Recipe Book

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How do I make an recipe book?

Recipe Book for FreeCodeCamp.. What is a recipe book? How do you make a recipe book? This script and codes were developed by Thomas Vaeth on 24 September 2022, Saturday.

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Recipe Book - Script Codes HTML Codes

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Recipe Book</title> <link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href=''> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<body> <div id="freecodecamp"></div>
<div id="recipe"></div> <script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script> <script src="js/index.js"></script>

Recipe Book - Script Codes CSS Codes

body { font-family: 'Coming Soon', cursive;
#freecodecamp { margin-top: 20px;
#freecodecamp h1 { text-align: center;
#freecodecamp .panel-group { margin-bottom: 10px;
#freecodecamp .panel-group .list-group { margin-bottom: 10px;

Recipe Book - Script Codes JS Codes

'use strict';
var Accordion = ReactBootstrap.Accordion;
var ButtonToolbar = ReactBootstrap.ButtonToolbar;
var Button = ReactBootstrap.Button;
var Col = ReactBootstrap.Col;
var Input = ReactBootstrap.Input;
var ListGroup = ReactBootstrap.ListGroup;
var ListGroupItem = ReactBootstrap.ListGroupItem;
var Modal = ReactBootstrap.Modal;
var Panel = ReactBootstrap.Panel;
var Row = ReactBootstrap.Row;
var recipes = typeof localStorage['recipeBook'] !== 'undefined' ? JSON.parse(localStorage['recipeBook']) : [{ title: 'Chicken Quesadillas', ingredients: ['Chicken Breast', 'Shredded Cheddar Cheese', 'Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese', 'Flour Tortillas'] }, { title: 'Cereal', ingredients: ['Cinnamon Toast Crunch', 'Milk'] }, { title: 'Baked Ziti', ingredients: ['Ziti Pasta', 'Tomato Sauce', 'Mozzarella Cheese', 'Parmesan Cheese'] }], recipeTitle = '', recipeIngredients = [];
var App = React.createClass({	displayName: 'App',	getInitialState: function getInitialState() {	return { modal: false };	},	openRecipe: function openRecipe() {	this.setState({ modal: true });	// I need to ask Quincy/FCC about this small section because DOM wasn't working.	if (document.getElementById('title') && document.getElementById('ingredients')) {	$('#title').val(recipeTitle);	$('#ingredients').val(recipeIngredients);	if (recipeTitle !== '') {	$('#modalTitle').text('Edit Recipe');	$('#modalButton').text('Edit');	}	} else {	window.requestAnimationFrame(this.openRecipe);	}	},	closeRecipe: function closeRecipe() {	recipeTitle = '';	recipeIngredients = [];	this.setState({ modal: false });	},	addRecipe: function addRecipe() {	var title = document.getElementById('title').value;	var ingredients = document.getElementById('ingredients').value.split(',');	var previousRecipe = false;	recipes.forEach(function (recipe) {	if (recipe.title === title) {	recipe.ingredients = ingredients;	previousRecipe = true;	}	});	// Using ES2015 to push object to the array!	if (!previousRecipe) recipes.push({ title: title, ingredients: ingredients });	renderRecipes();	this.closeRecipe();	},	render: function render() {	return React.createElement(	'div',	null,	React.createElement(	Col,	{ xs: 10, xsOffset: 1, sm: 6, smOffset: 3, md: 4, mdOffset: 4 },	React.createElement(	Button,	{ bsStyle: 'primary', id: 'modal', onClick: this.openRecipe },	'Add Recipe'	)	),	React.createElement(	Modal,	{ bsSize: 'sm', show: this.state.modal, onHide: this.closeRecipe },	React.createElement(	Modal.Header,	{ closeButton: 'true' },	React.createElement(	Modal.Title,	{ id: 'modalTitle' },	'Add Recipe'	)	),	React.createElement(	Modal.Body,	null,	React.createElement(	'form',	null,	React.createElement(Input, { type: 'text', id: 'title', label: 'Name', placeholder: 'Name', autoFocus: 'true' }),	React.createElement(Input, { type: 'textarea', rows: '3', id: 'ingredients', label: 'Ingredients', placeholder: 'Ingredients seperated by commas' })	)	),	React.createElement(	Modal.Footer,	null,	React.createElement(	Button,	{ id: 'modalButton', bsStyle: 'success', onClick: this.addRecipe },	'Add'	),	React.createElement(	Button,	{ onClick: this.closeRecipe },	'Close'	)	)	)	);	}
var RecipeBook = React.createClass({	displayName: 'RecipeBook',	render: function render() {	return React.createElement(	Col,	{ xs: 10, xsOffset: 1, sm: 6, smOffset: 3, md: 4, mdOffset: 4 },	React.createElement(	'h1',	null,	'Recipe Box'	),	React.createElement(	Accordion,	null,	)	);	}
var IngredientsList = React.createClass({	displayName: 'IngredientsList',	render: function render() {	var ingredientsList = (ingredient, idx) {	return React.createElement(	ListGroupItem,	{ key: idx },	ingredient	);	});	return React.createElement(	ListGroup,	null,	ingredientsList	);	}
var Recipe = React.createClass({	displayName: 'Recipe',	editRecipe: function editRecipe() {	recipeTitle = this.props.title;	recipeIngredients = this.props.ingredients;	document.getElementById('modal').click();	},	removeRecipe: function removeRecipe() {	recipes.splice(this.props.index, 1);	renderRecipes();	},	render: function render() {	return React.createElement(	'div',	null,	React.createElement(IngredientsList, { ingredients: this.props.ingredients }),	React.createElement(	ButtonToolbar,	null,	React.createElement(	Button,	{ bsStyle: 'danger', onClick: this.removeRecipe },	'Delete'	),	React.createElement(	Button,	{ bsStyle: 'info', onClick: this.editRecipe },	'Edit'	)	)	);	}
function renderRecipes() {	localStorage.setItem('recipeBook', JSON.stringify(recipes));	var recipeArr = [];	recipes.forEach(function (recipe, idx) {	recipeArr.push(React.createElement(	Panel,	{ header: recipe.title, eventKey: idx },	React.createElement(Recipe, { index: idx, title: recipe.title, ingredients: recipe.ingredients })	));	});	ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(RecipeBook, { data: recipeArr }), document.getElementById('freecodecamp'));
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, null), document.getElementById('recipe'));
Recipe Book - Script Codes
Recipe Book - Script Codes
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Developer Thomas Vaeth
Username thomasvaeth
Uploaded September 24, 2022
Rating 3
Size 5,375 Kb
Views 26,312
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Thomas Vaeth (thomasvaeth) Script Codes
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