Pick the lock

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How do I make an pick the lock?

This is the locking mechanism for my homepage. It's just to add a simple layer of interactivity to the user experience and draw the user in and get them engaged with the site. Originally at http://www.davidpuerto.com I am now planning . What is a pick the lock? How do you make a pick the lock? This script and codes were developed by Dapinitial on 11 August 2022, Thursday.

Pick the lock Previews

Pick the lock - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Pick the lock</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/meyer-reset/2.0/reset.min.css"> <style> /* NOTE: The styles were added inline because Prefixfree needs access to your styles and they must be inlined if they are on local disk! */ html,
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/* SVG mayhem, gangstash*t */
svg * { transition: all .187s linear; ;
/* lock mechanism css */
.lockMechanism { position: absolute; margin: 0 auto; width: 640px; height: 720px; z-index: 100; animation: fade-in 300ms linear 1s 1 normal forwards; transform: scale(1); transition: all 1s linear 0s; opacity: 0; cursor: pointer;
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.lockMechanism.far { transform: scale(0); cursor: pointer; margin: -100px auto; opacity: 0; transition: all linear 0.2s;
.rings { position: relative; z-index: 200;
.smoke { background: url(http://www.davidpuerto.com/images/smoke.gif) no-repeat; position: relative; top: -25px; left: -10px; width: 840px; height: 640px; opacity: 1.0; z-index: 300;
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#right-button { fill: url(#linearGradient-4);
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#light-group.activated > path::before { transition: fill 2s ease; fill: url(#radialGradient-9); filter: url(#activatedGlow);
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<body> <!-- long ways to go to put it back to my still existent homepage www.davidpuerto.com - this is a site from like 2012 before I started playing around with SVG and I need to practice and explore responsive SVGs -->
<div class="svg-container"> <div id="lock-form"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <svg viewBox="0 0 2000 1024" version="1.1" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" class="svg-content"> <!-- portfolio.davidpuerto.com --> <title>Pick the Lock</title> <desc>SpaceLab is a hyperreal thrill machine; delivering in ways that cannot be quantified. Original Bluelighter since 1999. The question has been answered...</desc> <foreignObject> </foreignObject> <defs> <linearGradient id="straight-black" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" fy="100%"> <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#000" /> <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#000" /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient x1="51.7947078%" y1="100%" x2="51.7947078%" y2="12.4967448%" id="linearGradient-1"> <stop stop-color="#5E5E5E" offset="0%"></stop> <stop stop-color="#141414" offset="100%"></stop> </linearGradient> <radialGradient cx="50%" cy="0%" fx="50%" fy="0%" r="100%" id="radialGradient-2"> <stop stop-color="#4F4F4F" offset="0%"></stop> <stop stop-color="#131313" offset="100%"></stop> </radialGradient> <linearGradient x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%" id="linearGradient-3"> <stop stop-color="#5C5C5C" offset="0%"></stop> <stop stop-color="#151515" offset="100%"></stop> </linearGradient> <linearGradient x1="83.7391752%" y1="76.6535514%" x2="31.4188747%" y2="50%" id="linearGradient-4"> <stop stop-color="#393939" 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884,483.5 C884,265.623666 707.152476,89 489,89 C270.847524,89 94,265.623666 94,483.5 C94,701.376334 270.847524,878 489,878 Z" id="outer-ring" fill="url(#linearGradient-3)"></path> <g id="left-button" class="bigButton" data-panel="3" transform="translate(15.000000, 485.000000)"> <path d="M2,6.13209281e-14 C3.74706994,71.0157846 20.8286252,142.757642 54.8339547,210.277063 C88.5464837,277.215112 135.354643,332.978322 190.492369,376 L230,308.440787 C186.74958,273.051734 149.979191,228.107159 123.094751,174.726649 C96.0050679,120.938618 81.6646069,63.9696908 78.9411792,7.34512031 L2,0 L2,6.13209281e-14 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-4" fill="#636262"></path> <path d="M0,2 C1.74706994,73.0157846 18.8286252,144.757642 52.8339547,212.277063 C86.5464837,279.215112 133.354643,334.978322 188.492369,378 