Promodoro new

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How do I make an promodoro new?

What is a promodoro new? How do you make a promodoro new? This script and codes were developed by Ben on 08 August 2022, Monday.

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Promodoro new - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>promodoro new</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <header id="leftNav"> <h1>PROMODORO</h1> <h3>Session Length - <span id="sessionLength"></span> Minutes</h3> <div id="sessionControl"> <button>+</button> <button>-</button> </div> <h3>Break Length - <span id="breakLength"></span> Minutes</h3> <div id="breakControl"> <button>+</button> <button>-</button> </div> <h3>Long Break Length - <span id="longBreakLength"></span> Minutes</h3> <div id="longBreakControl"> <button>+</button> <button>-</button> </div> <div id="promodoroCycle"> <h3>Promodoro Cycle</h3> <div id="location-control"></div> </div> </header> <main> <div id="circle-clock"> <div id="innerClock"> <p><span id="clockMin"></span>:<span id=clockSec></span></p> <small>Click to start</small> </div> </div> <small id="reset">Reset</small> </main> <script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Promodoro new - Script Codes CSS Codes

html, body {	background-color: black;	color: white;	width: 100%;	height: 100%;
body {	display: flex;
#leftNav {	flex-basis: 30%;	display: flex;	flex-flow: column;
/*target children of left nav. Arrange the left bar*/
main {	flex-basis: 68%;	height: 100%;
/*I would like the circle to move to the center*/
#circle-clock {	margin: auto;	width: 300px;	height: 300px;	border-radius: 50%;	border: 5px solid white;	display: flex;
#innerClock {	margin: auto;	text-align: center;
}	#innerClock p {	font-size: 35px;	}
.selected {	background-color: blue;
#reset {text-align: center;}

Promodoro new - Script Codes JS Codes

const promodoro = { state:{ session: { length: 25, min: 15, max: 50 }, break: { length: 5, min: 2, max: 10 }, longBreak: { length:15, min: 10, max: 25 }, cycle: ['session', 'break','session', 'break','session', 'break', 'session', 'longBreak'], currentLocation:0, //0-7 //can I limit between 0-7? Probably with a set function. timeLeftSec: 0, clockRuns: false }, setNewLength: function(config, operator){ if(operator === '+'){ var newVal = config.length +1 if(newVal > config.max){ newVal = config.min } } else { var newVal = config.length - 1 if(newVal < config.min){ newVal = config.max } } config.length=newVal }, setCurrentLocation: function (value) { //receives a number between 0 and 7 console.log("setCurrentLocation started") if (!this.state.cycle[value]){ console.warn("Values send to setCurrentLocation must be an integer between 0 and " + this.state.cycle.length) } this.state.currentLocation = value this.state.timeLeftSec = this.state[this.state.cycle[value]].length*60 }, setClockState: function(){ this.state.clockRuns = !this.state.clockRuns }, renderLength: function (){ // config === All console.log("renderLengthChange started") $('#sessionLength').text(this.state.session.length) $('#breakLength').text(this.state.break.length) $('#longBreakLength').text(this.state.longBreak.length) }, renderLocation: function () { console.log("renderLocationStarted") let currentLocation = this.state.currentLocation var output = (value, index) { let className = (index === currentLocation) ? 'selected': '' return `<div><button class="${className}" data="${index}">${value}</button ></div>` }) $('#location-control').html(output.join("")); }, renderClock: function (){ console.log("renderClock Started") let min = Math.floor(this.state.timeLeftSec/60) let sec = this.state.timeLeftSec % 60 if (sec < 10) { sec = '0' + sec } $('#clockMin').text(min) $('#clockSec').text(sec) }, lengthChange: function (config, operator){ console.log("lengthChange started"); this.setNewLength (config, operator); this.renderLength () }, changeLocation: function (newLocation){ console.log("locationChange Started") this.setCurrentLocation(newLocation); this.renderLocation ();	this.renderClock(); }, tick: function () { if (!this.state.clockRuns) { return } if (this.state.timeLeftSec === 0) { this.changeLocation(this.state.currentLocation + 1) //ideally there will also be a sound var audio = new Audio('Twinkle-sound-effect.mp3');; } this.state.timeLeftSec -= 1 this.renderClock() }, init: function (){ console.log('Init function started') this.renderLength() this.renderLocation() this.state.timeLeftSec=this.state.session.length*60 this.renderClock() const promodoro=this $('#sessionControl button').click(function (){ console.log('Session button clicked') let operator = this.innerText.trim() var config = promodoro.state.session promodoro.lengthChange(config, operator) }) $('#breakControl button').click(function (){ let operator = this.innerText.trim() var config = promodoro.state.break promodoro.lengthChange(config, operator) }) $('#longBreakControl button').click(function (){ let operator = this.innerText.trim() var config = promodoro.state.longBreak promodoro.lengthChange(config, operator) }) $('#location-control').on('click', 'button', function () { promodoro.changeLocation(parseInt($(this).attr('data'))) }) $('#circle-clock').click(function () { promodoro.state.clockRuns = !promodoro.state.clockRuns }) $('#reset').click(function(){ promodoro.changeLocation(promodoro.state.currentLocation); }) this.interval = setInterval(promodoro.tick.bind(promodoro), 1000) }
} promodoro.init()
Promodoro new - Script Codes
Promodoro new - Script Codes
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Developer Ben
Username bencarp
Uploaded August 08, 2022
Rating 3
Size 3,296 Kb
Views 62,744
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Ben (bencarp) Script Codes
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