Playable Piano Keyboard with Demos
How do I make an playable piano keyboard with demos?
Playable piano/keyboard using HTML audio API. Includes demos of No Suprises, Life on Mars, Für Elise and The Entertainer.. What is a playable piano keyboard with demos? How do you make a playable piano keyboard with demos? This script and codes were developed by Adam on 28 November 2022, Monday.
Playable Piano Keyboard with Demos - Script Codes HTML Codes
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<body> <div class="wrap"> <!--Controls--> <div class="controls-container"> <div class="speakers"></div> <div class="controls"> <div class="input-container"> <h2>Keyboard 5000</h2> <div class="input-buttons"> <div class="demo-buttons"> <div> <button class="demo-button demo1"></button> <div>1</div> </div> <div> <button class="demo-button demo2"></button> <div>2</div> </div> <div> <button class="demo-button demo3"></button> <div>3</div> </div> <div> <button class="demo-button demo4"></button> <div>4</div> </div> <div> <button class="help"></button> <div>Help</div> </div> </div> <div class="demo-label">Demos</div> </div> </div> <div class="inputs"> <input type="range" class="volume" step="0.1" min="0" max="1"></input> <input type="range" class="tempo" min="2" max="8"></input> </div> <div class="input-labels"> <div>Volume</div> <div>Tempo</div> </div> </div> <div class="speakers"></div> </div> <!--Keyboard--> <div class="keyboard"> <div data-note="c4" data-key="81" class="key white oct">q</div> <div data-note="db4" data-key="50" class="key black black1 oct">2</div> <div data-note="d4" data-key="87" class="key white oct">w</div> <div data-note="eb4" data-key="51" class="key black black2 oct">3</div> <div data-note="e4" data-key="69" class="key white oct">e</div> <div data-note="f4" data-key="82" class="key white oct">r</div> <div data-note="gb4" data-key="53" class="key black black3 oct">5</div> <div data-note="g4" data-key="84" class="key white oct">t</div> <div data-note="ab4" data-key="54" class="key black black4 oct">6</div> <div data-note="a4" data-key="89" class="key white oct">y</div> <div data-note="bb4" data-key="55" class="key black black5 oct">7</div> <div data-note="b4" data-key="85" class="key white oct">u</div> <div data-note="c5" data-key="88" class="key white">x</div> <div data-note="db5" data-key="68" class="key black black6">d</div> <div data-note="d5" data-key="67" class="key white">c</div> <div data-note="eb5" data-key="70" class="key black black7">f</div> <div data-note="e5" data-key="86" class="key white">v</div> <div data-note="f5" data-key="66" class="key white">b</div> <div data-note="gb5" data-key="72" class="key black black8">h</div> <div data-note="g5" data-key="78" class="key white">n</div> <div data-note="ab5" data-key="74" class="key black black9">j</div> <div data-note="a5" data-key="77" class="key white">m</div> <div data-note="bb5" data-key="75" class="key black black10">k</div> <div data-note="b5" data-key="188" class="key white">,</div> <div data-note="c6" data-key="190" class="key white">.</div> </div>
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Playable Piano Keyboard with Demos - Script Codes CSS Codes
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Playable Piano Keyboard with Demos - Script Codes JS Codes
"use strict";
/* HTML Audio API responsive piano/keyboard -TO DO test on mobile Demo 1 - No Suprises - Radiohead Demo 2 - Life on Mars - David Bowie Demo 3 - Für Elise - Ludwig van Beethoven Demo 4 - The Entertainer - Scott Joplin Increase tempo before you play a demo to play the song faster
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { //Frequencies list from var frequencies = [["rest", 0], ["b3", 233.08], ["c4", 261.63], ["db4", 277.18], ["d4", 293.66], ["eb4", 311.13], ["e4", 329.63], ["f4", 349.23], ["gb4", 369.99], ["g4", 392.00], ["ab4", 415.30], ["a4", 440.00], ["bb4", 466.16], ["b4", 493.88], ["c5", 523.25], ["db5", 554.37], ["d5", 587.33], ["eb5", 622.25], ["e5", 659.25], ["f5", 698.46], ["gb5", 739.99], ["g5", 783.99], ["ab5", 830.61], ["a5", 880.00], ["bb5", 932.33], ["b5", 987.77], ["c6", 1046.50], ["d6", 1174.66], ["e6", 1318.51]]; //Songs //Note followed by note length. Crotchet = 100 var noSuprises = [["rest", 0], ["a5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["db5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["g5", 50], ["a5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["db5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["g5", 50], ["a4", 200], ["c4", 200], ["a4", 50], ["a4", 