L228,310.440787 C184.74958,275.051734 147.979191,230.107159 121.094751,176.726649 C94.0050679,122.938618 79.6646069,65.9696908 76.9411792,9.34512031 L0,2 L0,2 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-6" filter="url(#filter-5)"></path> </g> <g id="right-button" class="bigButton" data-panel="2" transform="translate(735.000000, 484.000000)"> <path d="M228,6.13209281e-14 C226.25293,71.0157846 209.171375,142.757642 175.166045,210.277063 C141.453516,277.215112 94.6453569,332.978322 39.5076309,376 L0,308.440787 C43.2504202,273.051734 80.0208089,228.107159 106.905249,174.726649 C133.994932,120.938618 148.335393,63.9696908 151.058821,7.34512031 L228,0 L228,6.13209281e-14 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-5" fill="#636363"></path> <path d="M230,2 C228.25293,73.0157846 211.171375,144.757642 177.166045,212.277063 C143.453516,279.215112 96.6453569,334.978322 41.5076309,378 L2,310.440787 C45.2504202,275.051734 82.0208089,230.107159 108.905249,176.726649 C135.994932,122.938618 150.335393,65.9696908 153.058821,9.34512031 L230,2 L230,2 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-8" filter="url(#filter-6)"></path> </g> <g id="top-button" class="bigButton" data-panel="1" transform="translate(277.000000, 9.000000)"> <path d="M425.792257,48.4260485 C361.178933,17.3791361 288.854648,0 212.502336,0 C136.150025,0 63.8257395,17.3791361 -0.787584188,48.4260485 L41.6164,115.936451 C93.9154696,92.2045084 151.928364,79 213,79 C273.770121,79 331.511628,92.074447 383.608569,115.585722 L425.792257,48.4260485 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-3" fill="#BABABA"></path> <path d="M424.048281,52.0016994 C359.700987,21.2325887 287.617032,4 211.5,4 C135.987883,4 64.4449928,20.9597768 0.487318121,51.2706849 L42.7921915,117.862817 C94.4685194,94.8151465 151.734076,82 212,82 C272.568817,82 330.107031,94.9442863 381.98655,118.2111 L424.048281,52.0016994 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-7" filter="url(#filter-8)"></path> </g> </g> <g id="light-group" transform="translate(150.000000, 142.000000)"> <path d="M427,705.223234 C409.194568,701.79513 390.807129,700 372,700 C353.192871,700 334.805432,701.79513 317,705.223234 L329.937038,745 C343.607804,742.661278 357.661481,741.44293 372,741.44293 C386.338519,741.44293 400.392196,742.661278 414.062962,745 L427,705.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-14" transform="translate(372.000000, 722.500000) scale(1, -1) translate(-372.000000, -722.500000) "></path> <path d="M78,353.223234 C60.1945684,349.79513 41.8071291,348 23,348 C4.19287088,348 -14.1945684,349.79513 -32,353.223234 L-19.0629617,393 C-5.39219598,390.661278 8.66148113,389.44293 23,389.44293 C37.3385189,389.44293 51.392196,390.661278 65.0629617,393 L78,353.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-16" transform="translate(23.000000, 370.500000) scale(1, -1) rotate(-90.000000) translate(-23.000000, -370.500000) "></path> <path d="M777,353.223234 C759.194568,349.79513 740.807129,348 722,348 C703.192871,348 684.805432,349.79513 667,353.223234 L679.937038,393 C693.607804,390.661278 707.661481,389.44293 722,389.44293 C736.338519,389.44293 750.392196,390.661278 764.062962,393 L777,353.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-17" transform="translate(722.000000, 370.500000) scale(-1, -1) rotate(-90.000000) translate(-722.000000, -370.500000) "></path> <path d="M427,5.22323365 C409.194568,1.79513034 390.807129,0 372,0 C353.192871,0 334.805432,1.79513034 317,5.22323365 L329.937038,45 C343.607804,42.6612779 357.661481,41.4429305 372,41.4429305 C386.338519,41.4429305 400.392196,42.6612779 414.062962,45 L427,5.22323365 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-15"></path> <path d="M678,109.223234 C660.194568,105.79513 641.807129,104 623,104 C604.192871,104 585.805432,105.79513 568,109.223234 L580.937038,149 C594.607804,146.661278 608.661481,145.44293 623,145.44293 C637.338519,145.44293 651.392196,146.661278 665.062962,149 L678,109.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-18" transform="translate(623.000000, 126.500000) rotate(45.000000) translate(-623.000000, -126.500000) "></path> <path d="M179,109.223234 C161.194568,105.79513 142.807129,104 124,104 C105.192871,104 86.8054316,105.79513 69,109.223234 L81.9370383,149 C95.607804,146.661278 109.661481,145.44293 124,145.44293 C138.338519,145.44293 152.392196,146.661278 166.062962,149 L179,109.