Playable Canvas Asteroids

5,711 Kb

How do I make an playable canvas asteroids?

A mini "Asteroids" game coded from scratch, using some math and black magic.This is a codepen adapted version of the game, check/fork from this repo: at github!. What is a playable canvas asteroids? How do you make a playable canvas asteroids? This script and codes were developed by Jeff Ibacache on 23 June 2022, Thursday.

Playable Canvas Asteroids Previews

Playable Canvas Asteroids - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Playable Canvas Asteroids</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
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@2014 Jeff Ibacache |
<div id="info"> <h1>Canvas Asteroids:</h1> <p>Use [A][S][W][D] or [&larr;][&uarr;][&darr;][&rarr;] to MOVE</p> <p>Use [SPACE] or [K] to SHOOT</p>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Playable Canvas Asteroids - Script Codes CSS Codes

* {	margin: 0;
canvas {	position: absolute;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;	background: #262626;
#info {	color: #FFF;	font-family: "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "Lucida Console", Monaco, "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", monospace;	margin: 10px 10px 0;	padding: 8px;	background: #161616;	position: absolute;	z-index: 1;
#info h1 {	font-size: 18px;
#info p {	font-size: 11px;

Playable Canvas Asteroids - Script Codes JS Codes

//pool.js ...........................................................
var Pool = (function()
{	//exposed methods:	var create = function(type, size)	{	var obj = Object.create(def);	obj.init(type, size);	return obj;	};	//Ship definition:	var def =	{	_type: null,	_size: null,	_pointer: null,	_elements:null,	init: function(type, size)	{	this._type = type;	this._size = size;	this._pointer = size;	this._elements = [];	var i = 0;	var length = this._size;	for(i; i < length; ++i)	{	this._elements[i] = this._type.create();	}	},	getElement: function()	{	if(this._pointer > 0) return this._elements[--this._pointer];	return null;	},	disposeElement: function(obj)	{	this._elements[this._pointer++] = obj;	}	};	return {create:create};
//vec2d.js ...........................................................
var Vec2D = (function()
{	//exposed methods:	var create = function(x, y)	{	var obj = Object.create(def);	obj.setXY(x, y);	return obj;	};	//Vec2D definition:	var def =	{	_x: 1,	_y: 0,	getX: function()	{	return this._x;	},	setX: function(value)	{	this._x = value;	},	getY: function()	{	return this._y;	},	setY: function(value)	{	this._y = value;	},	setXY: function(x, y)	{	this._x = x;	this._y = y;	},	getLength: function()	{	return Math.sqrt(this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y);	},	setLength: function(length)	{	var angle = this.getAngle();	this._x = Math.cos(angle) * length;	this._y = Math.sin(angle) * length;	},	getAngle: function()	{	return Math.atan2(this._y, this._x);	},	setAngle: function(angle)	{	var length = this.getLength();	this._x = Math.cos(angle) * length;	this._y = Math.sin(angle) * length;	},	add: function(vector)	{	this._x += vector.getX();	this._y += vector.getY();	},	sub: function(vector)	{	this._x -= vector.getX();	this._y -= vector.getY();	},	mul: function(value)	{	this._x *= value;	this._y *= value;	},	div: function(value)	{	this._x /= value;	this._y /= value;	}	};	return {create:create};
//particle.js ...........................................................
var Particle = (function()
{	//exposed methods:	var create = function()	{	var obj = Object.create(def);	obj.radius = 2;	obj.color = '#FFF';	obj.lifeSpan = 0;	obj.fric = 0.98;	obj.pos = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.vel = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.blacklisted = false;	return obj;	};	//Ship definition:	var def =	{	radius: null,	color: null,	lifeSpan: null,	fric: null,	pos: null,	vel: null,	blacklisted: null,	update: function()	{	this.pos.add(this.vel);	this.vel.mul(this.fric);	this.radius -= 0.1;	if(this.radius < 0.1) this.radius = 0.1;	if(this.lifeSpan-- < 0)	{	this.blacklisted = true;	}	},	reset: function()	{	this.blacklisted = false;	}	};	return {create:create};
//bullet.js ...........................................................
