Quantum Free

4,171 Kb

How do I make an quantum free?

Based on Quantum Free Particle Physics && Quantum Mechanics; particularly, the Particle In A Box Model. . What is a quantum free? How do you make a quantum free? This script and codes were developed by Tiffany Rayside on 21 January 2023, Saturday.

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Quantum Free - Script Codes HTML Codes

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Click / Drag && Rotate enabled*
Based on Quantum Free Particle Physics & Quantum Mechanics; particularly, the Particle In A Box Model.
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Quantum Free - Script Codes CSS Codes

body{ width:100%; overflow:hidden; margin:auto; background:hsla(0,0%,0%,1);
canvas{ width:100%; height:100vh;

Quantum Free - Script Codes JS Codes

 window.requestAnimFrame = (function(callback) { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); var c = document.createElement('canvas'); document.body.appendChild(c); var $ = c.getContext('2d'); c.width = window.innerWidth; c.height = window.innerHeight; window.addEventListener("mousemove", msMove, false); c.addEventListener("mousedown", msDown, false); window.addEventListener("mouseup", msUp, false); var w = c.width; var h = c.height; var min = (w < h) ? w : h; //min canvas size var ms = []; //mouse position array var walls; //cube walls var ppos, pvel; //particle position, partical velocity var pt2d, pt3d; //2D && 3D points var side_dots; //dots per side var parts; //particles var rots = []; //rotation array function Pt2D(x, y, col, s) { //x, y, color, size this.x = x; this.y = y; this.col = col || "rgba(255,255,255,1)"; this.s = s || 1; } function Pt3D(x, y, z, col, s) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.col = col || "rgba(255,255,255,1)"; this.s = s || 1; //OR: // if (this.col === undefined) { // this.col = "rgba(255,255,255,1)"; // } // if (this.s === undefined) { // this.s = 5; // } this.rotX = 0; this.rotY = 0; this.rotZ = 0; //rotate and 2d transform this.rotate = function() { var rx = this.x * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) - this.y * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) - this.z * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y); var ry = this.y * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.x * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) - this.z * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) - this.x * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.y * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z); var rz = this.y * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.x * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.z * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.x * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) - y * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z); return new Pt3D(rx, ry, rz, this.col, this.s); }; //current point location this.loc = function() { var f = min / (4 + this.z); return new Pt2D(this.x * f + w / 2, this.y * f + h / 2, this.col, this.s); }; } //mousdown function msDown(e) { ms.lastY = e.clientX - c.getBoundingClientRect().left; ms.lastX = e.clientY - c.getBoundingClientRect().top; ms.msDragged = true; } //mousemove function msMove(e) { ms.x = e.clientX - c.getBoundingClientRect().left; ms.y = e.clientY - c.getBoundingClientRect().top; if (ms.msDragged) { var toRad = Math.PI / 180; rots.z = ((ms.lastY - ms.y) * toRad) % 20; rots.x = ((ms.lastX - ms.x) * toRad) % 20; if (rots.z >= Math.PI * 2) { rots.z -= Math.PI; } if (rots.z <= -Math.PI * 2) { rots.z += Math.PI; } if (rots.x >= Math.PI * 2) { rots.x -= Math.PI; } if (rots.x <= -Math.PI * 2) { rots.x += Math.PI; } } } //mouseup function msUp(e) { ms.msDragged = false; ms.lastX = undefined; ms.lastY = undefined; } function run() { window.requestAnimFrame(update); window.requestAnimFrame(draw); window.requestAnimFrame(run); } go(); run(); function go() { rots.x = Math.random()*Math.PI; rots.y = Math.random()*Math.PI; rots.z = Math.random()*Math.PI; side_dots = 30; //dots per side var parts = 60; //total particles walls = new Array(); ppos = new Array(); pvel = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < parts; i++) { ppos.push(new Pt3D(Math.random() * 2 - 1, Math.random() * 2 - 1, Math.random() * 2 - 1, "rgba(" + Math.round(Math.random() * 255) + "," + Math.round(Math.random() * 255) + "," + Math.round(Math.random() * 255) + "," + 1 + ")", 5)); pvel.push(new Pt3D((Math.round(Math.random()) > 0) ? 