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-19" transform="translate(124.000000, 126.500000) scale(-1, 1) rotate(45.000000) translate(-124.000000, -126.500000) "></path> <path d="M678,597.223234 C660.194568,593.79513 641.807129,592 623,592 C604.192871,592 585.805432,593.79513 568,597.223234 L580.937038,637 C594.607804,634.661278 608.661481,633.44293 623,633.44293 C637.338519,633.44293 651.392196,634.661278 665.062962,637 L678,597.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-21" transform="translate(623.000000, 614.500000) scale(1, -1) rotate(45.000000) translate(-623.000000, -614.500000) "></path> <path d="M179,597.223234 C161.194568,593.79513 142.807129,592 124,592 C105.192871,592 86.8054316,593.79513 69,597.223234 L81.9370383,637 C95.607804,634.661278 109.661481,633.44293 124,633.44293 C138.338519,633.44293 152.392196,634.661278 166.062962,637 L179,597.223234 Z" id="second-inner-bevel-20" transform="translate(124.000000, 614.500000) scale(-1, -1) rotate(45.000000) translate(-124.000000, -614.500000) "></path>
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Pick the lock - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { background: #1e1e1e; overflow: hidden;
body{ background-image: url('https://i.imgsafe.org/6c147abfa3.jpg'); position: relative;
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/* SVG mayhem, gangstash*t */
svg * { transition: all .187s linear; ;
/* lock mechanism css */
.lockMechanism { position: absolute; margin: 0 auto; width: 640px; height: 720px; z-index: 100; animation: fade-in 300ms linear 1s 1 normal forwards; transform: scale(1); transition: all 1s linear 0s; opacity: 0; cursor: pointer;
.lockMechanism:before { content: " "; width: 290px; height: 290px; border-radius: 50%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); z-index: 0;
.lockMechanism.far { transform: scale(0); cursor: pointer; margin: -100px auto; opacity: 0; transition: all linear 0.2s;
.rings { position: relative; z-index: 200;
.smoke { background: url(http://www.davidpuerto.com/images/smoke.gif) no-repeat; position: relative; top: -25px; left: -10px; width: 840px; height: 640px; opacity: 1.0; z-index: 300;
.outerWheel { position: absolute; top: 30px; left: 80px; width: 453px; height: 453px; z-index: 100;
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#light-group.activated > path { transition: fill 2s ease; fill: url(#radialGradient-9); position: relative;
#light-group.activated > path::before { transition: fill 2s ease; fill: url(#radialGradient-9); filter: url(#activatedGlow);
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.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(1) { color: #fff; margin-left: -2px; -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(2) { color: green; margin-left: 2px; -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(3) { color: blue; position: 20px 0; -webkit-filter: blur(1px);
.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(4) { color: #fff; -webkit-filter: blur(1px); text-shadow: 0 0 50px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(5) { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); -webkit-filter: blur(15px);
.buzz_wrapper span { -webkit-animation: blur 30ms infinite, jerk 50ms infinite; -webkit-user-select: none;
@-webkit-keyframes blur { 0% { -webkit-filter: blur(1px); opacity: 0.8; } 50% { -webkit-filter: blur(1px); opacity: 1; } 100% { -webkit-filter: blur(1px); opacity: 0.8; }
@-webkit-keyframes jerk { 50% { left: 1px; } 51% { left: 0; }
@-webkit-keyframes jerkup { 50% { top: 1px; } 51% { top: 0; }
.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(3) { -webkit-animation: jerkblue 1s infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes jerkblue { 0% { left: 0; } 30% { left: 0; } 31% { left: 10px; } 32% { left: 0; } 98% { left: 0; } 100% { left: 10px; }
.buzz_wrapper span:nth-child(2) { -webkit-animation: jerkgreen 1s infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes jerkgreen { 0% { left: 0; } 30% { left: 0; } 31% { left: -10px; } 32% { left: 0; } 98% { left: 0; } 100% { left: -10px; }
.buzz_wrapper .text { -webkit-animation: jerkwhole 5s infinite; position: relative;
@-webkit-keyframes jerkwhole { 30% {} 40% { opacity: 1; top: 0; left: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1); -webkit-transform: skew(0, 0); } 41% { opacity: 0.8; top: 0px; left: -100px; -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1.2); -webkit-transform: skew(50deg, 0); } 42% { opacity: 0.8; top: 0px; left: 100px; -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1.2); -webkit-transform: skew(-80deg, 0); } 43% { opacity: 1; top: 0; left: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1); -webkit-transform: skew(0, 0); } 65% {}