var Bullet = (function()
{	//exposed methods:	var create = function()	{	var obj = Object.create(def);	obj.radius = 4;	obj.color = '#FFF';	obj.pos = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.vel = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.blacklisted = false;	return obj;	};	//Bullet definition:	var def =	{	radius: null,	color: null,	pos: null,	vel: null,	blacklisted: null,	update: function()	{	this.pos.add(this.vel);	},	reset: function()	{	this.blacklisted = false;	}	};	return {create:create};
//asteroid.js ...........................................................
var Asteroid = (function()
{	//exposed methods:	var create = function()	{	var obj = Object.create(def);	obj.radius = 40;	obj.color = '#FF5900';	obj.pos = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.vel = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.blacklisted = false;	obj.type = 'b';	obj.sides = (Math.random() * 2 + 7) >> 0;	obj.angle = 0;	obj.angleVel = (1 - Math.random() * 2) * 0.01;	return obj;	};	//Ship definition:	var def =	{	radius: null,	color: null,	pos: null,	vel: null,	blacklisted: null,	type: null,	sides: null,	angle: null,	angleVel: null,	update: function()	{	this.pos.add(this.vel);	this.angle += this.angleVel;	},	reset: function()	{	this.blacklisted = false;	}	};	return {create:create};
//ship.js ...........................................................
var Ship = (function()
{	//exposed methods:	var create = function(x, y, ref)	{	var obj = Object.create(def);	obj.ref = ref;	obj.angle = 0;	obj.pos = Vec2D.create(x, y);	obj.vel = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.thrust = Vec2D.create(0, 0);	obj.idle = false;	obj.radius = 8;	obj.idleDelay = 0;	return obj;	};	//Ship definition:	var def =	{	angle: null,	pos: null,	vel: null,	thrust: null,	ref: null,	bulletDelay: null,	idle: null,	radius: null,	update: function()	{	this.vel.add(this.thrust);	this.pos.add(this.vel);	if(this.vel.getLength() > 5) this.vel.setLength(5);	++this.bulletDelay;	if(this.idle)	{	if(++this.idleDelay > 120)	{	this.idleDelay = 0;	this.idle = false;	this.ref.resetGame();	}	}	},	shoot: function()	{	if(this.bulletDelay > 8)	{	this.ref.generateShot();	this.bulletDelay = 0;	}	}	};	return {create:create};
//canvas-asteroids.js ...........................................................
//common vars
var canvas;
var context;
var screenWidth;
var screenHeight;
var doublePI = Math.PI * 2;
//game vars
var ship;
var particlePool;
var particles;
var bulletPool;
var bullets;
var asteroidPool;
var asteroids;
var hScan;
var asteroidVelFactor = 0;
//keyboard vars
var keyLeft = false;
var keyUp = false;
var keyRight = false;
var keyDown = false;
var keySpace = false;
window.getAnimationFrame =
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
{	window.setTimeout(callback, 16.6);
window.onload = function()
{	canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');	context = canvas.getContext('2d');	window.onresize();	keyboardInit();	particleInit();	bulletInit();	asteroidInit();	shipInit();	loop();
window.onresize = function()
{	if(!canvas) return;	screenWidth = canvas.clientWidth;	screenHeight = canvas.clientHeight;	canvas.width = screenWidth;	canvas.height = screenHeight;	hScan = (screenHeight / 4) >> 0;
function keyboardInit()