0.01 : -0.01, (Math.round(Math.random()) > 0) ? 0.01 : -0.01, (Math.round(Math.random()) > 0) ? 0.01 : -0.01, undefined, undefined)); } var angle; //dots per line var dots_line = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(side_dots)); var colRot = 0; //color rotations for individual rainbow cells var colChng = 0; //hue changes for outside walls for (var i = 0; i <= dots_line; i++) { for (var j = 0; j <= dots_line; j++) { for (var k = 0; k <= dots_line; k++) { var axis1 = (i / dots_line) * 2 - 1; var axis2 = (j / dots_line) * 2 - 1; var axis3 = (k / dots_line) * 2 - 1; if (axis1 === -1 || axis1 === 1 || axis2 === -1 || axis2 === 1 || axis3 === -1 || axis3 == 1) { colChng -= 0.5; //using a hue change variable to slowly change the color of the outside walls as object rotates var clr = "hsla(" + (colChng % 360) + ",100%,50%,0.75)"; var dotSize = 3; } else { //and individual rainbow created by the color rotation var for inside walls and free cells var clr = "hsla(" + colRot + ",100%,50%,0.4)"; var dotSize = 5; } colRot += 1; if (colRot > 360) { colRot = 0; } walls.push(new Pt3D(axis1, axis2, axis3, clr, dotSize)); } } } } //range values function rng(val, begin, halt, _begin, _halt) { return _begin + (_halt - _begin) * ((val - begin) / (halt - begin)); } function update() { for (var i = 0; i < ppos.length; i++) { ppos[i].x += pvel[i].x; ppos[i].y += pvel[i].y; ppos[i].z += pvel[i].z; if (ppos[i].x > 1) { ppos[i].x = 1; pvel[i].x *= -1; } if (ppos[i].x < -1) { ppos[i].x = -1; pvel[i].x *= -1; } if (ppos[i].y > 1) { ppos[i].y = 1; pvel[i].y *= -1; } if (ppos[i].y < -1) { ppos[i].y = -1; pvel[i].y *= -1; } if (ppos[i].z > 1) { ppos[i].z = 1; pvel[i].z *= -1; } if (ppos[i].z < -1) { ppos[i].z = -1; pvel[i].z *= -1; } } if (!ms.msDragged) { rots.x += 0.02; rots.y += 0.01; } } function rotate(point) { var rx = this.x * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) - this.y * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) - this.z * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y); var ry = this.y * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.x * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) - this.z * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) - this.x * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.y * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z); var rz = this.y * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.x * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.z * Math.cos(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) + this.x * Math.cos(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z) - y * Math.sin(this.rotX + rots.x) * Math.sin(this.rotY + rots.y) * Math.cos(this.rotZ + rots.z); } function draw() { //control the motion blur with the fillstyle opacity. higher or 1 will give less / no blur, lower than .5 = superBlur $.fillStyle = "hsla(0, 0%, 0%, .75)"; $.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); for (var i = 0; i < walls.length; i++) { pt3d = walls[i].rotate(); pt2d = pt3d.loc(); $.beginPath(); $.fillStyle = pt2d.col; $.arc(pt2d.x, pt2d.y, pt2d.s, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); $.fill(); $.closePath(); } for (var i = 0; i < ppos.length; i++) { pt3d = ppos[i].rotate(); pt2d = pt3d.loc(); $.beginPath(); var RGBA = pt2d.col; RGBA = RGBA.replace(/[^\d,]/g, '').split(','); for (var j = 0; j < RGBA.length; j++) { RGBA[j] = +RGBA[j]; } $.fillStyle = "rgba(" + RGBA[0] + "," + RGBA[1] + "," + RGBA[2] + "," + rng(pt3d.z, 1, -1, 0.4, 1) + ")"; $.arc(pt2d.x, pt2d.y, pt2d.s, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); $.fill(); $.closePath(); } }
Quantum Free - Script Codes
Quantum Free - Script Codes
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Developer Tiffany Rayside
Username tmrDevelops
Uploaded January 21, 2023
Rating 4.5
Size 4,171 Kb
Views 12,144
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