#second-inner-bevel { transform-origin: 50% 50%; display: inline-block;
.reverse-spin { -webkit-animation-name: spin; -webkit-animation-duration: 2000ms; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; animation-name: spin; animation-duration: 2000ms; animation-iteration-count: infinite; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
.reverse-spin { -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms; -webkit-animation-direction: reverse; animation-duration: 500ms; animation-direction: reverse;
.scale-down { -webkit-animation-name: scaleDown; -webkit-animation-duration: 300ms; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; animation-name: scaleDown; animation-duration: scaleDown; animation-iteration-count: 1; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
@keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; }
@-webkit-keyframes spin { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
@keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); }
@-webkit-keyframes scaleDown { from { -webkit-transform: scale(1); display: block; } to { -webkit-transform: scale(0); display: none; }
@keyframes scaleDown { from { transform: scale(1); display: block; } to { transform: scale(0); display: none; }
@media all and (max-width: 250px) { #curved_bg { opacity: 0; } #secondary_content, #primary_content { fill: #195463; }
@media all and (max-width: 200px) { #secondary_content { opacity: 0; }
@media all and (max-width: 150px) { #inner-circle, #middle-circle { opacity: 0; }
#lock-form { z-index: 1;

Pick the lock - Script Codes JS Codes

var isActive = false;
var countClicks = 0;
$('#second-inner-bevel').attr('class', 'spin');
$('[id$="button"]').on({ click: function() { isActive = true; countClicks += 1; console.log(countClicks); console.log(isActive); $(this) .children('path:eq(1)') .css('fill', 'magenta'); if (isActive && countClicks >= 3) { $('#light-group').attr('class', 'activated'); setTimeout(function() { $('#stage').attr('class', 'reverse-spin'); }, 1000); } }
$('#ring-container').on({ click: function() { $('#stage').removeAttr('class', 'spin'); $('#second-inner-bevel').removeAttr('class', 'reverse-spin'); }
// Minified: only 160 bytes!
function debounce(a,b,c){var d;return function(){var e=this,f=arguments;clearTimeout(d),d=setTimeout(function(){d=null,c||a.apply(e,f)},b),c&&!d&&a.apply(e,f)}}
var TiltAnimation = function() { var slider, mouseX, mouseY, textX, textY; var _init = function() { mouseX = 0; mouseY = 0; slider = $('.svg-content'); textX = document.getElementsByClassName('slider__itemX')[0]; textY = document.getElementsByClassName('slider__itemY')[0]; _addEventHandlers(); } var _addEventHandlers = function() { window.addEventListener('mousemove', _getMousePos, false); if (window.DeviceMotionEvent != undefined) { window.addEventListener('devicemotion', _accelerometerUpdate, false); } } var _accelerometerUpdate = function(e) { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4474508/access-accelerometer-via-javascript-in-android var aX = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x*1; var aY = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y*1; var aZ = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z*1; //The following two lines are just to calculate a // tilt. Not really needed. var xPosition = Math.atan2(aY, aZ) * 20; var yPosition = Math.atan2(aX, aZ) * 20; xPosition = Math.round(xPosition * 1000) / 1000; yPosition = Math.round(yPosition * 1000) / 1000; _animate(yPosition, xPosition); textY.innerHTML = yPosition; textX.innerHTML = xPosition; } var _getMousePos = function(e) { e = e || window.event; mouseX = e.pageX; mouseY = e.pageY; var xPos = (mouseX / window.innerWidth) - 0.5; var yPos = (mouseY / window.innerHeight) - 0.5; var rotationYValue = 5 * xPos; var rotationXValue = 5 * yPos; _animate(rotationYValue,rotationXValue); textX.innerHTML = mouseX; textY.innerHTML = mouseY; } var _animate = function(rotationYValue, rotationXValue) { TweenLite.to(slider, 0.6, { rotationY:rotationYValue, rotationX:rotationXValue, ease:Power1.easeOut, transformPerspective:900, transformOrigin:"center" }); } return { init: _init }
Pick the lock - Script Codes
Pick the lock - Script Codes
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Developer Dapinitial
Username dapinitial
Uploaded August 11, 2022
Rating 3
Size 10,025 Kb
Views 34,408
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