{	window.onkeydown = function(e)	{	switch(e.keyCode)	{	//key A or LEFT	case 65:	case 37:	keyLeft = true;	break;	//key W or UP	case 87:	case 38:	keyUp = true;	break;	//key D or RIGHT	case 68:	case 39:	keyRight = true;	break;	//key S or DOWN	case 83:	case 40:	keyDown = true;	break;	//key Space	case 32: case 75:	keySpace = true;	break;	} e.preventDefault();	};	window.onkeyup = function(e)	{	switch(e.keyCode)	{	//key A or LEFT	case 65:	case 37:	keyLeft = false;	break;	//key W or UP	case 87:	case 38:	keyUp = false;	break;	//key D or RIGHT	case 68:	case 39:	keyRight = false;	break;	//key S or DOWN	case 83:	case 40:	keyDown = false;	break;	//key Space case 75:	case 32:	keySpace = false;	break;	} e.preventDefault();	};
function particleInit()
{	particlePool = Pool.create(Particle, 100);	particles = [];
function bulletInit()
{	bulletPool = Pool.create(Bullet, 40);	bullets = [];
function asteroidInit()
{	asteroidPool = Pool.create(Asteroid, 30);	asteroids = [];
function shipInit()
{	ship = Ship.create(screenWidth >> 1, screenHeight >> 1, this);
function loop()
{	updateShip();	updateParticles();	updateBullets();	updateAsteroids();	checkCollisions();	render();	getAnimationFrame(loop);
function updateShip()
{	ship.update();	if(ship.idle) return;	if(keySpace) ship.shoot();	if(keyLeft) ship.angle -= 0.1;	if(keyRight) ship.angle += 0.1;	if(keyUp)	{	ship.thrust.setLength(0.1);	ship.thrust.setAngle(ship.angle);	generateThrustParticle();	}	else	{	ship.vel.mul(0.94);	ship.thrust.setLength(0);	}	if(ship.pos.getX() > screenWidth) ship.pos.setX(0);	else if(ship.pos.getX() < 0) ship.pos.setX(screenWidth);	if(ship.pos.getY() > screenHeight) ship.pos.setY(0);	else if(ship.pos.getY() < 0) ship.pos.setY(screenHeight);
function generateThrustParticle()
{	var p = particlePool.getElement();	//if the particle pool doesn't have more elements, will return 'null'.	if(!p) return;	p.radius = Math.random() * 3 + 2;	p.color = '#FFF';	p.lifeSpan = 80;	p.pos.setXY(ship.pos.getX() + Math.cos(ship.angle) * -14, ship.pos.getY() + Math.sin(ship.angle) * -14);	p.vel.setLength(8 / p.radius);	p.vel.setAngle(ship.angle + (1 - Math.random() * 2) * (Math.PI / 18));	p.vel.mul(-1);	//particles[particles.length] = p; same as: particles.push(p);	particles[particles.length] = p;
function updateParticles()
{	var i = particles.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var p = particles[i];	if(p.blacklisted)	{	p.reset();	particles.splice(particles.indexOf(p), 1);	particlePool.disposeElement(p);	continue;	}	p.update();	}
function updateBullets()
{	var i = bullets.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var b = bullets[i];	if(b.blacklisted)	{	b.reset();	bullets.splice(bullets.indexOf(b), 1);	bulletPool.disposeElement(b);	continue;	}	b.update();	if(b.pos.getX() > screenWidth) b.blacklisted = true;	else if(b.pos.getX() < 0) b.blacklisted = true;	if(b.pos.getY() > screenHeight) b.blacklisted = true;	else if(b.pos.getY() < 0) b.blacklisted = true;	}
function updateAsteroids()
{	var i = asteroids.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var a = asteroids[i];	if(a.blacklisted)	{	a.reset();	asteroids.splice(asteroids.indexOf(a), 1);	asteroidPool.disposeElement(a);	continue;	}	a.update();	if(a.pos.getX() > screenWidth + a.radius) a.pos.setX(-a.radius);	else if(a.pos.getX() < -a.radius) a.pos.setX(screenWidth + a.radius);	if(a.pos.getY() > screenHeight + a.radius) a.pos.setY(-a.radius);	else if(a.pos.getY() < -a.radius) a.pos.setY(screenHeight + a.radius);	}	if(asteroids.length < 5)	{	var factor = (Math.random() * 2) >> 0;	generateAsteroid(screenWidth * factor, screenHeight * factor, 60 , 'b');	}
