVertex = function(systemID ,i, vertex,theta, phi, range) {	if (local.particleTweens[systemID][i-1] === undefined) return;	var distFact = local.particleGroupVelocity[systemID]; var tartheta = theta + Math.sin(i%local.markers.length-1)*distFact*2* Math.PI/180;// + Math.random()*Math.PI/180;// + 1*Math.PI/180;//Math.random()*2*Math.PI; var tarphi = phi + Math.cos(i%local.markers.length-1)*distFact*Math.PI/180;// + Math.random()*.2;// + Math.random()*Math.PI/180;// + 1*Math.PI/180;////Math.random()*Math.PI; //var tarX = (range+i/10) * Math.sin(tartheta)*Math.cos(tarphi); var tarX = range * local.rangeFact * Math.sin(tartheta) *Math.cos(tarphi); var tarY = range * local.rangeFact * Math.sin(tartheta) * Math.sin(tarphi); //var tarY = (range+i/10) * Math.sin(tartheta)*Math.sin(tarphi); var tarZ = range * local.rangeFact * Math.cos(tartheta); //var tarZ = Math.cos(tartheta)*(range+i/10); var tween = local.particleTweens[systemID][i-1];
tween.totalDuration(Math.random()); tween.updateTo({x:tarX,y:tarY,z:tarZ,delay:0,onCompleteParams:[systemID,i,vertex,tartheta,tarphi,range]},true);
local.generateParticleMaterial = function(pSize) { var material = new THREE.ParticleSystemMaterial({ color: '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16), size: pSize, // Cross domain image issue, needs to be hosted locally in order to provide texture. //map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( // "" //), blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending, transparent: true }); local.materials.push(material); local.matColors.push({h:Math.random()*0.6+0.2,s:Math.random(),l:Math.random()*0.6+0.2}); var num = local.matColors.length-1; console.log(local.matColors);[num],Math.random()+1,{h:Math.random()*0.6+0.2,s:Math.random(),l:Math.random()*0.6+0.2,onUpdate:local.updateMaterialColor,onUpdateParams:[num], repeat:-1, yoyo:true}); return material;
local.generateLineGeometry = function(nodes, range) { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); if (nodes === undefined) nodes = 100; nodes = Math.floor(nodes); if (range === undefined) range = 500; var r = 500; var divs = Math.random()*600 + 20; var variation = Math.random()*20+100; for ( i = 0; i < nodes; i ++ ) { var p; var theta = i/range;//*2*Math.PI // for (p=0; p< Math.random()*40; ++p) // { var vertex = new THREE.Vector3(); +Math.random()/variation; var node = i%local.markers.length; var phi = (Math.cos(i/50)*180)+Math.random(); var theta = (Math.tan(i/500)*180)+Math.random();//*Math.PI +Math.random();//(local.markers[node]) ? local.markers[node].lat : -29.233*2; theta = (90+theta)*Math.PI/180;//+(Math.random()*2-1)/10; phi = -(phi)*Math.PI/180; // var phi = (local.markers[node]) ? local.markers[node].lng :75.5444; //theta = (90+theta)*Math.PI/180;//+(Math.random()*2-1)/10; //phi = -(phi)*Math.PI/180;//+(Math.random()*2-1)/10; var initX = range * Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(phi);// var initY = range * Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi);// var initZ = range * Math.cos(theta); vertex.x = initX;//Math.sin(i) * i; vertex.y = initY;// Math.cos(i) * i;//Math.random()*100; vertex.z = initZ;//Math.random()*1000; geometry.vertices.push( vertex ); // } } local.geometries.push(geometry); return geometry;
local.generateLineMaterial = function() { var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16), linecap: 'round', linejoin: 'round', blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending, transparent: true }); local.materials.push(material); local.matColors.push({h:Math.random()*0.2+0.8,s:Math.random(),l:Math.random()*0.2+0.8}); var num = local.matColors.length-1; console.log(local.matColors);[num],Math.random()+2,{h:Math.random()*0.2+0.8,s:Math.random(),l:Math.random()*0.2+0.8,onUpdate:local.updateMaterialColor,onUpdateParams:[num], repeat:-1, yoyo:true}); return material;
/*	update material color onUpdate of color tween.
