
7,029 Kb

How do I make an react-a11y-range?

What is a react-a11y-range? How do you make a react-a11y-range? This script and codes were developed by Renaud Tertrais on 12 August 2022, Friday.

React-a11y-range Previews

React-a11y-range - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>react-a11y-range</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="app"></div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src='[email protected]/dist/ReactDnD.min.js'></script>
<script src='[email protected]/dist/ReactDnDHTML5Backend.min.js'></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

React-a11y-range - Script Codes CSS Codes

#app { padding: 50px;
.InputRange__slider { position: relative; height: 10px; background-color: #DDD;
.Handle { position: absolute; height: 20px; background-color: #555; width: 10px; margin-left: -5px; top: -5px;
.Handle:hover { background-color: #777;
.Handle:active { background-color: steelBlue;
.Handle:focus { outline: 3px solid DeepPink;
.SelectedArea { position: absolute; top: 0; background-color: orange; height: 10px;
.visually-hidden { opacity: 0;

React-a11y-range - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
var _ref = _;
var range = _ref.range;
var compose = _ref.compose;
var _ReactDnD = ReactDnD;
var DragSource = _ReactDnD.DragSource;
var DragLayer = _ReactDnD.DragLayer;
var DragDropContext = _ReactDnD.DragDropContext;
var HTML5Backend = ReactDnDHTML5Backend;
var _ReactDnDHTML5Backend = ReactDnDHTML5Backend;
var getEmptyImage = _ReactDnDHTML5Backend.getEmptyImage;
var KEY_CODE_LEFT = 37;
var KEY_CODE_RIGHT = 39;
var setRangeValue = function setRangeValue(key) { return key === 'min' ? setMinValue : setMaxValue;
var setMaxValue = function setMaxValue(rangeMax, max) { return function (_ref2) { var value = _ref2.value; return { value: _extends({}, value, { max: Math.max(value.min, Math.min(rangeMax, max)) }) }; };
var setMinValue = function setMinValue(rangeMin, min) { return function (_ref3) { var value = _ref3.value; return { value: _extends({}, value, { min: Math.min(value.max, Math.max(rangeMin, min)) }) }; };
var dashes = function dashes(x) { var dash = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? '-' : arguments[1]; return range(0, x / 10).map(function () { return dash; }).join('');
var percent = function percent(x) { return x * 100 + '%';
// ----------- HANDLE ----------------
var source = { beginDrag: function beginDrag(_ref4) { var name =; return { name: name }; }
var collect = function collect(connect, monitor) { return { connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(), isDragging: monitor.isDragging(), dragPositionDelta: monitor.getClientOffset(), connectDragPreview: connect.dragPreview() };
var Handle = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Handle', componentDidMount: function componentDidMount() { // Use empty image as a drag preview so browsers don't draw it // and we can draw whatever we want on the custom drag layer instead. this.props.connectDragPreview(getEmptyImage(), { // IE fallback: specify that we'd rather screenshot the node // when it already knows it's being dragged so we can hide it with CSS. captureDraggingState: true }); }, render: function render() { var _props = this.props; var position = _props.position; var connectDragSource = _props.connectDragSource; var onKeyDown = _props.onKeyDown; var htmlFor = _props.htmlFor; var min = _props.min; var max = _props.max; var value = _props.value; var a11yValue = _props.a11yValue; var a11yLabel = _props.a11yLabel; var size = max - min; var left = percent((value - min) / size); return connectDragSource(React.createElement( 'div', null, React.createElement( 'span', { className: 'visually-hidden', id: htmlFor }, a11yLabel ), React.createElement('div', { className: 'Handle', style: { left: left }, onKeyDown: onKeyDown, role: 'slider', 'aria-labelledby': htmlFor, 'aria-valuetext': a11yValue, tabIndex: '0' }) )); }
var HandleContainer = DragSource('handle', source, collect)(Handle);
// --------- SELECTED AERA --------------
var SelectedArea = function SelectedArea(_ref5) { var position = _ref5.position; var value = _ref5.value; return React.createElement('div', { className: 'SelectedArea', style: { width: percent(value), left: percent(position) } });
// ----------- INPUT RANGE ----------------