function generateAsteroid(x, y, radius, type)
{	var a = asteroidPool.getElement();	//if the bullet pool doesn't have more elements, will return 'null'.	if(!a) return;	a.radius = radius;	a.type = type;	a.pos.setXY(x, y);	a.vel.setLength(1 + asteroidVelFactor);	a.vel.setAngle(Math.random() * (Math.PI * 2));	//bullets[bullets.length] = b; same as: bullets.push(b);	asteroids[asteroids.length] = a;	asteroidVelFactor += 0.025;
function checkCollisions()
{	checkBulletAsteroidCollisions();	checkShipAsteroidCollisions();
function checkBulletAsteroidCollisions()
{	var i = bullets.length - 1;	var j;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	j = asteroids.length - 1;	for(j; j > -1; --j)	{	var b = bullets[i];	var a = asteroids[j];	if(checkDistanceCollision(b, a))	{	b.blacklisted = true;	destroyAsteroid(a);	}	}	}
function checkShipAsteroidCollisions()
{	var i = asteroids.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var a = asteroids[i];	var s = ship;	if(checkDistanceCollision(a, s))	{	if(s.idle) return;	s.idle = true;	generateShipExplosion();	destroyAsteroid(a);	}	}
function generateShipExplosion()
{	var i = 18;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var p = particlePool.getElement();	//if the particle pool doesn't have more elements, will return 'null'.	if(!p) return;	p.radius = Math.random() * 6 + 2;	p.lifeSpan = 80;	p.color = '#FFF';	p.vel.setLength(20 / p.radius);	p.vel.setAngle(ship.angle + (1 - Math.random() * 2) * doublePI);	p.pos.setXY(ship.pos.getX() + Math.cos(p.vel.getAngle()) * (ship.radius * 0.8), ship.pos.getY() + Math.sin(p.vel.getAngle()) * (ship.radius * 0.8));	//particles[particles.length] = p; same as: particles.push(p);	particles[particles.length] = p;	}
function checkDistanceCollision(obj1, obj2)
{	var vx = obj1.pos.getX() - obj2.pos.getX();	var vy = obj1.pos.getY() - obj2.pos.getY();	var vec = Vec2D.create(vx, vy);	if(vec.getLength() < obj1.radius + obj2.radius)	{	return true;	}	return false;
function destroyAsteroid(asteroid)
{	asteroid.blacklisted = true;	generateAsteroidExplosion(asteroid);	resolveAsteroidType(asteroid);
function generateAsteroidExplosion(asteroid)
{	var i = 18;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var p = particlePool.getElement();	//if the particle pool doesn't have more elements, will return 'null'.	if(!p) return;	p.radius = Math.random() * (asteroid.radius >> 2) + 2;	p.lifeSpan = 80;	p.color = '#FF5900';	p.vel.setLength(20 / p.radius);	p.vel.setAngle(ship.angle + (1 - Math.random() * 2) * doublePI);	p.pos.setXY(asteroid.pos.getX() + Math.cos(p.vel.getAngle()) * (asteroid.radius * 0.8), asteroid.pos.getY() + Math.sin(p.vel.getAngle()) * (asteroid.radius * 0.8));	//particles[particles.length] = p; same as: particles.push(p);	particles[particles.length] = p;	}
function resolveAsteroidType(asteroid)
{	switch(asteroid.type)	{	case 'b':	generateAsteroid(asteroid.pos.getX(), asteroid.pos.getY(), 40, 'm');	generateAsteroid(asteroid.pos.getX(), asteroid.pos.getY(), 40, 'm');	break;	case 'm':	generateAsteroid(asteroid.pos.getX(), asteroid.pos.getY(), 20, 's');	generateAsteroid(asteroid.pos.getX(), asteroid.pos.getY(), 20, 's');	break;	}
function render()
