Pink Slime

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How do I make an pink slime?

Playing around with the paper.js engine. What is a pink slime? How do you make a pink slime? This script and codes were developed by Dave Alger on 11 August 2022, Thursday.

Pink Slime Previews

Pink Slime - Script Codes HTML Codes

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var rX = Math.floor( Math.random() * 16 ) + 32;
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codecs="mp4a.40.2"');m?"probably"===a?h=".mp3":"probably"===g?h=".aac":"maybe"===a?h=".mp3":"maybe"===g&&(h=".aac"):h="probably"===a?".mp3":"probably"===e?".ogg":"maybe"===a?".mp3":"maybe"===e?".ogg":".wav";for(c=0;c<n;c++)a=d.sounds[c],b[]=new f(a),b[].init()}else l("No sound-files provided!")};e.sound.version="2.1.3";,c){b[a]&&b[a].play(c)};e.sound.pause=function(a){if(a&&b[a])b[a].pause();else for(c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b[c]&&b[c].pause()};e.sound.stop=function(a){if(a&&b[a])b[a].stop();else for(c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b[c]&&b[c].stop()};e.sound.destroy=function(a){if(a&&b[a])b[a].destroy(),b[a]=null;else for(c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b[c]&&(b[c].destroy(),b[c]=null)}}})(ion); var palette = [ "rgba(57,106,177,0.4)", "rgba(130,163,219,0.4)", "rgba(62,150,81,0.4)", "rgba(148,202,107,0.4)", "rgba(148,139,61,0.4)", "rgba(220,210,128,0.4)", "rgba(218,124,48,0.4)", "rgba(241,167,92,0.4)", "rgba(146,36,40,0.4)", "rgba(182,133,112,0.4)", "rgba(204,37,41,0.4)", "rgba(227,110,144,0.4)", "rgba(107,76,154,0.4)", "rgba(176,135,199,0.4)", "rgba(83,81,84,0.4)", "rgba(144,149,149,0.4)"]; var punks = [ {name:'beat'}, {name:'WorkIt1'}, {name:'MakeIt1'}, {name:'DoIt1'}, {name:'MakesUs1'}, {name:'Harder1'}, {name:'Better1'}, {name:'Faster1'}, {name:'Stronger1'}, {name:'MoreThan1'}, {name:'Hour1'}, {name:'Our1'}, {name:'Never1'}, {name:'Ever1'}, {name:'After1'}, {name:'WorkIs1'}, {name:'Over1'}, {name:'WorkIt2'}, {name:'MakeIt2'}, {name:'DoIt2'}, {name:'MakesUs2'}, {name:'Harder2'}, {name:'Better2'}, {name:'Faster2'}, {name:'Stronger2'}, {name:'MoreThan2'}, {name:'Ever2'}, {name:'Hour2'}, {name:'After2'}, {name:'Our2'}, {name:'WorkIs2'}, {name:'Never2'}, {name:'Over2'}, {name:'MoreThan3'}, {name:'Hour3'}, {name:'Our3'}, {name:'Never3'}, {name:'Ever3'}, {name:'After3'}, {name:'WorkIs3'}, {name:'Over3'} ]; if (isChrome) { ion.sound({	sounds: punks,	volume: 0.5,	path: "",	preload: true }); setTimeout(function(){[0].name);},1000); }	var tw = 0;	var tx = [	'work it',	'make it',	'do it',	'makes us',	'harder',	'better',	'faster',	'stronger',	'more than',	'hour',	'our',	'never',	'ever',	'after',	'work is',	'over',	'work it',	'make it',	'do it',	'makes us',	'harder',	'better',	'faster',	'stronger',	'more than',	'ever',	'hour',	'after',	'our',	'work is',	'never',	'over'	];	$('#werd').fadeOut(0);	if (isChrome) {	// you're a pretty fungi (fun guy)	}	else {	$('#frame').html('<div style="margin-top:50px;padding:10px;text-align:center;"><div style="color:#999999;font-size:32px;">This browser isn\'t strong enough.</div><div style="font-size:120px;color:#cccccc;">&#9785;</div><p>Come back later using <a href="">Google Chrome - the harder, better, faster, stronger browser!</a></div>');	}	$(document).ready( function () {	$(document).keypress( function (e) {	p(e,true);	});	});
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Pink Slime - Script Codes CSS Codes

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.glitch:after { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; left: 2px; text-shadow: -1px 0 red; top: 0; color: white; background: transparent; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0, 900px, 0, 0); animation: noise-anim 2s infinite linear alternate-reverse; height: 50px; text-align: center;
@keyframes noise-anim-2 { 0% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 54px, 0); } 5% { clip: rect(71px, 9999px, 50px, 0); } 10% { clip: rect(72px, 9999px, 73px, 0); } 15.0% { clip: rect(28px, 9999px, 70px, 0); } 20% { clip: rect(79px, 9999px, 18px, 0); } 25% { clip: rect(48px, 9999px, 85px, 0); } 30.0% { clip: rect(34px, 9999px, 47px, 0); } 35% { clip: rect(70px, 9999px, 50px, 0); } 40% { clip: rect(42px, 9999px, 5px, 0); } 45% { clip: rect(25px, 9999px, 93px, 0); } 50% { clip: rect(47px, 9999px, 79px, 0); } 55.0% { clip: rect(96px, 9999px, 23px, 0); } 60.0% { clip: rect(52px, 9999px, 49px, 0); } 65% { clip: rect(2px, 9999px, 91px, 0); } 70% { clip: rect(38px, 9999px, 11px, 0); } 75% { clip: rect(59px, 9999px, 71px, 0); } 80% { clip: rect(91px, 9999px, 57px, 0); } 85.0% { clip: rect(54px, 9999px, 59px, 0); } 90% { clip: rect(30px, 9999px, 43px, 0); } 95% { clip: rect(66px, 9999px, 59px, 0); } 100% { clip: rect(66px, 9999px, 2px, 0); }
.glitch:before { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; left: -2px; text-shadow: 1px 0 blue; top: 0; color: white; background: transparent; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0, 900px, 0, 0); animation: noise-anim-2 3s infinite linear alternate-reverse; height: 50px; text-align: center;
.glitch-w { color: black;
.glitch-w:after { color: black; background: transparent; height: 50px; text-align: center;
.glitch-w:before { color: black; background: transparent; height: 50px; text-align: center;

Pink Slime - Script Codes JS Codes

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Pink Slime - Script Codes
Pink Slime - Script Codes
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Developer Dave Alger
Username run-time
Uploaded August 11, 2022
Rating 3.5
Size 8,353 Kb
Views 36,432
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Dave Alger (run-time) Script Codes
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