var InputRange = React.createClass({ displayName: 'InputRange', getInitialState: function getInitialState() { return { value: this.props.value, staticValue: this.props.value }; }, handleMinChange: function handleMinChange(e) { this.changeValue('min',; }, handleMaxChange: function handleMaxChange(e) { this.changeValue('max',; }, changeValue: function changeValue(name, value) { this.setState(setRangeValue(name)(this.props[name], value)); this.setState(function (_ref6) { var value = _ref6.value; return { staticValue: _extends({}, value) }; }); }, handleMinKeyDown: function handleMinKeyDown(e) { this.handleKeyDown('min', e.which, e.shiftKey); }, handleMaxKeyDown: function handleMaxKeyDown(e) { this.handleKeyDown('max', e.which, e.shiftKey); }, handleKeyDown: function handleKeyDown(name, keyCode, shiftKey) { if (keyCode === KEY_CODE_LEFT) { var delta = shiftKey ? -10 : -1; this.changeValue(name, this.state.value[name] + delta); } else if (keyCode === KEY_CODE_RIGHT) { var delta = shiftKey ? 10 : 1; this.changeValue(name, this.state.value[name] + delta); } }, componentWillReceiveProps: function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { var isDragging = nextProps.isDragging; var currentOffset = nextProps.currentOffset; var initialOffset = nextProps.initialOffset; var item = nextProps.item; var deltaInPixel = nextProps.deltaInPixel; var width = nextProps.width; var max = nextProps.max; var min = nextProps.min; if (isDragging) { var name =; var currentValue = this.state.staticValue[name]; //staticValue.x --> max var size = max - min; var delta = deltaInPixel.x * size / width; var value = Math.round(currentValue + delta); //console.log(deltaInPixel.x, delta, size, width); this.setState(setRangeValue(name)(this.props[name], value)); } else if (this.props.isDragging) { this.setState(function (_ref7, props) { var value = _ref7.value; return { staticValue: _extends({}, value) }; }); } }, render: function render() { var _props2 = this.props; var min = _props2.min; var max = _props2.max; var step = _props2.step; var width = _props2.width; var value = this.state.value; var size = max - min; var relativeMaxValue = (value.max - min) / size; var relativeMinValue = (value.min - min) / size; var relativeSelectedValue = relativeMaxValue - relativeMinValue; return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'InputRange', style: { width: width } }, React.createElement( 'span', { className: 'visually-hidden' }, 'You are on a price filter range. To change each limit of this range, use left and right arrow key. To increase by 10 the value, use shift plus arrow key.' ), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'InputRange__slider', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }, React.createElement(SelectedArea, { position: relativeMinValue, value: relativeSelectedValue }), React.createElement(HandleContainer, _extends({ name: 'min', value: value.min, a11yValue: value.min, onKeyDown: this.handleMinKeyDown, htmlFor: 'input-min', a11yLabel: 'Minimum price selected' }, { min: min, max: max })), React.createElement(HandleContainer, _extends({ name: 'max', value: value.max, a11yValue: value.max, onKeyDown: this.handleMaxKeyDown, htmlFor: 'input-max', a11yLabel: 'Maximum price selected' }, { min: min, max: max })) ) ); }
// <pre>debug: {min}|{dashes(value.min - min)}[{value.min}]{dashes(value.max - value.min, '=')}[{value.max}]{dashes(max - value.max)}|{max}</pre>
var collectLayer = function collectLayer(monitor) { return { item: monitor.getItem(), itemType: monitor.getItemType(), initialOffset: monitor.getInitialSourceClientOffset(), currentOffset: monitor.getSourceClientOffset(), isDragging: monitor.isDragging(), deltaInPixel: monitor.getDifferenceFromInitialOffset(), clientOffset: monitor.getInitialClientOffset(), getInitialClientOffset: monitor.getInitialClientOffset(), getInitialSourceClientOffset: monitor.getInitialSourceClientOffset(), getClientOffset: monitor.getClientOffset(), getDifferenceFromInitialOffset: monitor.getDifferenceFromInitialOffset(), getSourceClientOffset: monitor.getSourceClientOffset() };
var InputRangeContainer = DragLayer(collectLayer)(InputRange);
var App = DragDropContext(HTML5Backend)(function () { return React.createElement(InputRangeContainer, { min: 0, max: 300, step: 1, value: { min: 0, max: 100 }, width: 300 });
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, null), document.getElementById('app'));
React-a11y-range - Script Codes
React-a11y-range - Script Codes
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Developer Renaud Tertrais
Username renaudtertrais
Uploaded August 12, 2022
Rating 3
Size 7,029 Kb
Views 24,288
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Renaud Tertrais (renaudtertrais) Script Codes
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