{	context.fillStyle = '#262626';	context.globalAlpha = 0.4;	context.fillRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);	context.globalAlpha = 1;	renderShip();	renderParticles();	renderBullets();	renderAsteroids();	renderScanlines();
function renderShip()
{	if(ship.idle) return;;	context.translate(ship.pos.getX() >> 0, ship.pos.getY() >> 0);	context.rotate(ship.angle);	context.strokeStyle = '#FFF';	context.lineWidth = (Math.random() > 0.9) ? 2 : 1;	context.beginPath();	context.moveTo(10, 0);	context.lineTo(-10, -10);	context.lineTo(-10, 10);	context.lineTo(10, 0);	context.stroke();	context.closePath();	context.restore();
function renderParticles()
{	//inverse for loop = more performance.	var i = particles.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var p = particles[i];	context.beginPath();	context.strokeStyle = p.color;	context.arc(p.pos.getX() >> 0, p.pos.getY() >> 0, p.radius, 0, doublePI);	if(Math.random() > 0.4) context.stroke();	context.closePath();	}
function renderBullets()
{	//inverse for loop = more performance.	var i = bullets.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var b = bullets[i];	context.beginPath();	context.strokeStyle = b.color;	context.arc(b.pos.getX() >> 0, b.pos.getY() >> 0, b.radius, 0, doublePI);	if(Math.random() > 0.2) context.stroke();	context.closePath();	}
function renderAsteroids()
{	//inverse for loop = more performance.	var i = asteroids.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var a = asteroids[i];	context.beginPath();	context.lineWidth = (Math.random() > 0.2) ? 4 : 3;	context.strokeStyle = a.color;	var j = a.sides;	context.moveTo((a.pos.getX() + Math.cos(doublePI * (j / a.sides) + a.angle) * a.radius) >> 0, (a.pos.getY() + Math.sin(doublePI * (j / a.sides) + a.angle) * a.radius) >> 0);	for(j; j > -1; --j)	{	context.lineTo((a.pos.getX() + Math.cos(doublePI * (j / a.sides) + a.angle) * a.radius) >> 0, (a.pos.getY() + Math.sin(doublePI * (j / a.sides) + a.angle) * a.radius) >> 0);	}	if(Math.random() > 0.2) context.stroke();	context.closePath();	}
function renderScanlines()
{	//inverse for loop = more performance.	var i = hScan;	context.globalAlpha = 0.05;	context.lineWidth = 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	context.beginPath();	context.moveTo(0, i * 4);	context.lineTo(screenWidth, i * 4);	context.strokeStyle = (Math.random() > 0.0001) ? '#FFF' : '#222';	context.stroke();	}	context.globalAlpha = 1;
function generateShot()
{	var b = bulletPool.getElement();	//if the bullet pool doesn't have more elements, will return 'null'.	if(!b) return;	b.radius = 1;	b.pos.setXY(ship.pos.getX() + Math.cos(ship.angle) * 14, ship.pos.getY() + Math.sin(ship.angle) * 14);	b.vel.setLength(10);	b.vel.setAngle(ship.angle);	//bullets[bullets.length] = b; same as: bullets.push(b);	bullets[bullets.length] = b;
function resetGame()
{	asteroidVelFactor = 0;	ship.pos.setXY(screenWidth >> 1, screenHeight >> 1);	ship.vel.setXY(0, 0);	resetAsteroids();
function resetAsteroids()
{	var i = asteroids.length - 1;	for(i; i > -1; --i)	{	var a = asteroids[i];	a.blacklisted = true;	}
Playable Canvas Asteroids - Script Codes
Playable Canvas Asteroids - Script Codes
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Developer Jeff Ibacache
Username jeffibacache
Uploaded June 23, 2022
Rating 4.5
Size 5,711 Kb
Views 24,288
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