100], ["g4", 200], ["a4", 50], ["a4", 200], ["b3", 150], ["rest", 25], ["b3", 25], ["a4", 50], ["a4", 100], ["g4", 100], ["f4", 100], ["bb4", 200], ["d4", 200], ["e4", 50], ["e4", 100], ["f4", 100], ["g4", 100], ["a4", 250]]; var lifeOnMars = [["rest", 0], ["ab4", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["c5", 50], ["db5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["bb4", 100], ["ab4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["rest", 200], ["ab4", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["c5", 50], ["db5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["bb4", 100], ["ab4", 50], ["f5", 100], ["rest", 200], ["db5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["gb5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["eb5", 100], ["db5", 50], ["f5", 150], ["rest", 150], ["db5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["gb5", 50], ["f5", 50], ["eb5", 100], ["db5", 50], ["db5", 100], ["bb5", 200], ["f5", 200], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["bb4", 100], ["c5", 100], ["rest", 50], ["bb5", 100], ["f5", 200], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["d5", 100], ["c5", 100], ["d5", 100], ["c5", 200], ["rest", 150], ["c5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 100], ["eb5", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 100], ["rest", 150], ["bb4", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["c5", 50], ["bb4", 100], ["bb5", 200], ["f5", 200], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["bb4", 100], ["c5", 100], ["rest", 50], ["bb5", 100], ["f5", 200], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 100], ["rest", 300], ["c5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["f5", 100], ["eb5", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 100], ["rest", 200], ["bb4", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["bb4", 50], ["c5", 50], ["bb4", 100], ["bb5", 600]]; var furElise = [["rest", 0], ["e5", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["b4", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 25], ["a4", 50], ["rest", 25], ["c4", 25], ["e4", 25], ["a4", 25], ["b4", 50], ["rest", 25], ["e4", 25], ["ab4", 25], ["b4", 25], ["c5", 50], ["rest", 25], ["e4", 25], ["e5", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["b4", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 25], ["a4", 50], ["rest", 25], ["c4", 25], ["e4", 25], ["a4", 25], ["b4", 50], ["rest", 25], ["e4", 25], ["c5", 25], ["b4", 25], ["a4", 50], ["rest", 25], ["b4", 25], ["c5", 25], ["d5", 25], ["e5", 75], ["g4", 25], ["f5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["d5", 75], ["f4", 25], ["e5", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 75], ["e4", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 25], ["b4", 50], ["rest", 25], ["e4", 25], ["e5", 25], ["rest", 25], ["e5", 25], ["e6", 25], ["rest", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 50], ["rest", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["eb5", 25], ["e5", 25], ["b4", 25], ["d5", 25], ["c5", 25], ["a4", 100]]; var theEntertainer = [["rest", 0], ["d6", 50], ["e6", 50], ["c6", 50], ["a5", 100], ["b5", 50], ["g5", 100], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a4", 100], ["b4", 50], ["g4", 100], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a4", 100], ["b4", 50], ["a4", 50], ["ab4", 50], ["g4", 100], ["rest", 50], ["g5", 100], ["d4", 50], ["d4", 50], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 300], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 100], ["b4", 50], ["d5", 100], ["c5", 300], ["d4", 50], ["d4", 50], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 300], ["a4", 50], ["g4", 50], ["gb4", 50], ["a4", 50], ["c5", 50], ["e5", 100], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["a4", 50], ["d5", 300], ["d4", 50], ["d4", 50], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 100], ["e4", 50], ["c5", 300], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["eb5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 100], ["b4", 50], ["d5", 100], ["c5", 300], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 100], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 100], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["e5", 50], ["c5", 50], ["d5", 50], ["e5", 100], ["b4", 50], ["d5", 100], ["c5", 250]]; var demoButtons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.demo-button')); var tempoInput = document.querySelector('.tempo'); var volumeInput = document.querySelector('.volume'); var blackKey = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.black')); var whiteKey = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.white')); var help = document.querySelector('.help'); var key = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.key')); var volume = 0.5; //Lower value = faster speed var tempo = 5; //Create new audio context when note played function playNote(note, length) { var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext, ctx = new AudioContext(), oscillator = ctx.createOscillator(), gainNode = ctx.createGain(); oscillator.type = 'triangle'; oscillator.frequency.value = note; gainNode.gain.value = volume; oscillator.connect(gainNode); gainNode.connect(ctx.destination); oscillator.start(0); //Trying to prevent popping sound on note end. Probably can be improved gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, length / 1000 - 0.05, 0.08); oscillator.stop(ctx.currentTime + (length / 1000 + 0.2)); oscillator.onended = function () { return ctx.close(); }; } //Finds clicked element returns data-note value and runs playKey function function onClickPlay(e) { var key = 0; var length = 300; var noteClass =; for (var i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) { if (frequencies[i][0] === noteClass) { key = frequencies[i][1]; } } addVisual(; playNote(key, length); } //Finds pressed key and returns data-note value function keyDownSearch(event) { var key = 0; var length = 300; var keyPressed = document.querySelector("div[data-key=\"" + event.keyCode + "\"]"); if (keyPressed === null) { return; } var note = keyPressed.dataset.note; for (var i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) { if (frequencies[i][0] === note) { key = frequencies[i][1]; } } addVisual(keyPressed); playNote(key, length); } //add each note to setinterval and playNote function demo(arr, e) { var noteLength = 0;'on'); tempoInput.disabled = true; demoButtons.forEach(function (btn) { btn.disabled = true; }); var _loop = function _loop(i) { noteLength += arr[i - 1][2] * tempo; setTimeout(function () { playNote(arr[i][1], arr[i][2] * tempo); if (arr[i][1] !== 0) { document.querySelector("[data-note=" + arr[i][0] + "]").classList.add('played'); } setTimeout(function () { if (arr[i][1] !== 0) { document.querySelector("[data-note=" + arr[i][0] + "]").classList.remove('played'); } if (arr.length - 2 < i) {'on'); tempoInput.disabled = false; demoButtons.forEach(function (btn) { btn.disabled = false; }); } }, arr[i][2] * tempo - 0.05); }, noteLength); }; for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { _loop(i); } } //map notes in song to frequencies function findFrequencies(song, e) { var arr = []; song.forEach(function (note) { frequencies.forEach(function (frequency) { if (note[0] === frequency[0]) { arr.push([note[0], frequency[1], note[1]]); } }); }); demo(arr, e); } //play demo according to which one selected function demoHandler(e) { if ('demo1')) { findFrequencies(noSuprises, e); } if ('demo2')) { findFrequencies(lifeOnMars, e); } if ('demo3')) { findFrequencies(furElise, e); } if ('demo4')) { findFrequencies(theEntertainer, e); } } //input handlers function updateTempo(e) { tempo =; } function updateVolume(e) { volume =; } //adds css class when note played function addVisual(key, length) { key.classList.add('played'); setTimeout(function () { key.classList.remove('played'); }, length || 300); } //keyboard information toggle var helpOn = true; function helpToggle() { if (helpOn) { blackKey.forEach(function (key) { = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; }); whiteKey.forEach(function (key) { = 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'; }); help.classList.remove('on'); helpOn = !helpOn; } else { blackKey.forEach(function (key) { = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; }); whiteKey.forEach(function (key) { = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'; }); help.classList.add('on'); helpOn = !helpOn; } } //event listeners help.addEventListener('click', helpToggle); demoButtons.forEach(function (key) { key.addEventListener('click', demoHandler); }); key.forEach(function (key) { key.addEventListener('click', onClickPlay); }); window.addEventListener('keydown', keyDownSearch); tempoInput.addEventListener('change', updateTempo); volumeInput.addEventListener('change', updateVolume); //Hide keyboard help letters on load helpToggle();
Developer | Adam |
Username | rzencoder |
Uploaded | November 28, 2022 |
Rating | 3 |
Size | 10,019 Kb |
Views | 8,096 |
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