local.updateMaterialColor = function(item)
{ color = local.matColors[item];//item]; var h = color.h;//( 360 * ( color.h ) % 360 ) / 360; local.materials[item].color.setHSL( h, color.s, color.l );
/*	generate a new line mesh sphere @nodes - number of connection points connecting each line. @range - radius of sphere
local.generateLinesSystem = function(nodes,range)
{ local.particleRotations.push({x:(Math.random()>0.5)? -1 : 1,y:(Math.random()>0.5)? -1 : 1}); var mat; var geom; var particles; mat = local.generateLineMaterial(); geom = local.generateLineGeometry(nodes,range); geom.verticesNeedUpate = true; particles = new THREE.Line( geom, mat ); particles.sortParticles = true; //spinParticles(); local.scene.add(particles); local.particleSystems.push(particles); //,1,{z:Math.random()*4-2,repeat:-1, yoyo:true, ease:Quad.easeInOut});
/*	Initialize a new Particle Sphere @nodes - number of particles @range - radius of particle sphere @pSize - size of individual particles
local.generateParticleSystem = function(nodes,range,pSize)
{ local.particleRotations.push({x:(Math.random()>0.5)? -1 : 1,y:(Math.random()>0.5)? -1 : 1}); var mat; var geom; var particles; mat = local.generateParticleMaterial(pSize); geom = local.generateParticleGeometry(nodes,range); particles = new THREE.ParticleSystem( geom, mat ); particles.sortParticles = true; //spinParticles(); local.scene.add(particles); local.particleSystems.push(particles); //,1,{z:Math.random()*4-2,repeat:-1, yoyo:true, ease:Quad.easeInOut});
/*	Render call to redraw three js scene
local.render = function() { var time = * 0.00005; += ( local.mouseX - ) * 0.05; += ( -local.mouseY - ) * 0.05; local.scene.position ); local.renderer.render( local.scene, ); local.renderer.clear(false,true,false); //local.renderer.render(scene2,camera);*/
///////////////// Page INITIALIZATION //////////////////
/*local.getServerCoords = function()
{ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { console.log(xmlhttp.responseText); local.markers = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText).coordinates; // document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; local.init(); local.animate(); } }"GET","actions/getCoords.php?q=",true); xmlhttp.send();
local.onDocumentMouseWheel = function(evt)
{ var d = evt.originalEvent.wheelDelta*10;,1,{z:'-='+d});
local.onDocumentMouseMove = function( evt ) { local.mouseX = (evt.clientX - local.wHalfX)*0.5; local.mouseY = (evt.clientY - local.wHalfY)*0.5; var i=0; var limit = local.particleSystems.length; for (i=0;i<limit;++i) { //console.log(i); var xSign = (i+1);// * local.particleRotations[i].x; var ySign = (i+1);// * local.particleRotations[i].y;[i].rotation,1,{y:xSign * local.mouseX/180*Math.PI,x:ySign * local.mouseY/180*Math.PI}); }
local.setSpinning = function()
{,10,{ x:'+='+(Math.random()*6-3), y:'+='+(Math.random()*6-3), z:'+='+(Math.random()*6-3), camDist:(Math.random()*3000+500), onUpdate:local.onSpinSpheres, onComplete: local.setSpinning, ease:Quad.easeInOut, })
local.onSpinSpheres = function()
{ var i=0; var limit = local.particleSystems.length; for (i=0;i<limit;++i) { //console.log(i); var xSign = 1;//(i+1) * var ySign = 1;//(i+1) * }
local.onWindowResize = function(event) { local.wHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2; local.wHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2; = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;; local.renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); //local.render();
local.animate = function()
{ requestAnimationFrame( local.animate ); local.render();
$( document ).ready(function() { local.init(); local.animate(); //local.getServerCoords(); // Commented out my initial pull from MySQL database of lat lng coords. subbed in dumby coords for remote ops.
Particle Motion trajectories - Script Codes
Particle Motion trajectories - Script Codes
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Developer Scott Niejadlik
Username sniejadlik
Uploaded September 07, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 5,899 Kb
Views 22,264
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